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ISSN (Online) 2199-8698
Published by Global Science Journals Homepage  [10 journals]
  • Electronic Waste Awareness and Management in the Municipality of Tuburan,
           Cebu, Philippines

    • Abstract: Abstract The world is now facing the great effect of the rapid growth of information technology. The electronic waste or E-waste has been the major contributor of solid waste throughout the globe that had caused the contamination of the global environment. Thus, this study assessed the electronic waste in the Municipality of Tuburan Cebu. Questionnaires were distributed to the 13 barangays in the municipality of Tuburan with simple questions answerable by “Yes” or “No”. There were 1,115 respondents (families) over 13 barangays in Tuburan, Cebu. Results showed that more than half of the respondents still need complete awareness about electronic waste, its composition, proper handling, and its effects to the environment. An alarming value shows that 721 or 64.66 percent of the 1,115 respondents said that there are no waste collectors in their area. This simply means that more than 50 percent of the total number of respondents would end up throwing and dumping their waste including E-waste; anywhere or in the open landfill. It shows that respondents need complete awareness about E-waste; particularly, the nature of electronic waste, proper handling, and the negative effects to the environment and their effects to the human health and other living animals. The absence of waste collectors in most barangays has created big impact to the surroundings already. Moreover, some respondents have thought that these E-wastes just mean nothing to the waste collectors. Waste collectors must be strictly assigned by the LGU to some specific areas to closely monitor and confine the waste disposal of each household. It will also be good if a separate collector for E-waste can be provided in each locality.
      PubDate: 2016-04-28
  • Socio-Economic Considerations of the Aquaculture Industries in Cebu and
           Siquijor, Central Visayas, Philippines

    • Abstract: Abstract Aquaculture industry has grown globally to fill in the shortage of fish supply from the sea. A study of aquaculture industries in ICRMP sites of Central Visayas was conducted to determine the socio-cultural and economic aspects of aquaculture. Results revealed that 79% of aquaculture systems are in freshwater and brackish ponds with 50% Oreochromis niloticus and 43% Chanos chanos as common cultured species. Ponds are operated by private individuals and conform to the standard culture systems of cultured species. The individuals that were employed in aquaculture industries are those that are living near the aquaculture sites which are mostly hired as caretakers and helpers and basically non-permanent and on-call basis. In spite of their employment in the aquaculture industries, communities near aquaculture sites are considered poor since majority of households are living below the poverty thresholds. There is a periodicity of consumption of aquaculture products in the community. The frequency of consumption is high during harvest time (50%) which usually happens every 3-4 months only, thus creating high demand in the community.
      PubDate: 2016-04-18
  • Development of Gluten-Free Composite Flour Blends

    • Abstract: Abstract People with celiac disease depend on gluten-free foods to maintain quality of life. This study aimed to determine the physico-chemical and organoleptic properties of gluten-free composite flour blends for celiac disease patients utilizing different percentage composition of rice flour, potato starch, cassava starch, millet flour and corn flour. The experimental design was laid out in the study with six treatments in three replications using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) under controlled condition. The experimental samples were subjected to different laboratory analyses. Sensory evaluation of the control and gluten-free treatments had revealed that there were no significant mean differences among treatments in all of the sensory characteristics. However, gluten-free flour blend (T2) had higher level of acceptance as compared to other gluten-free flour blend treatments. The composite gluten-free flour blends had zero percent crude gluten. Utilizing available novel/functional ingredients can produce gluten-free composite flour with a comparable sensory characteristics and nutritional quality except protein content with the commercially wheat flours. Hence, it is recommended for the use of gluten-free composite flour blends for food and pharmaceutical uses.
      PubDate: 2015-10-27
  • Product Development of Malunggay (Moringga Oleifera) and Sweet Potato
           (Ipomea Batatas) for Pastry and Fillings

    • Abstract: Abstract This study used the experimental method that involved 90 taste panelists composed of culinary arts teachers, food technologist, culinary arts students, homemakers, faculty and staff. The sensory attributes studied the specific criteria on color, flavor, texture, and over-all acceptability. Findings of the study revealed that 75mL camote leaves decoction and 24g dried “malunggay” leaf powder formulation on the “malunggay-camote” pastry shell got the highest mean score in all sensory attributes considered due to higher amount of variables added to the formulation. There were significant differences on the 75mL camote leaves decoction added with 24g dried “malunggay” leaves powder, level of acceptability in terms of flavor and over-all acceptability. On the hedonic mean acceptability score of “malunggay-camote” boat tart product, 75mL camote decoction added with 24g dried malunggay leaves powder is the most acceptable formulation. DOST chemical result showed the aerobic plate count <25x102 EAPC*/g, Escherichia coli Count, <1.0x10 cfu/g. Total Coliform Count <1.0 x 10 cfu/g, Mold and Yeast Count 2.0x10 cfu/g. The microbial results in cfu/g for S. aureus (coagulase+) was <102, MYC <102, SPC/APC cfu/g <104, Coliforms, <50. These results are within the acceptable limit, therefore the product is safe for human consumption.
      PubDate: 2015-10-17
  • A Baseline Study on Coral Reef Fishes in the Marine Protected Areas in
           Southern Cebu, Philippines

    • Abstract: Abstract Marine protected areas in the sampling sites have been established 8-13 years ago. This study was conducted to have a baseline information on the diversity, density and biomass of coral reef fishes inside and outside the five marine protected areas (MPAs) of Casay, Argao; Cawayan, Dalaguete; Daan-Lungsod Guiwang, Alcoy; North Granada, Boljoon and Sta. Cruz, Ronda (Control). Coral reef fishes in the MPAs were identified using Fish Visual Census Method. Results of the t-test showed that the mean diversity (fish species/250m2) of target and non-target fish species found in areas inside and outside the MPAs were significantly different. In terms of target species, the inside and outside density showed no significant difference. Similarly, density (ind./1,000m2) of non-target species inside and outside also showed no significant difference. This is an indication that fish density inside and outside the MPAs were more or less of the same condition. The mean biomass (kg/1,000m2) of target species inside and outside the MPAs showed a significant difference in contrast with non-target species inside and outside the MPAs which showed a no significant difference. Higher biomass of target fish species belonging to family Caesonidae (fusiliers) and Scaridae (parrotfishes) were commonly observed inside the MPAs. Results showed that fish species were more diverse with higher density and biomass inside the MPAs than the outside area. However, fish diversity and density were contributed mostly by non-target species. Hence, the need for a long-term protection and a well-managed MPA to improve fish population in terms of diversity, density and biomass specifically, target fish species.
      PubDate: 2015-10-15
  • Coral Lifeform Structure in Selected Marine Protected Areas in Southern
           Cebu, Philippines

    • Abstract: Abstract Marine protected area or marine reserve was first conducted in Central Visayas in 1974 as a tool to manage coral reef. It was then replicated throughout the Philippines. The marine reserve of the following; Casay of Argao, Cawayan of Dalaguete, Daan-Lungsod Guiwang of Alcoy, North Granada of Boljoon and Sta. Cruz of Ronda has been established between the years 2000 to 2007. These MPAs were assessed to gather baseline information on its coral lifeform structure. Point-intercept transect (PIT) method was used in the observation. Benthic life form and reef substrate at each 0.25m point interval were identified and recorded along 50 meters transect line both inside and outside of these MPAs. It has been observed that massive, branching and digitate form of corals dominated among the five sanctuaries. Percentage of Live Hard Corals were much higher inside than outside to all sanctuaries. Common to all these sanctuaries were noticeable presence of Dead corals with algae and coral rubbles indicating its exploitation. Casay, Cawayan and Daan-Lungsod MPAs had some Crown of thorn starfish which may pose threat to its coral community. It has been recommended that there should be strict implementation of rules among the Local Government Unit; more policing and a long term monitoring to continuously conserve and protect coral reef.
      PubDate: 2015-10-15
  • Household Water and Waste Management of Communities near Spring Waters in
           Argao, Cebu Philippines

    • Abstract: Abstract This study recognized the importance of water in life. As such, 241 households from 25 spring water communities in Argao, Cebu were interviewed. The interview looked into the utilization of spring waters, waste generation and disposal, as well as, their perceptions on water and waste management. Results showed that households used spring waters for drinking, cooking, washing and bathing. Eight (8) springs have existing piping system that transports water to other sitios. Nine (9) springs support rice farms. Kitchen waste, glass bottles, paper, garden waste (lawn trimmings), plastic bags, broken glasses, hard plastics, cartons/boxes, metals and pet wastes, comprised the top 10 wastes generated by households and the disposal varies with waste types. It was noted that the respondents’ perceptions were significantly correlated with the level of education. Moreover, analyses showed that the respondents’ belief were in conflict with their practices.
      PubDate: 2015-10-13
  • Status of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Natural Resources Human
           Resource in Cebu and Bohol, Central Philippines

    • Abstract: Abstract This paper aimed to present the current status of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and natural resources (AFNR) human resource in the two (2) provinces of Cebu and Bohol, Central Philippines in order to understand the reasons in the persistent downtrend of enrollment and graduation in these sectors. Cross-sectoral investigation of the three (3) groups of respondents was conducted to in-school students, graduates and employers of AFNR. Primary and secondary data were gathered and analyzed descriptively. Findings revealed a persistent downtrend in enrollment and graduation trends for the past ten years. Intervening economic, socio cultural, issues and policies impacted negatively the enrollment in AFNR. Fisheries registered the highest rate of decline in terms of enrollment and graduates. Currently enrolled students indicate that number one reason in choosing a degree in AFNR is the provision of scholarship, while graduates indicated that they took up the course because of its popularity in their community. Future plans of respondents contradict since majority of in-school students plan to apply for job overseas, while the graduates are not currently applying for a job overseas. Majority of the employed graduates landed in local-private companies with temporary or contractual status. Employers of these graduates are distributed in the urban areas within the region.
      PubDate: 2015-10-10
  • Nutritional Quality of the Egg Mass Locally Known as “Lukot’ of the
           Wedge Seahare Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786)

    • Abstract: Abstract The egg mass of the wedge seahare Dolabella auricularia has been gathered as human food for quite a long time without knowing its nutritional composition. Thus, this study was conducted in order to determine some nutritional aspects of the egg mass as basis of its utilization as human food. Important composition of the egg mass that were determined were its proximate composition, mineral contents and amino acid profile. In terms of proximate composition, the egg mass has a moisture content of 91.10 percent, fat of 0.85 percent, protein of 2.85 percent, ash of 3.43 percent and 1.77 percent for carbohydrates. The mineral content such as: calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and zinc contain 1040 mg/kg, 25.3 mg/kg, 599 mg/kg, 9803 mg/kg and 41.6 mg/kg, respectively. The amino acid profile has six (6) essential amino acids such as: threonine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine and hstidine while it has nine (9) non-essential amino acid like: taurine, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid, glumatimine, glycine, alanine, tyrosine, proline. It has also eight (8) other amino acids components such as: Phospo-serine, urea, aromatic amino acid, citrulline, beta-alanine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ammonia, ornithine. Results show that the egg mass of the wedge seahare contains some nutritional components that are very essential in maintaining a healthy and balanced life, thus making it as another food commodity from the marine environment.
      PubDate: 2015-10-07
  • Viability of Critically Endangered Cebu Cinnamon seeds (Cinnamomum
           cebuense L.)

    • Abstract: Abstract The study aimed to determine the viability of the seeds of the critically endangered Cebu Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cebuense L.) species. The collected seeds were air- dried and stored in a closed container. The stored seeds were sowed in the seed box at an interval of one week. This study consists of nine (9) treatments with three (3) replications, laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design and analyzed using ANOVA at 5 percent level of significance. Results show that there is a significant difference among the treatments. For Treatment control (To) the seeds were sown directly to the soil medium after air drying. In this treatment many seeds have germinated. The result implies that Cebu Cinnamon seeds should be sown directly to the soil medium right after air drying rather than storing it in the container. The seeds that have germinated were considered as viable. Cebu cinnamon was very sensitive to temperature changes. The seeds of Cebu Cinnamon species should be collected when they are matured to ensure their viability, thus promote higher rate of germination. Conservation and protection of the Cebu Cinnamon species must be considered one of the priorities species of the government and other stakeholders because there are much less of the species that are left on the island.
      PubDate: 2015-10-06
  • Effect of Different Fertilizer Schemes and Irrigation Intervals on
           Tomatoes’ Response to Water Shortage

    • Abstract: Abstract The growing concerns on increasing global water scarcity require efficient use of water resources. Aimed to investigate the growth and yield responses of tomato to water stress in varied fertilization scheme, a two-factor experiment involving three (3) fertilizer management practices (use of recommended inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilization at 10 T/ha and 20 T/ha) and three (3) watering schedules (daily, two days interval, and three days interval) was done. Analysis of the plant height showed that at increased level of organic fertilizer, plants were taller even up to three (3) days watering interval. Height was significantly reduced for plants applied with 10 T/ha compost and watered at three (3) days interval and those applied with pure inorganic fertilizer. Moreover, prolonging the interval of watering up to three (3) days on compost-fertilized tomatoes allowed them to initiate flowering earlier. This was not significantly different with tomatoes applied with pure inorganic fertilizer but watered daily. Finally, examination of the analysis on the cumulative yield showed that the highest yields, 10.54 and 8.96 MT/ha, were obtained on tomatoes applied with 20 T/ha compost and watered daily and at two (2) days interval, respectively. Significant reduction in yield was exhibited by tomatoes applied with inorganic fertilizer only and watered daily, more so, when watering was at two (2) and three (3) days interval. A conclusion is drawn that application of compost reduces the negative effects of water shortage to flower initiation and plant height even up to three (3) days watering interval and up to two (2) days interval to yield.
      PubDate: 2015-10-06
  • Sensory Evaluation, Shelflife and Nutritional Composition of Breadnut
           (Artocarpus camansi) Cookies

    • Abstract: Abstract Despite its being nutritious and potential uses and food, breadnut (Artocarpus camansi) remains underutilized. This study aimed to develop breadnut products for its extensive use and specifically aimed to determine the acceptability of chocolate cookies formulated from the mixtures of breadnut seed flour and all purpose flour and the shelf life of the most acceptable cookie formulation. The cookies were prepared in different ratios of all purpose flour and breadnut seed flour in percent (0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, 100:0) with 100% all purpose flour served as the control. The five formulations were evaluated by the 50 consumers as to color, odor, crispiness, flavor and general acceptability using descriptive 9-point Hedonic scale. And the most acceptable cookies were evaluated for storage quality which was done for six months to determine its shelf life. Results showed that all formulated breadnut cookies were acceptable, scoring 6.5 based on the 9-point hedonic scale. The cookie with 50% BSF was the most acceptable based on general acceptability score. There were no significant (p≤0.05) differences on the sensory properties being tested to the cookies made from BSF up to 75 %. The formulated cookies has significant amount of nutrients needed by the body. It is safe with guaranteed desirable sensory properties for six months. It is recommended for consumption and commercialization.
      PubDate: 2015-10-01
  • The Influence of Habitat on the Quality Characteristics of the Green Macro
           Alga Caulerpa lentillifera Agardh (Caulerpaceae,Chlorophyta)

    • Abstract: Abstract The seaweed Caulerpa lentillifera is commonly utilized as food for human in many Asian countries. It is an efficient bio-filter, despite its ability to absorb pollutants from the habitat of sources.This study determine the influence of habitat on the quality characteristics of the green macro alga, Caulerpa lentillifera, taken from the different sources. Purposive sampling was used with samples taken from Bohol and Cebu islands, throughout the three (3) trials. Samples from Bohol islands were obtained from the culture ponds; while samples from Cebu islands were taken from both the culture ponds and from the wild. The sea-grapes were analyzed for the presence of heavy metals, lethality assay, bacterial count, direct pollution indicators and proximate composition. Data obtained were treated statistically using ANOVA at 5percent level of significance. Results of the study showed significant difference on heavy metals (Hg and Pb) from various seaweed sources. High concentrations of heavy metals were found in all the seaweed samples from Cebu compared with that of the Bohol samples. In terms of lethality assay (LC 50), the wild samples from Cebu significantly showed higher lethal values compared with that obtained from Bohol samples. As to the bacterial count (cfu/g), the wild samples from Cebu showed the lowest Aerobic Plate Count of 9.3 x 103 cfu/g. However, higher bacterial counts were obtained from Cebu samples that were taken from the two culture ponds co-cultured with milkfish. Across sites, the proximate composition of all the sea-grape samples from Cebu and Bohol also showed significant difference. In terms of E. coli, all the samples have shown no significant difference, with <1.0 x 10 cfu.g-1. Regarding the indicators of direct pollution, all the samples from both islands showed low levels of direct pollutants, such as PO4 , NH3, and NO3 . Based on the results of this study, sea-grapes showed varying quality characteristics as influenced by the habitat or sources they were obtained. As a bio-filter, the quality characteristics of the seaweed are indicators of the various pollutants found from the habitat or sorces.
      PubDate: 2015-08-21
  • “Partial Biochemical Characterization of Egg Masses of the Wedge Seahare
           Dolabella Auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786)”

    • Abstract: Abstract Egg masses of the wedge sea hare Dolabella auricularia are gathered as human food in the Visayas region and other areas in the Philippines, but there have been no studies examining their appropriateness for human consumption. This study was conducted to characterize the biochemical components of the egg masses. Biochemical characterization was assessed through proximate composition analysis and an amino acid profile. The egg masses comprised 91.10 percent moisture, 3.43 percent ash, 2.85 percent crude protein, 1.77 percent carbohydrates, and 0.85 percent fats. The 23 amino acid included six (6) essential components, nine (9) non-essential components, and eight (8) others. The essential amino acids included leucine, valine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, threonine and histidine, while the non-essential amino acids included taurine, tyrosine, serine, glycine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, glutamine and proline. The other components included phospho-serine, urea, aromatic amino acid, citrulline, beta-alanine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, ammonia and ornithine. The results show that egg masses contain amino acids that are important for human health, thus making it another food commodity from the ocean.
      PubDate: 2015-08-21
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