Subjects -> PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY (Total: 575 journals)
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- Polypharmacy and Medication Usage Patterns in Hypertensive Patients:
Findings from the Pars Cohort Study-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 2 August 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Pooria Zare, Hossein Poustchi, Zahra Mohammadi, Bita Mesgarpour, Mohammadreza Akbari, Alireza Kamalipour, Seyed Reza Abdipour-Mehrian, Elham-Sadat Hashemi, Arash Ghamar-Shooshtari, Seyed Ali Hosseini, Reza Malekzadeh, Hamed Bazrafshan Drissi, Fatemeh Malekzadeh, Hossein Molavi Vardanjani
- Best Practice in Dementia Health Care: Key Clinical Practice Pointers from
a National Conference and Innovative Opportunities for Pharmacy Practice-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 29 July 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Sam Keast, James R. Broatch, Stephen Chung, Renee Dixon, Roshna Dongol, Leanne Emerson, Alan Hayes, Sandra Iuliano, Itamar Levinger, Xiaoping Lin, Erin McKnight, Kirsten Moore, Hanatsu Nagano, Alex Parker, Catherine M. Said, Myrla Sales, Rees Thomas, Clare White, Jesse Zanker, Julia Gilmartin-Thomas
- Identifying the key determinants of a community pharmacy based bladder and
bowel service-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 27 July 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Alan Uren, Margaret Watson, Shoba Dawson, Ade Williams, Hugh McLeod, David Chandler, Alice Berry, Nikki Cotterill
- Development and Validation of the Mobile Adherence Satisfaction Scale
(MASS) for Medication Adherence Apps-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 July 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Rajat Rana, Baharudin Bin Ibrahim, Hasniza Binti Zaman Huri, Izyan Binti A. Wahab, Kayatri Govindaraju, Mohd. Syamir Mohamad Shukeri, Chow Kyn Ng, Siew Chin Ong
- A mixed-methods cross-sectional study to evaluate the public acceptability
of a novel pharmacy-based response service for domestic abuse and/or suicidal ideation.-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 18 July 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Josie Solomon, Hayley Gorton, Ana Maria Barcelos, Tracey Latham-Green, Samantha Williams, Elise Rowan, Peter Knapp, Claire Henderson, Mark Gussy, Rebecca Barnes
- A theoretical explanation of naloxone provision among primary care
physicians and community pharmacists in Tennessee-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 5 July 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Aaron Salwan, Stephanie M. Mathis, Bill Brooks, Nicholas E. Hagemeier, Fred Tudiver, Kelly N. Foster, Arsham Alamian, Robert P. Pack
- Exploring the impact of digital health tool on patients’ interaction
with community pharmacists: a pilot randomized controlled study-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 1 July 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Bonyan Qudah, Betty Chewning
- Development and validation of measures of pharmacists’ acceptability and
willingness to screen for perinatal depression-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 1 July 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Sarira El-Den, Katharine Birkness, Lily Pham, Andrea Murphy, Rebekah J. Moles, Claire L. O’Reilly, Camille Raynes-Greenow, Timothy F. Chen, Corina Raduescu, David Gardner, Stephen R. Carter
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 24 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): S. Latonen, E. Neuvonen, A.M. Juppo, H. Seeck, M. Airaksinen
- Development and external validation of a prognostic model for time to
readmission or death in multimorbid patients-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 21 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Stine Eidhammer Rognan, Liv Mathiesen, Marianne Lea, Morten Mowé, Espen Molden, Eva Skovlund
- The community pharmacist as a link to psychosocial care services: findings
and lessons from a collaborative project-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 21 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Eva Rens, Kris Van den Broeck, Veerle Foulon, Aline Ghijselings, Amber Damiaens
- A conceptual framework to build effective medicine pricing policies for
low and middle-income countries (LMICs)-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 19 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar
- Role of Pharmacists in the Care of Adult Asthma Patients: A Scoping Review
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 17 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Aseel Mahmoud, Ahmad Y. Abuhelwa, Tom Owen, Amad Alazzawi, Mohd Shara, Mohammad A.Y. Alqudah, Maguy Saffouh ElHajj, Jane R. Smith
- Health literacy for elderly patients with high blood pressure: A scoping
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Caroline Ferreira Simões, Luis Phillipe Nagem Lopes, Lucienne da Silva Lara, Aline Leal Cortês
- A Pharmacist Clinician Model as Part of a Collaborative Clinical
Workforce: A Philosophical Critique-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Gordon F. Rushworth, Paul Forsyth, Andrew Radley, Catherine Duggan, Rod Sampson, Scott Cunningham, Barry Maguire
- Influence of automated indexing in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
selection for pharmacy practice journals-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 12 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Fernando Fernandez-Llimos, Luciana G. Negrão, Christine Bond, Derek Stewart
- Leverage points for establishing clinical decision-maker as a vital
component of pharmacists’ professional identity-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Megan G. Anakin, Shane Desselle, Daniel F.B. Wright
- Pharmacist-led screening for mental illness: a systematic review
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 June 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Kevin Ou, Duha N. Gide, Sarira El-Den, Lisa Kouladjian O’Donnell, Daniel T. Malone, Claire L. O’Reilly
- A comparative analysis of medication counting methods to assess
polypharmacy in medico-administrative databases-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 23 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Marie-Eve Gagnon, Miceline Mésidor, Marc Simard, Yohann M. Chiu, Maude Gosselin, Bernard Candas, Caroline Sirois
- Development, content validation and standardization of an adult patient
prioritization tool for hospital clinical pharmacy services-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Stephanie Ferreira Botelho, Laís Lessa Neiva Pantuzza, Adriano Max Moreira Reis
- The Adverse Inpatient Medication Event and Frailty (AIME-Frail) Risk
Prediction Model-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Nazanin Falconer, Ian A. Scott, Ahmad Abdel-Hafez, Neil Cottrell, Duncan Long, Christopher Morris, Centaine Snoswell, Ebtihal Aziz, Jonathan Yong Jie Lam, Michael Barras
- Pharmacists’ clinical decision making when responding to a
self-medication request for a cough in a developing country-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Cecilia Brata, Yosi Irawati Wibowo, Eko Setiawan, Steven Victoria Halim, Afina Razanah, Ima Mar’atus Sholikhah, Putri Rohmatu Lailla, Azilah Rahmadini, Ida Ayu Elsa Ratu Satwika Putri, Carl R. Schneider
- An exploratory study to identify the factors influencing community
pharmacist retention by using COM-B Model-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Saima Asghar, Muhammad Atif, Saria Arshad
- Assessment of the Implementation of Pharmacist Prescribing: Challenges and
Pathways for Ambulatory Practice-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 11 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Gabriela Jorge Milani, Luani Takasugui Damasceno, Gustavo Magno Baldin Tiguman, Patricia Melo Aguiar
- ASAP: A pharmacy-level intervention to increase nonprescription syringe
sales to reduce bloodborne illnesses-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 7 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): B.E. Meyerson, J. Agley, R.A. Crosby, K.G. Bentele, N. Vadiei, L.B. Linde-Krieger, D.R. Russell, K. Fine, L.A. Eldridge
- ‘The role of community pharmacy in the promotion of continence care: a
systematic review’.-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Alan Uren, Shoba Dawson, Nikki Cotterill, Ade Williams, Hugh McLeod, David Chandler, Margaret Watson
- Oral beta-hydroxybutyrate alleviates COVID-19 related acute respiratory
distress syndrome: A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled trial-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 3 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Navid Reza Shahtaghi, Samira Bigdelitabar, Subham Thakur, Manjot Kaur, Harjeet Singh, Muskaan Saini, Manjinder Singh, Kanwardeep Singh, Subheet Kumar Jain
- A Goffmanian analysis of impact of unclear professional identity and role
negotiation of pharmacists in primary care: A multiple case study-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 3 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Jennifer D. Lake, Janet Barnsley, Aisha Lofters, Zubin Austin
- Exploring Telepharmacy: A Bibliometric Analysis of Past Research and
Future Directions-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 1 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Hina Saeed, Nataly Dominica Martini, Shane Scahill
- Hospitalisation and Adverse Drug Events in a Geriatric Oncology Setting: A
Systematic Review of the Literature-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 1 May 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Darren J. Walsh, Michelle O’Driscoll, Anne M. Horgan, Eoin Tabb, Michelle Hannan, Colette Morris, Laura J. Sahm
- Stakeholders' perspectives and experiences of the pharmacist's role in
deprescribing in ambulatory care: A qualitative meta-synthesis-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 27 April 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Amanda Kassis, Rebekah Moles, Stephen Carter
- Impact of Cost on Prescribing Diabetes Medications for Older Adults with
Type 2 Diabetes in the Outpatient Setting-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 April 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Mia E. Lussier, Ravi J. Desai, Eric A. Wright, Michael R. Gionfriddo
- Exploring stakeholders’ perspectives on antibiogram use, development,
and implementation in residential aged care settings-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 25 April 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Dipti Khatri, Nazanin Falconer, Soraia de Camargo Catapan, Sonali Coulter, Leonard C. Gray, David L. Paterson, Christopher Freeman
- Pharmacist, Nurse, and Physician Perspectives on the Implementation of the
Pharmacist Discharge Care (PHARM-DC) Intervention: A Qualitative Study-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 23 April 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Onyeche Oche, Logan T. Murry, Michelle S. Keller, Joshua M. Pevnick, Jeffrey L. Schnipper, An T. Nguyen, EunJi Michelle Ko, Korey A. Kennelty
- Pharmacists Combating Antimicrobial Resistance: A Delphi Study on
Antibiotic Dispensing-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 April 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Maarten Lambert, Anneloes Wonink, Ria Benko, Malene Plejdrup Hansen, Liset van Dijk, Katja Taxis
- Simplifying medication regimens for residents of aged care facilities:
pharmacist and physician use of a structured five-step medication simplification tool-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 April 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Janet K. Sluggett, Jacquelina Stasinopoulos, Cyan Sylvester, Wei Jin Wong, Jodie Hillen, Georgina A. Hughes, Solomon Yu, Malcolm Clark, J Simon Bell, Megan Corlis, Loui Sa Teng, Lisa Newton, Ronaldo D. Piovezan, David Yu, Lynda Carter GDipClinPharm, Natalie Soulsby
- Barriers and motivational factors for engaging in novel opioid-related
services in community pharmacies-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 April 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Mitchell J. Barnett, Brooke Clubbs, Ashley Woodyard, Valerie Wasem, Joyce Prinze, Anuradha Tirupasur, Sina Hosseini, Faviola Gallardo, Natalie Polich, Shane Desselle
- Exploring the heterogeneity in community pharmacist-led medication review
studies – A systematic review-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 March 2024Source: Research in Social and Administrative PharmacyAuthor(s): Cathrin J. Vogt, Robert Moecker, Christian O. Jacke, Walter E. Haefeli, Hanna M. Seidling