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Turkish Review of Communication Studies
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  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Online) 2630-6220
Published by Marmara University Homepage  [6 journals]
  • The Role of Facebook and Twitter in Social Movements: A Study on the July
           15 Coup Attempt in Turkey

    • Authors: Semra Demirdiş
      Abstract: There is currently a considerable degree of discussion focusing on the relationship between socialmovements and digital platforms. This paper investigates the role played by several social media platforms(Twitter and Facebook) in the coup attempt in Turkey on July 15th, 2016. It includes an analysis of webcontent to establish ways to understand the usage of social and digital media by Turkish citizens on the July15 coup. The research uses qualitative content analysis, including: (1) an examination of tweets and trendinghashtags on Twitter; and (2) an examination of Facebook pages and groups, including photographs, videosand comments. This study indicates that Twitter and Facebook played a vital role in the resistance of citizensagainst the coup attempt, which was organised by the Gulenist terrorist organisation, through the provisionof effective communication between activists, along with their effective mobilisation and the process ofestablishing a common identity. The study also demonstrates how photographs and videos shared on socialwebsites became positive motivators both during and following the 15th of July coup attempt.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • In memory of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yalçın Lüleci

    • Authors: Alparslan Nas
      Abstract: On June 6, 2024, we were deeply saddened by the news of the passing of our esteemed faculty member, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yalçın Lüleci. As Cemal Süreya famously said, "every death is premature"; nevertheless, we are profoundly grieved to lose such a productive academic, diligent administrator, and wonderful person who still had much to contribute both academically and personally. A graduate of Marmara Faculty of Communication, Dr. Lüleci served as a faculty member and administrator at our faculty for many years, mentored numerous students, and worked as the language editor for our journal. Personally, I must say that since my doctoral years, he has been a brother, mentor, and friend who has greatly enriched my life. We remember Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yalçın Lüleci with deep respect and gratitude.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • Building A Bridge Between Communication and Management Science: An
           Assessment on Peter Drucker

    • Authors: İbrahim Taha Dursun
      Abstract: This study discusses a unique aspect of Peter Drucker, a significant contributor to modern management theories. Before becoming a management thought leader, Drucker worked as a journalist and reporter. Drucker’s management thought writings were undoubtedly shaped by his experience in journalism and reporting. The study focuses on the influence of Drucker’s journalism and reporting on his management works, which are not adequately studied in the literature. This review article highlights that Drucker, aside from being a management thinker and a professor of administrative management sciences, is also a social scientist, an excellent communicator, and an economic messenger as he analyzes the social conditions that lead economic activities and businesses. Drucker examines changing social conditions in light of the information revolution. He develops concepts such as enterprise-centered economy, information society, knowledge worker, and knowledge-based organization. Thus, Drucker examines the impact of communication technologies on the economy and management in organizations. In sum, this study theoretically examines how Peter Drucker links communication, economy and information society.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • The Use of TikTok by University Youth: The Relationship Between Emotional
           and Social Loneliness and TikTok Addiction

    • Authors: Şükrü Balcı; Tuğçe Esin Pınarbaşı, Fatma Kübra Astam
      Abstract: Interdisciplinary studies are being conducted to explain problematic social media usage behaviors exhibitedby individuals across various platforms in social networks. When social media usage becomes unconsciousand excessive, this behavior is evaluated as addiction. Behavioral addiction is explained by associating itwith numerous psychological variables. In this study, TikTok has been examined in terms of addictionas a problematic online behavior and from the perspectives of emotional as well as social loneliness,highlighting its distinguishing features from other social media platforms. Accordingly, the research aimsto uncover the effects of emotional and social loneliness on TikTok addiction and contribute to digitaladdiction awareness. Data from a field study involving 550 university students (from Anadolu University,Osmangazi University, and Eskişehir Technical University) in Eskişehir were collected using face-to-facesurvey technique. The results of the study revealed gender differences, indicating that men tend to exhibithigher levels of social loneliness and emotional family loneliness compared to women, with an observedsignificance in determining loneliness as a factor in TikTok addiction.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • The Effect of Online Education on Children’s Socialization Processes
           During the Pandemic Period: A Communication- Based Research on First Grade
           Primary School Students

    • Authors: Ayşe Müge Yazgan; Ebru Özgen
      Abstract: Isolated life emerged at a time when society was not ready during the 2020 pandemic (Covid-19) period. During this period, the structure of society, which has undergone significant social changes, has been transformed. It has been vital to adapt rapidly to the social isolation and distance from outside life within this new social structure. Digital technology is also a factor that changed the lives of students at school. The scope of this research includes 3rd-grade students in primary schools in three major cities of Türkiye: İstanbul, Ankara, and İzmir. This research aims to gather information about the social changes and social anxiety of the students during social isolation by analyzing the responses to scale questions used as a data collection tool, under the observation of parents and classroom teachers. The research design incorporates both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The data collection tools used in this study are the Social- Emotional and Character Development Scale in the survey research, the Social Anxiety Scale for Children, and a personal information form prepared by the researchers. Results are augmented with semi-structured interviews. Data analysis is conducted using the SPSS 22.0 statistical software package. The results obtained indicate that students experience social anxiety as a result of isolation. It is observed that during the Covid-19 pandemic period, social isolation affected 1st-grade students in the 2020-2021 academic year. The findings suggest that as the level of social anxiety and social change increase, there is a decrease in social, emotional, and moral development.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • The Role of Fashion Brands’ SDG 12 Messages in the Perception of Young
           Consumers: A Qualitative Research

    • Authors: Beyza Bekil; Zeynep Genel
      Abstract: Fast fashion has revolutionized the fashion industry with low-cost and fast-produced garments; however,this fast pace threatens environmental sustainability and triggers the climate crisis. As in other sectors, thefashion industry is expected to pioneer sustainable production and consumption practices in line with thesustainability goals. Communication plays a key role in sustainable consumption practices, and the UnitedNations (UN) recommends that brands develop communication campaigns that will raise awareness aboutsustainable consumption and create a sustainable fashion movement. In this regard, the present studyexamines the reflections of communication activities of fashion brands regarding sustainable productionand consumption (SDG 12) on the sustainability and brand perception of young consumers aged 18-25 living in Istanbul. In-depth interviews were conducted with 12 participants affiliated with variousuniversities in Istanbul using a jungmental snowball sampling method. The data were analyzed throughnarrative analysis based on the Situational Theory of Problem Solving (STOPS). The study results revealedthat most young consumers have a high level of knowledge and interest in sustainable consumption (SC). Itwas determined that although they were aware of the sustainability messages of fast fashion brands (FBBs),they held varying opinions in their purchasing decisions.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • The Publicization of Privacy in the Confessional Society or the Loss of
           Meaning of Privacy in the Liquid Modern World

    • Authors: Ülhak Çimen
      Abstract: One of the most important sociologists of the 20th and 21st centuries, Zygmunt Bauman, discusses various forms of society specific to the liquid modern age. He argues that mass media does not change reality but represents the opposite. According to him, situations related to private areas such as privacy, secrecy, and confidentiality have been trivialized in the liquid modern world, and the disclosure of these situations has been presented as a form of freedom. This study aims to uncover how television, one of the most significant mass media platforms, portrays the confessional society, a societal form conceptualized by Bauman for the liquid modern age. First, this study reveals Bauman’s thoughts specific to the confessional society by referencing primary sources during the literature review. Then, it endeavors to make Bauman’s specific discourses on the confessional society concrete and understandable using content analysis technique. In this context, daytime television programs broadcasted in Türkiye were examined, and the program “Esra Erol’da” was selected as a case study. The reason for choosing this program is that it offers content that goes beyond the moral values and social value dimensions of the confessional society discourse. In the program analyzed within the framework of the confessional society, it was found that topics people might hesitate to share even with their close circles in their daily lives were made public over an 11-day period, leading to the normalization of the language contributing to such publicity.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
  • In the Context of the Digital Public Sphere The Great Hack: A Big
           Data-Focused Analysis

    • Authors: Onur Tos; Aytunç Erçifci
      Abstract: Big data components are shaping the digital public sphere. The areas of use for big data components inthe digital public sphere are expanding, and in this context, new digital possibilities affecting social lifeare increasing. This study focuses on the documentary film The Great Hack, directed by J. Noujaim and K.Amer, which was released on the Netflix platform in 2019. The aim of the study is to identify the elements ofthe concept of digital public space and big data components in The Great Hack documentary film that shapethe film and the narrative. It also aims to identify the embedded meanings underlying these elements. Themain research question is: “What are the open, axial, and selective coding transfers in the documentary filmusing the grounded theory approach'” The data collection technique for the research is document analysis.The method of analysis is the grounded theory design, which can be used in qualitative research processes.Open, axial, and selective coding of the interaction of digital public space and big data is performed usingthe grounded theory pattern, adhering to the documentary film’s style and narrative. In addition, themes,categories, and codes between the concepts are identified, and the connections and interactions betweenthem are explained. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that digital media and digital traces wereemphasized in the documentary film’s style and narrative. Additionally, in the interaction of digital publicspace and big data components in the documentary film, it was found that digitalization, people’s personalprofiles, privacy, and data collection and processing processes are highlighted.
      PubDate: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
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