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Journal Prestige (SJR): 0.1 ![]() Number of Followers: 0 ![]() ISSN (Print) 0771-3312 - ISSN (Online) 2295-8010 Published by Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences ![]() |
- Année 2018, année de changements
- Savoirs culinaires et identité socio-culturelle: cas de l'utilisation de
Abstract: By P. Ouoba, A. Ouédraogo & S. Traoré / Culinary Knowledge and Socio-cultural Identity: Case Study of the Use of Cissus populnea Guill. &Perr., the Okra of the Bobo Ethnic Group in Burkina Faso. Among plants, wild food-gathering vegetable species occupy an important place for the african populations. This is the case of Cissus populnea for the Bobo community, which plays an important role in the culinary art of Bobo population who nicknamed it '' okra '' of the Bobos. This study aims to document the knowledge and the know-how of the Bobo population regarding this socio-culturally important plant. Ethnobotanical surveys were carried out in three villages of the Bobo community integrated nowadays the city of Bobo-Dioulasso in order to know the culinary and the medicinal uses of the species within this community. Ninety percent of the women know at least a culinary use of a C. populnea organ. Fruits and leaves are used in various forms such as condiments. In addition, the same organs can also be used in traditional medicine to heal many common diseases. C. populnea appears to be a true symbol of the Bobo community.
- Effets du travail minimum du sol en sec sur la flexibilité du calendrier
agricole et le rendement du maïs en zone soudanienne du Burkina Faso
Abstract: By K. Coulibaly, E. Vall, K. Naudin Krishna, H.B. Nacro & M. Havard / Effects of Minimum Tillage on the Flexibility of the Agricultural Calendar and on Maize Yields in the Sudanese Region of Burkina Faso. The spatial and temporal variations, the sporadic rains and drought pockets make unpredictable the installation of crops after plowing in the current technical system. The aim of our study was to evaluate, in real conditions of farming, the effect of the minimum tillage on the flexibility of the agricultural calendar at the beginning of the rainy season and on the maize yield. We compared the minimum tillage (MT) on dry soil and the conventional tillage (CT) on moist soil. These treatments were installed on plots by 23 farmers in 2010 and by 17 farmers in 2011. The results show a diversity in farmers practice. Overall, MT provides yields and gross margins equivalent to those of conventional tillage. MT makes it possible to achieve early planting and take advantage of the first useful rains. However, MT induced a non-significant (p>0.05) increase in working time compared to CT. MT practiced farms using animal traction can help in better organizing the crop calendar, especially during the planting period with performances equivalent to those of conventional tillage.
- Analyse structurale de la dynamique forestière dans la région de l'Arc
Cuprifère Katangais en République Démocratique du Congo: II. Analyse
complémentaire de la fragmentation forestière
Abstract: By S. Cabala Kaleba, Y. Useni Sikuzani, Y. Amisi Mwana, J. Bogaert & F. Munyemba Kankumbi / Pattern Analysis of Forest Dynamics of the Katangese Copper Belt Region in the Democratic Republic of Congo: II. Complementary Analysis on Forest Fragmentation. The social welfare search has led to the emergence of various anthropogenic activities in the Katangese Copper Belt (K.C.B.), including mining, which has led to a significant decline in its forest cover. This study analyzed the forest fragmentation in the K.C.B. from 2002 to 2015, using a 10 km x 10 km grid overlaid on a mosaic of classified Landsat images. Pattern metrics highlighted a significant deforestation as well as a lesser extent reforestation. The K.C.B. forests are characterized by a high spatial dispersal which increased over time. The forest degradation is largely caused by agricultural development. The reforestation observed in some south-east and south-west grids is explained by factors like the energy wood consumption , the urbanization and the mining activities, the privatization of some concessions, their inaccessibility and/or remoteness to large cities. However, anthropization endangers these regenerating forests, as long as miners, farmers and charcoal producers remain in activity.
- Wild Edible Fungi from the Dense Rainforests of Ivory Coast: An Update and
Notes on Agrocybe
Abstract: By C.V. Yian & M.S. Tiebre / Based on the literature and an ethnomycological survey in the dense rainforests of Ivory Coast, the number of edible fungi of Ivory Coast now counts sixty-seven species. All species are listed and local names are given in Abidji, Bété and Gban languages. Two edible species from the genus Agrocybe are reported: Agrocybe broadwayi (Murrill) Dennis and A. elegantior Watling. Full morphological descriptions and illustrations are given for both taxa, as well as an identification key including most related taxa in Agrocybe. Ethnomycological data present basic use of these taxa and suggest that local people recently started using this species for food, particulary A. elegantior.
- Mise en œuvre d'un système de production durable de manioc (Manihot
esculenta Crantz) dans le village de Tadila en République Démocratique
du Congo
Abstract: By E. Yuku Lotutala & A. Kimbembi ma Ibaka / Implementation of a System of Sustainable Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Production in Tadila village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. One consequence of the massive population growth in the rural areas of tropical regions is the land pressure on forest lands. In the system of slash-burn agriculture, fallow time is often shortened due to deforestation. The latter causes soil degradation along with fertility loss, which cause a decrease in agricultural production. This situation prevails in Tadila, a village in Bas-Congo. In such a case, a radical change of agricultural exploitation methods is necessary. For this purpose an attempt of settlement of cassava cultivation on improved fallow with Tithonia diversifolia was conducted in this village. This research-demonstration, which involved the local population, introduced the following innovations: Tithonia diversifolia as a fallow plant in order to improve soil fertility; the technique of alternating bands in order to stop erosion; the system of crop rotation with soybeans (Glycine max) in order to enrich the soil in nitrogen; the mulching technique with pruned branches of Chromolaena odorata in order to ensure soil coverage and to reduce precipitation impact as well as to improve soil fertility. The main treatment that has been experimented lies in the following crop succession: fallowing with Tithonia diversifolia - soybean cultivation - cassava cultivation combined with soybeans. The study has two variants which focused on the duration of the Tithonia diversifolia fallow and on the number (1 or 2) of soybean cultivations which preceded cassava cultivation. For each variant, two types of parcels were made, with or without mulch cover. The innovations introduced by this crop technique increased a sensible reduction of soil degradation by water erosion and the increase of cassava yield. In fact, the results in terms of T1 and T2 on the mulch-covered parcels of Chromolaena odorata, which were the two variants of the main treatment, were respectively 62 t/ha and 60 t/ha, against 33 t/ha in T0. The latter represents the traditional system of production.
- Qualité hygiénique du poisson transformé et
commercialisé au Tchad
Abstract: By J.C. Micha, A. Gamane Kaffine & A. Tidjani / Hygienic Quality of Processed Fish Marketed in Chad. In Chad, processed fish is one of the food commodities available to all social classes. It is increasingly subject to probable risks of contamination due to the inobservance of the hygiene rules. Because of this suspicion, the consumption of processed fish becomes also a public health problem. This study aims to assess the hygienic quality of fish processed and marketed in Chad. A microbiological analysis was performed on 15 samples of smoked fish and 15 samples of dried fish, randomly collected from a bunch of finished products belonging to a population of 100 female wholesale fish merchants. The fish samples were taken from four villages in the southern border of the Chad Lake, and from N'Djamena fish market. The results indicated that 83,3% of the products were positive to all investigated germs, and that the products were not satisfactory for human consumption. Observations of the working places showed significant technical defects in the fish production process such a non-observance of hygienic rules, the use of not approved conservation products etc. The processed products contained salmonella sp., staphylococci, coliforms, fungi and yeasts, mesophilic flora, anaerobic sulfito-reducing bacteria (ASR), Clostridium and Escherichia coli. This proves clearly that the processors do not respect the basic rules of hygiene. Hence, the results of these analyses urge the actors to improve the microbiological quality of the fish processed and marketed in Chad.
- Analyses prospectives des possibilités d'amélioration durable des
performances des exploitations agricoles de l'Ouest du Bassin Arachidier
du Sénégal: cas des producteurs de Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.)
Abstract: By A. Camara, A. Dieng & G. Mergeai / Prospective Analyzes of the Possibilities for Sustainable Improvement of the Performances of Farms in the Western Senegal Groundnut Basin: Case of the Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L. ) Producers. A survey was conducted with 65 family farms (FFs) cultivating Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) in the southwest of the Senegalese groundnut basin to understand their functioning and to identify sustainable agricultural innovations enabling their performances. In a first step, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method was used to analyze the data, followed by Hierarchical Ascendant Classification. Four main farm types of FFs were identified which confirm globally the results of previous researches in the area. Agricultural equipment and livestock type are the main discriminating classification factors. Type I farms represent 6% of the total number and own an average area of 27.5 ha, all agricultural traction-material and a large and diversified livestock. Type I differs from type IV (11%) mainly by its larger herd. Type II (31%) groups mainly farmers who own an average area of 5.3 ha, without any draught animals or agricultural traction equipment. Farms from type II are often in a very precarious situation and their survival is threatened. Type III farms (52%) own an average area of 9.4 ha and hold a herd of donkeys and small ruminants. Two major types of crop systems based on groundnut/mil rotation and millet monoculture with a low intake of organic fertilization are found in all of the surveyed farms. Jatropha curcas L. is integrated in the form of productive live hedges that are generally poorly maintained due to their low profitability. Breeding practices are extensive and low performing. Synergies between livestock and plant productions are poorly developed. The perspectives of innovation to improve the performances of these production systems, in particular forage, organic manure, agroforestry and agro-ecology, are interesting for the major identified types of farming.
- Impact de rations comportant des fourrages de Pterocarpus lucens,
Abstract: By H. Nantoumé, S. Cissé, P.S. Sow, S. Sidibé, A. Kouriba, A. Olivier, J. Bonneville & D. Cinq-Mars / Impact of Rations Containing Fodders from Pterocarpus lucens, Pterocarpus erinaceus and Ficus gnaphalocarpa on Sheep Fattening in Mali. The objective of this study was to develop sheep fattening rations that will increase food security of small size households while optimizing the contribution of fodder trees. The preferred species identified during a palatability trial were used to make sheep fattening rations by substituting partially or totally the peanut haulm with either one of the three species. Forty-nine Diallonké rams 12 to 18 months old were vaccinated, dewormed, divided into 7 groups of similar weight and fed individually with one of the 7 experimental diets for 74 days, after two weeks of adaptation: R1: control; 50% cotton seed meal (TC) et 50% groundnut hay (FA) ; R2: 50% TC + 25% FA + 25% Pterocarpus lucens; R3: 50% TC + 50% Pterocarpus lucens ; R4: 50% TC + 25% FA + 25% Ficus gnaphalocarpa ; R5: 50% TC + 50% Ficus gnaphalocarpa ; R6: 50% TC + 25% FA + 25% Pterocarpus erinaceus ; R7: 50% TC + 50% Pterocarpus erinaceus. Intakes fluctuated from 796.8 to 1028.3 g/j, which is 3.2 to 3.9 kg per 100 kg of body weight. Weight gains varied from 81.3 to 133.7 g/j. Economic efficiency, calculated from the ratio weight gain/variable costs, was low.
- Diversité des tiques de bovins et variation saisonnière des infestations
dans la région maritime au Togo
Abstract: By E. Mollong, Y. Nuto, C. Rabiétou & K. Amevoin / Diversity of Cattle Ticks and Seasonal Variation of Infestations in the Maritime Region of Togo. Ticks are a major constraint for the development of livestock production in West Africa, particularly in Togo. With a view to reducing the level of tick infestation below economic thresholds of harm, the diversity and parasite load of these pests was assessed by collecting them from July 2013 to June 2014 in 9 localities in the Maritime Region in Togo. A total of 18,378 adult ticks were collected from cattle. These ticks belong to 5 genera and 17 species of which the most abundant and frequent are: Amblyomma variegatum (Fabricius, 1794) (38.30%), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (31.84%), Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus (17.43%). The different localities surveyed were similar in terms of specific diversity of ticks. The level of infestation of cattle by the 3 most abundant tick species was higher in Kamina with a mean of 22.02 ± 15.88 ticks/bovine/month (F = 5.836; df = 107; P
- Etude de quelques paramètres de reproduction de Thunnus obesus (Lowe,
1839) débarqué au port d'Abidjan en Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract: By N.C. Diaha, Y.C. Doffou & B.G. Goore / Study of Some Reproduction Parameters of Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) landed in the Port of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire. Some biological reproductive parameters of Thunnus obesus (Lowe, 1839) in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean have been studied in order to highlight the variations which could exist in the reproduction parameters. A sampling of 176 specimens was carried out on industrial vessels from January to October 2016. The different individuals were measured and the gonads extracted for laboratory analyzes. The sex-ratio indicated a balance between males and females (1: 1.04, χ2 = 0.09, p
- Relation régime alimentaire-stade de maturité sexuelle chez le listao
(Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758) débarqué au port de pêche d'Abidjan
en Côte d'Ivoire
Abstract: By N.C. Diaha, M.J. Amande & A.R. Agnissan / Relationship Diet-sexual Maturity Stage in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, Minnaeus 1758) Landing at the Abidjan Fishing Port in Côte d'Ivoire. A study on the variability of the diet according to the state of sexual development was carried out in order to highlight the relationship that might exist. Thus, a sample of 170 skipjack tuna from the commercial catches of the fishing port of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire, was collected during the year 2016. After measurements, the gonads were taken out for the observations of the stages and the stomach content was analyzed in order to determine the diet. The relative importance index (RII) combining different percentages was used to classify the prey according to the preferences of the different stages. Out of the total of 170 individuals, 85 were females, 76 were males and 9 were undetermined. The items found in the stomach of Katsuwonus pelamis were Trichuridae, Moronidae, Scombridae, Clupeidae and Crustacea. Females of stage I had as preferential prey the Clupeidae and those of stage IIthe Trichuridae. However, in stages IV and V, they had respectively as preferential prey Trichuridae and Moronidae. For the males, the preferred prey of Stage I and Stage IV were Trichuridae. For the Stage II and III the preferential prey were Trichuridae and Scombridae.
- Baisse des ressources halieutiques du lac Toho au Sud du Bénin:
Perceptions des pêcheurs et efficacité des pratiques de gestion et
stratégies d'adaptation
Abstract: By V. Codjo, A. Zannou & G. Biaou / Declining Fishery Resources in Toho Lake in Southern Benin: Perceptions of Fishermen and Effectiveness of Management Practices and Coping Strategies. In southern Benin, declining fishery resources is a major concern that some local populations overcome by developing management and coping strategies. This paper analyzes the perceptions of the evolution of the abundance of fish stocks and the effectiveness of management practices and coping strategies for maintaining a sustainable ecological balance of the Lake Toho in southern Benin. The simple random sampling method was used to select 129 fishermen in Lokossa and Houéyogbé districts around this lake. The Pearson chi-square homogeneity test was performed to analyze changes in fishers' perceptions, while the Kendall's rank-w test was used to analyze perceptions of the effectiveness of management practices and coping strategies. The results show that a large share of fishermen (91.47%) have a negative perception of fish stock changes. Their perceptions vary according to their socio-cultural membership, their age category and their educational level. The fishermen's perceptions of the depletion in fish stocks include: the disappearance of some fish species, the decrease in size of the collected fish, the high price of the fish and the decrease in the abundance of species suitable for drying and smoking process. Several management practices and coping strategies have been developed by fishermen to cope with this decline, including the adoption of income-generating activities other than fishing, the use of regulatory fishing nets, the reduction of hand fishing and the development of fish farming. Fishermen's perceptions vary from village to village.
- Soil Properties on Farmers' Fields Amended with Untreated Solid Urban
Wastes in Ouagadougou Peri-urban Area, Burkina Faso
Abstract: By P.S. Bouda, E. Hien, A. Dioma, H. Kambiré, Y. Maiga, D. Some, S. Nazaret & A.S. Ouattara / In Burkina Faso untreated Solid Urban Wastes (SUW) are commonly used as agricultural fertilizers. This study aims to highlight the impacts of this current practice on soil agronomic properties and crop production. Sampling was carried out in Ouagadougou sub-urban agricultural fields. Agronomic tests, physical and chemical analyses were carried out following lab common procedures. The fertility of the soils was assessed through a greenhouse experiment with maize as test crop. The results showed that amendment significantly increased the pH, total C, N, P and available P contents as p-values were
- Evaluación comparativa de la prueba de fluorescencia polarizada como
diagnóstico confirmatorio de la brucelosis bovina en la provincia del
Carchi, Ecuador
Abstract: By E.M. Ibarra Rosero, H.R. Benavides Rosales, D.N. Játiva Cortez, P.H. González Chavisnan & Y.L. Fuertes Cevallos / The present study was performed to evaluate and compare the Fluorescence Polarization Assay (FPA) as a confirmatory test for bovine brucellosis in the province of Carchi - Ecuador, comparing it with a immuno-enzymatic assay cELISA which is a test prescribed as confirmatory diagnosis in the National Bovine Brucellosis Control Program for Ecuador. The study was carried out in the province of Carchi, which is located in the north of Ecuador in blood serum samples (n = 1000) obtained from female bovines older than 2 years with unknown health status and vaccination, belonging to 94 Agricultural Production Units. The serum was analyzed by the Rose Bengal test (RB) and the positive results were confirmed through cELISA, and then compared with the FPA considering as cutoff ≥ 89.9 mP. Of the total samples analyzed with RB, 94 were positive. Of these positive samples 77 were confirmed for both cELISA and FPA. In addition, 11 samples that were positive for RB and cELISA were negative for FPA. Likewise, 6 samples positive for RB were classified as negative for both cELISA and FPA. The concordance analysis showed that there is a moderate concordance between the cELISA and the FPA with an index of 0.472 (95% CI 0.179 – 0.765) between the two tests.
- Réponse du sorgho aux placements profonds de différentes doses d'urée
dans le système de culture de décrue à Yélimané, Mali
Abstract: By A. Traore, K. Traore, A. Jens, A. Coulibaly & M. Famanta / Sorghum Response to Deep Placement of Different Urea Doses in the Flood Recession Cropping System in Yélimané, Mali. In order to identify the best ways of lifting nitrogen deficiency recorded in the flood recession sorghum cropping system in the district of Yélimané in Mali, a factorial experiment comparing the effect of two modes of placement (15 and 20 cm depth) and five doses of urea (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 kg.ha-1) was carried out in a dispersed blocks design during the years 2014 and 2015. Results showed that the yields of placement mode were statistically, while equivalent there was a significant difference between yields of years and yields of doses of urea. These yields have linearly increased according to the applied urea doses. With the highest urea dose (40 kg.ha-1) sorghum produced 1,792 kg of grain/ha and 4,552 kg of straw/ha. Control yields were 959 kg of grain and 3,069 kg of straw/ha. The dose of 10 kg of urea/ha produced the best gross benefit of 3,492 CFA.kg-1 of fertilizer, the best fertilizer efficiency use of 31.6 and the highest ratio value/cost of 12.6.
- Analyses agro-économique des technologies de maintien et d'amélioration
de la fertilité des sols dans la zone cotonnière de Dano, Burkina Faso
Abstract: By F. Noufe, K. Traore, A. Kambou, S. Traore & H. Tankoano / Agro-economic Analyses of Maintenance and Improvement of Soil Fertility in the Cotton Area of Dano, Burkina Faso. The study has been conducted in three villages (Wallala, Sorkon and Gnigwaman) from the district of Ioba (administrative centre of Dano) in Southwest Burkina Faso. The objective was to assess the agro-economic impact of activities to maintain and improve soil fertility in Dano. A total of sixty producers was surveyed in the villages of Wallala (20 producers), Sorkon (20 producers) and Gnigwaman (20 producers). Some measures of productivity have been made on the fields with stone rows plus organic fertilizer application (SR+OF App), simple stone row (SSR), organic fertilizer application (OF App) and control (field without fertility technic). The results show that composting is the best adopted technique by respectively 60%, 50% and 20% of the producers in Wallala, Sorkon and Gnigwaman villages. Many constraints linked to these technics (high cost of realization, demand of time, non-perceptible immediate effect) hinder their adoption by a large number of producers. The highest yields (768 kg/ha) are noted in the converted field into stone rows with nutritive element (SR+ nutritive elements) versus 453 kg/ha for the control fields. The results on the income show that the latter improved at the level of exploitation that adopted the proposed technics compared to the control plots. The highest gross margin (160,450 CFA) is obtained by producers who have converted fields with stone rows (SR) with Organic Fertilizer (OF). The impact of the technologies on the level of soils chemical fertility remains insignificant. For producers, training and availability of technologies that are less restrictive and adapted to their condition of production are compulsory for a good soil fertility management.
- Efficacité d'un insecticide à base de neem dans la lutte contre quelques
ravageurs du cotonnier au Bénin
Abstract: By G. Bonni, M. Adegnika & A. Paraïso / Efficacy of a Botanical Insecticide Based on Neem Extract in the Management of Cotton Pests in Benin. The effect of an insecticide based on neem , Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Meliaceae), has been evaluated in a comparative trial with synthetic insecticides on cotton caterpillars: Haritalodes derogata, Helicoverpa armigera, Pectinophora gossypiella and Thaumatotibia leucotreta. The experiment was conducted in two localities Kandi and Savè, species distribution areas. Those areas are located in the northern and central Benin. The neem formulation contained 0.5% of Azadirachtin and was used at the doses of 2, 3 and 4 l/ha. The synthetic insecticides contained emamectin 24 g/l + acetamiprid 32 g/l; cypermethrin 35 g/l + 300 g/l chlorpyrifos and beta-cyfluthrin 45 g/l + imidacloprid 100 g/l. The different applications were performed according to the calendar program of cotton protection recommended in each of the two regions. In total, ten treatments were carried out with the neem based insecticide and six treatments with the three synthetic insecticides. The results showed that the neem based insecticide was as effective as the synthetic insecticide (cypermethrin 35g/l+chlorpyrifos 300 g/l) in the control of endocarpic caterpillars, P. gossypiella and T. leucotreta. The neem based insecticide reduced the percentage of damaged plants by the leaf-cutting ants ( Haritalodes derogata), by 25% against 100% reduction by the chemical synthetic insecticide. A dose effect of the neem based insecticide was observed with 36.1%, 29.8% and 6.1% of the damaged plants, for doses of 2, 3 and 4 l/ha respectively. Cotton yields of plot treated with aqueous extract of neem were higher than those of the untreated plots. In endocarpic area, yields obtained from the plots treated with neem extract insecticide were not statistically different from those of the chemical insecticides. This study indicates the neem based insecticide could be used in an integrated management system for endocarpic caterpillars.
- Analyse des performances techniques des clarificateurs et déshydrateurs
d'huile de palme au Bénin
Abstract: By R.H. Ahouansou, P.B. Agbobatinkpo, C.H. Sossou & E.A. Sanya / Analysis of the Technical Performances of Clarifiers and Palm Oil Dehydrators in Benin. Clarification and dehydration are two important operations in the palm fruit processing technology. Inefficient clarification and a poor dehydration can lead to significant losses of palm oil and damage of organoleptic and nutritive qualities. In Benin, palm oil processors use artisanal and semi-artisanal boilers, dehydrators, and clarifier-dehydrators. The aim of this study is to evaluate the technical performances of these equipments. The results showed that the artisanal, semi-artisanal boilers and clarifier-dehydrators had a hourly throughput respectively of 23.33 kg/h; 216.66 and 327 kg/h with palm variety Tenera. The moisture contain of the palm oil obtained with these equipments were respectively 1.2%; 1.05 and 1.3%. The clarification yields were respectively 92.9%; 82.4% and 79.8%. The artisanal, semi-artisanal dehydrator and clarifier-dehydrator reduced the moisture content of the boiler oil by nearly 3 to 4 times. However, the threshold of 0.1%, adopted for international standard offering good conservation of oil, was not reached in the majority of cases. To achieve this, the oil should be heated to a temperature of 128 °C.
- Evaluation of Different Options: Host Plant Resistance, Weed Management,
and Fertilization for the Development of an Integrated Pest Management
Strategy for the Sweet Potato Weevil in Burkina Faso
Abstract: By S. Koussoube, M. Ba Niango, F. Traoré, C.L. Dabire-Binso & A. Sanon / The sweet potato weevil (SPW) (Cylas puncticollis) is a destructive pest feeding on the sweet potato in Burkina Faso. This weevil causes severe damage to the tuber, and the infested tuber is unsuitable for human consumption or animal feed. This problem calls for effective control management, especially for non-chemical approaches. A field experiment was carried out from 2012 to 2015 with the aim to develop management methods. Different control methods, including host-plant resistance, weeds management and crop fertilization, were tested. The results showed that two varieties, Zappalo-1 and Resisto were free of any SPW damage (0%) . Similarly, when plots were not weeded tubers of the BF11 variety were free of any SPW damage (0%). Finally, the combination of manure and mineral fertilizer significantly reduced the damage due to the SPW to score as low as 1 compare to 3.5 in the absence of manure. From the current study, it can be concluded that an integrated approach combining resistant varieties, good weeding practices and fertilizer application could be implemented to control the SPW in Burkina Faso.
- Imbrasia obscura, an Edible Caterpillar of Tropical Africa: Chemical
Composition and Nutritional Value
Abstract: By G. Mabossy-Mobouna, F. Malaisse, A. Richel, P. Maesen, P. Latham, P. Roulon-Dokos, M. Madamo Malasi & G. Lognay / The consumption of Imbrasia obscura (Butler, 1878) has been quoted in a dozen books and papers in five different countries, namely Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola. This study presents, for the first time, information concerning two unknown subjects, the chemical composition and the nutritional value of the species. The chemical composition shows that it is a good source of proteins and lipids with the presence of five essential amino-acids (threonine, tyrosine + phenylalanine, histidine and tryptophan) and important amounts of essential fatty acids. The mineral elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium are also present in good amounts. There is little sodium for which human consumption is frequently but not always excessive. The very high proportion of alpha-linolenic acid contributes very significantly to the low ω-6/ω-3 ratio. Consequently, this caterpillar is a food that may be recommended for human consumption. Farming this species should be encouraged because of its high nutritional value and its good commercial potential especially in areas where malnutrition is common.
- ARSOM: Yearly Competitions
- Tropicultura Friends