Showing 1 - 200 of 406 Journals sorted by number of followers
Energy Policy (Followers: 77)
IET Power Electronics (Followers: 70)
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (Followers: 48)
Energy (Followers: 42)
Nature Energy (Followers: 37)
Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Followers: 36)
Applied Energy (Followers: 35)
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Followers: 35)
IEEE Power and Energy (Followers: 34)
Energy & Fuels (Followers: 30)
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (Followers: 30)
Advances in High Energy Physics (Followers: 27)
Advances in Natural Sciences : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Followers: 27)
Energy & Environment (Followers: 25)
Energy and Power Engineering (Followers: 24)
International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power (Followers: 22)
Applied Solar Energy (Followers: 21)
International Journal of Alternative Propulsion (Followers: 21)
Solar Energy (Followers: 21)
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering (Followers: 20)
Water International (Followers: 20)
Energy Materials : Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems (Followers: 19)
Canadian Water Resources Journal (Followers: 18)
Energy and Power (Followers: 18)
Energy Conversion and Management (Followers: 16)
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (Followers: 16)
Nuclear Engineering and Design (Followers: 16)
Energy, Sustainability and Society (Followers: 16)
Advances in Energy and Power (Followers: 15)
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (Followers: 14)
Waste Management (Followers: 14)
Energy and Environment Research (Followers: 14)
Journal of Power Electronics & Power Systems (Followers: 14)
Surface Science Reports (Followers: 13)
Annual Review of Resource Economics (Followers: 13)
Biofuels (Followers: 13)
Energy Journal The (Followers: 13)
Energy Research & Social Science (Followers: 13)
Energy and Buildings (Followers: 12)
International Journal of Sustainable Energy (Followers: 12)
Energy Systems (Followers: 12)
Climate and Energy (Followers: 12)
Advances in Building Energy Research (Followers: 11)
Energy Science and Technology (Followers: 11)
International Journal of Thermodynamics (Followers: 11)
Joule (Followers: 11)
ACS Energy Letters (Followers: 11)
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (Followers: 10)
Innovations : Technology, Governance, Globalization (Followers: 10)
International Journal of Energy Research (Followers: 10)
Energy Efficiency (Followers: 10)
Journal of Ocean and Climate (Followers: 10)
Energy Strategy Reviews (Followers: 10)
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (Followers: 10)
Batteries (Followers: 10)
IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics (Followers: 10)
Annals of Nuclear Energy (Followers: 9)
Smart Grid and Renewable Energy (Followers: 9)
Archives of Thermodynamics (Followers: 9)
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (Followers: 9)
CERN courier. International journal of high energy physics (Followers: 9)
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research (Followers: 9)
International Journal of Global Energy Issues (Followers: 8)
International Journal of Green Energy (Followers: 8)
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy (Followers: 8)
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews : Energy and Environment (Followers: 8)
International Journal of Energy and Power (Followers: 8)
American Journal of Energy Research (Followers: 8)
Applications in Energy and Combustion Science (Followers: 8)
Fuel Communications (Followers: 8)
Fuel and Energy Abstracts (Followers: 7)
International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (Followers: 7)
Structural Control and Health Monitoring (Followers: 7)
Applied Nanoscience (Followers: 7)
Energy Science & Engineering (Followers: 7)
Energy Storage Materials (Followers: 7)
ACS Applied Energy Materials (Followers: 7)
Energy Prices and Taxes (Followers: 6)
Journal of Building Performance Simulation (Followers: 6)
Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering (Followers: 6)
Energy Technology (Followers: 6)
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Followers: 6)
Advanced Materials Technologies (Followers: 6)
Atomic Energy (Followers: 5)
Carbon Management (Followers: 5)
Geothermal Energy (Followers: 5)
Journal of Energy, Environment & Carbon Credits (Followers: 5)
Foundations and Trends® in Renewable Energy (Followers: 5)
Energy and Environmental Engineering (Followers: 5)
Energy Reports (Followers: 5)
Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law (Followers: 5)
Journal of Energy Storage (Followers: 5)
Batteries & Supercaps (Followers: 5)
CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications (Followers: 5)
Journal of Power Electronics (Followers: 5)
Discover Sustainability (Followers: 5)
Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy (Followers: 4)
Frontiers in Energy (Followers: 4)
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (Followers: 4)
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology (Followers: 4)
Global Energy Law and Sustainability (Followers: 4)
Wind Energy (Followers: 4)
Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment (Followers: 4)
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (Followers: 4)
Dams and Reservoirs (Followers: 4)
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering (Followers: 4)
Science and Technology for Energy Transition (Followers: 4)
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (Followers: 4)
Development of Energy Science (Followers: 4)
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (Followers: 4)
Journal of Energy Chemistry (Followers: 4)
Clean Energy (Followers: 4)
Journal of Energy, Mechanical, Material and Manufacturing Engineering (Followers: 4)
Discover Energy (Followers: 4)
Energy Conversion and Economics (Followers: 4)
World Oil Trade (Followers: 4)
Journal of Fusion Energy (Followers: 3)
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry (Followers: 3)
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews (Followers: 3)
Power Technology and Engineering (Followers: 3)
Functional Materials Letters (Followers: 3)
Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal (Followers: 3)
EPJ Photovoltaics (Followers: 3)
Sustainable Energy (Followers: 3)
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy (Followers: 3)
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology (Followers: 3)
Energy and Emission Control Technologies (Followers: 3)
Asian Bulletin of Energy Economics and Technology (Followers: 3)
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Followers: 3)
Carbon Resources Conversion (Followers: 3)
Sustainable Energy & Fuels (Followers: 3)
IET Smart Grid (Followers: 3)
Energy and AI (Followers: 3)
International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management (Followers: 2)
Progress in Nuclear Energy (Followers: 2)
Electricity Journal (Followers: 2)
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy (Followers: 2)
Gcb Bioenergy (Followers: 2)
Journal of Semiconductors (Followers: 2)
International Journal of Clean Coal and Energy (Followers: 2)
Washington and Lee Journal of Energy, Climate, and the Environment (Followers: 2)
Nigerian Journal of Technological Research (Followers: 2)
Energy Technology & Policy (Followers: 2)
International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications (Followers: 2)
Green Energy & Environment (Followers: 2)
Materials Today Energy (Followers: 2)
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering (Followers: 2)
Global Challenges (Followers: 2)
IET Energy Systems Integration (Followers: 2)
Energy Storage (Followers: 2)
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (Followers: 2)
Mekanika : Jurnal Teknik Mesin i (Followers: 2)
Journal of Power Sources Advances (Followers: 2)
International Journal of Nuclear Desalination (Followers: 1)
International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications (Followers: 1)
Radioprotection (Followers: 1)
Wind Engineering (Followers: 1)
Nuclear Law Bulletin (Followers: 1)
International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion (Followers: 1)
Clefs CEA (Followers: 1)
Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows (Followers: 1)
Natural Resources (Followers: 1)
Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems (Followers: 1)
Open Journal of Energy Efficiency (Followers: 1)
Technology Audit and Production Reserves (Followers: 1)
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (Followers: 1)
Clean Technologies (Followers: 1)
International Journal of Energy and Smart Grid (Followers: 1)
Global Energy Interconnection (Followers: 1)
Energy Conversion and Management : X (Followers: 1)
Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy (Followers: 1)
Energy, Ecology and Environment (Followers: 1)
Global Transitions (Followers: 1)
EnergyChem (Followers: 1)
Carbon Energy (Followers: 1)
Journal of Photonics for Energy (Followers: 1)
KnE Energy
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry
Energy Transitions
Journal of Energy Research and Reviews
International Journal of Energy and Water Resources
BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources
BMC Energy
Journal of Energy and Environment Technology of Graduate School Siam Technology College
Journal of Energy Systems
International Journal of Energy & Engineering Sciences
Energy Informatics
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment
Journal of China Coal Society
Facta Universitatis, Series : Electronics and Energetics
Ingeniería Energética
E3S Web of Conferences
International Journal of Ambient Energy
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro
South Pacific Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences
Chain Reaction
Nuclear Data Sheets
International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology