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ISSN (Print) 0890-3352 - ISSN (Online) 1944-0146
Published by Project MUSE Homepage  [305 journals]
  • Editor's Note

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      Abstract: How much is being published today that relates to Occitan and to Occitania' The quick answer: far more than we imagine, as the Tenso annual bibliographies can attest — although there is no way any journal can review — or even list — every book that appears.Speaking to this topic, Tenso 38 saw the creation of a new kind of book review set-up in its pages, a forum with multiple reviews of the same book. While this format has received a good deal of positive feedback — and we are encouraged to try to continue it —, it translates into a single book receiving multiple reviews in a given publication, while other books do not get anywhere near that visibility.Many volumes are published that are not treated to that kind of ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • From Song to Book: Introduction The Role of the Crown of Aragon in
           Troubadour Manuscript Culture

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      Abstract: This special issue of Tenso, titled "From Song to Book: The Role of the Crown of Aragon in Troubadour Manuscript Culture," focuses on the determining role played by troubadour literature — produced and disseminated in the territories of the medieval Crown of Aragon — in the constitution of troubadour culture, both textual and musical.1 While medieval Catalan courts have long been considered by scholars to have made important contributions to the troubadour corpus as it exists today, they have more often than not been treated as satellites orbiting, along with their Italian counterparts,2 a much larger and brilliant cultural center in the Midi of present-day France. In spite of István Frank's eloquent and convincing ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • From Song to Book: Bibliography The Role of the Crown of Aragon in
           Troubadour Manuscript Culture

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      Abstract: A = Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 5232Bc = Barcelona, Arxiu de la Catedral, Miscel·lània, 23/1–12C = Paris, BnF, fr. 856Cm = Castagnolo minore (Bologna), Archivio parrochiale (fragment)D + Da + Dc = Modena, Biblioteca Estense α R.4.4E (Occitan) = Paris, BnF, fr. 1749E (Catalan) = Palma, Societat Arqueològica Lul·lianaF = Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Chigi L IV 106G = Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana R 71 sup.H = Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 3207I = Paris, BnF, fr. 854J = Florence, Biblioteca nazionale, Conventi Soppressi, F 4 776K (Occitan) = Paris, BnF, fr. 12473K (Catalan) = Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, ms. 10Kp = ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • The Circulation of Troubadour Music between Southern Languedoc and the
           Crown of Aragon

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      Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the possible circulation of common compilation sources between southern Languedoc and the territories controlled by the Crown of Aragon,1 sources which very probably contained both the text and the melody of troubadour songs. The hypothesis of the existence of these sources is based on the preservation of music in the troubadour manuscript tradition for most of the texts which are jointly transmitted by Languedocian troubadour songbooks C, E, and R and the Catalan troubadour songbook V. In a large number of cases, these songbooks demonstrate, for their common texts, various textual affinities that would suggest they had at least some compilation sources in common.2 Finally ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • The Manuscript Transmission of Troubadour Poems Linked with the Catalan

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      Abstract: Most of the poems of the troubadours have come down to us through some fifty manuscripts conceived as songbooks,2 preserved in full or fragmentary form and copied mostly between the end of the thirteenth and the beginning of the fourteenth centuries, especially in the north of Italy and to a lesser extent in Occitan, Catalan, and French lands.3 Apart from being the physical witness of this literary tradition, songbooks can provide relevant data on the diffusion and interpretation of troubadour poetry in its contemporaneity and give us clues that help establish or strengthen hypothetical links between poems aside from thematic and formal connections. Bearing this in mind, in the present article I will take some ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Un sirventes d'origine catalane de 1240

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      Abstract: Les trois chansonniers occitans C, E, et R, copiés dans le Midi de la France entre le dernier tiers du XIIIe et le début du XIVe siècle, nous transmettent –– en l'assignant de manière unanime mais incontestablement erronée à Bertran de Born –– un poème d'argument politique certainement issu des régions catalanes.1 Édité pour la première fois par Albert Stimming dans son édition de l'œuvre du troubadour d'Hautafort (Stimming 1879: 213–215), "Un sirventes farai novelh plazen" a attiré l'attention des historiens et des philologues depuis les débuts des recherches sur les liens entre la Couronne d'Aragon et la tradition des troubadours: il a ainsi été étudié par Charles de Tourtoulon (1867: 24, 49 ss.) et ensuite par ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Les Troubadours: Les Chansons et leur musique (XIIe–XIIIe siècles) by
           Gérard Le Vot (review)

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      Abstract: This remarkable book by Gérard Le Vot ranks effortlessly in the row of works on the musicological side of the poetic oeuvre of the twelfth- and thirteenth-century troubadours of southern France. Remarkable, because the book largely elaborates on the work of specialists such as Beck, Aubry, Aubrey, Van der Werf, and Ziino, yet takes its own particular, not to say idiosyncratic, approach.In this review I will try to do justice to the book's many qualities, while adding a few caveats that will hopefully encourage the reader to think and research further. Those comments could be regarded as criticism, but that term is too passive and too easygoing for me, because when using it one quickly runs the risk of compromising ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Bibliography of Occitan Literature for 2022: Middle Ages to 1500

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      Abstract: Acta Universitatis Lodziensis: Folia Litteraria Romanica, Łódź, PolandAtlante: Revue d'études romanes, Lille[CA] CaliforniaCarnets: Revue électronique d'études françaises de l'Association portugaise d'études françaises, Coimbra[CCM] Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, Poitiers[CdT] Critica del testo, Rome[CN] Cultura Neolatina, ModenaCognitive Philology, Rome <>[CR] Carte Romanze: Rivista di filologia e linguistica romanze dalle origini al Rinascimento, MilanCuadernos de Geografía, ValenciaDante Studies, BaltimoreEcdotica, Bologna[ER] Estudis Romànics, BarcelonaÉtudes médiévales, AmiensExemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval and Renaissance ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Bibliography of Occitan Literature for 2022: Post-1500

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      Abstract: [AA.VV.] Autori vari = Various
      Authors L'Astrado, ToulonAteliers d'anthropologie, Nanterre[AVEP] Association varoise pour l'enseignement du provençal[BC] British Columbia[BnF] Bibliothèque nationale de France <>Les Cahiers du Bayle-Vert, (13450) GransCahiers Henri Pourrat, Clermont-Ferrand[CAPI] Editions Catinou Pifrette[CFC] Contemporary French CivilizationLes Dossiers du GRIHL, ParisLo Gai saber, ToulouseLou Felibrige, Aix-en-ProvenceCFC Intersections, Liverpool, UK[CIRDOC] Centre interrégional du développement de l'occitan, Béziers[CORDAE] Centre occitan de recherche, de documentation et d'animation ethnographiques, CordesDiu Negre <>[EHPAD] établissement d'hébergement pour personnes âgées ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Bibliography of Occitan Linguistics for 2022

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      Abstract: Ad limina. Revista de investigación del Camino de Santiago y las peregrinaciones. Santiago de Compostela[AELOc] Association pour l'Enseignement de la Langue d'Oc. Aix-en-Provence[AIEO] Association internationale d'études occitanesAkademie aktuell. MunichAleph. Historical Studies in Science and Judaism. Bloomington, Indiana[ALF] Atlas linguistique de la France (1902–1910)[ALG] Atlas linguistique et ethnographique de la Gascogne (1954–1973)Aquò d'aquí. MarselhaArchiletras: Revista de lengua y letras. MadridAteliers d'anthropologie. NanterreLa Beidana. Cultura e storia nelle valli valdesi. Torre PelliceBien dire et bien aprendre. LilleBulletin historique et scientifique de l'Auvergne. Clermont-FerrandCahiers Henri ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Discography of Occitan Recordings Released in 2022

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      Abstract: This discography includes recordings released in physical formats (such as compact discs) and those released as Digital albums that can be streamed directly or downloaded as digital files (such as mp3) for purchase. The format or formats in which the recording was released as of the creation of this discography are listed within the entry. Some digital releases consist of one or two tracks, released separately from a larger album; when released under the name of the same artist, this is noted in the main entry as such: (also released as a single); others have separate entries. Spellings and, sometimes, capitalizations, of the track listings, performers, and composers follow what appear on the recording or the ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Costanzo Di Girolamo (1948–2022)

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      Abstract: It is with sadness that we report the death of Costanzo Di Girolamo, who passed away on October 13, 2022, concluding a long and illustrious career.Di Girolamo was a son of Naples. A graduate of the University of Naples in 1970 with a doctorate on Ausias March, he was an assistant professor there initially before taking a position at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Then followed a post at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, before he returned to Italy. His next position was at the University of Calabria in Cosenza before he returned to Naples and to the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in 1989. His teaching included the disciplines of Romance philology, Italian language and ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Anna Ferrari. Una Citazione E Un Leixa-Pren (Modena 30 VI 1944–Roma
           2 VIII 2023)

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      Abstract: Anna Ferrari era nata a Modena, la città del Duomo di Lanfranco e di Wiligelmo, con la Porta della Pescheria e le Arturi regis ambages pulcerrimae istoriate nel marmo dell'archivolto; la città della Biblioteca Estense e dei Canzonieri provenzali D ed a (il Liber Domini Alberici e il 'Complemento Càmpori'); la città dei grandi maestri della Filologia Romanza (Giulio Bertoni e Aurelio Roncaglia) e dei loro antichi precursori (Giovanni Maria Barbieri, Ludovico Castelvestro e Carlo Sigonio). E della sua nascita modenese era, et pour cause, molto fiera, come ebbe a ribadire in un'intervista raccolta da Henrique Monteagudo nel 1990: "nacín en Módena, como moitos filólogos romanistas, alí teño unha tradición boa. Polo ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-04-04T00:00:00-05:00
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  Subjects -> LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (Total: 2147 journals)
    - LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (954 journals)
    - LANGUAGES (276 journals)
    - LITERATURE (GENERAL) (180 journals)
    - NOVELS (13 journals)
    - PHILOLOGY AND LINGUISTICS (500 journals)
    - POETRY (23 journals)


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