Journal Prestige (SJR): 0.371 Citation Impact (citeScore): 1 Number of Followers: 3 Hybrid journal (It can contain Open Access articles) ISSN (Print) 1531-8508 - ISSN (Online) 0001-4370 Published by Springer-Verlag [2468 journals] |
- Erratum to: Comparative Analysis of Jet Detection Methods on the Basis of
Satellite Altimetry Data by Example of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Sector to the South of Africa-
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Abstract: An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0001437024030019
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Ecosystems of the Siberian Arctic Seas–2023: (Cruise 92 of the R/V
Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the Kara Sea)-
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Abstract: Cruise 92 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh was organized by Shirshov Institute of Oceanology within the long-standing program “Marine Ecosystems of the Siberian Arctic” October 5–November 7, 2023. A total of 76 scientists from institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, VNIRO, and MES participated in the cruise. Coordinated hydrophysical, hydrochemical, biooceanological, and geochemical research were carried out in the eastern Kara Sea in the period of seasonal ice formation, as well as in the Ob River estuary and fjords of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago. The conditions of largest radioactive waste disposals in the Kara Sea were evaluated.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Environmental Studies of the Baltic Sea on Cruise 53 of the R/V Akademik
Boris Petrov-
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Abstract: The article presents brief results of expeditionary studies of the Southeastern Baltic Sea and eastern Gulf of Finland during cruise 53 of the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov (2023). The expedition was a continuation of longstanding oceanological research conducted by the Atlantic Branch of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Integrated geological, geophysical, hydrological, hydrochemical, hydrobiological, and geoecological research was carried out. New data on the state and dynamic of natural systems of the Baltic Sea were obtained.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- New Ideas about the Structure and Nature of the Crust of the Western Bay
of Bengal, Obtained Taking into Account Deep Seismic Sounding Data-
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Abstract: A comprehensive analysis of geological and geophysical data characterizing the structure of the eastern continental margin of India and the adjacent part of the bottom of the Bay of Bengal has been carried out. According to the structural and tectonic features, three sectors are distinguished: southern, central, and northern, the natural boundaries between which are the fault zones of the Makhanadi and Godavari–Krishna aulacogens. In the central sector, the pericontinental East Indian Plateau adjoins the continental slope. In 2003, the R/V Mezen acquired deep seismic sounding data on two profiles in this region. These data and their geological interpretation made it possible to identify “reduced” continental crust, characterized by reduced thickness of the upper, middle, and lower layers. A conclusion is drawn about the continental nature of the East Indian Plateau and northern part of the 85° Ridge adjacent to it. The light sialic and effusive rocks that form the top of the ridge give a negative gravimetric anomaly in the free-air reduction, which is its distinguishing feature.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Whistles in the Vocal Repertoire of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops
truncatus Montagu, 1821) and Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis Linnaeus,
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Abstract: The article performs a comparative analysis of the underwater sounds of two sympatric dolphin species living in the Black Sea: bottlenose and common dolphins. During sound processing and analysis, the special program nanoCAD 22 was used. Both the similarity of the physical parameters of the sounds of the two species and a number of specific features of whistles characteristic of each were demonstrated. Common dolphin production of some types of whistles with significant similarities (sometimes almost identical) to the signature whistles of bottlenose dolphins was detected and analyzed.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Geological Structure and Prospects of the Oil-And-Gas-Bearing Mozambique
Continental Margin-
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Abstract: The principal basins on the Mozambique continental margin are the Mozambique and Rovuma, on the passive continental margin with complex tectonic history, following after the East African Rift System in the Triassic. Although the first gas fields in the coastal zone of the Indian Ocean in southeast Mozambique are appeared yet in the 1960s, only in 2010, did Mozambique achieve a new status as a major world hydrocarbon player—with the discovery of a number of large gas fields in the northeast of the country, in deep-water regions of the Indian Ocean, and in the Rovuma Basin. More than 20 recently discovered gas fields are located in deep-water regions and on the continental slope of the Indian Ocean at depths of 468–2610 m. It is noteworthy that the pays of the same age, the deeper they are buried beneath the water column, the greater their volume of hydrocarbon reserves. A similar trend may help in the case of targeted oil and gas exploration. The prospects of liquid hydrocarbon discoveries are possible in the Madagascar channel behind the Davie Ridge and in deep-water parts on the slopes of the Mozambique continental margin.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Similarity of Quasi-Geostrophic Vortices Against the Background of
Horizontal Currents with Vertical Shear and General-Type Currents with
Barotropic and Baroclinic Components-
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Abstract: This article continues and generalizes the study “On the Similarity of Quasi-Geostrophic Vortices against the Background of Large-Scale Barotropic Currents” [6] (Oceanology, Zhmur, 2024, in print). In continuation of [6], a similar formulation is considered, but for other types of background currents. In the quasi-geostrophic description for small Rossby numbers, the problem of the evolution of an arbitrarily shaped liquid volume with homogeneous potential vorticity of all vortex core particles in an equidistant background flow—horizontal flow with vertical shear and equidistant flow with barotropic and baroclinic components—is presented. Ultimately, the problem boils down to an integrodifferential equation for the evolution of the vortex core boundary. The study of this equation in dimensionless form makes it possible to find a set of dimensionless parameters that determine the similarity condition of the studied vortices.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Long-Term Dynamics of Phytoplankton Parameters and Water Temperature in
the Area of Sevastopol (Black Sea)-
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Abstract: Based on contact data, the dynamics of the abundance (N) and biomass (B) of phytoplankton in 2013–2014 and the concentration of chlorophyll a (Cсhl) in 2000–2003 and 2008–2021 were analyzed using fast Fourier transform (FFT) under conditions of changing water temperature (T) in the vicinity of Sevastopol in the Black Sea. Estimates of the contribution made by the variability of the annual and semiannual harmonics of N, B, Cchl, T to the seasonal cycle amounted to more than 56% for all parameters. A significant relationship between B and Cchl (r < –0.83) at two stations indicates the aging of microalgae. The dominance of different groups of microalgae in the phytoplankton biomass has been detected. A typical period of 2–4 years is distinguished in the interannual variability of Cchl and T in different seasons.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- The Problem of Reconstructing the Profile of the Sea Surface from the
Video Image of Laser Beams-
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Abstract: Currently, there are no remote methods for recording the instantaneous two-dimensional profile of the sea surface Z(x, y, t) in field conditions, nor are there any methods for recording capillary wave profiles directly on the sea surface. The short-wavelength component of sea waves plays a very important role in radiometry in the formation of the surface’s own radiation and in solving inverse radar problems. This article proposes an optical measurement technique that can measure the parameters of the entire wave spectrum, including capillary waves with amplitude of less than 0.1 mm. However, the author has not yet been able to fully solve the inverse problem of reconstructing the two-dimensional wave profile. The author considered it expedient to formulate this problem and involve the scientific community in its successful solution. Obtaining the profile of sea waves Z(x, y, t) in natural conditions with a high update rate will yield complete information about the characteristics of waves, temporal and spatial spectra of elevations, spectra of slopes; it will also be possible to study the evolution of waves when the wind changes. The possibility of recording and studying the short-wavelength components of waves, including capillary waves, is of particular value.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Morphometry of Ice Scours in the Southwestern Kara Sea
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Abstract: The ice-gouging topography of bed of the southwestern Kara Sea is the result of the impact of icebergs and sea ice. During cruise 52 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov using a multibeam echo sounder, we collected representative data on the key parameters of ice scours (location, orientation, depth, width) for the first time, which allows us to draw conclusions on a regional scale. We revealed regularities in the spatial and temporal distribution of ice scours and their density in different parts of the seabed. It was revealed that the maximum dimensions of the ice scours decrease with distance from the sources of iceberg calving from NW to SE. The orientation of the ice scours correlates with the main drift directions of icebergs. Most of the ice scours are located at depths up to 220 m and could have formed both at the modern and lower sea levels (in postglacial time). We identified a high degree of seabed transformation by ice-gouging processes in the southwestern Kara Sea.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Quantitative Distribution and Lipid Reserves of the Calanus euxinus
(Copepoda) Population in the Black Sea in Late Autumn 2017-
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Abstract: — The field data on the abundance, biomass, age structure, and lipid reserves of the copepod Сalanus euxinus population in deep pelagial and Crimean shelf regions of the Black Sea in November 2017 were analyzed. The abundance and biomass of this species in deep areas (10.2 ± 0.5 × 103 ind./m2 and 7.3 ± 0.5 g/m2, respectively) were similar to the average annual values for seasons with moderate development of planktivorous jellyfish populations. The average abundance and biomass of the copepods were similar to analogous 2016 values when the jellyfish abundance was twice as low. However, in 2017, the denser aggregations of C. euxinus (12.8 ± 1.0 × 103 ind./m2 and 9.8 ± 0.5 g/m2) were found in the central parts of cyclonic circulations, while in 2016, they were recorded more frequently at the peripheries of cyclonic gyres. A structure of the C. euxinus population also changed. In November 2017, the percentage of copepodites I–IV, females and males, increased, whereas the proportion of copepodites V reduced. These changes likely resulted from a later sampling period in 2017, when the C. euxinus population was ready for active reproduction. Sufficient amounts of lipids in copepodites V, decreased oil sac volumes in females, and increased abundance of males in anticyclonic regions are indicative of more favorable trophic conditions for this part of the C. euxinus population and its higher maturity.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Sources of Freshwater Components in Western Part of the Bering Sea
According to Isotope (δ18О, δD) Data-
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Abstract: The isotope parameters and sources of freshwater components for the subsurface, intermediate, and deep water of the western Bering Sea were estimated using the isotope (δ18О, δD) data for 177 seawater samples. We show that subsurface, dichothermal and, partially, intermediate water (<1000 m) are freshened by regional precipitation. For these waters, the next equations of relations between delta and salinity values were obtained: δ18О = [0.390 ± 0.018]S – 13.521 ± 0.613 and δD = [3.07 ± 0.08]S – 107 ± 2.74. Deeper (1000–2500 m) water is also freshened by precipitation but from the more southern region (≈40°–45° S). The deepest water (2800–4300 m) retain their isotope signal obtained via freshening by Antarctic glacier ice meltwater. The distribution of isotope parameters with the depth shows that vertical mixing at depths of ≈1000–2500 m takes place. This process should influent the redistribution of nutrients, dissolved oxygen, organic matter, and other components in water of the western Bering Sea. The isotope composition of water passing into the Arctic Ocean halocline (S = 33.1) from the Bering Sea are δ18О = –0.61‰ and δD = –5.4‰.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- The Evolution of Redox Conditions in Isolated Water Bodies of Poria Gub
Bay and Kandalaksh Coast of the White Sea-
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Abstract: The article presents the results of hydrochemical studies of waterbodies with varying degrees of development of anaerobic conditions (up to the appearance of meromixia with sulfide anoxia) in the Porya Guba Bay (Kandalaksha Bay, White Sea, Kandalaksha State Nature Reserve). It is shown that these waterbodies, which are at different stages of isolation from the sea, have a unique hydrological and hydrochemical structure, formed at a certain stage of their evolution. The vertical stratification of water, with the development of all phenomena accompanying stagnation, is more pronounced in the most distant parts of their water area from the sea, where elevated contents of hydrogen sulfide (up to 16.5 mg/L), phosphates, silicon, nitrite, and ammonium nitrogen are noted in bottom anaerobic water. However, the concentrations of all major ions are comparable to those in seawater and hardly chance at all vertically. Analysis of the distribution of the hydrochemical parameters of the distant reaches of Ozerki Lagoon made it possible to conclude that, due to changes that have occurred with this waterbody over the past 90 years, it can now most likely be classified as meromictic.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Grain Size Properties of Surface Bottom Sediments from Chaun Bay
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Abstract: Based on the results of an analysis of 174 samples of bottom sediments collected at 48 stations in the Chaun Bay during the cruise 60 of the R/V Akademik Oparin (October 2020), it was found that their grain size distribution varies from poorly sorted silty clay to well sorted sand. The results of the study led to conclusion that the main sedimentation mechanisms in Chaun Bay are thermal abrasion, river runoff, and abrasion, as well as ice rafting and aeolian transport. The zoning of grain size types of bottom sediments is related to the bottom topography and consistent with areas affected by riverine runoff, abrasion, and thermal coastal abrasion, as well as with the direction of currents. The high occurrence of coarse clastic matter in sediments is evidence of abrasion of the coastal zone and active ice rafting of large (up to 15 cm) rock fragments. The vertical variability of the grain size parameters of the studied bottom sediments within the upper 20 cm layer reflects gradual Late Holocene intensification of terrigenous (fluvial and thermal abrasion) fluxes with the current effects of climate change in the Arctic.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- First Findings of the Invasive Snow Crab Chionoecetes opilio (O.
Fabricius, 1788) (Decapoda, Oregoniidae) in the Eastern Kara Sea-
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Abstract: During cruise 89 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September–October 2022, search for the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio were conducted in benthic communities of the Kara Sea using a Sigsby bottom trawl and the TUV Videomodule; as well, plankton samples were collected with a Bongo net in order to record crab larvae in the water column. Single large individuals of snow crab were found for the first time in the eastern Kara Sea, on a transect from the Voronin Trough towards the coast of Taimyr, starting at a depth of 490 m. At the same time, not a single crab larva was caught, which indicates penetration of mature crabs into these areas across the bottom. Conversely, in the western part of the sea and in Blagopoluchiya Bay, large numbers of all size groups of C. opilio on the bottom, as well as crab larvae in the water column, were observed. The differences in the speed and nature of the snow crab invasion are explained by the contrast in the ice conditions in the western and eastern Kara Sea. The snow crab population is likely to spread further in the eastern Kara Sea due to trends towards an increase in the ice-free period in the Arctic.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Utilization of Nutrients Entering Through the Bering Strait to the
Southwestern Chukchi Sea with the Example of Mineral Phosphorus-
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Abstract: Spatial variations of the nutrient concentration along the northwestward stream from the Bering Sea to the Chukchi Sea are considered for dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) based on data from two surveys conducted in early September 2010 and 2020. The water mass from the Bering Sea has higher DIP than Chukchi Sea water, but in the upper layer its phosphorus is gradually lost due to both mixing with local water and consumption for photosynthesis. In the subsurface layer, the decrease in DIP is prevented by its recycling from degraded organic matter. The fluxes of phosphorus are estimated separately using the balance model with TS analysis, previously used in estuarial studies. Successive DIP utilization along the stream is traced, which forms in the Chukchi Sea two zones of high productivity divided by a wide low-productive zone. Nutrients from the upper layer are utilized within the southwestern Chukchi Sea, resulting in primary production 0.1–0.2 gC m–3 day–1, but the main stock of allochthonous nutrients from the subsurface layer is utilized further downstream (at Wrangel Island or in the northern Chukchi Sea) and results in production of 0.3–0.4 gC m–3 day–1. Localization of high-productive zones is determined by density stratification, which possibly depends on the stream strength: the stronger the advection through Bering Strait, the farther from the strait both zones are located. The recent tendency of strengthening of the stream tends to remove the zones of utilization the nutrients of Pacific origin from the southwestern Chukchi Sea.
PubDate: 2024-06-01
- Hydrogen Sulfide Contamination Studies in the Deep-Water Basin of the
Middle Caspian Sea during a Cruise of the R/V Issledovatel Kaspiya in
September 2022-
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Abstract: The article presents the results of comprehensive studies of the hydrological and chemical structure of the Middle and Northern Caspian Sea carried out aboard R/V Issledovatel Kaspiya in September 2022. It is shown, despite the continuing decrease in sea level, that there is no aeration of deep layers and a hydrogen sulfide layer persists with a tendency towards an increasing hydrogen sulfide concentration in the bottom layer. There is an enlargement in the oxygen minimum zone. The changes of the Caspian Sea ecosystem have led to weakening of nutrient transfer from the photic layer into the bottom layers and, as a consequence, to a decrease in the silicon concentration in the bottom layer. The results will make it possible to evaluate trends of ongoing changes.
PubDate: 2024-04-01
DOI: 10.1134/S000143702402005X
- Observations of Tsunami Waves on the Pacific Coast of Russia Originating
from the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai Volcanic Eruption on January 15,
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Abstract: The Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption on January 15, 2022 generated a tsunami that affected the entire Pacific Ocean. Tsunami waves from the event have been generated both by incoming waves from the source area with a long-wave speed in the ocean of ~200–220 m/s, and by an atmospheric wave propagating at a sound speed of ~315 m/s. Such a dual source mechanism created a serious problem and was a real challenge for the Pacific tsunami warning services. The work of the Russian Tsunami Warning Service (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) during this event is considered in detail. The tsunami was clearly recorded on the coasts of the Northwest Pacific and in the adjacent marginal seas, including the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, and the Bering Sea. We examined high-resolution records (1-min sampling) of 20 tide gauges and 8 air pressure stations in this region for the period of January 14–17, 2022. On the Russian coast, the highest waves, with a trough-to-crest wave height of 1.3 m, were recorded at Malokurilskoe (Shikotan Island) and Vodopadnaya (southeastern coast of Kamchatka). Using numerical simulation and data analysis methods, we were able to separate oceanic “gravity” tsunami waves from propagating atmospheric pressure waves. In general, we found that on the outer (oceanic) coasts and southern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, oceanic tsunami waves prevailed, while on the coast of the Sea of Japan, oceanic and atmospheric tsunami waves had similar heights.
PubDate: 2024-04-01
DOI: 10.1134/S0001437024020097
- Differences in Megabenthos Communities in the Eastern and Western Parts of
the Kara Sea Based on Video Observations-
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Abstract: The first quantitative video survey of the benthic megafauna was carried out on a transect in the eastern part of the Kara Sea from the slope of the Voronin Trough to the upper shelf in the depth range from 1680 to 70 metres. The data were obtained using the TUV “Videomodule” during the 89th cruise of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in autumn 2022. It was shown that the megabenthos in this area differs significantly from that of the western part of the sea and Blagopoluchiya Bay (Novaya Zemlya). In the eastern part of the Kara Sea, echinoderms dominated, among which ophiuroids were in the first place, whereas in the western part of the sea and the Blagopoluchiya Bay, the key component of the megafauna was the snow crab Chionoecetes opilio. Single adults of Ch. opilio were recorded for the first time at almost all stations in the eastern part of the sea, but, in contrast to the western area, the snow crab has not yet become dominant here and has not influenced the benthic communities.
PubDate: 2024-04-01
DOI: 10.1134/S0001437024020139
- State and Forecast of Development of the Shallow Sandy Coast of a Tidal
Sea (A Case Study of Madagascar)-
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Abstract: Currently, most seashores are experiencing increased erosion and retreat. To a large extent, this applies to coasts subjected to the influence of high-amplitude sea tides, which is extremely negatively manifested on the accumulative coasts of oceanic islands. The problem of their dynamics, the theoretical foundations of which are still in the development stage, can only be solved on the basis of wide-regional studies. This study is aimed at elucidating the specific features of the dynamics of such a coast with a case study of the key region of a large oceanic island. The main reasons for its degradation are identified, recommendations are given for stabilizing the coastline, and the development trend according to the natural scenario is considered.
PubDate: 2024-04-01
DOI: 10.1134/S0001437024020061