Authors:Ira Gusti Riani, Aldilla Sari Utami, Marta Tika Handayani, Eka Nurriza Khairunnisa Abstract: Purple sweet potato is a source of carbohydrates that can be used as a substitute for rice. Besides its sweet taste, it has a striking color that comes from anthocyanins. Purple sweet potato is a rich potential local food, it was cheaper. Purple sweet potato powder is a practice innovation. It was a semi-finished product that is instant and easy to use. One of its uses is for weaning food. It must be high nutrition, higyenic and safe. Physical modification is considered safer because it does not use chemicals and leaves no chemical residue. This study used a Factorial Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments (a combination between purple sweet potato starch and rice flour). Parameters observed were viscosity, bulk density, time rehydration, and water absorbtion. The best treatment was F5 (100% modified starch and 0% rice flour) with 0.50 g/mL bulk density, 135.40% water absorbtion, 136.67 dPas and 31.70 s rehydration time. PubDate: 2024-05-19 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Odesanya Joseph Femi Pages: 1 - 10 Abstract: Transportation serves as a vibrant sector for current civilization without which commerce, industrialization and societal development will be slowed or impossible, however, movement in space is not without its negative outcome, part of which is the generations of particulate. Objective of this research is to analyses Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) on roadside in Akure-south LGA of Ondo State, Nigeria. Traffic movement were collected along these corridors with the aid of counting and then disaggregating them into various categories such as passenger cars, heavy trucks, motorcycles and buses, while, CLJ-D Particulate counter (100-1million (PCS) Brand) was used in collecting PM10 particles generated along the traffic corridor. Finding show that the highest PM10 generated along the corridor is 1019 µg/m3 and the least generated PM10 is 312 µg/m3, while the corridor with the highest traffic is with 3973 pcu/hr and the lest has 1299 pcu/hr traffic volume. The research concluded that although the traffic volume is not exclusively the only contributor to PM10, in the selected corridor, there could also be some other contributors as the areas generating highest traffic movement do not mean highest PM10. PubDate: 2024-04-21 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Karinda Dwi Paserena, Nurhayati Damiri, Dwi Setyawan Pages: 11 - 17 Abstract: Coal mining activities carried out openly can have a negative impact on the environment. One of the environmental damages that occurs is the loss of habitat for soil-level insects. This research was conducted to identify the diversity of soil surface insect species in post-coal mining land of PT. Bukit Asam Tbk Tanjung Enim IUP Banko Barat at various ages of reclamation. Soil surface insect samples were collected using the pitfall trap method which was carried out for 1x24 hours. The results showed that the highest presence of soil surface insect species occurred in aged 6 years with a total of 128 individuals and was dominated by the order Hymenoptera. The species diversity index in post-coal mining land aged 6 years, namely 1.51, is classified as moderate. The lowest presence of soil surface insects occurred in aged 2 years with a total of 24 individuals. The species diversity index in post-coal mining land aged 2 years, namely 0.85, is relatively low. Thus, the research results show that the diversity of surface soil insects is influenced by the age of reclamation. The longer the land is managed, the higher the index of diversity of soil surface insect species in post-coal mining land. PubDate: 2024-05-04 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Francis Kwaku Nkansah, Worlanyo Kwabena Agbosu, Kekeli Adanu, Maxwell Kwame Boakye Pages: 18 - 23 Abstract: The installation of base stations in Accra and other urban centers meant to expand mobile phone network coverage has met opposition from the public. This study was carried out to assess the noise levels of generators utilized at the mobile telecommunication base stations focusing on noise levels from mobile telecommunication base stations in residential zonings only at the night (2200-0600). The methodology for data collection involved a quantitative approach using simple compliance coefficient data analysis. The study results showed that noise levels from generator sets at base stations in residential areas were not always below the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) threshold of 48dB within the hours of 2200 to 0600 at a distance of 50m from base stations. There is, therefore, noise pollution in this perimeter which has been classified as a residential area with negligible or infrequent transportation. In this regard, district assemblies ought to strictly implement a minimum setback distance of not less than 50m of telecommunication BSs from the closest residential structure. PubDate: 2024-05-04 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Ayu Wulandari, Hilda Zulkifli, Doni Setiawan, Agung Laksana Pages: 24 - 32 Abstract: Abstract: PT Sumatera Prima Fibreboard (PT SPF) is a private company that produces medium-density fibreboard (MDF). PT SPF made a green area in several locations in the factory environment as an effort to reduce air pollution, especially CO2 gas due to MDF production activities. The function of green area as a carbon pool has an important role in reducing and suppressing the release of CO2 emissions into the air. This research aims to determine the value of biomass and stored carbon reserves in saplings, poles, and trees rates, as well as understorey, and litter in PT SPF's green areas. This research used stratified purposive sampling methods. The saplings, poles, and trees biomass used non-destructive method by recording the species, and the diameter at breast height. Understorey and litter biomass measurements used destructive method by taking parts of the understorey and litter above the surface as samples. Based on this research, there were 13 saplings, poles, and trees rates species belonging to 9 families and 13 understory species belonging to 11 families in the research plots. The potential for saplings, poles, trees, understorey, and litter carbon storage in 5 green areas of PT SPF with total area of 16,673 m2 (1.67 ha) is 471,20 tons and classified as a good category. PubDate: 2024-05-04 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Reni Reni, Abdus Salam Junaedi Pages: 39 - 43 Abstract: Duck grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) is a type of commercial fish that has a habitat on coral rocks. Duck grouper is widely consumed both domestically and abroad. Duck grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) has profitable business opportunities even though not many have cultivated it. Maintenance management of prospective duck grouper parents is one of the efforts in aquaculture to get superior quality. This activity aims to find out how and stages of maintenance for prospective grouper parents in aquaculture. This activity was carried out at the Brackish Water Aquaculture Fisheries Center (BPBAP) Situbondo. The methods used in this activity are interviews, observation, documentation, and active participation and using secondary data in the form of journals and books. Management of the breeding of prospective duck grouper parents (Cromileptes altivelis) is carried out by the stages of pond preparation, filling water in the pond, soaking prospective duck grouper parents with fresh water, stocking prospective grouper parents in aquaculture ponds, feeding, cleaning ponds, and changing water circulation. Water quality measurements were carried out three times in each week FCR results during the activity with a total of 224 fish amounting to 8.46. This activity is carried out in ponds using seawater according to its natural habitat with temperatures of 27° C, pH ranging from 8.19-8.22, salinity 34 ppt, nitrite levels ranging from 0.009-0.02 ppm, and ammonia levels ranging from 0.005-0.022 mg / L. Prevention efforts against sea leech parasites are carried out twice a month using fresh water and acriflavine. PubDate: 2024-06-13 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Bambang Dwi Setiyawan, Poedji Loekitowati Hariani, Leily Nurul Komariah Pages: 44 - 53 Abstract: PT Bukit Asam Tbk has adopted the use of plant-based diesel oil in compliance with the rules established by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 12 of 2015 from previously using fossil diesel. One of the decarbonization program's initiatives to reduce emissions is to replace the use of fossil fuels with biodiesel for all production equipment. To obtain results on the decrease or increase in the environmental quality of the use of fossil fuels and biodiesel, this research requires comparative data obtained from the results of ambient air quality, emissions, and opacity test. Based on research data in the years 2018 – 2022, the emission quality test was obtained with an average CO parameter of 550.83 mg/nm3, which exceeded the quality standard of 540 mg/nm3, SO2 parameter of 79.03 mg/nm3 from the quality standard of 900 mg/nm3. The NO2 parameter is 161.29b mg/nm3 from the quality standard of 1200 mg/nm3, with the quality standard parameters referring to thw Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 15 of 2019. Based on quantitative analysis approaches method and trend analysis obtained the emission results experienced an increase with trend line analysis but were still below the quality standards. The results at IUP Banko Barat for mobile equipment sources were obtained at 5.23% HSU, while for static equipment sources, they were obtained at 9.88% HSU from the quality standard of 40% based on South Sumatera Governor Regulation No. 06 of 2016. It can be concluded that the variance of fuel use for the 2018-2022 period has no significant effect on the air quality test emissions and opacity results because it is still below the quality standard. PubDate: 2024-06-16 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Rezi Junialdi, Gusna Merina, Mistia Sari, Ahmad Mursyid, Alponsin Alponsin, Rian Rafiul Drajat, Sonia Sonia Pages: 54 - 61 Abstract: Electric Steam Power Plant (ESPP) in Teluk Sirih located on the seafront will certainly have an impact on changes in environmental factors such as physical, chemical and biological, one of which will be affected is phytoplankton. The research objective was to study the community structure of phytoplankton in the waters affected by the hot water of the ESPP of Teluk Sirih which was carried out in August 2023 with four sample stations namely Outfall, Inlet, Jetty and the middle of the sea as controls. The results of the study showed that the community structure of phytoplankton in the waters around the PLTU of Teluk Sirih was not significantly affected by hot water. This is illustrated by the diversity results which are classified as well H' ranging from 1.710-2.156. Evenest Index (E) 0.562-0.761 and Dominance Index (C) 0.188-0.295. The E and C values show that the phytoplankton are evenly distributed and no species dominates the ESPP of Teluk Sirih. The physics and chemistry of water are all above the quality standards of Ministry of Environment No. 51. 2004 as temperature ranges from 29-320C, pH 7-8, brightness >3m, Salinity 31,4-32,2 mg/L. Dissolved oxygen 5 mg/L, Carbon dioxide 48-62 mg/L, BOD5 4-5 mg/L, Nitrates 0.02-0.031 mg/L and orthophosphate 0.014-0.018.Keywords: Hot water, Phytoplankton, ESPP of Teluk Sirih, Community Structure and Physical Chemical Factors PubDate: 2024-06-20 Issue No:Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)