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Abstract: AbstractA composite climate case study has been carried out of a newly-constructed, passive-cooled, four-story building in Varanasi (UP), India. This four-story, passively-cooled building is known as SODHA BERS COMPLEX (SBC). In the design of the SBC building, most of the older cooling concepts such as orientation, cross ventilation, day lighting, unglazed Trombe walls, earth sheltering, wind towers etc. were considered. Additionally, a solar water heating system, a roof top PV system and a photovoltaic thermal greenhouse dryer have also been integrated, in order to meet the energy demand of buildings. The total initial embodied energy, CO2 emission, annual energy saving and CO2 credit of SBC have all been evaluated. Based on the present study, it has been seen that during harsh summers and cold climatic conditions, the earth sheltering/basement (≅28ˆ) and first and second floors (≅18–20ˆ) are the most comfortable zones from a passive cooling/heating point of view respectively. It has also been observed that there are approximately 4740 tons of earned CO2 credit with (i) a payback period of 20 years, and (ii) one unit of energy saving of ₹3 for an average 10ˆ temperature difference between the room and the ambient air temperature.Suggested CitationG. N. Tiwari, Arjun Deo, Vikram Singh and Arvind Tiwari (2016), "Energy Efficient Passive Building: A Case Study of SODHA BERS COMPLEX", Foundations and Trends® in Renewable Energy: Vol. 1: No. 3, pp 109-183. PubDate: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +010
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Abstract: AbstractBio-resources are becoming increasingly contested as the demand for food grows. There is also a pressure to provide energy and materials from them. This monograph discusses the current flows of bio-resources, their inherent properties and the services that these resources could provide in a sustainable bio-based economy.There are two possible pathways that could convert solar radiation — which would be seen as our planet's natural income — into material goods and storable energy carriers. This would be using electricity to generate hydrogen via electrolysis and convert it with CO2 into hydrocarbons or utilizing bio-resources. Most uses of bio-resources compete for limited fertile land, requiring the highest possible efficiency in their use. Natural endowment of land, logistical requirements as well as economic and cultural factors in their utilization make bio-resources inherently contextual goods. Decisions about the rational use of bio-resources must therefore be taken into account with regard to concrete regional contexts.Based on the analysis of services of bio-resources in a bio-based economy, their particular properties and the characteristics of current state technologies, this monograph develops rules to balance the utilization of bio-resources in the framework of regional context.Suggested CitationMichael Narodoslawsky (2016), "Towards a Sustainable Balance of Bio-resources use Between Energy, Food and Chemical Feedstocks", Foundations and Trends® in Renewable Energy: Vol. 1: No. 2, pp 45-107. PubDate: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 00:00:00 +010
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Abstract: AbstractThis monograph summarizes and analyzes recent research by the authors and others to understand, characterize, and model solar resource variability. This research shows that understanding solar energy variability requires a definition of the temporal and spatial context for which variability is assessed; and describes a predictable, quantifiable variability-smoothing space-time continuum from a single point to thousands of kilometers and from seconds to days. Implications for solar penetration on the power grid and variability mitigation strategies are discussed.Suggested CitationRichard Perez, Mathieu David, Thomas E. Hoff, Mohammad Jamaly, Sergey Kivalov, Jan Kleissl, Philippe Lauret and Marc Perez (2016), "Spatial and Temporal Variability of Solar Energy", Foundations and Trends® in Renewable Energy: Vol. 1: No. 1, pp 1-44. PubDate: Fri, 29 Jul 2016 00:00:00 +020