Showing 1 - 174 of 174 Journals sorted alphabetically |
| Academic Psychiatry and Psychology Journal : APPJ (Followers: 42) |
| Acta Colombiana de Psicología (Followers: 3) |
| Acta de Investigación Psicológica (Followers: 1) |
| Acta Psychologica (Followers: 29) |
| Activités (Followers: 1) |
| Actualidades en Psicologia (Followers: 2) |
| Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology (Followers: 13) |
| Addictive Behaviors Reports (Followers: 14) |
| ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders (Followers: 35) |
| ADHD Report The (Followers: 15) |
| Adolescent Research Review (Followers: 8) |
| Advanced Journal of Professional Practice (Followers: 29) |
| Advances in Experimental Social Psychology (Followers: 53) |
| Advances in Mental Health (Followers: 101) |
| Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (Followers: 30) |
| Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Followers: 10) |
| Advances in Physiotherapy (Followers: 69) |
| Advances in the Study of Behavior (Followers: 42) |
| Affective Science (Followers: 6) |
| African Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and Sport Facilitation (Followers: 4) |
| Aggression and Violent Behavior (Followers: 370) |
| Aggressive Behavior (Followers: 24) |
| Aging Psychology (Followers: 8) |
| Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition (Followers: 48) |
| Ajayu Órgano de Difusión Científica del Departamento de Psicología UCBSP |
| American Behavioral Scientist (Followers: 27) |
| American Imago (Followers: 4) |
| American Journal of Applied Psychology (Followers: 68) |
| American Journal of Community Psychology (Followers: 41) |
| American Journal of Health Behavior (Followers: 30) |
| American Journal of Psychoanalysis (Followers: 24) |
| American Journal of Psychology (Followers: 71) |
| American Psychologist (Followers: 296) |
| Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology (Followers: 2) |
| Análise Psicológica |
| Analysis (Followers: 3) |
| Annual Review of Clinical Psychology (Followers: 95) |
| Annual Review of Psychology (Followers: 400) |
| Anuario de investigaciones (Facultad de PsicologÃa. Universidad de Buenos Aires) (Followers: 1) |
| Anuario de Psicología / The UB Journal of Psychology (Followers: 1) |
| Anuario de Psicología Jurídica (Followers: 1) |
| Anxiety, Stress & Coping: An International Journal (Followers: 29) |
| Applied Cognitive Psychology (Followers: 81) |
| Applied Neuropsychology : Adult (Followers: 57) |
| Applied Neuropsychology : Child (Followers: 31) |
| Applied Psycholinguistics (Followers: 31) |
| Applied Psychological Measurement (Followers: 20) |
| Applied Psychology (Followers: 242) |
| Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being (Followers: 69) |
| Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (Followers: 8) |
| Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology (Followers: 37) |
| Archives of Scientific Psychology (Followers: 4) |
| Archives of Suicide Research (Followers: 14) |
| Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia (Followers: 1) |
| Art Therapy Online (Followers: 5) |
| Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Followers: 7) |
| Asia-Pacific Psychiatry (Followers: 5) |
| Asian American Journal of Psychology (Followers: 9) |
| Asian Journal of Behavioural Studies (Followers: 3) |
| Asian Journal of Business Ethics (Followers: 11) |
| Assessment (Followers: 17) |
| Attachment: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis (Followers: 19) |
| Attention, Perception & Psychophysics (Followers: 20) |
| Augmented Human Research |
| Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association Journal (Followers: 5) |
| Australian Journal of Psychology (Followers: 27) |
| Australian Psychologist (Followers: 15) |
| Autism Research (Followers: 53) |
| Autism Research and Treatment (Followers: 37) |
| Autism's Own (Followers: 14) |
| Avaliação Psicológica |
| Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana |
| Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors (Followers: 30) |
| Basic and Applied Social Psychology (Followers: 47) |
| Behavior Analysis in Practice (Followers: 25) |
| Behavior Analyst (Followers: 9) |
| Behavior and Social Issues (Followers: 8) |
| Behavior Modification (Followers: 15) |
| Behavior Research Methods (Followers: 36) |
| Behavior Therapy (Followers: 57) |
| Behavioral Disorders (Followers: 3) |
| Behavioral Interventions (Followers: 20) |
| Behavioral Neuroscience (Followers: 69) |
| Behavioral Sciences & the Law (Followers: 30) |
| Behavioral Sleep Medicine (Followers: 14) |
| Behaviormetrika (Followers: 1) |
| Behaviour (Followers: 10) |
| Behaviour Change (Followers: 15) |
| Behaviour Research and Therapy (Followers: 23) |
| Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy (Followers: 245) |
| Behavioural Processes (Followers: 8) |
| Behavioural Public Policy (Followers: 6) |
| Behavioural Sciences Undergraduate Journal (Followers: 3) |
| Beyond Behavior (Followers: 4) |
| BioPsychoSocial Medicine (Followers: 10) |
| BMC Psychology (Followers: 21) |
| Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice (Followers: 16) |
| Boletim Academia Paulista de Psicologia |
| Brain Informatics (Followers: 2) |
| Brain Science Advances (Followers: 6) |
| British Journal of Clinical Psychology (Followers: 226) |
| British Journal of Educational Psychology (Followers: 43) |
| British Journal of Health Psychology (Followers: 57) |
| British Journal of Psychology (Followers: 92) |
| British Journal of Psychotherapy (Followers: 77) |
| British Journal of Social Psychology (Followers: 68) |
| Canadian Journal of Art Therapy : Research, Practice, and Issues (Followers: 1) |
| Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science (Followers: 7) |
| Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (Followers: 18) |
| Case Studies in Sport and Exercise Psychology (Followers: 18) |
| CES Psicología |
| Child Development Perspectives (Followers: 43) |
| Child Development Research (Followers: 23) |
| Ciencias Psicológicas |
| Clínica y Salud |
| Clinical Medicine Insights : Psychiatry (Followers: 9) |
| Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health (Followers: 4) |
| Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology (Followers: 16) |
| Clinical Psychological Science (Followers: 21) |
| Clinical Psychologist (Followers: 23) |
| Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (Followers: 94) |
| Clinical Psychology Review (Followers: 57) |
| Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice (Followers: 30) |
| Clocks & Sleep (Followers: 2) |
| Coaching : Theorie & Praxis (Followers: 3) |
| Coaching Psykologi : The Danish Journal of Coaching Psychology (Followers: 4) |
| Cogent Psychology |
| Cognition & Emotion (Followers: 52) |
| Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (Followers: 12) |
| Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (Followers: 27) |
| Cognitive Neuropsychology (Followers: 48) |
| Cognitive Psychology (Followers: 92) |
| Cognitive Research : Principles and Implications (Followers: 5) |
| Community Psychology in Global Perspective (Followers: 3) |
| Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology (Followers: 2) |
| Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology (Followers: 3) |
| Consciousness and Cognition (Followers: 38) |
| Consumer Psychology Review (Followers: 5) |
| Contagion : Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture (Followers: 7) |
| Contemporary Educational Psychology (Followers: 33) |
| Contemporary Psychoanalysis (Followers: 2) |
| Contemporary School Psychology (Followers: 8) |
| Counseling et spiritualité / Counselling and Spirituality (Followers: 1) |
| Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation (Followers: 13) |
| Counseling Psychologist (Followers: 20) |
| Counselling and Psychotherapy Research : Linking research with practice (Followers: 30) |
| Counselling and Values (Followers: 6) |
| Counselling Psychology Quarterly (Followers: 16) |
| Couple and Family Psychoanalysis (Followers: 2) |
| Creativity Research Journal (Followers: 27) |
| Creativity. Theories ? Research ? Applications (Followers: 10) |
| Crime Psychology Review (Followers: 5) |
| Criminal Justice Ethics (Followers: 11) |
| Cuadernos de Marte |
| Cuadernos de Psicologia del Deporte (Followers: 1) |
| cultura & psyché : Journal of Cultural Psychology (Followers: 4) |
| Culture and Brain (Followers: 9) |
| Current Addiction Reports (Followers: 17) |
| Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports (Followers: 5) |
| Current Directions In Psychological Science (Followers: 89) |
| Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences (Followers: 13) |
| Current Opinion in Psychology (Followers: 17) |
| Current Psychology (Followers: 14) |
| Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology (Followers: 7) |
| Current Research in Psychology (Followers: 18) |
| Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking (Followers: 19) |
| Decision (Followers: 7) |
| Depression and Anxiety (Followers: 33) |
| Depression Research and Treatment (Followers: 19) |
| Development and Psychopathology (Followers: 18) |
| Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (Followers: 28) |
| Developmental Neuropsychology (Followers: 23) |
| Developmental Psychobiology (Followers: 11) |
| Developmental Psychology (Followers: 55) |
| Dhammathas Academic Journal |
| Diagnostica (Followers: 4) |
| Dialectica (Followers: 1) |
| Discourse (Followers: 13) |
| Diversitas : Perspectivas en Psicologia |
| Drogues, santé et société (Followers: 2) |
| Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways toward terrorism and genocide (Followers: 13) |
| Eat, Sleep, Work (Followers: 3) |
| Ecopsychology (Followers: 7) |
| Educational and Developmental Psychologist (Followers: 10) |
| Educational Psychology Review (Followers: 42) |
| Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology (Followers: 41) |
| Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology / Revista Electrónica de Investigación Psicoeducativa y Psicopedagógica (Followers: 8) |
| Emotion Review (Followers: 22) |
| Epiphany (Followers: 1) |
| Escritos de Psicología : Psychological Writings |
| Estrategias : Psicoanálisis y Salud Mental |
| Estudios de Psicología (Followers: 1) |
| Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia |
| Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry (Followers: 7) |
| Ethics & Behavior (Followers: 10) |
| Eureka (Asunción) en Línea (Followers: 1) |
| European Journal of Behavior Analysis (Followers: 3) |
| European Journal of Developmental Psychology (Followers: 22) |
| European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education (Followers: 5) |
| European Journal of Personality (Followers: 21) |