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Verba Hispanica
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ISSN (Print) 0353-9660 - ISSN (Online) 2350-4250
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  • Manipulación, persuasión y discurso

    • Authors: Reyes Llopis-García, Alejandro Rodríguez Díaz del Real
      Pages: 7 - 10
      Abstract: Verba Hispanica cumple treinta ediciones. Esta trigésima edición, cuya orientación temática propuesta y anunciada en febrero pasado gira en torno a la Manipulación, Persuasión y Discurso, trae a colación la manipulación lingüística desde muy variadas perspectivas: la sociológica, bien política o mediática, que es la que mayor eco ha tenido por parte de las contribuciones, la léxica, la del análisis del discurso, la pragmática, la multimodal, y también la metafórica, cubriendo todas ellas aspectos y consideraciones histórico-culturales. Junto al análisis del discurso de la prensa tienen fuerte presencia, como no podía ser de otra manera en nuestro actual universo digitalizado, las redes sociales. Igualmente, y sin que haya mediado acción alguna por parte de quienes firmamos esta introducción, dos temas sobresalen en el contenido de los artículos aquí incluidos: discurso político, especialmente el comúnmente denominado conservador, y reacciones (a menudo violentas) ante el feminismo. Los artículos aquí compilados contribuyen a darnos una visión crítica e informada de las narrativas sociales que imperan y proliferan tanto en la prensa que leemos, como en los medios de comunicación y agentes discursivos que elegimos (o no) seguir. Es la intención de este volumen ofrecer a los lectores perspectivas de pensamiento desde el análisis del discurso en temas como la política, el feminismo, los nacionalismos o la inclusividad. El presente número quiere ser también un homenaje a los primeros esfuerzos para apuntalar la Filología Hispánica en la Universidad de Ljubljana, de la mano del querido y ya legendario prof. Skubic en 1981.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.7-10
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • Vox and the Conservative Press

    • Authors: Carolina Arrieta-Castillo
      Pages: 11 - 35
      Abstract: The arrival of the Spanish political party Vox into the Junta de Castilla y León after the regional elections of 2022 seems to have culminated in a process of legitimization of the “far-right” party (Ferreira, 2019: 94) by the Partido Popular (PP), which needs Vox to govern. This article aims to better understand the role of the press that traditionally favours the PP in the construction of the social imaginary about Vox. Using critical discourse analysis, the macro and microtextual levels are examined to identify the key narratives that build the representation of Vox in the media ABC, El Mundo and La Razón, taking two pivotal moments as a reference: the campaign that allowed Vox to obtain electoral legitimacy for the first time (the regional elections of Andalusia 2018), and the campaign that solidified the party when it became an active part of a government: that of the Junta de Castilla y León in the 2022 elections. The results indicate that the representation of Vox has been more favourable in the most recent elections because the role of emitter of speech has been transferred to the party members; as well, there has been a loss of media pieces with critical content, of the type that appeared frequently in Andalusia 2018. The more mass media tend to represent Vox as an actor of alliances rather than as a promoter of socio-political measures, and El Mundo is, of the three analysed, the voice that offers the most unfavourable representation of the party.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.11-35
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Biased Gaze of a Neutral Journalist

    • Authors: Jorge Canals Piñas
      Pages: 37 - 52
      Abstract: In the period between January and September 1915, Spanish journalist Juan Pujol (1883-1967) reported from the most active European frontlines and sent his reports and stories to the newspaper ABC (Madrid). This journalistic material makes for a corpus consisting of 61 texts that, in the following years, were collected in three volumes by its own author. As idealized self-depiction and degraded depiction of the Other is a consequence of war rhetoric, we shall take into account articles produced on the Austro-Italian frontlines in order to analyse the reinforcement of stereotypes related to Italian and Austro-Hungarian troops and citizens. This will confirm Pujol’s biased reporting in favour of the Central Powers. Recourse to metaphors and images is linked with the perception of the enemy’s image and it is in this regard that we analyse its use when describing military operations in the course of the Battle of Gorizia in July 1915.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.37-52
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Construction of the Identity of Vox in the Discourse of Santiago

    • Authors: Ricardo Connett
      Pages: 53 - 71
      Abstract: The Spanish political party Vox belongs to the so-called Populist Radical Right (PRR) (Mudde, 2007; Mudde 2019; Rama et al., 2021); since they became part of the Spanish Congress in 2019, the speech of its leaders has been the subject of study in various disciplines. Using a corpus of oral texts delivered by its president, Santiago Abascal, as a starting point, this study aims to show the way in which the political leader discursively constructs the identity of his party and, by extension, that of his entire in-group political ideology. This work is framed in the conception of populism as a discursive phenomenon (cf. especially Laclau, 2005; Charaudeau, 2009, 2019; Aslanidis, 2016; Stavrakakis, 2017, Connett, 2021) and it is based on the methods of Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) in order to show, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the linguistic procedures through which Abascal defines the nature of his party. Our analysis reveals that the identity of Vox, as characterized by Abascal in the speeches within the corpus, not only adjusts to the ideological and content features of the PRR, but also to the essential forms of populist discourse in general. 
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.53-71
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • A Way to Conceal Information

    • Authors: Taresa Fernández Lorences, Vita Veselko
      Pages: 73 - 99
      Abstract: This study focuses on a particular form of concealing information: placing non-agent subjects in thematic position. Making inanimate nouns the subject of a verb of action renders the addressee defenceless and the result of the sentence inevitable, since the performative agent is obscured from action. As well, other verbs with non-agentive subject can also conceal the actual protagonist who controls the process. This strategy arises from the fact that the information placed in thematic position is taken for granted and is usually not questioned. It is therefore a technique not only to present as known facts that are not actually shared, but also to disguise those that can be controversial or even false (Núñez and Teso, 1996). It is to be supposed that the thematic position can be used to conceal or even manipulate, especially when non-agent subjects are incorporated. In order to observe how this strategy works, this study examines various samples from the Spanish press, giving priority to the headlines, and it pays special attention to events that deal negatively with the economic resources of the population. The analysis follows the guidelines of Critical Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics and the contributions made by the Functional Grammar of Spanish from the Alarquian School of Oviedo on the division between theme and rheme (Fernández Lorences, 2010; Gutiérrez Ordóñez, 1997).
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.73-99
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • Manipulation Techniques in Denialist Propaganda During the COVID-19

    • Authors: Alba Macías Couso
      Pages: 101 - 121
      Abstract: Persuasion and its different forms are present in a variety of discourses that reach us in different ways, and it is one of the most studied topics in communication. In this paper, we focus on a form of persuasion that has obtained special relevance due to the social and health crisis caused by COVID-19: the discourse of denial. Social media represents one of the spheres of language use in which this discourse has been able to expand quite comfortably. The paper thus uses a compilation of a set of publications extracted from different media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in order to analyse the persuasive mechanisms used by denialist groups. Through this analysis, it will be shown that these strategies are similar to those used in advertising and politics, as their aim is to convince the receiver by appealing to emotional factors such as fear or uncertainty. It is precisely in these two areas that we find many studies on persuasion and it is from these two areas that the theory will be applied to our analysis; in terms of denialist discourse, this is a novel application.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.101-121
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • Interdisciplinary Technique for Analysing the Construction and
           Perpetuation of Myths Against Women on the Front Pages of the Women’s

    • Authors: María Amparo Montaner Montava
      Pages: 123 - 148
      Abstract: This work focuses on the construction of a negative image of women in gender-oriented publications and women’s magazines through a joint manipulation of verbal and non-verbal language. In the corpus presented here, this negative image is based on the socially widespread myths of romantic love and the concepts of nasty woman and bad mom (Fernández: 1994, Gil: 2011, Giallorenzi: 2017). The study aims to demonstrate how the stereotypical image of women that is constructed through language (verbal and non-verbal) is supported by cognitive, psychological and sociological mechanisms. A multidisciplinary approach is proposed as methodology for the preliminary corpus of real cases from the target publications. This work is based on previous studies that focus on discursive manipulation and the multiple aspects integrated in it (Van Dijk: 2006, O’Halloran: 2022). In addition, the methodology of critical discourse analysis with a gender perspective will be used (López, 2021, Azpiazu, 2017), along with a multimodal perspective, which will allow verbal and non-verbal data to be compared.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.123-148
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • The Concept of Freedom in Spanish Political Discourse on Twitter

    • Authors: Ana Pano Alamán
      Pages: 149 - 171
      Abstract: This article, which focuses on political discourse found on Twitter, presents the results of an analysis of the semantic values of the concept of freedom in a corpus of tweets derived from those published by the main Spanish political leaders. Based on the approaches of critical epistemic discourse analysis and the concept of lexical framing, the study addresses the lexical-semantic dimension of this term in the corpus. The aim is to identify the interpretative contexts that political leaders privilege in their discourse based on their values and ideologies as well as their persuasion strategies, so that their intended audience adhere to their proposals. The results show that freedom co-appears with other terms that reinforce its normative meaning associated with different rights and freedoms. Sometimes the need to protect freedom is claimed, especially in the case of the leader of Vox, who insists on framing the threat to freedom by promoting polarization. 
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.149-171
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • TERF: Insult or Meme'

    • Authors: María Isabel Rodríguez Ponce
      Pages: 173 - 193
      Abstract: This study attempts to delimit clear criteria in the discursive treatment of terf, exploring the boundaries between hate speech and freedom of expression, while highlighting the traditional institutional lack of attention to sexist hate speech. In terms of the latter, variants such as gendertrolling, and specifically cyberantifeminism, is described. The linguistic material produced by these discourse areas is reviewed – especially the term feminazi (one of the main antifeminist labels) – in order to show a permanent correlation to and contrast with terf. A further purpose is to elucidate it, following the different criteria and scientific classifications which in terms of discursive consideration best address the issue.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.173-193
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • Inclusive Language in the Uruguayan Classrooms

    • Authors: Verónica Viera Izeta
      Pages: 195 - 212
      Abstract: Institutional discourses have great influence over language ideologies, since they legitimate certain discursivities and generate a prescriptive effect in speakers. This article analyses, from a glotopolitical perspective, language representations pertaining to the use of gender-inclusive language in educational institutions in Uruguay as driven by the main Montevidean written press media in August 2018. These were revisited in the following months at a debate in the House of Representatives and in the Uso y enseñanza del idioma español bill. In the light of this analysis, this paper aims to show how the symbolic elites operated together to influence public opinion through the normalization and naturalization of ideological conceptions that are of a conservative, purist and nationalist character, all of which have a great tradition in Uruguay. Thus, the most powerful political and media groups of the country came together to stifle the debate about the use of inclusive language in the classroom, motivated by their own political and ideological interests.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.195-212
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • Clara Isabel Serrano (2017). Arte de falar e arte de estar calado. Augusto
           de Castro. Jornalismo e diplomacia

    • Authors: Héloïse Elisabeth Marie-Vincent Ghislaine Ducatteau
      Pages: 215 - 216
      Abstract: O libro que aquí nos entregan é o resultado dunha tese de doutoramento defendida na Universidade de Coimbra, a máis antiga de Portugal, a que inspirou a saga británica de Harry Potter. Para o título, a autora, Clara Isabel Calheiros da Silva de Melo Serrano, utiliza unha cita dun artigo de Augusto de Castro Sampaio Corte Real. Atópase en Imagens da Europa, vistas da minha janela e resume ben o oxímoro que reúne as profesións de xornalista e diplomático que exerceu: a combinación de retórica e silencio. Esta monografía arroxa luz sobre unha figura controvertida da historia portuguesa. Agradeceremos a cronoloxía final que nos permite buscar o noso camiño. Ademais, as fontes tamén están ben clasificadas, o que facilitará futuras investigacións sobre o personaxe. Esta obra pode ser criticada ás veces por digresións sobre os seus contemporáneos ou sobre circunstancias históricas.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.215-216
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • Javier Muñoz-Basols y Yolanda Pérez Sinusía (2022). Técnicas de
           escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in

    • Authors: Reyes Llopis-García, Alejandro Rodríguez Díaz del Real
      Pages: 217 - 219
      Abstract: La obra Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish es un volumen publicado por dos prestigiosos profesionales de la enseñanza del español: Javier Muñoz-Basols, profesor titular y coordinador de español en la Universidad de Oxford (Reino Unido), y Yolanda Pérez Sinusía, profesora titular de español en la Escuela Oficial de Idiomas n.⁰ 1 de Zaragoza (España). La segunda edición de Routledge incluye numerosas novedades respecto a la de 2011, que consisten en un esfuerzo de enriquecimiento al incluir la consulta de diferentes obras como el Diccionario panhispánico de dudas (2005), la Nueva gramática de la lengua española (2009), la Nueva gramática básica de la lengua española (2010), la 23.ᵃ edición del Diccionario de la lengua española (2014) y el Libro de estilo de la lengua española según la norma panhispánica (2018), así como los nuevos descriptores del Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (2018) o MCER, teniendo sobre todo en cuenta el modo en que se potencia la mediación lingüística en la enseñanza de las lenguas.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.217-219
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
  • Rafael Chirbes. Diarios. A ratos perdidos

    • Authors: Jorge Canals Piñas
      Pages: 221 - 224
      Abstract: A ratos perdidos es tan sólo la avanzadilla de las tres partes en que quedarán recogidos los diarios personales de Rafael Chirbes (1949-2015). En esta primera entrega, en dos volúmenes aparecidos a distancia de un año el uno del otro, los cuadernos más antiguos llevan la fecha del mes de abril de 1984 y abarcan hasta el 6 de enero de 2005, cuando ya el escritor alicantino estaba puliendo la novela Crematorio que iba a publicarse dos años más tarde.
      PubDate: 2022-12-27
      DOI: 10.4312/vh.30.1.221-224
      Issue No: Vol. 30, No. 1 (2022)
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