Authors:Qin-jun Chu; Chen-hong Zhang, Jing-wen Zhao, Ya-zheng Li Abstract: Over the past decade, the domain of journalism and communication has witnessed an exponential trajectory in the application research of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, encompassing a myriad of facets within the field and achieving notable advancements. The present study employs a bibliometric methodology to systematically review and synthesize the pertinent scholarly findings. Utilizing the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) as the primary data repository, and leveraging the analytical capabilities of the CiteSpace bibliometric tool, this paper conducts a comprehensive visualization analysis of the foundational landscape, focal research areas, emergent trends, and key thematic constructs within the national AI research corpus pertaining to journalism and communication for the past ten years. The objective of this analysis is to furnish a valuable reference for scholars and practitioners engaged in the field of AI within the realm of journalism and communication. Key words: Artificial intelligence technology; CiteSpace; Knowledge grah; Co-occurrence cluster analysis DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-09 Data of Publication: July 30th 2024
Authors:Nabilah Lailatul Anhar; Altobelli Lobodally Abstract: Women, often burdened by their role and discriminated in our society. However, in “Bejeweled”, a music video made by Taylor Swift, women are portrayed as a character where they are able to easily gain power. This research aims to reveal the hyperreality of women in “Bejeweled” music video. The researcher uses the Hyperreality Theory by Baudrillard and the Semiotic Analysis technique by Roland Barthes through denotation, connotation, and myth. The Researcher also use descriptive analysis with detailed description of women hyperreality in the music video. Researchers found that women can carry out resistance, conquer the opposite sex, and express themselves through their femininity but still carry out their nature. Even though the video clip shows that women tend to be competitive, materialistic, and exhibitionist, women are still not supported nor liberated. This shift and consolidation make the struggles that the creators convey in the music video for “Bejeweled” a mere falsity. Keywords: hyperreality, music video, simulacra, semiotics, women DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-08 Data of Publication: June 30th 2024
Authors:John Oyaro Abstract: The ability of news media to criticize, show the excesses of the Executive arm of the government is central to media freedom and a sign of strong democratization. The existing bickering between the state officers and the media while the law provides the framework of how the state officers and the media operate is an indicator of a professional laps that denies the public credible service that they must get from the state officers and the media. In this article I analyze media freedom in Kenya using Maatic approach of communication. Maatic theory of communication provides principles of telling accurate, balanced and truthful story. In the preview of Kenyan Constitution and media freedom, the article discusses the available law guiding the role of service providers; and the ethics that state officers and media professionals must embrace. It further analyses the atrocities of the state officers to the journalists in Kenya; the excesses of the media when they cover the activities conducted by either state officers or members of the opposition. This paper analyzes the role of media in a democracy and also offers a comparison of media work in the selected authoritarian governments in Africa. Hence, using Maatic lens and available empirical findings, this article observes that there is no media freedom in Kenya. The way Kenyan state officers treat media is like what it is in authoritarian governments. This notwithstanding, it is observed that the journalists also lack professional mastery of the art. The article concludes with way forward/recommendations. Key words: Maat concepts, political space, media freedom, media role, state officers DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-07 Data of Publication: May 30th 2024
Authors:John Demuyakor; Bernard Okraku Yaw Ohene, Eric Atta Quainoo, Stevens Justice Avenyo, Nelson Saviour Kwashie Abstract: Digital media literacy is described by many scholars as the foundation block for the achievement of inclusive e-government services. However, there are general concerns among scholars on the actual factors that drive citizen’s acceptance and use of e-governance services. With UNESCO’s media and information literacy competency framework as a basis, the objective of this study is to assess how digital media literacy influences the acceptance and use of e-governance services among the citizens in Ghana. The study employed an online survey questionnaire hosted by QuestionPro and exploratory-based designs with a mixed approach(multiphase) to investigate how media literacy levels revolutionized the use of e-governance services. The study sampled (n=690) Ghanaian citizens in the Greater Accra and Bono Regions. Before designing the online survey instrument, informed consent was sought from the participants of the studies. The survey questionnaire comprised 56 Likert scale questions and 4 open-ended questions. The major findings of this study are: that media literacy is vital and a traction for citizens’ acceptance and use of e-governance services. Digital media literacy has also improved, citizen's ease of use of e-governance services, especially during non-working days of the week. The study therefore concludes that rigorous evaluation, validation, and the development of best-practice standards for digital services are greatly needed to ensure a fundamental level of quality and safety when these tools are used by the citizens. Keywords: internet; technology; media; digital; electronic; governance; services; Ghana DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-06 Data of Publication: May 30th 2024
Authors:Muthukumaran Kanasan Abstract: This study delves into the perceptions of young adults regarding online shopping behavior, aiming to uncover key factors influencing their decisions and behaviors in the digital retail landscape. Through a quantitative approach utilizing surveys and statistical analysis, the research explores the nuances of young adults' attitudes and experiences in online shopping. One of the primary findings highlights the significant impact of trends in online shopping and factors influencing online shopping behavior on young adults' perceptions. The study reveals a strong positive correlation between these variables, indicating that evolving trends (r =.816, p < 0.05) and influential factors (r =.921, p < 0.05) play a crucial role in shaping how young adults perceive and engage in online shopping activities. Several limitations were acknowledged, as the study's focus on the Penang area limits the generalization of findings to other regions within Malaysia. To address these limitations and further validate the results, future research recommendations include expanding the sample size to encompass a more diverse range of internet users across Malaysia, utilizing qualitative research methods like interviews to gain deeper insights, and incorporating established models such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to better understand the behavioral influences in online shopping. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of knowledge on young adults' perceptions of online shopping behavior, emphasizing the need for ongoing research and comprehensive approaches to capture the dynamic nature of digital consumer experiences. Keywords: Perception, young adults, online shopping behavior, quantitative method DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-05 Data of Publication: April 30th 2024
Authors:Evelyn N. Situma; Mwangi M. Kamau Abstract: On March 11, 2020, WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic. By April 2020, Covid-19 had spread worldwide interrupting lives almost entirely, straining healthcare systems, and causing many human deaths. To control the spread of Covid-19 the mainstream mass media played a historic role of information sharing and sensitization. This research is a comparative content analysis of the coverage of Covid-19 by Daily Nation and the Standard newspapers in Kenya. The main objectives of the study were to examine how both newspapers covered the Covid-9 outbreak and to examine the kind of frames the two newspapers used to set their agenda. Both Framing and Agenda-setting theories were used. Via content analysis method, 180 newspapers editions published between March 13 ,2020 and June 10, 2020 were analyzed. The study found that the coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic in both newspapers was loaded with neutral frames (42.8%) mainly around adherence to public health measures as directed by the government. Another finding was that 1 in 10 stories about Covid-19 in Daily Nation and the Standard newspapers were published on pages 1,2 and 3 meaning that the Covid-19 pandemic was a major theme for mass media agenda. The study concludes that the two newspapers played a significant role in controlling the spread of Covid-19 through agenda-setting and framing of stories. It is recommended that the use of positive frames should be encouraged in the practice of communication by the mass media. Key words: Comparative media study, Covid-19, Agenda setting, Media framing DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-03 Publication date: March 31st 2024
Authors:Zhao Feifei; Li Xuan, Zhu Jingyun, Wu Erya Abstract: With the increasing penetration of daily use of social media, people's emotional level of social media has become more affluent, and academics have introduced psychological attachment theory into social media use to explain the complex relationship with social media.In this study, college students who are in emerging adulthood and are "highly active users" of social media were selected as the subjects. Through questionnaire surveys and empirical analyses, we explored the working model of social media attachment and its impact on college students' subjective well-being. The results show that a certain degree of social media attachment positively impacts college students' subjective well-being. Our interpretation is that social media attachment provides a stable attachment object for college students, who are in flux and infinite possibilities, that can be relied on stably (While being an attachment object in its own right, it is a collection of multiple attachment relationships such as parents and partners.), that can give a sense of meaning (gained through self-presentation and self-esteem), and that can provide help (access to information, experiential support). Secure and stable social media attachment can improve college students' subjective well-being, allowing them to explore the world better and create more possibilities for the future. Keywords: Social Media Attachment; Subjective Well-being; Emerging Adulthood DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-04 Publication date: March 31st 2024
Authors:Yitian Wang Abstract: In the investigation of the internship situation of public security graduates, it is found that there is a big gap between the ability of public security theory and practice and the demand of employers. Therefore, professional courses should further enhance the scientific nature in supporting professional personnel training. As the core course of public security major, Police Regulations have found some pain points and difficulties in curriculum design and teaching implementation in the process of teaching results investigation and discipline reflection. Based on this, this course carries out a more scientific and targeted learning goal setting under the guidance of OBE concept to support the training of professional talents. On the basis of the constructivism teaching concept, the teaching reform of this course is explored, so that the spark of teaching activities and students' thinking can collide in the classroom, and under the guidance of teachers, it gradually constructs its own ideas and veins, roots theoretical knowledge in the fertile soil of public security practice, and truly achieves the goal of training applied police talents. Keywords: OBE concept; Teaching reform; Joint police examination DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-01
Authors:Sreemoyee Mazumder; Md Shahriar Bulbul Tonmoy, Fahim Shahriar Abstract: The media is supposed to be a light bearer of truth and justice as people tend to trust the circulations of media. However, using this as an advantage, the media often brings delicate judicial issues on a trial which results in the suffering of the victim. The key objective of this research was to explore the impacts of the trials of media on the justice system and society of Bangladesh. Primary data were collected using qualitative tools like In-Depth Interviews to understand the rigor of the research problem. At the same time, secondary data such as several case studies were collected to depict the history of media trials in Bangladesh. The research found the capability of media trials to impact the judicial system and society of Bangladesh adversely through indirect influence on the juror, evasion of privacy of the personnel associated with the cases, and misuse of social media. The research opted for effective policies to be formed by the government to regulate media influence on judicial cases so that media trials cannot impact the system. Keywords: Media trial, Press, Judiciary, Justice System, Impact, Society. DOI : 10.7176/NMMC/106-02