PENDIDIKAN ISLAM Authors: Endah Dwi P Pages: 1 - 8 Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of Muhammadiyah mosques and schools as centers of Islamic Education. The Muhammadiyah organization which is one of the major religious organizations in Indonesia has its own role for Islamic education. The method used in this research is a literature study. By obtaining data from books, journals, internet, and other sources related to the role of Muhammadiyah mosques and schools as centers of Islamic Education. Then, the data was analyzed qualitatively which was arranged systematically. With the results of the research that the mosque has an important role as a center of Islamic Education. Because the mosque is the main educational institution. There are many community activities, one of which is Islamic education such as dawn cults and youth studies at night, weekly Islamic education in the form of TPQ, recitations for women in ta'lim assemblies and sermons for the elderly, and activities containing Islamic education on a monthly and annual scale are commemorations Isra' Mi'raj and Maulid Nabi. Besides that, other annual activities are Islamic activities in the month of Ramadan and also the implementation of Ida'in prayers (Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr). In addition, Muhammadiyah schools also have a role as centers of Islamic education. Because there is Arabic or Hijaiyah, worship, aqoid or aqidah, dates, Al-Qur'an, and Muhammadiyah. Another special feature is the existence of moral subjects that teach about aqeedah and aqoid. These subjects contain matters of faith such as the pillars of Islam, the pillars of faith, and others. PubDate: 2022-05-01 Issue No: Vol. 20, No. 1 (2022)
Authors: Ikbal Nur Ghaffar Pages: 9 - 18 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to discuss the role of MPM (Majelis Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (Majelis Pendidikan Primer dan Menengah Tum) and Lazismu (Lembaga Amil Zakat, Infaq, and Sedekah Muhammadiyah) in creating Khoiru Ummah as well as better social responsibility through education and social welfare. This study briefly discusses the understanding of Khoiru Ummah Muhammadiyah, the role of MPM in creating a good and quality educational environment, and the role of Lazismu in managing zakat, infaq, and alms to improve the social welfare of the community. The result of this research is that MPM and Lazismu have an important role in creating Khoiru Ummah and social responsibility by contributing to the field of education and social welfare. In this study, several suggestions were also explained for MPM and Lazismu in improving service quality, synergy with other institutions, developing innovative and effective programs, and optimizing the use of information technology. It is hoped that by carrying out these suggestions, MPM and Lazismu can continue to contribute in creating a better Khoiru Ummah Muhammadiyah and provide greater benefits to the community. PubDate: 2022-03-01 Issue No: Vol. 20, No. 1 (2022)
HATI Authors: Nufika Salsa Y Pages: 19 - 24 Abstract: In Arabic the recitation is called at-ta'llimu which comes from the word ta'allama yata'alliiman which means learning. Meanwhile, the meaning of recitation itself can mean learning knowledge with a pious or knowledgeable person and has its own worship value for every Muslim. Meanwhile, linguistically the word recitation comes from the basic word "kaji" which means lesson (especially in matters of religion), then recitation is: (1) teaching and teaching, (2) reading the Qur'an. The word recitation is formed with the prefix "pe" and the ending "an" which has two meanings: first as a verb which means teaching, namely the teaching of Islamic religious sciences, and secondly as a noun denoting a place, namely a place to carry out Islamic religious teachings. which in its use many terms are used, as in today's society it is known as the Quranic assembly. This study discusses the purification or purification of Islamic teachings from the point of view of recitation. Purification in recitation refers to spiritual and moral development which involves sincerity, sincere intentions, and awareness of the values of truth. Thus, there will be self-actualization so that it can be reflected in the real life of all Muslims. Rasulullah SAW said: "This matter (namely Islam) will spread to all directions that are penetrated by night and day. Allah will not allow a single house, neither building nor hut, but Islam will enter it so that it can glorify the noble religion and humiliate the lowly religion. What is glorified is Islam and what is humiliated is disbelief PubDate: 2022-05-01 Issue No: Vol. 20, No. 1 (2022)
Authors: Octaviana Devi Pramudita Pages: 25 - 30 Abstract: da'wah mission has been passed down from generation to generation from the time of the prophets and apostles and then their companions to today's scholars and preachers. The law of da'wah is obligatory for a Muslim to others with several conditions and da'wah is mandatory for Muslims to each of them. The success of da'wah is part of the success in upholding the Islamic religion. The essence of da'wah is inviting people to the right path and straightening it to the path of Allah SWT, as in Qs. Al-Rum: 30. There are 3 methods of preaching, namely al-hikmah, al-mauidzah al-hasanah, and al-mujJadi. Da'wah which is currently being carried out uses cultural elements in it (contemporary). This study focuses on the analysis of cultural-based Da'wah at the Sekaten ceremony in Solo with a literature study research method analyzing data collection using references from books, documents, and relevant journals. The results obtained are that Sekaten is a ceremony commemorating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, which initially started with the playing of Sunan Giri's gamelan (Kyai Guntumadu and Kyai Guntursari) in the Solo, then the presentation of several pieces created by the guardians, ending with Grebeg Maulud in the form of a procession mountains (prepared food) crops. PubDate: 2022-05-01 Issue No: Vol. 20, No. 1 (2022)
Authors: Lely Agustyawati Pages: 31 - 37 Abstract: Muhammadiyah is an Islamic movement based on the Qur'an and Sunnah with a tajdid movement attached to itself which is the identity of Muhammadiyah and has a mission of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar which means competing for good in all areas of life. As an effort to make Islam as rahmatan lil al-'alamin, namely as the mercy of the entire universe, Muhammadiyah various approaches and strategies of da'wah, including through cultural da'wah. Cultural da'wah as an approach and strategy of da'wah as an effort to actualize Islamic teachings in the midst of cultural and social dynamics. In the change of a community that runs gradually according to the conditions of the local community. The concept of Muhammadiyah's cultural da'wah is basically based on two aspects, including aspects of dynamism and purification. First, the dynamics of considering the potential and tendency of humans as cultural beings, to make efforts so that culture can bring progress and enlightenment to human life. Second, purification tries to avoid the preservation of the existing culture, which is evident in terms of Islamic teachings contaminated with shirk, superstition, heresy and khurafat. PubDate: 2022-05-01 Issue No: Vol. 20, No. 1 (2022)