Subjects -> HEALTH AND SAFETY (Total: 1464 journals)
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HEALTH AND SAFETY (686 journals)

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  • Tuberculosis Risk Mapping in Yogyakarta in 2020: An Ecological Study

    • Authors: Dina Nur Anggraini Ningrum, Asyifa Rahma Trisnaningsih
      Pages: 1 - 13
      Abstract: Abstract Environmental, demographics, geography, to health system-related aspects can influence the incidence of tuberculosis. The objectives of this study are to know the correlation between environmental, health services and population-related variables with tuberculosis incidence rate and map the tuberculosis risk distribution in 78 sub-districts in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. This study is a cross-sectional study with an ecological approach and using a mapping approach. Variables in this study include population density, altitude, tuberculosis treatment success rate, health facilities, health personnel, education, and population growth rate. Data in this study were analyzed using univariate and bivariate (Rank Spearman) tests, then depicted in a map. There are correlations between population density, education, population growth rate, altitude, and health facilities with tuberculosis incidence rate (r = 0.663, 0.654, -0.495, -0.274, and -0.267). Tuberculosis treatment success rate and health personnel show no correlation with tuberculosis incidence rate (r = -0.020; -0.002). Strengthening of TB programs and cross-sectoral measures are needed to control TB, especially in high-risk areas. Research on other ecological-related factors and further spatial analysis can also be carried out to provide input for TB control. Abstrak Aspek lingkungan, demografi, geografi, hingga aspek terkait sistem kesehatan dapat mempengaruhi kejadian tuberkulosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara variabel terkait lingkungan, pelayanan kesehatan, dan populasi dengan kejadian tuberkulosis serta memetakan distribusi risiko tuberkulosis di 78 kecamatan di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional dengan pendekatan ekologi dan pemetaan. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepadatan penduduk, ketinggian wilayah, keberhasilan pengobatan tuberkulosis, fasilitas kesehatan, tenaga kesehatan, pendidikan, dan laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan uji univariat dan bivariat (Rank Spearman), kemudian digambarkan dalam peta. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara kepadatan penduduk, pendidikan, laju pertumbuhan penduduk, ketinggian wilayah, dan fasilitas kesehatan dengan incidence rate (IR) tuberkulosis (TB) (r = 0.663, 0.654, -0.495 -0.274, and -0.267). Tidak ada korelasi antara angka keberhasilan pengobatan tuberkulosis dan tenaga kesehatan dengan IR TB (r = -0.020; -0.002). Penguatan pelaksanaan program TB serta upaya lintas sektor diperlukan untuk pengendalian TB terutama di wilayah dengan risiko yang tinggi. Penelitian mengenai faktor lain terkait ekologi dan analisis spasial lebih lanjut juga dapat dilakukan guna memberikan input untuk pengendalian TB.
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.65193
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Factors Affecting the Work Engagement of Healthcare Workers during the
           COVID-19 Pandemic

    • Authors: Erlian Indah Mustikawati, Ernawaty Ernawaty
      Pages: 14 - 25
      Abstract: The COVID-19 Pandemic is a challenge for the world and, foremost, the healthcare system. The high intensity of work, the high risk of exposure, and the mental burden due to COVID-19 can affect the work engagement of healthcare workers. Healthcare worker engagement tends to be low. This research aimed to identify the factors that affect the work engagement of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This research was a scoping review study conducted in December 2022. The keywords used were "work engagement," "healthcare worker," "healthcare," and "COVID-19" in the PubMed, Science Direct, and ProQuest databases. The criteria used were original articles written in English and published during 2020-2022. Outcome mapping based on PRISMA-ScR. A number of 19 articles were classified into job resources, personal resources, job demands, and demographic factors. Most of the articles were published in 2022 (52%), conducted in China (32%), had a cross-sectional research design (79%), and stated that healthcare workers are tied to work during the COVID-19 Pandemic (37%). The most common factors affecting workforce engagement found in the selected articles were job resources and job demands (47%). Healthcare workers' engagement level during the COVID-19 Pandemic was classified as moderate and high. The research found four factors affecting healthcare workers' work engagement during the COVID-19 Pandemic: job resources, personal resources, job demands, and demographic factors. Future research is expected to examine how to keep healthcare workers engaged in extreme situations such as the COVID-19 Pandemic.
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.67079
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Correlation Between Family Function with Stunting

    • Authors: Firdaus Wahyudi
      Pages: 26 - 35
      Abstract: Introduction: Stunting is a nutritional problem with a high prevalence in Indonesia. Stunting prevention and control efforts can be carried out with a family approach. The family, as the first and foremost environment for children, plays an important role in their growth and developmentAim: to analyze the correlation between family functions and stunting in toddlers. Method: An analytical observational study with a cross sectional design was conducted in July 2019 in the working area of the Kebondalem Health Center, Pemalang Regency with samples of children aged 6-24 months by cluster and consecutive sampling techniques. The variables were age, body length/height, immunization status, history of breastfeeding and complementary feeding. Also considered were history of infectious diseases, parental education level, family income, APGAR score (Internal Family Function), SCREEM score (External Family Function) and hygiene. Statistical analysis used a logistic regression test. Result: The number of samples were 142. The fixed model results were internal family function (APGAR) OR = 3.139 (p = 0.017; 95%CI 1.226-8,037), history of infectious disease OR = 2.875 (p = 0.008; 95%CI 1.325-6.236), mother's work status OR=0,353 (p=0,017; 95%CI 0,101 -1,232). Conclusion: There was a correlation between family function, history of disease and mother’s work status with stunting in toddlers.
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.54953
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Distribution Of Covid-19 Based on Location Quotient (LQ) in Batang
           Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

    • Authors: Heni Isniyati, Eram Tunggul Pawenang, Mustafa Daru Affandi, Yanesti Nuravianda Lestari
      Pages: 36 - 43
      Abstract: The distribution of Covid-19 cases in the Batang regency increased to 9,924 confirmed cases from its first identification on April 4, 2020, until December 2021. The potential distribution of Covid-19 instances in 2020 and 2021 is in low land near the regency's main road access. This study aims to analyze the potential distribution of Covid-19 in an area based on environmental characteristics by a spatial approach based on location quotient (LQ)  in the Batang regency for 2 consecutive years. The type of research is descriptive with a spatial explanatory design with a sample were 248 villages in the Batang regency. The results showed that 248 villages were confirmed to have Covid-19 with a very high potential distribution (LQ> 1.2) were 53 (21.4%) villages, the high potential distribution (1.05<LQ< 1.2) were 20 (8,1%) villages, the average potential distribution (0.95<LQ< 1.05) were 12 (4,8%) villages, the low potential distribution (0.80<LQ< 0.95) were 25 (10,1%) villages, and shallow potential distribution (0<LQ< 0.8) were 138 (55,6%) villages. Moran’s index showed that the pattern of Covid-19 has a significant spatial correlation with p-value < 0.01 and Z-score > 2.58 in both 2020 and 2021 with the distribution pattern forming a cluster.
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.62741
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Telehealth Effectiveness in Pregnancy Service: Integrative Review

    • Authors: Lantiar winda oktari pondawati
      Pages: 44 - 56
      Abstract: Background: Physical distancing makes all health services, especially maternal and child health hampered. This forces health service providers to use remote technology or known as telehealth, telemedicine, and telemonitoring to monitor pregnant women. Telehealth is considered an effective method to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Method: Integrative review. Articles were searched using databases including Pubmed, Wiley Online Library, Sciencedirect, and Proquest. Assessment of the articles quality used the instrument tool from JBI (Joana Briggs Institute). Result: The ten articles obtained consisted of eight original research articles and two review articles. The results of this review showed seven indicators of the effectiveness of telehealth in pregnancy services, namely; 1) length of time used; 2) telehealth reuse; 3) services provided; 4) the technology used; 5) inspection plan compliance; 6) efficiency of time used by health workers; 7) patient satisfaction, and there are two unfound indicators, namely; 1) diagnostic accuracy and 2) closeness of patients to health workers. There are other indicators found regarding usage costs. Conclusion: Most articles stated that using telehealth is effective in prenatal care, but it cannot be used completely in pregnancy checks. Therefore, a face-to-face visit is still a must to find out more about the mother's condition.
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.60007
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Patient Satisfaction and its Socio-Demographic Correlates in Zainoel
           Abidin Hospital, Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study

    • Authors: Azharuddin Azharuddin, Novi Reandy Sasmita, Ghalieb Mutig Idroes, Rusdi Andid, Raihan Raihan, Tuti Fadlilah, Nanda Earlia, Taufik Ridwan, Ira Maya, Farnida Farnida, Rinaldi Idroes
      Pages: 57 - 67
      Abstract: Patient satisfaction based on a patient’s opinion is the main criterion and can be one of the best ways to measure the quality of healthcare services. In this study, we determined patient satisfaction in hospital healthcare services at Zainal Abidin Hospital (RSUZA) and the socio-demographic factors associated with patient satisfaction. We conducted a cross sectional study at RSUZA. To recruit participants, purposive sampling and accidental sampling are used in this study. The binomial proportion is used to determine the total number of respondents. The questionnaire was tested for   was performed. The chi-square test of independence was used to analyze the difference in each answer on each variable. The Kendall tau correlation was used to explore the correlation between social demographic variables and the total patient satisfaction value. The questionnaire used in this study is valid (p < 0.000) and reliable (Cronbach’s Alpha = 0.785). Of 904 respondents, 809 respondents (89.5%) were satisfied with the services provided by RSUZA. There was no difference on respondent in the gender category (p = 0.309), the age category (p = 0.095), and the respondent type (p = 0.377). Sociodemographic factors such as age (p < 0.000), education (p < 0.000), and occupation (p < 0.000) were significantly related to the level of patient satisfaction. We concluded that the majority of respondents are satisfied with the healthcare services provided by RSUZA. Healthcare providers need to focus on the patient’s age, educational level, and occupation in order to increase patient satisfaction, which is a benchmark for the quality of a healthcare service
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.69233
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Home Environmental Factors with the Presence of Disease-Transmitting
           Vectors in Traditional Villages, North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

    • Authors: Nur Alvira Pascawati
      Pages: 68 - 81
      Abstract: Indonesia is an archipelagic country that has many tribes and traditional villages. This makes the variables that affect the breeding and production of disease-transmitting mosquito vectors very complex. This study aims to observe customary areas that still adhere to customs in arranging community-housing patterns that may have the potential for mosquito-borne diseases. This study used a cross-sectional design with a sample of 67 houses in Segenter Hamlet. Sampling technique with the simple random sampling method. Data analysis, namely univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. The presence of disease-transmitting mosquitoes in traditional villages was mostly found in traditional-type houses. The determinant factor that contributes 77.79% to the presence of disease-transmitting mosquitoes is the placement of the kitchen outside the home. This factor is reinforced by the presence of a food storage area, the absence of an insulating door in the house, the location of the bathroom outside the house, the roof of the house made of woven, the traditional type house, the mixed type house and the walls of the house made of woven. These findings contribute to the development of an early warning system for the potential spread of vector-borne diseases and the development of health tourism through house screening.
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.68488
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • The Existing Curriculum and Teaching Learning Challenges for Prevention
           and Handling Sexual Violence in Higher Education

    • Authors: Sartiah Yusran, Trias Setiawati
      Pages: 82 - 93
      Abstract: Sexual Violence (SV) has been increased in universities and victims have more silence due to fear and shame. There is no clear mechanism in protecting the rights of victims. This study aims to analyze the problems of SV on campus, to examine the existing curriculum and its challenge in integrating the concept of SV. This is a collaborative research between the University of Halu Oleo Kendari, the University of Islam Indonesia Jogyakarta and the University of Syah Kuala Banda Aceh. The study applied a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative using surveys, In-depth interviews and FGDs and analyzed using triangulation. Total respondents 435 for survey and 34 for 3 FGD and 4 key informants for In-depth interview, and were representative for students, lecturer and staff applying Stratified Purposive Random Sampling. The results showed that respondents reported ever experienced at least once sexual harassment in their life either perpetrated by someone they knew or stranger. 79.31% respondents claimed their friends as victims and 36.78% recognized their friends as perpetrators, while 14.94% respondents claimed themselves as the victims. The underline problem of SV that occurs on campus is due to a very strong patriarchal culture in the concext of power relationship and gender inequality. These have been recognized as a trigger for the high number of SV cases on campus. In addition, the existing curriculum identified some topics related to prevention and response the case of SV, however, they were recognized as hidden curriculum. The challenges were political commitment due to unwanted sexual attention and gender violence were the two mostly do not reported as the form of SV. Therefore, there is an urgent need to re-define the concept of SV in actual curriculum, instead of being a hidden curriculum.
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.65709
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Determinants diabetes mellitus of productive age

    • Authors: Rr. Vita nur latif nur latif, sumardiyono sumardiyono, setyo sri rahardjo
      Pages: 94 - 103
      Abstract: Background : Based on the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) Report by the Ministry of Health, in Indonesia there has been an increase in the prevalence of DM to 10.9%. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2019 placed Indonesia as the 6th ranked country in the number of DM sufferers which reached 10.3 million. Predictions from the IDF state that there will be an increase in the number of DM patients from 10.7 million in 2019 to 13.7 million in 2030. Lifestyle changes and urbanization seem to be important causes of this problem, and will continue to increase in the coming years. Aim : this study aims to determine the determinants of DM in productive age in Pekalongan Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Methode: This quantitative study used a cross-sectional design approach on 158 research respondents at three selected area, there are the Tirto I, Kedungwuni I, and Wiradesa district, using a questionnaire, GPAQ instrument, and self-efficacy scale. Results : The results of the logistic regression test on the determinants of productive age DM obtained the equation model Y = -3.949 - 2.040 history of heredity + 1.932 physical activity + 2.345 perceived benefits + 2.985 knowledge dm. Conclusion : So that through this logistic regression test it can be concluded that together interacting variables of physical activity, knowledge, perceived benefits have an effect on the incidence of diabetes mellitus in productive age in Pekalongan Regency. keywords: DM determinants, productive age, GPAQ, self-efficacy scale
      PubDate: 2023-07-31
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.72159
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
  • Electronic Medical Records Implementation at Soeradji Tirtonegoro
           Hospital, Klaten, Indonesia

    • Authors: atma deharja, Dito Yogo Waskito, Ervina Rachmawati, Veronika Vestine
      Pages: 104 - 115
      Abstract: Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital uses Electonic Medical Records (EMRs) to transform health technology. EMR filling completeness in the outpatient clinic was only 74.3% in June 2022, below the 100% service standard. This study aimed to analyze the factors causing the implementation problem of EMR in Soeradji Tirtonegoro Hospital—a quantitative analysis with a cross-sectional study was conducted, adapted from Mandatory Use of Software Technologies (MMUST) Model. The respondents totaled 108 people, including doctors, nurses, midwives, and medical recorders. Data analysis was performed using SmartPLS 3.2.9 with the SEM-PLS technique. This study showed a significant relationship between the variable's information quality and information satisfaction with a T-statistic value of 10.377. Furthermore, information satisfaction towards performance expectations (5,711) and performance expectations towards attitude (6,063). Social influence also affects performance expectations (2.660). Facility conditions affect attitude (2.145), attitudes towards overall satisfaction (26,209), and overall satisfaction with net benefits (10,876). However, there are two insignificant variable relationships: attitude towards use (0,367) and use towards net benefits (1.393). Based on the study, it is concluded that all exogenous variables influence the endogenous variable. However, there are two insignificant variable relationships. Hopefulness, future research can modify the model by adding control variables using the effect of confounding factors such as officer work schedules.  
      PubDate: 2023-08-13
      DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v12i2.67972
      Issue No: Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
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