Subjects -> COMPUTER SCIENCE (Total: 2313 journals)
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    - AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (116 journals)
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  • An In-Service Teacher Training Model as a Basis for an Effective
           Integration of ICT in Education in Morocco

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      Authors: Lmortaji Hajar
      Abstract: This article presents a descriptive study of the in-service Teacher training program that aims at integrating ICT in the Moroccan education system, which is one of the missions of the GENIE program - Generalization of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, led by the Moroccan Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports. The main objective of this work is to assess the in-service teachers training and highlight its contribution in the process of integrating ICT in the Moroccan education system, as well as the limitations and challenges of its implementation in the absence of any reliable and outstanding benchmarks. The study is conducted within a mixed approach for the data collection based on a survey, a focus group and a documents analysis.
      PubDate: 2024-07-10
      DOI: 10.4301/S1807-1775202421003
      Issue No: Vol. 21 (2024)
  • Evaluation of E-Commerce Systems: Comparative Study Before and During the
           COVID-19 Pandemic

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      Authors: Demétrio Mendonça Júnior, Mathäus Freitag Dallagnol, Vanessa Quadros Martins, Viviane Costa Freitag
      Abstract: The use of e-commerce stimulated by social isolation due to COVID-19, requires accompanying measures, among them, the evaluation of the success of the Information System (IS). Researchers has been dedicated for over 30 years to evolving and adapting IS evaluation models. This investigation empirically tests the theoretical model of DeLone & McLean (2004) in two distinct periods, before and during the pandemic. A survey was conducted with 329 B2C e-commerce consumers. Using structural equation modeling to analyze the data. Results showed that, before the pandemic, e-commerce users did not perceive value in the quality of the system's information and, during the pandemic, the perception changed. Furthermore, they also started to recognize more value in the quality of the system. This was result of the increased e-commerce use during the period of social detachment.
      PubDate: 2023-07-01
      Issue No: Vol. 21 (2023)
  • Panorama da Arquitetura Corporativa na Administração
           Pública do Brasil

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      Authors: Luisa Vilela-Cury, Karoll Haussler Carneiro Ramos, Joysse Vasconcelos França, Lana Montezano
      Abstract: Arquitetura corporativa (AC) é uma ferramenta mundialmente adotada por governos de alto desempenho em governança pública que viabiliza uma gestão da informação integrada. Este artigo investiga o desenvolvimento do Framework de Arquitetura Corporativa para Interoperabilidade no Apoio à Governança (FACIN) do Governo Federal do Brasil, analisando os fatores que justificam sua adoção e os benefícios esperados desta implantação. Foi realizada análise de conteúdo e triangulação acerca de documentos que subsidiaram a elaboração do FACIN e dos artefatos produzidos. Verificou-se que, apesar da AC oportunizar uma gestão mais racional e eficiente e promover governança, a introdução do modelo no Brasil ainda precisa superar barreiras gerenciais e políticas.
      PubDate: 2023-07-01
      DOI: 10.4301/S1807-1775202320001
      Issue No: Vol. 21 (2023)
  • Dimensões e Mensuração de Competências Adaptativas na Atuação
           Profissional em Equipes de Software no Brasil

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      Authors: José Jorge Lima Dias Júnior, Anielson Barbosa da Silva
      Abstract: Este artigo apresenta uma escala de mensuração para avaliação de competências adaptativas de profissionais que atuam em equipes de software. A escala foi concebida à luz da teoria da adaptabilidade para atender as características de dinamicidade, complexidade e imprevisibilidade do contexto. A construção seguiu um rigoroso processo balizado pela teoria da mensuração, contemplando etapas qualitativas e quantitativas, o que incluiu entrevistas com 14 profissionais, validação de face e conteúdo por 21 especialistas, amostragem de limpeza com 233 estudantes, e uma segunda amostragem com 454 profissionais para validação da escala. A partir de análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória, foi possível obter uma escala confiável e validada com 29 itens vinculados a sete dimensões: Resolução de problemas, Controle emocional, Autoaprendizagem, Busca por ajuda, Resiliência, Liderança para coordenação e Liderança para cooperação. A escala proposta pode contribuir para ampliar a compreensão sobre a atuação profissional em equipes de software.
      PubDate: 2023-07-01
      DOI: 10.4301/S1807-1775202320004
      Issue No: Vol. 21 (2023)
  • Agile Governance Manifesto contemporary reading: Unveiling an Appreciative

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      Authors: Alexandre J. H. de O. Luna, Edson Luiz Riccio, Hermano Perrelli de Moura, Marcelo L. M. Marinho
      Abstract: In 2016, fundamental principles and behavioral guidelines were introduced to support the implementation of agile governance. This paper explores the evolution of Agile Governance and how these principles can enhance its implementation. We critically review the Agile Governance Manifesto and compare it with perceptions and factual information by examining our research and practice for fifteen years. The study provides a grounded understanding of the topic and presents an agenda with 12 emerging research and practice topics in agile governance. A framework is also proposed to organize these topics into two central lines, guiding future research and practice.
      PubDate: 2023-06-23
      DOI: 10.4301/S1807-1775202320006
      Issue No: Vol. 21 (2023)
  • The novel thinking exploration model for Blockchain Technology Financial
           Sharing Services

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      Authors: Xusheng Chen, PC Lai
      Abstract: This paper will explore the novel thinking for blockchain technology financial sharing services in China. It will explain the formation of a shared service center and the key success factors. Then will discuss the financial decision-making for payment business process in financial sharing services, the financial sharing dangers, and solutions as well as the notions to solve the hidden danger of financial sharing, and try to carry out model design and performance evaluation. In this chapter, the blockchain thinking mode of the financial sharing service concept involves consensus thinking, the coexistence of distribution, and concentration with code as a priority. The blockchain method for financial sharing services is to identify participants on the blockchain and establish a consensus mechanism, use code to effectively control the business transactions, and zone storage mode to realize the effective connection between business transactions and financial sharing and financial sharing service based on alliance chain network. The benefits are useful for Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
      PubDate: 2023-06-13
      DOI: 10.4301/S1807-1775202320005
      Issue No: Vol. 21 (2023)
  • Visualização de dados de Vigilância das arboviroses urbanas
           transmitidas pelo Aedes aegypti

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      Authors: Cíntia Pereira Donateli, Fernando Celso de Campos
      Abstract: As arboviroses têm se tornado uma preocupação constante para a saúde pública. O gerenciamento desse um grande volume de dados gerados pelo sistema de saúde faz-se necessário para compreender melhor a dinâmica das arboviroses, apoiar políticas públicas no enfrentamento dessas doenças. Assim, a visualização de dados torna-se um recurso promissor que permite disseminar tais informações e aumentar assim a sua visibilidade e utilização. Desenvolvemos um dashboard para sistematização e visualização de dados de vigilância das arboviroses urbanas transmitidas pelo Aedes (Dengue; Zika e Chikungunya) de modo a favorecer sua ampla disponibilidade, acessibilidade e relevância para a tomada de decisão em saúde orientada por dados. O dashboard desenvolvido conta com quatro painéis gerenciais sendo cada uma das arboviroses estudadas, exibidas em separado, e o quarto painel geral representa as três arboviroses unificadas. O dashboard ficou funcional e capaz de ser aplicado na gestão, apresentando informação útil e valiosa, de maneira visual e descomplicada, aos tomadores de decisão na área da saúde pública orientada por dados.
      PubDate: 2023-05-20
      DOI: 10.4301/S1807-1775202320003
      Issue No: Vol. 21 (2023)
  • A Heatmap Approach for Master Data Management Programs

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      Abstract: Master data management programs are large by nature since the aim is to provide the entire enterprise with a shared trusted view of the organisation’s most critical data assets. In this paper, we present what dimensions and activi
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  Subjects -> COMPUTER SCIENCE (Total: 2313 journals)
    - ANIMATION AND SIMULATION (33 journals)
    - ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (133 journals)
    - AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS (116 journals)
    - COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE (11 journals)
    - COMPUTER ENGINEERING (12 journals)
    - COMPUTER GAMES (23 journals)
    - COMPUTER PROGRAMMING (25 journals)
    - COMPUTER SCIENCE (1305 journals)
    - COMPUTER SECURITY (59 journals)
    - DATA BASE MANAGEMENT (21 journals)
    - DATA MINING (50 journals)
    - E-BUSINESS (21 journals)
    - E-LEARNING (30 journals)
    - IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING (42 journals)
    - INFORMATION SYSTEMS (109 journals)
    - INTERNET (111 journals)
    - SOCIAL WEB (61 journals)
    - SOFTWARE (43 journals)
    - THEORY OF COMPUTING (10 journals)

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