Authors:Sílvia Espinosa-Mirabet; Mónica Puntí Brun Abstract: El objetivo principal de esta investigación es determinar la eficacia comunicativa de Donald Trump, estudiando las emociones que usa en sus comparecencias. Para ello, se analizan las palabras (y su relación emocional) de 185 citas directas del expresidente americano publicadas por The Wall Street Journal. El análisis se focaliza en tres momentos álgidos de su trayectoria política (2016-2021): cuando gana las elecciones en 2016, cuando las pierde en 2020 y el asalto al Capitolio en 2021. Aplicando la metodología GALC (Scherer, 2005), es posible establecer una relación entre sus palabras y las emociones expresadas en sus alocuciones. Estos resultados se han cruzado con los parámetros que definen a un comunicador eficaz, atendiendo de nuevo al peso de las emociones. Así, Trump es un comunicador fuerte que usa en sus comparecencias públicas muchas más emociones positivas que negativas y una mayoría de términos, asociados a sentimientos cariñosos (feeling love). PubDate: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +000
Authors:Azamjon Oltmishevich Dadakhonov Abstract: Este artículo explora el papel, la sostenibilidad y las formas de ayuda exterior en el campo de la alfabetización mediática e informacional (AMI) en los países de Asia Central. AMI desempeña un papel crucial en el desarrollo de habilidades digitales y alfabetización mediática en una era dominada por la sobrecarga de información y la desinformación. Sin embargo, los países de Asia Central enfrentan desafíos únicos en el desarrollo e implementación de programas AMI, incluidos recursos limitados, presiones políticas y contextos culturales diversos. La ayuda exterior se ha convertido en una importante fuente de apoyo a las iniciativas MIL en la región. Este artículo analiza el papel de la ayuda exterior en la promoción de MIL, examina diferentes formas de ayuda y evalúa la sostenibilidad de estos programas. Al investigar la sostenibilidad de estas iniciativas, el estudio profundiza en el impacto de la asistencia extranjera en la configuración de marcos AMI sólidos dentro de los contextos socioculturales únicos de los tres países de Asia Central: Kazajstán, Kirguistán y Uzbekistán. Al analizar programas de ayuda específicos, implicaciones políticas y respuestas locales, el artículo pretende aportar ideas valiosas al discurso actual sobre la mejora de la alfabetización mediática en sociedades en transición. También considera el impacto potencial y los desafíos asociados con la ayuda exterior en los países de Asia Central, destacando la importancia de enfoques específicos del contexto para el desarrollo de AMI. PubDate: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +000
Authors:Ayşegül Akaydın Aydın; Nur Emine Koç Abstract: This study focuses on original Turkish TV series from 2023 on Blu TV, the most watched digital platform in Turkey. Blu TV, Turkey's first digital platform, ranked first as the most-watched platform in 2023 with a 38% viewership rate. It was followed by Netflix with 27% and Prime Video with 19%. In the study, the female characters of two serials that started to be broadcast on Blu TV in 2023 are analyzed. These serials are 'Magarsus' and 'How Do I Fill This Emptiness''. Female characters in Turkish TV series broadcast on digital platforms are structurally different from the characters that appear in traditional television serials. Digital female serial characters are at the forefront with their different professions, sexuality, and power. Whether they are ballerinas, writers, cleaners, or the head of a traditional family, these characters are framed as free and independent. The study is based on the argument that the serial content of digital platforms is more independent and the fiction of characters is more conflict-based. The female characters in these serials are analyzed through Erving Goffman's theory of self-presentation, under the headings of performance, teams, regional behaviors, role strain, out-of-character, and the art of impression management. It is determined that the female characters analyzed emerge in the free environment of digital, their character development and conflicts about their identities due to their families and societies can easily be felt by the audience in the frontstage and backstage themes. PubDate: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +000
Authors:Cansu Arısoy Gedik; Ahmet İlkay Ceyhan Abstract: Abstract Despite women’s early contributions to computer science, the field became seen as male-dominated, especially after 1980s marketing of computers mainly to men, reducing female participation. Yet, figures like Ada Lovelace and the female ENIAC programmers, with backgrounds in math and physics, significantly influenced the digital world. This article explores the ongoing gap in digital skills and literacy between genders, focusing on how biases in technology affect women. It highlights the achievements of notable women in tech, from Angela Robles, who created the first e-book reader in 1949, to Hedy Lamarr’s work on GPS and Wi-Fi, and Margaret Hamilton’s role in the Apollo 11 mission. The article shows the importance of including women in technology, supporting the idea that their participation is key to fair and dynamic digital societies, as suggested by Manuel Castells’ network society. The article reviews the McKinsey report on job changes due to automation, showing a likely rise in technology-related jobs, and discusses the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) forecast of increased tech spending from 2015 to 2030, noting many new jobs in IT services. This study highlights the shift in future job skills towards creativity, critical thinking, and negotiation, along with technical skills, and notes the WEF’s prediction of 6.1 million new jobs in areas like data science, AI, and cloud computing. In conclusion, the article advocates for concerted efforts to bridge the gender gap in digital skills, mitigate biases in algorithms, and support inclusivity in the digital era. It underscores the imperative of empowering women in technology to harness their talents and perspectives for driving innovation and equitable socio-economic development. Key Words: Algorithmic Bias, Gender Gap, Network Society, Digital Skills, Digital Divide PubDate: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +000
Authors:Diego Corpus; Miguel Sánchez Maldonado Abstract: A través de etnografía una digital y un análisis multimodal del discurso se identificaron en grupos latinoamericanos de Facebook las formas en las que se expresan discursos transfóbicos en las modalidades verbales y no verbales de posts y memes en redes sociodigitales, que sirvan para dar cuenta de las tramas comunes presentes en el lenguaje peyorativo. Los datos mostraron la presencia de discursos transfóbicos en comentarios y memes los cuales se organizaron como estereotipos y prejuicios a partir de las posturas de los interlocutores. Los datos permitieron formular cinco registros que sirven para analizar la transfobia expresada en redes sociodigitales, los cuales organizaron el discurso como deshumanizante, biologicista, psicologista, cientificista y paternalista. Se concluyó que en comunidades virtuales existe un rechazo hacia las personas trans que se expresa por medio del uso de lenguaje peyorativo en sus modalidades verbal y no verbal, mismo que configura discursos de odio en diferentes niveles. PubDate: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +000
Authors:Carmen Neamțu Abstract: In this study we will dwell on notions as advertising language, logo and brand. I will try to present them theoretically, under the broader umbrella of advertising speech. The identity element with the greatest penetrating power in the consumer's mind is the logo, the combination of the brand name and a graphic symbol. This graphic symbol can become a powerful element of identity. Related to the logo, we will also see the latest logo proposed for Romania, in June 2023, by the well-known BBC journalist, Charlie Ottley. The examples will illustrate the theoretical elements presented. My paper uses in a generic way the concept logotype to refer to the combination of brand name and graphic symbol. However logotype refers expressly to the construction of word formations with typography. Isotype refers to the symbolic or iconic part of the brand. Imagotipo is the iconic-textual set that can work separately, and Isologo is the composition where the text and the icon are merged into a single inseparable element, since they could not work properly separately. Based on the analysis of John R.Stuteville and Marc D.. Roberts, I will try to integrate the notion of brand into the overall vision of advertising discourse. I used a qualitative research to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences regarding the logo and brand. We will try to define the brand, to capture its pros and cons in the discourse on the existence of the brand. And to identify some of the elements that lead to the success of a brand and to position the logo within the brand identity. The logo is an important part of advertising speech and we will provide some examples of logos created on the occasion of the celebration of 100 years since the creation of the Romanian state. The event, called "the Centenary of the Great Union", was the commemoration of 100 years after which all the historical provinces inhabited by Romanians united in 1918 within the same national state, Romania. PubDate: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +000
Authors:Cristina Olivas Ripoll Abstract: Es la reseña del libro The platform society. Public values in a connective world PubDate: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +000