Subjects -> COMMUNICATIONS (Total: 518 journals)
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COMMUNICATIONS (446 journals)                  1 2 3 | Last

Showing 1 - 200 of 480 Journals sorted by number of followers
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice     Open Access   (Followers: 592)
Information Technologies & International Development     Open Access   (Followers: 86)
Information, Communication & Society     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 79)
Journal of Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 64)
Convergence The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 50)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 48)
e-learning and education (eleed)     Open Access   (Followers: 40)
Communication Theory     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 36)
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 35)
New Media and Mass Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 33)
Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 31)
Journal of the Association for Information Systems     Open Access   (Followers: 31)
Communication, Culture & Critique     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 30)
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management     Open Access   (Followers: 30)
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 29)
Health Information Management Journal     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 29)
Advances in Journalism and Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 29)
Journal of Medical Internet Research     Open Access   (Followers: 28)
Advances in Image and Video Processing     Open Access   (Followers: 28)
New Review of Film and Television Studies     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 27)
Discourse, Context & Media     Open Access   (Followers: 26)
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 26)
Communication Papers : Media Literacy & Gender Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 25)
Journal of Media and Communication Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 25)
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 23)
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 23)
Information & Communications Technology Law     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 22)
Framework : The Journal of Cinema and Media     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 22)
Quarterly Review of Film and Video     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 21)
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 21)
Screen     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 20)
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 20)
Global Media and Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 19)
Language and Speech     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 19)
Journal of Media Psychology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 19)
Journal of Science Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 19)
Journalism & Communication Monographs     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 19)
Human Communication Research     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 18)
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 18)
Speech, Language and Hearing     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 17)
Communication Booknotes Quarterly     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 16)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 16)
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 16)
Journal for the History of Rhetoric     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 16)
Journal of Media Ethics : Exploring Questions of Media Morality     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 15)
Public Relations Review     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 15)
Quarterly Journal of Speech     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 15)
Communications of the Association for Information Systems     Open Access   (Followers: 15)
International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications     Open Access   (Followers: 15)
Media and Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 15)
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 14)
Journal of the American College of Radiology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 14)
Global Media Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 14)
Communications in Mobile Computing     Open Access   (Followers: 14)
Celebrity Studies     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 14)
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 13)
Journal of Technical Writing and Communication     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 12)
Chinese Journal of Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 12)
MedieKultur. Journal of media and communication research     Open Access   (Followers: 12)
Pragmatics and Society     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 12)
Qualitative Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 12)
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP)     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 12)
IEICE - Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 11)
IET Communications     Open Access   (Followers: 11)
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 11)
International Journal of Business Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 10)
Electronics and Communications in Japan     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 10)
Informal Logic     Open Access   (Followers: 10)
Communication & Language at Work     Open Access   (Followers: 10)
C&SC - Communication & Social Change     Open Access   (Followers: 10)
Openings : Studies in Book Art     Open Access   (Followers: 10)
Creative Artist : A Journal of Theatre and Media Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 10)
Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Interaction Studies     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Journal of Language and Politics     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Fibreculture Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 9)
Journal of Islamic Manuscripts     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Comedy Studies     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications     Open Access   (Followers: 9)
Communication & Sport     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
tripleC : Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society     Open Access   (Followers: 9)
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
Seminars in Interventional Radiology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
Information Design Journal     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
Myth & Symbol     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
Black Camera     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 8)
Cross-cultural Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 8)
Investigative Radiology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 7)
Pediatric Radiology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 7)
Technical Communication     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 7)
African Journal of Information and Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 7)
Annals of Telecommunications     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 7)
Intelligent Information Management     Open Access   (Followers: 7)
African Journal of Information Systems     Open Access   (Followers: 7)
China Communications     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 7)
Journal of Radio & Audio Media     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
Sign Language Studies     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 6)
Review of Cognitive Linguistics     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
Foundations and Trends® in Communications and Information Theory     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 6)
Journal of Professional Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 6)
Informatics     Open Access   (Followers: 6)
Porn Studies     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
Journal of Advertising Education     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
The Communication Review     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
Journal of Graph Theory     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
CIC. Cuadernos de Informacion y Comunicacion     Open Access   (Followers: 5)
Women's Studies in Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
Global Advances in Business Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 5)
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Journal of Radiology Nursing     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Neuroimaging Clinics of North America     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
Telecommunication Systems     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Terminology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschappen     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
Gesture     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Communicatio : South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Media International Australia     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
International Review of Pragmatics     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
Medical Writing     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Journal of Media Innovations     Open Access   (Followers: 4)
Journal of Development and Communication Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 4)
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Journal of Location Based Services     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Etudes de communication     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Science China Information Sciences     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Language, Interaction and Acquisition     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Sign Language & Linguistics     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Kaleidoscope : A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication Research     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Journal of Community Informatics     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
International Journal of Intelligence Science     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
Journal of International Communication     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
MediaTropes     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Nonprofit Communications Report     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Journal of Media Literacy Education     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Seton Hall Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Social Networking     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Imaging Decisions MRI     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 2)
Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 2)
Language Problems & Language Planning     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 2)
Research Journal of Information Technology     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Área Abierta     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Comunicación y Medios     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Middle East Media Educator     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Revue française des sciences de l’information et de la communication     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Journal of Argumentation in Context     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 2)
Metaphor and the Social World     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 2)
Journal of Organizational Knowledge Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
GSTF Journal on Media & Communications     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Bioelectromagnetics     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 1)
Radioelectronics and Communications Systems     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 1)
McMaster Journal of Communication     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
Palabra Clave     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 1)
Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 1)
South African Journal of Communication Disorders     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
FLEKS : Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
Public Journal of Semiotics     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
Journal of Language and Sexuality     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 1)
Language and Dialogue     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 1)
Anuario electrónico de estudios en Comunicación Social "Disertaciones"     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
3C TIC     Open Access   (Followers: 1)     Open Access  
Comunicación     Open Access  
De Signos y Sentidos     Open Access  
Distúrbios da Comunicação     Open Access  
Wacana : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora     Open Access  
Question     Open Access  
Llengua, societat i comunicació     Open Access  
Informatio. Revista del Instituto de Información de la Facultad de Información y Comunicación     Open Access  
Communiquer : Revue de communication sociale et publique     Open Access  
Cuadernos de H Ideas     Open Access  
Punto Cero     Open Access  
Netcom     Open Access  
Observatorio (OBS*)     Open Access  
Vivat Academia     Open Access  
Commons. Revista de Comunicación y Ciudadanía Digital     Open Access  
Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences     Open Access  
Questions de communication     Open Access  
Quaderni     Open Access  
Communication et organisation     Open Access  
International Journal of Telework and Telecommuting Technologies     Full-text available via subscription  
Virtualidad, Educación y Ciencia     Open Access  
Revista Contracampo     Open Access  
Mediaciones Sociales     Open Access  
Historia y Comunicación Social     Open Access  
Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educacion     Open Access  
Cuadernos de Informacion     Open Access  
Journal of Modern Periodical Studies     Full-text available via subscription  
Tic & société     Open Access  

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Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences
Journal Prestige (SJR): 0.156
Citation Impact (citeScore): 1
Number of Followers: 0  

  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Print) 1846-3312 - ISSN (Online) 1846-9418
Published by U of Zagreb  [6 journals]
  • Publication Ethics; List of Reviewers; Instructions for Authors

    • Authors: Alen Lovrenčić
      Abstract: Full text available in PDF.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • From the Editor

    • Authors: Alen Lovrenčić
      Abstract: Dear readers, I had the pleasure of preparing the articles published in the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences in the last four years. This is my issue, and I want to thank all who helped, every one in its way, the Journal to prosper. Firstly, I want to thank the authors who recognized JIOS as a decent journal adequate to publish their paper. Thanks to all the reviewers who helped me to classify received papers and raise the quality of the journal. Many of them were members of the editorial board which I want to address my thanks, too. The advisory board helped me to widen the pull of reviewers. At the end, I want to thank members of the publishing board who invested their time and work to improve the design of the journal and web page, and made it visible through the different journal bases. In the next issue, the function of the editor will be taken by Prof. Igor Balaban. I am sure that the Journal will become much better under his leadership. I wish good luck and pleasant work on our Journal to him and his team. Alen Lovrenčić
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Cover Pages

    • Authors: Alen Lovrenčić
      Abstract: Here you can download journal cover pages.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Organizational Homeostasis: A Quantum Theoretical Exploration with Bohmian
           and Prigoginian Systemic Insights

    • Authors: David Leong
      Abstract: This study examines the complex interactions in organizational structures using Bohm's ‘wholeness’ and Prigogine’s equilibrium theories. Wave analogies and quantum principles like superposition, non-locality, and entanglement explain fluctuations in these systems. Thus, this research suggests a paradigm shift in organizational methods towards a balanced, scientific approach. Organizations need flexible tactics and behave like dissipative structures to maintain internal coherence in chaos. Heightened through mindful techniques, corporate consciousness provides insights into temporal dynamics, improving decision-making, market resilience, and an expanded organizational ethos founded in present awareness. This heightened consciousness and demand for organizational alignment and coherence empowers the corporate entities to succeed in present conditions and anticipate and address future obstacles. This study introduces ‘Mindful Corporate Entity’ (‘MCE’), emphasizing mindfulness as a critical tool for organizational well-being and sustainability. This change is proposed to close management gaps.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.12
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • A Review on Blockchain for Fintech using Zero Trust Architecture

    • Authors: Avinash Singh, Vikas Pareek, Ashish Sharma
      Abstract: Financial Technology (FinTech) has sparked widespread interest and is fast spreading. As a result of its continual growth, new terminology in this domain has been introduced. The name 'FinTech' is one such example. This term covers a wide range of practices that are repeatedly used in the financial technology industry. This processes were typically accomplished in careers or organizations to supply required services through the use of information technology-based applications. The word covers a wide range of delicate subjects, including security, privacy, threats, cyberattacks, and others. Several cutting-edge technologies, including those associated with a mobile embedded system, mobile networks, mobile cloud computing, big data, data analytics techniques, and cloud computing, among others, must be mutually integrated for FinTech to thrive. To be approved by its users, this new technology must overcome serious security and privacy flaws. This research gives a thorough analysis of FinTech by discussing the present as well as expected confidentiality and safety problems facing the financial sector to protect FinTech. Finally, it examines potential obstacles to ensuring financial technology application security and privacy.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.11
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Digitalization of Education and Information Technologies as a Factor of
           Digital Economic Development

    • Authors: Natalya Pluzhnikova
      Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of information technologies for the development of the digital economy. Digitalization of education is a necessary condition for sustainable development of modern society. The article is devoted to analyzing the factors of digitalization of education, among which information technologies are the main ones. For the analysis, the authors used a model for the development of the digital economy, which was also developed in the training of a specialist in the agro-industrial complex. Education is viewed as a subsystem of the digital economy. It is shown that the digitalization of education has both positive and negative consequences not so much for the development of industry as for human development. The article draws conclusions about the features of the socio-anthropological crisis in the context of the digitalization of education. As conclusions, the article presents forecasts for the development of digitalization of education, which include the improvement of the development and methods of introducing information and communication technologies in education, a constant change in the forms of knowledge assessment, the successful use of information technologies in the training of a specialist.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.10
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Fuzzy rules-based Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Prognosis and
           Early Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease

    • Authors: Althaf Ali A, Umamaheswari S, Feroz Khan A.B, Jayabrabu Ramakrishnan
      Abstract: Globally, cardiovascular diseases stand as the primary cause of mortality. In response to the imperative to enhance operational efficiency and reduce expenses, healthcare organizations are currently undergoing a transformation. The incorporation of analytics into their IT strategy is vital for the successful execution of this transition. The approach involves consolidating data from various sources into a data lake, which is then leveraged with analytical models to revolutionize predictive analytics. The deployment of IoT-based predictive systems is aimed at diminishing mortality rates, particularly in the domain of coronary heart disease prognosis. However, the abundant and diverse nature of data across various disciplines poses significant challenges in terms of data analysis, extraction, management, and configuration within these large-scale data technologies and tools. In this context, a multi-level fuzzy rule generation approach is put forward to identify the characteristics necessary for heart disease prediction. These features are subsequently trained using an optimized recurrent neural network. Medical professionals assess and categorize the features into labeled classes based on the perceived risk. This categorization allows for early diagnosis and prompt treatment. In comparison to conventional systems, the proposed method demonstrates superior performance.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.9
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • The Usage of Clouds in Zero-Trust Security Strategy: An Evolving Paradigm

    • Authors: Jyoti Bartakke, Dr. RajeshKumar Kashyap
      Abstract: Zero-trust security is a security model that assumes no entity is implicitly trusted, regardless of its origin or scope of access. This approach requires continuous verification of all users, devices, and applications before granting access to resources. Cloud computing is a model for delivering IT resources and applications as a service over the Internet. Cloud computing offers many benefits, including scalability, agility, and cost savings. However, cloud computing also introduces new security challenges. This paper proposes a survey-based research methodology to evaluate the usage of clouds in zero-trust security strategies. The paper identifies different zero-trust security solutions, their key features, and the benefits and challenges of implementing these solutions in the cloud. The paper will also discuss the costs and benefits of different zero-trust security solutions. The findings of this research will be valuable for organizations that are considering implementing a zero-trust security strategy in the cloud. The paper will provide guidance on how to choose the best zero-trust security solution for organizational needs and how to implement it effectively.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.8
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • A Study on Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Algorithms for
           Students Grades Prediction

    • Authors: Muhammad Arham Tariq
      Abstract: Education data mining (EDM) applies data mining techniques to extract insights from educational data, enabling educators to evaluate their teaching methods and improve student outcomes. Feature selection algorithms play a crucial role in improving classifier accuracy by reducing redundant features. However, a detailed and diverse comparative analysis of feature selection algorithms on multiclass educational datasets is missing. This paper presents a study that compares ten different feature selection algorithms for predicting student grades. The goal is to identify the most effective feature selection technique for multi-class student grades prediction. Five classifiers, including Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision Trees (DT), Random Forests (RF), Gradient Boosting (GB), and k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), are trained and tested on ten different feature selection algorithms. The results show that SelectFwe(SFWE-F) performed best, achieving an accuracy of 74.3% with Random Forests (RT) across all ten feature selection algorithms. This algorithm selects features based on their relationship with the target variable while controlling the family-wise error rate.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.7
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Behavioral Biases in Investment Decisions: An Extensive Literature Review
           and Pathways for Future Research

    • Authors: N Sathya, R Gayathiri
      Abstract: In the realm of investment decisions, the influence of behavioral biases has emerged as a captivating area of exploration. This article embarks on a comprehensive journey through the landscape of behavioral biases in investment choices, delving into their profound impact on financial markets. Contrary to traditional finance theories assuming rationality, a multitude of empirical evidence attests to the pervasive effects of cognitive and emotional biases. Through an extensive literature review, this article elucidates the intricacies of key biases such as overconfidence, loss aversion, anchoring, confirmation bias, herding behavior, disposition effect, framing effects, and regret aversion. By examining the distinct ways these biases distort investors' judgment and decision-making processes, we unveil the often unexpected deviations from rationality. Each bias, rooted in human psychology, can lead to suboptimal investment behaviors, portfolio misalignments, and heightened market volatility. However, recognizing the impact of these biases provides opportunities for transformative insights. As investment professionals, policymakers, and individuals alike comprehend the subtle nuances of behavioral biases, tailored interventions, educational initiatives, and adaptive strategies can be devised to mitigate their adverse effects. This article not only synthesizes the prevailing research but also charts a course for future investigations. The implications of understanding and addressing behavioral biases extend beyond financial realms, offering a bridge between finance and psychology. As interdisciplinary collaboration gains momentum, pathways for future research become evident, beckoning scholars to delve deeper into the uncharted territories of human behavior and its intricate relationship with investment decisions. Through the exploration of these biases and their potential remedies, this article illuminates the evolving landscape of investment decision-making in a world where cognitive fallacies intersect with financial choicest.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.6
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Physical Internet Enabled Traceability Systems for Sustainable Supply
           Chain Management

    • Authors: Abdelkader Adla, Mohammed Frendi, Bakhta Nachet
      Abstract: Current supply chain management (SCM) requires the control of physical and information flows in order to satisfy the customer, i.e. deliver the right product to the customer at the right place, at the right time, at the right price and at the lowest cost. SCM is inseparable from traceability which makes reliable the said flows, accelerates the transmission of information on these flows, allows to access a detailed knowledge of the movements, and makes the flows visible. In order to streamline and monitor, if possible, in real time and permanently these logistical processes, we propose the design and implementation of an Ontology-based traceability system based on an architectural model for the physical Internet using computing resources such as Cloud computing, Fog computing and Internet of Things (IoT) to achieve efficiency and sustainability goals. To evaluate our system, we were able to carry out all the queries that the user can express whether he is a customer, a supplier or a manager.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.5
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Pure Strategy Saddle Points in the Generalized Progressive Discrete Silent
           Duel with Identical Linear Accuracy Functions

    • Authors: Vadim V. Romanuke
      Abstract: A finite zero-sum game defined on a subset of the unit square is considered. The game is a generalized progressive discrete silent duel, in which the kernel is skew-symmetric, and the players, referred to as duelists, have identical linear accuracy functions featured with an accuracy proportionality factor. As the duel starts, time moments of possible shooting become denser by a geometric progression. Apart from the duel beginning and end time moments, every following time moment is the partial sum of the respective geometric series. Due to the skew-symmetry, both the duelists have the same optimal strategies and the game optimal value is 0. If the accuracy factor is not less than 1, the duelist’s optimal strategy is the middle of the duel time span. If the factor is less than 1, the duel solution is not always a pure strategy saddle point. In a boundary case, when the accuracy factor is equal to the inverse numerator of the ratio that is the time moment preceding the duel end moment, the duel has four pure strategy saddle points which are of the mentioned time moments. For a trivial game, where the duelist possesses just one moment of possible shooting between the duel beginning and end moments, and the accuracy factor is 1, any pure strategy situation, not containing the duel beginning moment, is optimal.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.4
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Exploring the Access to the Static Array Elements via Indices and via
           Pointers — the Introductory C++ Case Expanded

    • Authors: Robert Logozar, Matija Mikac, Danijel Radošević
      Abstract: We revisit the old but formally still unresolved debate on the time efficiency of accessing the elements of 1D arrays via indices versus accessing them via pointers. To analyze that, we have programmed benchmarks of minimal complexity in the C++ language and inspected the machine code of their compilation in the x86 assembly language. Before exploring the performance, we briefly compared a few methods used for the execution time measurements. The results on the Wintel platform show no significant advantage in using pointers over indices except for some benchmarks and array (data) types. In other cases, the exact opposite may be true. The cause of this inconsistency lies in the compilation of the source code into the rather nonorthogonal x86 instruction set. Furthermore, the execution speed does not clearly relate to the instruction length. The parallel aim of this work is to provide a ground for further analysis and measurements of this kind using different compilers, languages, and computer platforms.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.3
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Entrepreneur’s strategy leveraged and monitored by the interrelation
           of ERP and BSC

    • Authors: Cidalia Oliveira, Márcio Pereira, Margarida Rodrigues, Rui Silva
      Abstract: Nowadays business operates in a turbulent environment, demanding quality products at low cost in short delivery times. Bearing this in mind, entrepreneurs devote special attention to define strategies, monitor entrepreneurial indicators and recruiting qualified employees. In this sense, organizations need to rely on an efficient measurement system with vast and complex information. Considering this need, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) embraces a short-, medium- and long-term time horizon and guides entrepreneurs in the measurement of their Key Performance Indicators (KPI), as acknowledged by the well-known company like Apple, which is using BSC for planning and performance measurement. Furthermore, as the KPIs need to reflect organisational performance, the interconnection of BSC with SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is considered of benefit. By means of this interlinkage, performance is monitored in an integrated way, as the flow of material and information of the whole chain is integrated and interlinked via ERP. Stressing out that several BSC implementations have failed, this research, intends to detail how ERP implementation can leverage the BSC’s features, namely to monitor entrepreneur’s strategy. As several studies have focused their attention in an isolated way and several BSC implementations failed, this research sheds light on entrepreneur’s strategy leveraged and monitored by the interrelation of ERP and BSC.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.2
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)
  • Relevancy between Anchor Text and Wikipedia: A Web Search Framework

    • Authors: Falah Al-akashi, Diana Inkpen
      Abstract: The overall volume of data available on the Internet is growing rapidly while finding relevant documents is becoming increasingly difficult. Moreover, queries entered by users are unique, unstructured and often ambiguous while the process has changed dramatically from standard query languages that governed by strict syntax rules to unstructured strings. In Web information retrieval, search paradigms used term occurrences to weight document content prior to any boosting stage. PageRank algorithm, for instance, was used integrated techniques to enhance post retrieval document relevancy to adequately compromise the overall process in two stages. Nevertheless, hypertexts in Web have been used for improving the quality of search results for the most common type of queries. Our main premise is that hypertexts play an important role for ranking documents in IR such as margining between user queries and consensus hypertext. We propose a new algorithm that uses term impact technology for compromising hypertext weighting in Web along with Wikipedia for efficiently find most relevant documents among large set of results. Our experimental results showed that Wikipedia could efficiently improve document relevancy rank when combined with hypertexts for exhibit robust and very good short-term process capability.
      PubDate: 2024-06-16
      DOI: 10.31341/jios.48.1.1
      Issue No: Vol. 48, No. 1 (2024)

    • Authors: Lourdes Moreno, Elena Castro, Paloma Martinez
      Abstract: Semantic Web approaches try to get the interoperability and communication among technologies and organizations. Nevertheless, sometimes it is forgotten that the Web must be useful for every user, consequently it is necessary to include tools and techniques doing Semantic Web be accessible. Accessibility and usability are two usually joined concepts widely used in web application development, however their meaning are different. Usability means the way to make easy the use but accessibility is referred to the access possibility. For the first one, there are many well proved approaches in real cases. However, accessibility field requires a deeper research that will make feasible the access to disable people and also the access to novel non-disable people due to the cost to automate and maintain accessible applications. In this paper, we propose one architecture to achieve the accessibility in web-environments dealing with the WAI accessibility standard and the Universal Design paradigm. This architecture tries to control the accessibility in web applications development life-cycle following a methodology starting from a semantic conceptual model and leans on description languages and controlled vocabularies.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • From the Editor

    • Authors: Neven Vrcek
      Abstract: Dear readers,I am happy  to present you a new  issue of  the Journal of  Information and Organizational Sciences, volume 33, number 1.

      JIOS is being increasingly seen as a relevant journal in the field of information sciences and applied information and communication technology. Speaking in favour of this statement is the fact that JIOS has been  included  into several new databases – DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), OAIster and Referativny Žurnal – which is information of interest to all our future authors. At present, we are cited in 7 diferent databases, which signifcantly enhances the visibility of the Journal.

      In  this  issue a  selection of 9 original  scientific papers, 3 preliminary communication articles and 1 review paper has been  included, all of which have undergone rigorous double-blind review. Some of the papers published here were already presented at the CECIIS 2008 conference. The papers  in the current  issue cover a broad area of topics, from programming and web related topics, through algorithm and method proposals,  to economics and applied  linguistics. We hope you will find the papers interesting and challenging for your own research.

      We encourage you to submit your papers at, where you can also share with us your
      recommendations, comments or critical remarks regarding the papers published in previous issues.
      Your  papers  and  feedback may  prove  invaluable  in  fulfilling  our  ambitions, which  are  very  high indeed, as we have set out to enter some new databases. We would also appreciate your willingness to become a peer-reviewer for submitted papers, and thus give your contribution to the rising quality of JIOS.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • Cover Pages

    • Authors: Neven Vrcek
      Abstract: Here you can download journal cover pages.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Vjeran Strahonja
      Abstract: An anomaly in legislation is absence of completeness, consistency and other desirable properties, caused by different semantic, syntactic or pragmatic reasons. In general, the detection of anomalies in legislation comprises validation and verification. The basic idea of research, as presented in this paper, is modelling legislation by capturing domain knowledge of legislation and specifying it in a generic way by using commonly agreed and understandable modelling concepts of the Unified Modelling Language (UML). Models of legislation enable to understand the system better, support the detection of anomalies and help to improve the quality of legislation by validation and verification. By implementing model-based approach, the object of validation and verification moves from legislation to its model. The business domain of legislation has two distinct aspects: a structural or static aspect (functionality, business data etc.), and a behavioural or dynamic part (states, transitions, activities, sequences etc.). Because anomalism can occur on two different levels, on the level of a model, or on the level of legislation itself, a framework for validation and verification of legal regulation and its model is discussed. The presented framework includes some significant types of semantic and syntactic anomalies. Some ideas for assessment of pragmatic anomalies of models were found in the field of software quality metrics. Thus pragmatic features and attributes can be determined that could be relevant for evaluation purposes of models. Based on analogue standards for the evaluation of software, a qualitative and quantitative scale can be applied to determine the value of some feature for a specific model.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Abid Ali Minhas, Thomas Trathnigg, Christian Steger, Reinhold Weiß
      Abstract: Routing algorithms have shown their importance in the power aware wireless micro-sensor networks. In this paper first we present virtual circuit algorithm (VCRA), a routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. We analyze the power utilized by nodes to lengthen the battery life and thus improving the lifetime of wireless sensor network. We discuss VCRA in comparison with the Multihoprouter, an algorithm developed by UC Berkeley. Then we present Improved Virtual Circuit Routing Algorithm (IVCRA) which is an improved form of VCRA. In IVCRA node failure detection and path repairing scheme has been implemented. We also present the energy analysis of IVCRA and prove that IVCRA is the best choice. We first implement our routing algorithms in simulator TOSSIM and then on real hardware of mica2 mote-sensor network platform and prove the reliable routing of the data packets from different nodes to the base station. The motes used as nodes in our mote-sensor network are from Berkeley USA. By using simulator POWERTOSSIM, we estimate and present the energy utilized by different nodes of the network. At the end we present a comparison of our work with the network layer of Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4, which is an emerging standard for wireless sensor networks and then compare its energy efficiency with the packet size chosen for our algorithm.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Sandra Lovrenčić, Kornelije Rabuzin, Ruben Picek
      Abstract: Business rules are today essential parts of a business system model. But presently, there are still various approaches to, definitions and classifications of this concept. Similarly, there are also different approaches in business rules formalization and implementation. This paper investigates formalization using formal language in association with easy domain modelling. Two of the tools that enable such approach are described and compared according to several factors. They represent ontology modelling and UML, nowadays widely used standard for object-oriented modelling. A simple example is also presented.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Jurij Jaklic, Peter Trkman, Ales Groznik, Mojca Indihar Stemberger
      Abstract: In today’s global market the main focus of competition is not only between different companies but also between supply chains. Technological changes and organizational improvements are important for effective supply chain management (SCM), however, the main cause of SCM improvements is not the implementation of an information system (IS) itself, but rather a change and an integration of business processes. The paper summarizes the most important concepts of SCM and specifically concentrates on the importance of business process management (BPM) in supply chains, because full advantages can be realized when business processes in the supply chain are well defined, integrated and managed. The main purpose of this paper is to show that successful SCM calls for the maturity of supply chain processes in all involved companies and at the supply chain level, which can be realized by using effective BPM methods. A necessary condition for growing of SCM in terms of supply chain process maturity levels is an inter-organizational information system development and process renovation. Yet, BPM should not be considered as a one-time project of IS implementation and process change, but as a permanent process performance measurement, analysis and continuous improvement of the supply chain processes. The concepts are illustrated with a case study of fuel supply process.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Nina Begičević, Blaženka Divjak
      Abstract: In the paper the possibility to use mathematical models and statistical techniques in strategic planning and decision making about e-learning is presented. Strategic planning and decision making has been covered as consisting of four phases: (1) intelligence, (2) design, (3) choice and (4) implementation. Each of the phases will be described in this paper, but the accent will be put on the statistical evaluation of the results of the questionnaire which was based on the developed theoretical model for decision making about e-learning implementation in the higher education sector. In general, the main objectives of this paper are: (1) validation of the first theoretical model for decision making about e-learning implementation in the higher education sector, by means of factor analysis and (2) reduction of a large number of variables to a smaller number of factors, i.e. designing the improved theoretical model, for modelling purposes (developing AHP & ANP models).
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • From the Editor

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: The Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences – JIOS – is an interdisciplinary scientific journal with focus on application of information sciences and advances in organizational sciences, as well as on theoretical contemplations in the fields that impact information sciences, computer sciences and organizational sciences. JIOS is published twice a year. This issue comprises submitted papers along with those chosen among papers presented at the IIS 2007 Conference (recently renamed CECIIS) organized by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics.
      JIOS has already undergone several changes of its name and layout. With this issue we introduce a new visual identity of the Journal as well as modified instructions to authors, to make it more aligned with contemporary standards in scientific journal publication. Further, the Journal has changed its web address and is managed by Open Journal System, where all communication from submitting the paper to reviewing and publishing is conducted on-line.
      In this issue of JIOS a selection of six original scientific papers has been included covering the following topics: organizational design, digital divide in enterprises, management software and web portals evaluation, m-marketing and m-advertising, as well as the introduction of a shot boundary detection algorithm for soccer video. We hope you will find the papers interesting and challenging for your own research.
      We are looking forward to new papers to be submitted in the future and comments of papers already published.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Miroslav Bača, Markus Schatten, Kornelije Rabuzin
      Abstract: Over the last decade we faced a great number of publications in the field of biometrics. Many new biometric methods, techniques, models, metrics and characteristics were proposed. Due to this explosion of research, scientific and professional papers certain inconsistencies in terminology. What some authors call a biometric method, others call model, system or even characteristic. There wasn't enough effort in creating a unique systematization and categorization which would approach the stated issues and open new areas of research. We argue that it is possible to approach biometrics in a narrower and in a broader perspective. We observed biometrics in the narrower perspecive and created a unique framework for the systematization and categorization of biometric methods, models, characteristics and patterns based on a general biometric system. This systematization is a fundamental step forward towards the creation of an open biometrics ontology.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Ana Meštrović, Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić, Mirko Čubrilo
      Abstract: This paper addresses the semantic analysis problem in a spoken dialog system developed for the domain of weather forecasts. The main goal of semantic analysis is to extract the meaning from the spoken utterances and to transform it into a domain database format. In this work a semantic database for the domain of weather forecasts is represented using the F-logic formalism. Semantic knowledge is captured through semantic categories a semantic dictionary using phrases and output templates. Procedures for semantic analysis of Croatian weather data combine parsing techniques for Croatian language and slot filling approach. Semantic analysis is conducted in three phases. In the first phase the main semantic category for the input utterance is determined. The lattices are used for hierarchical semantic relation representation and main category derivation. In the second phase semantic units are analyzed and knowledge slots in the database are filled. Since some slot values of input data are missing in the third phase, incomplete data is updated with missing values. All rules for semantic analysis are defined in the F-logic and implemented using the FLORA-2 system. The results of semantic analysis evaluation in terms of frame and slot error rates are presented.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Sandro Gerić, Željko Hutinski
      Abstract: Information systems are exposed to different types of security risks. Theconsequences of information systems security (ISS) breaches can vary from e.g. damaging the data base integrity to physical "destruction" of entire information system facilities, and can result with minor disruptions in less important segments of information systems, or with significant interruptions in information systems functionality. The sources of security risks are different, and can origin from inside or outside of information system facility, and can be intentional or unintentional. The precise calculation of loses caused by such incidents is often not possible because a number of small scale ISS incidents are never detected, or detected with a significant time delay, a part of incidents are interpreted as an accidental mistakes, and all that results with an underestimation of ISS risks. This paper addresses the different types and criteria of information system security risks (threats) classification and gives an overview of most common classifications used in literature and in practice. We define a common set of criteria that can be used for information system security threats classification, which will enable the comparison and evaluation of different security threats from different security threats classifications.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Marina Klačmer Čalopa, Marijan Cingula
      Abstract: Social entrepreneurship is highlighted as a result of general entrepreneurship development because the traditional entrepreneurial factors are accomplished with the social aspects of common good. Entrepreneur's responsibility in choosing the main business activity within an industry increases if the way he conducts his activities is considered. Institutional support for social entrepreneurship is achieved by generating many business activities in order to fulfil different kinds of social needs. Social entrepreneurship is possible if both entrepreneur’s initiative and institutional support for small and medium sized enterprises (SME) are included in performing for traditionally non-profit activities. Allowing private initiative to fulfil the real needs of different users in social, educational, cultural and other non-profit fields is a good way to support SMEs. However, the institutional control should still remain in place in order to protect the minimum performing standards.The development of social entrepreneurship in transition countries is important for general economic development, but also for the supporting values of ethics in business activities.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Tonimir Kišasondi, Alen Lovrenčić
      Abstract: In this paper we present a modified neural network architecture and an algorithm that enables neural networks to learn vectors in accordance to user designed sequences or graph structures. This enables us to use the modified network algorithm to identify, generate or complete specified patterns that are learned in the training phase. The algorithm is based on the idea that neural networks in the human neurocortex represent a distributed memory of sequences that are stored in invariant hierarchical form with associative access. The algorithm was tested on our custom built simulator that supports the usage of our ADT neural network with standard backpropagation and our custom built training algorithms, and it proved to be useful and successful in modelling graphs.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Giorgio Sinković, Jusuf Šehanović
      Abstract: The process of integrating the Republic of Croatia in the EU calls for an adaptation and improvement of many of the Croatian society elements, among which there is also the education system as a foundation for creating of a generation who will, by their knowledge and a world view, easily embed into the European virtues. The conformation of the high education system has been consolidated under the term "the Bologna process". Although the basic accent of this process has been put to conformation in order to form a unique European education system, the efficiency of knowledge acquiring process within the sole endeavour to ensure the quality, also represents one of the main objectives. The article hereto points to the possible advantages of implementing the ICT and the international ISO 9000 standards as a base for an efficient increase of the quality of studying in the Republic of Croatia.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Tihomir Hunjak, Nina Begičević
      Abstract: There are different forms of teaching using ICT, and they differ according to the level of technological support, the role and tasks of the participants, the level of students’ participation, the physical location of the participants and their interaction. Distance learning is the common name for the process of obtaining knowledge and skills with the assistance of ICT and other forms of distance study. E-learning is a special form of such teaching. In terms of the teaching materials’ specific qualities, and the recommendation of teaching methods for successful teaching, there are different options for applying e-learning in teaching. E-learning can be used either as an independent form of teaching, or as a support to the already established systems of education, or even as their addition. The problem that is being solved in this paper is the prioritisation of e-learning forms for the specific teaching unit, subject, group of subjects, or the whole teaching programme. All this should be done regarding the context, which is characterised by the quality and innovative teaching, available professionals, equipment, possibility of students’ approach to technology, organization of teaching, and rules and regulations. This problem was solved with the assistance of AHP models developed in the process of group decision making supported by sw TeamEC2000.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Darko Galinec, Slavko Vidović
      Abstract: History of information systems development was driven by business system's functions automation and mergers and acquisitions - business subjects integration into a whole. Modern business requires business processes integration through their dynamics and thus enterprise application integration (EAI) as well. In this connection it is necessary to find ways and means of application integration and interaction in a consistent and reliable way. The real-time enterprise (RTE) monitors, captures and analyzes root causes and overt events that are critical to its success the instant those events occur [6]. EAI is determined by business needs and business requirements. It must be based on business process repository and models, business integration methodology (BIM) and information flow as well. Decisions concerning technology must be in function of successful application integration. In this paper EAI methodological framework and technological concepts for its achievements are introduced.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Tonimir Kišasondi, Miroslav Bača, Alen Lovrenčić
      Abstract: In this paper we will present some schemes for strengthening network authentification over insecure channels with biometric concepts or how to securely transfer or use biometric characteristics as cryptographic keys. We will show why some current authentification schemes are insufficient and we will present our concepts of biometric hashes and authentification that rely on unimodal and multimodal biometrics. Our concept can be applied on any biometric authentification scheme and is universal for all systems.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Markus Ruch
      Abstract: The retail sector in Germany has also been badly hit by intensifying international competition. Confronted with lowering margins and the movement of customers to the most favourable provider in each case, it became increasingly more difficult for companies to reach such goals as turnover and market share inputs. With the introduction of Card-based Loyalty Systems (CBLS), an instrument appears to have been found which increases customer retention through the evaluation of purchasing information and enables the companies to realize their goals even under difficult market conditions. The provision for this, however, is the permanent acceptance of the customer with regard to these systems.
      This paper first gives an overview of the connections between CBLS and increased customer retention before their impact factors are empirically analyzed for consumer utility. If these factors flow into a cost-benefit analysis, it appears that privacy of the consumers is endangered in the long term and an added value and consequently the preconditional permanent acceptance of the customer is not necessarily given. The resulting question ";Why do customers make use of CBLS anyway'"; can be answered using the approach of hyperbolic utility-discounting.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
           STUDY ECROATIA 2006 -

    • Authors: Damir Novotny, Zvonimir Sabati
      Abstract: The Barcelona European Council called on the European Commission to draw up an eEurope Action Plan in order to widespread penetration of ICT, as powerful driver of growth and employment. Availability of modern on-line public services through e-Government, e-Learning, e-Health and e-Business is to be secured by the Action Plan. The eEurope 2005 is succeeding eEurope 2002 Action Plan which comprises four separate but interlinked tools: policy measures, exchange of good practices, monitoring and benchmarking and overall co ordination of existing policies. Croatia is candidate for accession to EU by 2009, which means that Croatian Government has to implement eEurope Action plan 2005 and Commission's new strategic framework, i2010 - European Information Society 2010. In first part of the paper authors are presenting overall framework of eEurope Action Plan 2005 as well i2010 strategic framework. For the purposes of the paper, authors have conducted a research availability of on-line public services through government, e-Learning, e-Health and e-Business in Croatia 2006.The results of the survey has been benchmarked to the results of similar surveys in New Europe countries.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Dragutin Kermek, Neven Vrček, Tomislav Jakupić
      Abstract: The paper investigates the design of heterogeneous distributed system for foreign exchange portfolio analysis. The proposed model includes few separated and dislocated but connected parts through distributed mechanisms. Making system distributed brings new perspectives to performance busting where software based load balancer gets very important role. Desired system should spread over multiple, heterogeneous platforms in order to fulfil open platform goal. Building such a model incorporates different patterns from GOF design patterns, business patterns, J2EE patterns, integration patterns, enterprise patterns, distributed design patterns to Web services patterns. The authors try to find as much as possible appropriate patterns for planned tasks in order to capture best modelling and programming practices.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Kristina Machova, Andrea Szaboova, Peter Bednar
      Abstract: The presented paper describes statistical methods (information gain, mutual X^2 statistics, and TF-IDF method) for key words generation from a text document collection. These key words should characterise the content of text documents and can be used to retrieve relevant documents from a document collection. Term relations were detected on the base of conditional probability of term occurrences. The focus is on the detection of those words, which occur together very often. Thus, key words, which consist from two terms were generated additionally. Several tests were carried out using the 20 News Groups collection of text documents.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Mladen Varga, Miljenko Vuković
      Abstract: Trends in data processing for decision support show that business users need business analytics, i.e. analytical applications which incorporate a variety of business oriented data analysis techniques and task-specific knowledge. The paper discusses the feasibility of investment in two models of implementing business analytics: custom development and packed analytical applications. The consequences of both models are shown on two models of business analytics implementation in Croatia.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Sonja Ristić, Ivan Luković, Jelena Pavićević, Pavle Mogin
      Abstract: Integrated Information Systems*Case (IIS*Case) R.6.21 is a CASE tool that we developed to support automated database (db) schema design, based on a methodology of gradual integration of independently designed subschemas into a database schema. It provides complete intelligent support for developing db schemas and enables designers to work together and cooperate reaching the most appropriate solutions. The process of independent design of subschemas may lead to collisions in expressing the real world constraints and business rules. IIS*Case uses specialized algorithms for checking the consistency of constraints embedded in the database schema and the subschemas. IIS*Case supports designers in reviewing and validating results obtained after each step of the design process. The paper outlines the process of resolving collisions. A case study based on an imaginary production system is used to illustrate the application of IIS*Case. Different outcomes and their consequences are presented.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • From the Editor

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Dear authors, readers and future authors,
      It is my pleasure to present you the 1st number of the 35th volume of the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences – JIOS.In this issue a selection of 6 original scientific papers, 2 preliminary communications and 2 survey papers have been included, all of which have undergone a rigorous double-blind review process.Some of the papers published here were already presented at the CECIIS 2010 Conference held in Varaždin between 22nd and 24th September 2010. These papers were nominated for publishing in JIOS by the chairs of the conference tracks they were presented at on the account of their research quality.As in prior issues of the Journal, this one also comprises papers that cover themes from various ICT fields: databases, programming, IT supported learning, and other topics in the field of applied information sciences. We hope that the variety of themes will draw the attention of researchers in different ICT fields and motivate potential authors to expand the Journal’s thematic scope by other themes that may be of interest to the wider ICT research community.I would like to use this opportunity to encourage prospective authors among you, dear readers, to submit papers at You are also invited to share with us your comments or critical remarks regarding the papers previously published in the Journal. Further, we would appreciate your willingness to become a peer-reviewed for submitted papers and thus contribute significantly to the rising quality of JIOS.So far JIOS has been indexed in seven well known databases and now this number has risen to nine, adding “SCOPUS” and “Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts” to the database list. We are continuously investing a lot of effort to extend the list of databases where JIOS would be cited, in order to make the published papers available to a larger readers’ audience, and give your research a greater impact factor.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Melita Kozina
      Abstract: The significance of integral business systems based on closer alignment of information technology to business processes has grown over the last ten years. Comprehensive business frameworks are necessary to capture the entire complexity of such systems. These frameworks called enterprise architectures can provide the conceptual foundation necessary for building and managing the integral business system and all its components. The goal of this paper was to analyze the Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS) and the Zachman frameworks, to define the criteria for comparison and evaluation of these approaches, and determine their level of complement. Furthermore, the contents of the paper define the generic model of business system management supported by said concepts (frameworks) and analyzes their orientation towards value.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • From the Editor

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Dear authors, readers and future authors,
      I proudly introduce to you a new issue of JIOS, the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences, volume 34, Issue 2. The Journal’s primary goal is to present current research in the field of information and organizational sciences, as well as on theoretical developments in the fields that impact information, computer and organizational sciences.
      The importance of JIOS is rising and it is being increasingly seen as a relevant journal in the eld of information sciences and applied information and communication technology. Speaking in favour of this statement is the fact that JIOS has been included into two new databases: Scopus and EBSCO. We are particularly satised with the Journal’s inclusion in Scopus since it is the largest abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources.
      In this issue of JIOS a selection of four original scientic papers and one preliminary communication paper have been included that cover the following topics: approach to optical network design using a general heuristic optimization framework (Lackovic, M.), improving e-learning e€ciency, intelligence and adapted teaching materials (Kalpic, D. & Zuc, J.), online privacy (Mekovec, R.) and social network analysis of Eureka project partnership in Central and South-Eastern European regions (Divjak, B., Peharda P., Begicevic N.). We hope you will nd these papers interesting and challenging for your own research.
      I would hereby invite all the interested colleagues to submit a paper and hence contribute to the improvement and development of JIOS. You can submit your papers at, where you can also express your comments, recommendations or critical remarks regarding the papers published in previous issues.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • Cover pages

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Here you can download journal cover pages.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Josip Brumec, Željko Dobrović, Martina Tomičić
      Abstract: Modern solutions regarding the use of unstructured information are based on the concept of Content Management (CM), [08] and [09]. This is a good solution for those document contents that will be generated once the CM is in place, but the question remains of what to do with hundreds of millions of documents that have been generated over the course of many years in the public sector. This article analyzes some of the features of the existing document systems in the public sector, and then discusses the needs of business processes reengineering, which are concerned with generating official decisions of relevance for both individual and business end-users. Furthermore, we propose a practically feasible model for the Document Management Systems (DMS) design, based on modern information and communication technologies that can manage and support the use of documents already in the system. In the end, this article takes a look at a general model for the calculation of costs and benefits associated with an introducton of a new DMS.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Miroslav Grgec, Robert Mužar
      Abstract: When modeling systems and using UML concepts, a real system can be viewed in several ways. The RUP (Rational Unified Process) defines the "4 + 1 view": 1. Logical view (class diagram (CD), object diagram (OD), sequence diagram (SD), collaboration diagram (COD), state chart diagram (SCD), activity diagram (AD)), 2.Process view (use case diagram, CD, OD, SD, COD, SCD, AD), 3. Development view (package diagram, component diagram), 4. Physical view (deployment diagram), and 5. Use case view (use case diagram, OD, SD, COD, SCD, AD) which combines the four mentioned above. With sequence diagram constructs we are describing object behavior in scope of one use case and their interaction. Each object in system goes through a so called lifecycle (create, supplement object with data, use object, decommission object). The concept of the object lifecycle is used to understand and formalize the behavior of objects from creation to deletion. With help of sequence diagram concepts our paper will describe the way of interaction modeling between objects through lifeline of each of them, and their importance in software development.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • From the Editor

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Dear readers,I proudly welcome you to Issue 2 of Volume 33 of the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences.Let me remind you that JIOS is published on the two-issues-per-volume basis, with one volume published annually. One issue of the volume is usually dedicated to CECIIS, the international scientific conference organized and hosted by the Faculty of Organization and Informatics. These special issues of JIOS normally contain a selection of best scientific papers presented at the Conference. The second issue is reserved for scientific papers in the fields of information sciences as well as a range of scientific fields related with information sciences, particularly applied ICT in economics and business.Owing to the efforts of the Editorial Board aimed at including JIOS in a number of relevant databases, JIOS has been steadily increasing its visibility with every new volume. As a result, JIOS is currently being cited in seven databases that cover a variety of scientific topics connected to information sciences, computing and applied ICT.In this issue you will find a selection of several original scientific papers, two preliminary communications and one review paper. We hope that the variety of themes reflects some of your own research interests, thus making the papers inspirational for your future work.As in all my letters addressed to the respected readership of JIOS, I would like to use this opportunity to motivate prospective authors among you, dear readers, to submit papers at You are also invited to share with us your comments or critical remarks regarding the papers previously published in the Journal. Your willingness to become a peer-reviewer for submitted papers would be much appreciated as by choosing to do so you would contribute significantly to the rising quality of JIOS.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Rok Rupnik, Matjaž Kukar
      Abstract: Traditional techniques of data analysis do not enable the solution of all kind of problems and for that reason they have become insufficient. This caused a newinterdisciplinary field of data mining to arise, encompassing both classical statistical, and modern machine learning techniques to support the data analysis and knowledge discovery from data. Data mining methods are powerful in dealing with large quantities of data, but on the other hand they are difficult to master by business users to facilitate decision support. In this paper we introduce our approach to integration of decision support system with data mining. We discuss the role of data mining to facilitate decision support, the use of data mining methods in decision support systems, discuss applied approaches and introduce a data mining decision support system called DMDSS - Data Mining Decision Support System. We also present some obtained results and plans for future development.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Goran Klepac
      Abstract: REFII1 model is an authorial mathematical model for time series data mining. The main purpose of that model is to automate time series analysis, through a unique transformation model of time series. An advantage of this approach of time series analysis is the linkage of different methods for time series analysis, linking traditional data mining tools in time series, and constructing new algorithms for analyzing time series. It is worth mentioning that REFII model is not a closed system, which means that we have a finite set of methods. At first, this is a model for transformation of values of time series, which prepares data used by different sets of methods based on the same model of transformation in a domain of problem space. REFII model gives a new approach in time series analysis based on a unique model of transformation, which is a base for all kind of time series analysis. The advantage of REFII model is its possible application in many different areas such as finance, medicine, voice recognition, face recognition and text mining.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Renata Mekovec, Goran Bubaš, Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Measurement and improvement of e-service quality is important for sustaining competitive advantage of an e-commerce web site. A number of e-service quality measures have recently been developed that predominantly rely on the subjective evaluation of diverse quality attributes. To increase the objectivity of e-service quality measurement a recently developed measure of e-service quality has been adapted in a way that replaces its Likert type scales for evaluation of specific attributes with check-lists that include specific observable elements for appraisal and a scoring procedure. The consistency of scoring with this adaptation of an e-service quality measure was investigated in comparison to the use of the standard measure with Likert type scales and by the use of untrained and trained evaluators. The results of the empirical evaluation indicate a greater inter-rater consistency when the adapted/objective measure is used for evaluation of the efficiency dimension of e-service quality.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Kornelije Rabuzin, Mirko Maleković, Miroslav Bača
      Abstract: In the past decade agent systems were considered to be as one of the major fields of study in Artificial Intelligence (AI) field. Many different definitions of agents were presented and several different approaches describing agency can be distinguished. While some authors have tried to define “what” an agent really is, others have tried to identify agents by means of properties which they should possess. Most authors agree on these properties (at least basic set of properties) which are intrinsic to agents. Since agent's definitions are not consistent, we are going to give an overview and list the properties intrinsic to an agent. Many different adjectives were attached to the term agent as well and many different kinds of agents and different architectures emerged too. The aim of this paper it go give an overview of what was going on in the field while taking into consideration main streams and projects. We will also present some guidelines important when modelling agent systems and say something about security issues. Also, some existing problems which restrict the wider usage of agents will be mentioned too.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Nina Begičević, Blaženka Divjak, Tihomir Hunjak
      Abstract: Strategic planning of e-learning implementation includes decision making about the most suitable form of implementing e-learning on different levels. Decision making about e-learning implementation has been covered as consisting of four phases: (1) intelligence, (2) design, (3) choice and (4) implementation. During the Intelligence phase we have precisely identified our central decision problem and have conducted situation analysis. In the Design phase we have developed alternatives and established criteria and subcriteria. Then, we have created the questionnaire about the importance of the advantages and goals of e-learning implementation and about criteria and subcriteria essential for decision making. The survey has been conducted on the sample of 90 elearning experts in Croatia. Further, we connected these findings with the results of the factor analysis which was performed on the complete survey. The results of the factor analysis have served as input in the multicriteria decision model (AHP) that we have developed in the Choice phase. The AHP model will be presented in the article and qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the model will be indicated.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Živko Kondić, Vesna Dušak
      Abstract: The article discusses Six Sigma Methodology as business philosophy assuring excellent product or service quality and continuous process improving to realise highest customer satisfaction level. There are analysed methodology advantages allowing defects and costs reduction and customer satisfaction improvement. Also, authors discuss methodology successful implementation according to gathering data on business processes regulation indicators values variation, and issued products or services performances. The results of implementation process of the Six Sigma Methodology in business system depend on prompt and correct data needed for statistical analysis, and its accessibility via organisation’ information system. Correlation between implementation of Six Sigma Methodology and information system development is so strong that non-conformances could cause the Six Sigma Methodology implementation fall.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • Cover pages

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Here you can download journal cover pages.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Jan Paralič, Marek Paralič
      Abstract: In this paper we describe some approaches to text mining, which are supported by an original software system developed in Java for support of information retrieval and text mining (JBowl), as well as its possible use in a distributed environment. The system JBowl1 is being developed as an open source software with the intention to provide an easily extensible, modular framework for pre-processing, indexing and further exploration of large text collections. The overall architecture of the system is described, followed by some typical use case scenarios, which have been used in some previous projects. Then, basic principles and technologies used for service-oriented computing, web services and semantic web services are presented. We further discuss how the JBowl system can be adopted into a distributed environment via technologies available already and what benefits can bring such an adaptation. This is in particular important in the context of a new integrated EU-funded project KP-Lab2 (Knowledge Practices Laboratory) that is briefly presented as well as the role of the proposed text mining services, which are currently being designed and developed there.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Vjeran Strahonja, Kristijan Saletović
      Abstract: Proactive approach to communication network maintenance has the capability of enhancing the integrity and reliability of communication networks, as well as of reducing maintenance costs and overall number of incidents. This paper presents approaches to problem and incident prevention with the help of root-cause analysis, aligning that with the goal to foresee software performance. Implementation of proactive approach requires recognition of enterprise's current level of maintenance better insights into available approaches and tools, as well as their comparison, interoperability, integration and further development. The approach we are proposing and elaborating in this paper lies on the construction of a metamodel of the problem management of information technology, particularly the proactive problem management. The metamodel is derived from the original ITIL specification and presented in an object-oriented fashion by using structure (class) diagrams conform to UML notation. Based on current research, appropriate metrics based on the concept of Key Performance Indicators is suggested.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Nadica Hrgarek
      Abstract: Software companies have to face serious problems about how to measure the progress of test activities and quality of software products in order to estimate test completion criteria, and if the shipment milestone will be reached on time. Measurement is a key activity in testing life cycle and requires established, managed and well documented test process, defined software quality attributes, quantitative measures, and using of test management and bug tracking tools. Test metrics are a subset of software metrics (product metrics, process metrics) and enable the measurement and quality improvement of test process and/or software product. The goal of this paper is to briefly present Fabasoft best practices and lessons learned during functional and system testing of big complex software products, and to describe a simple test metrics model applied to the software test process with the purpose to better control software projects, measure and increase software quality.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Simona Sternad, Samo Bobek
      Abstract: A lot of ERP implementations are failure, because organizations which bought ERP systems thought that this was all what they should do. But failure cases of ERP implementation showed, that organizations have to do extensive work on implementation. Because of that, organizations have to create conditions, in which they can implement chosen solution in expected time, scope and evaluated costs. That means that organizations should be aware of what most critical factors for success (CSF) in ERP implementations are. The high failure rate of ERP implementations call for better understanding of critical success factors (CSFs). In the paper we will research the CSFs in ERP implementation by studying published prior research on the field of ERP implementation. We will build a model of CSFs for ERP implementation, discuss in depth some most important factors and present preliminary results of importance CSFs of ERP implementation in Slovenian organizations.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Vesna Bosilj-Vukšić
      Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is increasingly recognised as a strategic practice of knowledge-intensive companies, becoming an integral part of an organisation's strategy to improve business performance. This paper provides an overview of business process modelling applications and analyses the relationship between business process modelling and knowledge management projects. It presents the case study of Croatian leading banks and the insurance company, discussing its practical experience in conducting business process modelling projects and investigating the opportunity for integrating business process repository and organisational knowledge as the foundation for knowledge management system development.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Mirjana Pejić-Bach, Vlatko Čerić
      Abstract: System dynamics is a powerful tool that enhances learning about company, market and competitors; portrays the cognitive limitations on the information gathering and processing power of human mind; facilitates the practice of considering opinions; and supports building of ";What if"; scenarios. Although the literature on system dynamics modeling is very rich with applications in many fields, not many papers on developing system dynamics models were published so far. In this paper we portray current approaches to the development of system dynamics models. These are (1) model development based on influence diagram, (2) model development based on the identification of resources and their states, (3) usage of generic structures for specific domain field, and (4) component strategy for the formulation of system dynamics models. Validation is an important issue that none of these approaches tackles. We propose a ";step-by-step"; approach that integrates validation with developing process of system dynamics models. This approach will be demonstrated on the example of development of a simple inventory model.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • From the Editor

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Dear authors, readers and future authors,It is my pleasure to present you the 1st number of the 34th volume of the Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences – JIOS.
      In this issue a selection of 11 original scientific papers and 2 preliminary communications has been included, all of which have undergone a rigourous double-blind review process. Some of the papers published here were already presented at the CECIIS 2009 Conference held in Varaždin between 23rd and 25th September 2009. These papers were nominated for publishing in JIOS by the chairs of the conference tracks they were presented at on the account of their research quality.As in prior issues of the Journal, this one also comprises papers that cover themes from various ICT fields: semantic web, social networks analysis, LMS interoperability, effective learning environment, game theory, model driven architecture, and other topics in the field of applied information sciences. We hope that the variety of themes will draw the attention of researchers in different ICT fields and motivate potential authors to expand the Journal’s thematic scope by other themes that may be of interest to the wider ICT research community.
      I would like to use this opportunity to encourage prospective authors among you, dear readers, to submit papers at You are also invited to share with us your comments or critical remarks regarding the papers previously published in the Journal. Further, we would appreciate your willingness to become a peer-reviewer for submitted papers and thus contribute significantly to the rising quality of JIOS.So far JIOS has been indexed in seven well known databases. We are continuously investing a lot of effort to extend the list of databases where JIOS would be cited, in order to make the published papers available to a larger readers’ audience, and give your research a greater impact factor.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
           CASE STUDY

    • Authors: Miladin Stefanović, Milan Matijević, Goran Devedžić
      Abstract: This paper evaluates the level of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Serbian metal processing sector. This research uses data from the entire metal processing sector in Serbia (Sample: 20 large companies, 27 medium companies, and 247 small companies, overall with 33,057 workers). Data from the Serbian metal processing sector were compared to the relevant data from EU. In this paper, we present problems and steps for improvement of ICT in the Serbian metal processing industry. We will also present development of quality infrastructure necessary for support and improvement of Serbian ICT industry and improvement of ITC sectors in Serbian metal processing industry.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Željko Hutinski, Miran Zlatović, Igor Balaban
      Abstract: In the process of development of the security system of the information system, the risk assessment is the foundation for selection of the security measures. The reduction of the level of risk and the amount of costs depend upon the adequate selection of the security measures. The quality of the risk assessment depends upon the adequate assessment of the form and the intensity of the threats. If the forms of threats are not monitored in the business system, it should make its own threat assessment, or use experience of others. The best, but also the most time-consuming solution is to develop own security system, while the fastest way is to use experience of others. However, there is the problem of migration of some other solution to our own system. Depending upon the question whether we are adopting the experiences of domestic or foreign business systems, the question of the applicability to the system from the different business environment becomes relevant. This happens because of the significant differences in the form and intensity of threats in certain local environments or different branches of industry.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Marko Maliković
      Abstract: In this article the possibilities of reasoning about the card version of the game Clue by using OTTER - system for automatic theorem proving have been presented. The game Clue, as game based on knowledge have been modelled by PVETO logic - propositional multi-modal epistemic logic with temporal parameter adapted for reasoning with OTTER. PVETO logic is an extension of S5m logic and it’s most important characteristics are the introduction of special derivation predicates for every participant in the card game and introduction of temporal parameter. Temporal parameter refers to the moment of time in which we follow the truthfulness of the epistemic formulae.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Maja Strgar Kurečić, Darko Agić, Lidija Mandić
      Abstract: Digital cameras on the market today have a great potential to become the powerful tool for capturing images for use in all demanding fields (such as artwork digitalization), so many professionals started using digital technology. But, it is often the case, that it is necessary to spend a lot of time for visual editing and making color corrections in various software applications. In this research, some ICC color management techniques were used and tested to investigate the quicker ways to achieve digital images with improved color reproduction accuracy, without visual editing. A testing procedure for characterizing digital camera is described. This procedure is target-based, thus providing objective measurement of quality. The special color reference target for digital camera characterization was developed, applied and tested. The results show that using proposed methodology, the workflow efficiency and color accuracy can be improved.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Vojko Potočan
      Abstract: The existence and development of organizations depends on achievement of requisite holistic efficiency and effectiveness of their operations and bahaviour. But in theory (of organization and management) and business practice do not exist common understanding of efficiency and effectiveness, their relations and sinergies. When we try to investigate their definitions and relations we must take into account problems of many conflicts, which reflect their “different non-optimalty (unsuitability, inapproapriateness)”. This contribution discusses three theses: 1) how to more (requisitely) holistically understand relations between efficiency and effectiveness in the frame of business (its working and functioning), 2) how to understand their relations from the viewpoint of conflicts, and 3) one can create solution to remove a problem of different conflicts between efficiency and effectiveness in business.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Miroslav Car
      Abstract: In the industrially advanced countries, that are different from our ex and present countries, to learning phenomena has been dedicated a significant attention for the last 60 years. One of more basic reasons is multiple purposes of results. Until now, there have been applied various approaches, methods and procedures for empirical data approximation, and in this articles some possibilities of artificial neural network application are researched.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2

    • Authors: Mario Sajko, Kornelije Rabuzin, Miroslav Bača
      Abstract: The actual problem of information security (infosec) risk assessment is determining the value of information property or asset. This is particularly manifested through the use of quantitative methodology in which it is necessary to state the information value in quantitative sizes. The aim of this paper is to describe the evaluation possibilities of business information values, and the criteria needed for determining importance of information. For this purpose, the dimensions of information values will be determined and the ways used to present the importance of information contents will be studied. There are two basic approaches that can be used in evaluation: qualitative and quantitative. Often they are combined to determine forms of information content. The proposed criterion is the three-dimension model, which combines the existing experiences (i.e. possible solutions for information value assessment) with our own criteria. An attempt for structuring information value in a business environment will be made as well.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
  • Cover pages

    • Authors: Neven Vrček
      Abstract: Here you can download journal cover pages.
      Issue No: Vol. 44, No. 2
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Journal of Modern Periodical Studies     Full-text available via subscription  
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