- Applying the Affective Events Theory to Explore the Effect of Daily
Micro-Interruptions on Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Affect and the Moderating Role of Pets at Work-
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Authors: Junça Silva; Ana First page: 1 Abstract: This study relied on the affective events theory and the social exchange theory to develop a framework that explains how situational factors (daily micro-interruptions) enhance affective reactions (negative affect) and, in turn, impair health conditions (mental health) at work. We further delineate theoretical arguments to propose the pet-human’s health effect by demonstrating that pets are boundary conditions that attenuate this relation, and as such are protective conditions for employees’ mental health. We conducted a 5-day diary study with two groups of participants, one with participants who owned pets (N = 82 x 5 = 410), and the other who did not own pets (N = 87 x 5 = 435). The multilevel results showed an indirect effect of daily micro-interruptions on individuals’ mental health through negative affect, with a daily backdrop of poorer mental health for those who did not own a pet (compared to those who owned a pet). These results evidence the benefits of owning a pet for individuals’ mental health, even at work, and as such provide recommendations for teleworking practices. Moreover, this study resorts to an innovative and robust data collection method to demonstrate the pet-human’ health effect. This study expands knowledge on the role of pets in working daily routines and shows that pets may be a personal resource for individuals while working. PubDate: 2024-01-30 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.2
- Measuring Subjective Inequality: Development and Validation of the
Perceived Economic Inequality Scale (PEIS)-
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Authors: Valtorta; Roberta Rosa, Vezzoli, Michela, Mari, Silvia, Durante, Federica, Volpato, Chiara First page: 2 Abstract: The main goal of the present research is to develop and validate the Perceived Economic Inequality Scale (PEIS), an instrument measuring individuals’ perceptions of economic inequality at the national level. The study was conducted on a representative sample of the Italian population (N = 1,446, 51% women). The factorial structure of the scale was assessed through cross-validated exploratory-confirmatory factor analyses. To inspect the PEIS psychometric properties, item and correlation analyses were performed. The results showed that the PEIS is a valid and reliable unidimensional measure of perceived economic inequality at the national level. Further support of the PEIS construct validity was provided by the correlation of the scale score with the perceived wage gap and ideological beliefs like the economic system justification, social dominance orientation, meritocratic beliefs, and participants’ political orientation. Crucially, multigroup confirmatory factor analysis supported configural, metric, and scalar invariances of the scale across socio-demographic groups. The PEIS allows researchers to assess the subjective component of economic inequality by also serving as a useful tool for unpacking the psychological correlates of perceived inequality. PubDate: 2024-02-05 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.4
- Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC)
in Spanish Adolescents-
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Authors: López-Fernández; Francisco Javier, Morales-Hidalgo, Paula, Canals, Josefa, Marzo, Juan Carlos, García-López, Luis Joaquín, Piqueras, José Antonio First page: 3 Abstract: Few studies have examined the psychometric properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in a large adolescent community sample, finding a significant disparity. This study explores the psychometric properties of the CD-RISC among Spanish adolescents by means of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Rasch analysis, and measurement invariance (MI) across sex, as well as internal consistency and criterion validity. The sample was comprised of 463 adolescents (231 girls), aged 12 to 18 years, who completed the CD-RISC and other measures on emotional status and quality of life. The EFA suggested that the CD-RISC structure presented a unidimensional model. Consequently, shorter unidimensional CD-RISC models observed in the literature were explored. Thus, the Campbell-Sills and Stein CD–RISC–10 showed the soundest psychometric properties, providing an adequate item fit and supporting MI and non-differential item functioning across sex. Item difficulty levels were biased toward low levels of resilience. Some items showed malfunctioning in lower response categories. With regard to reliability, categorical omega was. 82. Strong associations with health-related quality of life, major depressive disorder symptoms, and emotional symptoms were observed. A weak association was found between resilience and the male sex. Campbell-Sills and Stein’s CD–RISC–10 model emerges as the best to assess resilience among Spanish adolescents, as already reported in adults. Thus, independently of the developmental stage, the core of resilience may reside in the aspects of hardiness and persistence. PubDate: 2024-02-05 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.3
- An Exploratory Study in the Portuguese Population on Writing a Suicide
Note: Correlates in the Suicide Spectrum and Qualitative Analysis-
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Authors: Campos; Rui C., Reixa, Cátia, Cardoso, Paulo, Passos, Bruna First page: 4 Abstract: Suicide notes are an important warning sign for suicidal behaviors. The aim of this exploratory research is (a) to contribute to understanding the place of suicide notes in the spectrum of suicidal behaviors in Portugal, and (b) to analyze the content remembered by individuals regarding a suicide note. Two complementary studies were carried out. In the first, a quantitative investigation, the statistical relationship of writing a suicide note: To the occurrence of lifetime suicide attempts, to lifetime self-harming behaviors, and to suicidal ideation in the two weeks prior to the assessment was evaluated. In the second study, a qualitative investigation, the content recalled by individuals regarding a suicide note was analyzed. In the quantitative study, 841 adults aged between 18 and 65 years, and 1,012 young adults participated. In the qualitative study, 18 young adults participated. Findings of the quantitative study reveal that writing a suicide note significantly related to the lifetime presence of a suicide attempt and to self-harming behaviors and to suicidal ideation in the two weeks prior to the assessment. Findings of the qualitative study suggest that individuals who have written suicide notes exhibit a significant self-oriented focus, yet they also demonstrate a strong sense of concern for the survivors. PubDate: 2024-02-06 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.1
- The Joint Role of Focused and Molar Climates and Eudaemonic Well-being as
Mediators of the Relationship between Flexible Telework and Scientific Productivity in Spanish ERC-Granted Teams-
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Authors: Martinolli; Guido, Posada, Alejandro Sanín, Belli, Simone, Tomás, Inés, Tordera, Núria First page: 5 Abstract: Flexible work arrangements, such as teleworking, have gained massive and unprecedented usage for creating work environments that foster well-being and productivity. Yet empirical evidence is still scant and not much is known about the role of organizational climate(s) in this process. Accordingly, the present study was set out to investigate the mediating mechanisms linking flexible teleworking to scientific productivity by considering climate for well-being dimensions, the climates for excellence and for innovation, and eudaemonic well-being as mediating constructs. Data were collected from 358 members of 48 Spanish European Research Council (ERC) granted teams and analyses were conducted both at the individual and team level, after checking for the relevant aggregation indexes. Relevant and significant relations were found within the hypothesized statistical model both at the individual and team level of analysis. The climate dimension of team support and the climate for innovation, together with eudaimonic well-being, resulted to be linked by significant relationships suggesting a potential mediating path. Also, empirical evidence supported considering gender as a control variable for the relationship between flexible teleworking and the climate dimension of work-life balance. In conclusion, climate variables and eudaimonic well-being represent relevant variables for the explanation of the relationship between flexible teleworking and scientific productivity. Practical and theoretical implications, and limitations are further discussed in the article. PubDate: 2024-02-14 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.5
- An Exploratory Study in the Portuguese Population on Writing a Suicide
Note: Correlates in the Suicide Spectrum and Qualitative Analysis – CORRIGENDUM-
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Authors: Campos; Rui C., Reixa, Cátia, Cardoso, Paulo, Passos, Bruna First page: 6 PubDate: 2024-02-13 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.7
- The Link between Abstract Thinking Style and Subjective Well-Being: Its
Impact when People are in (Real or Perceived) Financial Scarcity-
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Authors: Caballero González; Amparo, Fernández Sedano, Itziar, Laforet, Bronwyn, Carrera Levillain, Pilar First page: 7 Abstract: Across three studies, we explored the link between an abstract mindset and subjective well-being (SWB) in participants with real and/or perceived financial scarcity. In Studies 1 and 2, samples presented real objective financial vulnerability: Adolescents from lower-middle income districts (Study 1; N = 256), and adults without higher education and with very low incomes (Study 2; N = 210). In Studies 1 and 2 participants completed a survey including measures of thinking style and SWB. In Studies 2 and 3 perception of financial difficulty and SWB were also measured. Study 3 (N = 161) used a sample of university students and employed an experimental design manipulating participants’ thinking style (i.e., concrete versus abstract mindset conditions); additionally, all participants were induced to perceive financial scarcity. Correlations revealed a significant and positive relationship between an abstract thinking style and SWB (Studies 1 and 2). Thus, these results showed that a relatively more abstract thinking style was associated with greater life satisfaction. In Studies 2 and 3 mediation analyses indicated that adults who presented a more abstract thinking style, perceived lower financial difficulties and then reported greater SWB. Overall, given that an abstract thinking style can be induced, these results offer a new intervention approach for improving the SWB of people living in situations of financial scarcity. PubDate: 2024-02-22 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.6
- Is it Time to Include Wearable Sleep Trackers in the Applied
Psychologists’ Toolbox'-
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Authors: Menghini; Luca, Balducci, Cristian, de Zambotti, Massimiliano First page: 8 Abstract: Wearable sleep trackers are increasingly used in applied psychology. Particularly, the recent boom in the fitness tracking industry has resulted in a number of relatively inexpensive consumer-oriented devices that further enlarge the potential applications of ambulatory sleep monitoring. While being largely positioned as wellness tools, wearable sleep trackers could be considered useful health devices supported by a growing number of independent peer-reviewed studies evaluating their accuracy. The inclusion of sensors that monitor cardiorespiratory physiology, diurnal activity data, and other environmental signals allows for a comprehensive and multidimensional approach to sleep health and its impact on psychological well-being. Moreover, the increasingly common combination of wearable trackers and experience sampling methods has the potential to uncover within-individual processes linking sleep to daily experiences, behaviors, and other psychosocial factors. Here, we provide a concise overview of the state-of-the-art, challenges, and opportunities of using wearable sleep-tracking technology in applied psychology. Specifically, we review key device profiles, capabilities, and limitations. By providing representative examples, we highlight how scholars and practitioners can fully exploit the potential of wearable sleep trackers while being aware of the most critical pitfalls characterizing these devices. Overall, consumer wearable sleep trackers are increasingly recognized as a valuable method to investigate, assess, and improve sleep health. Incorporating such devices in research and professional practice might significantly improve the quantity and quality of the collected information while opening the possibility of involving large samples over representative time periods. However, a rigorous and informed approach to their use is necessary. PubDate: 2024-02-27 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.8
- The Role of Subjective Socioeconomic Status in Predicting Academic
Performance: Exploring the Mediating Influence of Sense of Belonging among Students in a Distance Learning University-
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Authors: Vázquez; Alexandra, Alba, Beatriz, Lois, David, García-Ael, Cristina, Bustillos, Antonio First page: 9 Abstract: Building upon existing research conducted in face-to-face universities, our research explored whether, in the context of a distance learning institution, the positive association between subjective socioeconomic status and academic performance can be explained by students’ sense of belonging. To that end, we conducted a three-wave correlational study with 2,261 students enrolled in Social Psychology in a distance learning university. At the start of the academic year, we measured participants’ subjective socioeconomic status relative to other students alongside their initial expectations in terms of time investment and grades and other relevant covariates. Midway through the course, we assessed their sense of belonging to the university and, at the end, we recorded their grades. Results suggested that sense of belonging potentially serves as a mediating factor in the positive relationship between subjective socioeconomic status and grades even after accounting for variables like initial grade expectations, time commitment, gender, age, and employment situation. These findings emphasize the pivotal role of students’ psychological connection to the university in shaping their academic achievement, even within the expanding landscape of distance education. PubDate: 2024-03-07 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.9
- The Role of Personal Demands and Personal Resources in Enhancing Study
Engagement and Preventing Study Burnout-
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Authors: Zeijen; Marijntje E. L., Brenninkmeijer, Veerle, Peeters, Maria C. W., Mastenbroek, Nicole J. J. M. First page: 10 Abstract: Using a 1-year longitudinal design, we examined the role of personal demands and personal resources in long-term health impairment and motivational processes among master students. Based on the job demands-resources theory and transactional model of stress, we hypothesized that students’ personal demands (i.e., irrational performance demands, awfulizing and irrational need for control) predict perceived study demands one year later, and indirectly relate to burnout. Furthermore, we predicted that personal resources indirectly associate with study engagement via students’ perceived study resources one year later. These hypotheses were tested in a sample of Dutch master students (N = 220 at T1 and T2) using structural equation modelling. As hypothesized, personal demands and personal resources at T1 predicted study demands and study resources one year later (T2, β = .25–.42, p PubDate: 2024-03-08 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.10
- How Transformational Leadership Affects the Off-work Recovery of Daily
Personal Energy Resources via Work Engagement: Resource and Demand-based Pathways-
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Authors: Czakert; Jan Philipp, Leiva Ureña, David, Berger, Rita Gisela First page: 11 Abstract: This study focuses on the transformational leadership-work engagement relationship by investigating resource and demand pathways for daily off-work recovery and employee wellbeing (EWB). While previous research highlighted how transformational leadership energizes employees to engage at work, energy is a finite resource requiring daily restoration for EWB. Yet, how the leader’s energizing effect relates to daily employees’ recovery remains unknown. Following job demands-resource-recovery theory, we test two pathways that relate the transformational leadership-work engagement relationship to daily employee recovery: (a) Resource-based via resource-building, (b) demand-based via increased demands. Utilizing a 10-day, two daily measurement (N = 88) study, multilevel path analyses revealed: transformational leadership predicted via work engagement (b = .17, p < .05) role clarity (b = .56, p < .01), then positive (b = .39, p < .01), and negative work-nonwork spillover (b = –.38, p < .01). Positive work-nonwork spillover predicted recovery positively (b = .25, p < .01), negative work-nonwork spillover negatively (b = –.40, p < .01). Recovery predicted EWB for positive (b = .38, p < .01) and for negative (b = –.43, p < .01) affect. Work engagement predicted workload (b = .35, p < .01), further negative (b = .33, p < .01) and positive work-nonwork spillover (b = –.16, p < .01), hampering EWB. As one pathway effect might cancel the other, the main effect of transformational leadership on EWB was not significant in the integrative model (p> .05). Results highlight dark and bright sides of the transformational leadership-work engagement relationship regarding daily recovery. PubDate: 2024-04-05 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.12
- Is Body Appreciation a Moderator of Women’s Satisfaction and Distress
with the Body Changes that Occur after Breast Cancer Surgery' A One-Year Longitudinal Study-
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Authors: Marco-Salvador; José-Helidoro, Castejón Raven, Jessica, Grau Sevilla, María Dolores, Ripoll Orts, Francisco First page: 12 Abstract: Women with breast cancer show dissatisfaction with their appearance, a perception of loss of femininity and bodily integrity, and dissatisfaction with the outcome of the surgery. Body Appreciation (BA) is defined as positive attitudes toward one’s body, beyond satisfaction and dissatisfaction with one’s appearance. Although studies about the protective role of BA have increased, to the best of our knowledge, there are no published studies on the association between BA, body dissatisfaction, and distress in participants with breast cancer. The aims of this study are: (a) To analyze whether BA is a moderator of satisfaction with the body from before breast surgery to the one-year follow-up; and (b) to analyze whether BA is a moderator of distress from before breast surgery to the one-year follow-up. The sample consisted of 115 women diagnosed with breast cancer. Several hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. The results indicated that BA moderated the association between the appearance evaluation before the surgery and the appearance evaluation 12 months after the surgery. Although BA was a significative predictor of distress, it was not a moderator of distress from the moment before breast surgery to the one-year follow-up. This study highlights the importance of evaluating the construct of BA in participants with breast cancer using longitudinal designs and developing psychological interventions that focus on increasing BA. PubDate: 2024-05-10 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.13
- Professional’s Views on the ‘Nordic Paradox’ in a Low Intimate
Partner Violence Prevalence Country-
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Authors: Castro; Arabella, Lila, Marisol, Wemrell, Maria, Gracia, Enrique First page: 13 Abstract: The apparently contradictory co-existence of high levels of gender equality and intimate partner violence against women (IPVAW) found in Nordic countries has been termed the Nordic Paradox. The aim of this study was to examine how the Nordic Paradox is discussed and explained by Spanish professionals working in the IPVAW field. Five focus groups (n = 19) and interviews with key informants (n = 10) were conducted. Four main categories of possible explanations for the Nordic Paradox were identified: Macro-micro disconnect (i.e., discordance between individual beliefs and behaviors and macro-social norms of gender equality), IPVAW as multicausal (i.e., IPVAW defined as a multicausal phenomenon that does not necessarily have to be associated with gender equality), cultural patterns of social relationships (i.e., the role of social relationships and the way people relate to each other in the Nordic countries), and backlash effect (i.e., men’s reaction to greater equality for women). Although this study does not provide a final explanation for the Nordic paradox, its results provide us with a better understanding of the phenomenon and can help to advance research in this field. PubDate: 2024-05-17 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.14
- Provision of Telepsychological Care Via Email during COVID–19
Confinement: An Exploratory Study-
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Authors: Miguel-Álvaro; Alejandro, Estupiñá Puig, Francisco J., Larroy, Cristina First page: 14 Abstract: Within teletherapy, email interventions have been studied scarcely. For this reason, this exploratory study aims to characterize the assistance provided by email in a university telepsychology service and to compare the data with the assistance provided by telephone in the same service and period. For this purpose, the records of 81 users assisted via email during the COVID–19 pandemic lockdown in Spain were analyzed. The data were compared with those of the 338 users assisted by telephone in the same period. Despite its many limitations, results indicate high satisfaction with the email modality. Users express that they prefer a preference for using email when they do not feel safe in other ways. We found a lot of variation between the number of emails exchanged and the days that each case was active. Additionally, differences were found with telephone users in aspects such as age (email users being younger) and in a depression screening (email users scoring more positively). This study concludes on the high potential of this channel for the application of certain techniques (e.g., psychoeducation) or for people with certain characteristics. PubDate: 2024-05-20 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.11
- Profiles of Dementia Caregivers according to Psychosocial and Resource
Variables. Importance of Kinship-
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Authors: Huertas-Domingo; Cristina, Losada-Baltar, Andrés, Gallego-Alberto, Laura, García-Batalloso, Inés, García-García, Laura, Márquez-González, María First page: 15 Abstract: The present study aims to analyze the existence of different profiles in family caregivers of people with dementia according to psychosocial and resource variables. In addition, it aims to study whether there is a greater representation of each kinship group in each of the profiles and if there are differences in emotional distress among such profiles considering the kinship with the care-recipient. Participants were 288 family dementia caregivers, divided into four kinship groups (wives, husbands, sons and daughters). Psychosocial (familism, dysfunctional thoughts and experiential avoidance), resource (leisure activities and social support) and outcomes (depressive, anxious and guilt symptomatology) variables were collected. A hierarchical cluster analysis using Ward’s method, an exploratory factor analysis of two fixed factors and contingency tables were performed. Five clusters were obtained: Low psychosocial vulnerability-High resources, Low psychosocial vulnerability-Low resources, Mixed, High psychosocial vulnerability-High resources, and High psychosocial vulnerability-Low resources. Results suggested that clusters associated with lower distress were the Low psychosocial vulnerability-High resources and the High psychosocial vulnerability-High resources. Clusters associated with higher distress were the Low psychosocial vulnerability-Low resources and Mixed. High levels of dysfunctional thoughts, familism and experiential avoidance do not always have a maladaptive function. This could depend on sociocultural and resource variables such as the kinship with the caregiver or perceived social support. The identification of profiles of family caregivers potentially needing protection and vulnerable to psychological distress could help to increase the effectiveness of interventions aimed at this population. PubDate: 2024-05-21 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.15
- Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Motives for Online Gaming
Questionnaire in a Sample of College Students-
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Authors: Infanti; Alexandre, Valls-Serrano, Carlos, Billieux, Joël, Perales, José C. First page: 16 Abstract: This study investigates the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire (MOGQ). We explored the factor structure and construct validity of the MOGQ through its relationships with gaming disorder symptoms (IGD–20) and impulsivity traits. We also analyzed if sociodemographic variables and gaming habits were related to gaming motives. An online cross-sectional survey was completed by 845 college students. Structure validity was examined using a combination of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, which supported a bifactor model composed of a general motivation factor and six uncorrelated factors (a mixed factor composed of escape and coping, competition, recreation, skill, social, and fantasy). Omega-hierarchical and omega coefficients were used to determine reliability of the MOGQ. The scale presented acceptable reliability for the general factor (ωh = .79) and the specific factor scores (social ω = .79, escape/coping ω = .81, competition ω = .79, skill ω = .84, fantasy ω = .82, and recreation ω = .70). Positive associations were observed between the MOGQ and the IGD–20 symptoms, with escape/coping (r = .48) and fantasy (r =.40) showing the strongest ones. Null or low correlations were observed with impulsivity traits. Motives to play varied significantly across genders. These findings provide evidence that the Spanish version of the MOGQ is a reliable and valid tool to assess motives to play online games. PubDate: 2024-05-27 DOI: 10.1017/SJP.2024.16