Authors:Hillary Sang Abstract: The Government of Kenya recognizes Irish potato as one of the food security and nutrition crops together with maize and rice (GoK, 2017). This study sought to investigate the influence of radio programmes in promoting Irish potato farming as a contributor to food security in Nakuru County. The study looked at the period between 2012 and 2015 when most radio stations started programmes on agriculture. Purposive sampling method was used to identify four sub-counties in Nakuru County namely: Kuresoi South, Kuresoi North, Molo and Naivasha. A census of forty-eight farmers registered with the National Potato Council of Kenya between 2012 and 2015 were interviewed. Eleven agricultural extension officers from the sampled sub-counties were interviewed as key informants. The study established that Irish potato farmers listened and applied skills acquired from agricultural radio programmes to improve their farming leading to food security in Nakuru County. Information inaccuracy was revealed as one of the challenges during the study. Radio should, therefore, provide accurate information on specific varieties for specific regions so that Irish potato farming flourishes and nourishes Nakuru people. PubDate: 2021-10-07 DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v8i2.7 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 2 (2021)
Authors:Charles Mwatsika Pages: 1 - 20 Abstract: The study analyses knowledge about entrepreneurship which guides entrepreneurial behaviour in enterprises in Malawi in order to reflect on its implications in local economic development. Top-of the-mind definition which collects unaided responses from the top of respondents’ mind was used. Definitions or explanations of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activities undertaken were recorded from 337 enterprises. Innovations carried out by the enterprises were measured in new products, new production methods, new markets and new enterprises together with the values realised. Content analyses, descriptive statistics and comparison of means were used to classify the definitions of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activities undertaken and compare values of innovations carried out. The study finds that entrepreneurship is predominantly defined as starting and managing one’s own business, being self-employed and creating jobs in the economy. Petty income generating activities and subsistence oriented micro and small enterprises dominate. The prevailing understanding of entrepreneurship guides policy, education and training, SME finance, infrastructure development and support towards unproductive entrepreneurial activities which would not ignite economic development. Therefore, much as institutions are established to support SME sector growth and improve the environment for business, improving knowledge about productive entrepreneurship that guides SME policy, finance, entrepreneurship education and training is pertinent in Malawi. PubDate: 2021-10-07 DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v8i2.1 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 2 (2021)
Authors:Emmanuel Kondowe Pages: 21 - 36 Abstract: UNESCO is the only United Nations (UN) agency to have a global network of national cooperating bodies known as National Commissions. The National Commissions are part of the overall constitutional architecture of the organization as it was conceived by its founders. Presently, National Commissions operate in all Member States of UNESCO. They constitute a truly global family which includes a vast network of stakeholders, partners and experts. They offer a comparative advantage to the organisation within the United Nations system. Article VII (1) of the UNESCO Constitution stipulates that “Each Member State shall make such arrangements as suit its particular conditions for the purpose of associating its principal bodies interested in educational, scientific and cultural matters with the work of the organisation, preferably by the formation of a National Commission broadly representative of the government and such bodies” (UNESCO 2020:15). Thus, it is the constitutional obligation of each Member State to set up a National cooperating body (National Commission) or make such institutional arrangements whose principal objective is facilitating involvement of various government Ministries, Organisations and Agencies (MOAs), institutions, universities, NGOs and individuals in the work of the Organisation. While the realisation of UNESCO’s goals is primarily entrusted in governments, the National Commissions are expected to function as an indispensable platform where national interests, ideas and cultures are represented and interact. This review describes the contribution of the Malawi National Commission for UNESCO to strengthening communication and information capacities in Malawi to fill a perceived gap in information among some stakeholders both within and outside Malawi. PubDate: 2021-10-07 DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v8i2.2 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 2 (2021)
Authors:Daniel Odoom, Lawrencia Agyepong, Francis Kojo Mensah, Ernest Opoku, Yaw Owusu Amoabeng Pages: 37 - 57 Abstract: Decentralisation policy is important in ensuring effective delivery of development services at the local level. Governments across the globe utilize decentralised government system as a way of promoting people-centered development. Notwithstanding the value of decentralisation policy, governments struggle with the provision of development services at the local level. This suggests that more efforts need to be made to ensure the realisation of the dividends of decentralisation. However, this cannot be made without an awareness of the challenges local actors face in the delivery of development services. This paper examines the views of stakeholders on the challenges associated with the delivery of development projects within the Ghanaian decentralised government system using the Shama District as a case in order to proffer some measures to improve the situation in the country using the sequential-explanatory mixed method design. Data were collected using interview guide and interview schedule. The study revealed that stakeholder management, involvement of project managers, defining project goals, assigning roles and responsibilities to key officers, and monitoring and evaluation of projects were some of the measures the Assembly had put in place for the delivery of development projects in the district. However, communication was a serious challenge throughout the delivery of development projects in the district. The implications of the key findings for development communication have been highlighted in the study. As part of the recommendations of the study, the Assembly should put in place adequate measures to improve communication throughout the various stages of development service delivery in the district. PubDate: 2021-10-07 DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v8i2.3 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 2 (2021)
Authors:Wincharles Coker Pages: 58 - 69 Abstract: Narratives offer academic communities a moment of reflexivity. However, stories told by members in academic communities are under-studied. Drawing on Wenger’s idea of community of practice, the present study examined the narratives of 12 senior communication educators in three public universities in Ghana, and how the narratives shape the knowledge economy. Using field notes, technical documents, and structured interviews, the study revealed that community practice in the field of communication education in Ghanaian public universities is constrained by a not so vibrant community that faces challenges in localising a Western curriculum, and is yet to coordinate its local language research agenda. PubDate: 2021-10-07 DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v8i2.4 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 2 (2021)
Authors:Robert Nyaga, Marifran Mattson Pages: 70 - 83 Abstract: Guided by social identity theory (SIT), this study considers how identification influences health seeking behaviours among college students in Kenya and the USA. The study sought to investigate how felt-connectedness among students influenced the health choices they made and the relevance of identification to health. Data were collected using responsive interviews with 22 students in a large Kenyan university and 21 students at a Midwestern university. The age of the participants from both countries ranged from 20 to 29 years. Data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings of the study indicate that identification influenced students’ health seeking behaviours, especially on use of contraceptives, vaccination, choosing a physician, offering advice, eating habits, and in ensuring safety for friends at risk. This study point to the need of health communicators to utilize identification in health interventions targeting college students. PubDate: 2021-10-07 DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v8i2.5 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 2 (2021)
Authors:Levi Zeleza Manda Pages: 85 - 94 Abstract: Using evidence from field key informant and written questionnaire interviews with agriculture extension officers, focus group discussions with some smallholder farmers, analysis of packaging labels, and a detailed literature review, this paper argues that Malawian smallholder farmers handle herbicides without adequate information about the advantages and negative impacts of such herbicides because, it appears, the agriculture extension workers themselves lack requisite knowledge on herbicide toxicity. Further, the study finds that herbicides are marketed in Malawi in breach of Malawian law and in contravention of the Rotterdam Convention as the information on the herbicide labels is sometimes inadequate, misleading, and unavailable in local languages. This exposes farmers to potentially carcinogenic chemicals without their knowledge. The paper recommends, inter alia, that an awareness campaign about the long term harmful effects of herbicides be mounted countrywide and internationally to protect illiterate smallholder farmers from herbicide toxicity. PubDate: 2021-10-07 DOI: 10.4314/jdcs.v8i2.6 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 2 (2021)