- Cooking Therapy in the Creative Arts Therapy Theoretical Context:
Conceptual Validation and Practical Guidelines-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 14 August 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Mor Daniel, Yosef Guttman
- Standing Tall: A Continuing Education Program and Participatory Study
Offered to Arts Therapists Working in the Israeli Education System-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 13 August 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Snir Sharon, Regev Dafna, Roginsky Efrat, Sade-Dor Tamar, Toker Sharon, Kowalsky Sirely, Ron Keren Or, Atlas-Cohen Adina, Sher Adi, Weber Levitzky Sigal, Bercowski-Front Nati, Meir-Rotem Noa, Simonsohn Miri, Adler-Gabrieli Merav, Shwartz Livnat, Shor-Levin Liat, Berman Leah, Lidar Yifat, Weisberger Ifat, Rotem-Ert Tal
- Rationale to Focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Students in Higher Education-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 August 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Tetsuko Kato, Toshiki Ito
- A Theoretical Model of Emotional Processing in Visual Artmaking and Art
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 August 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Asnat Weinfeld-Yehoudayan, Johanna Czamanski-Cohen, Miri Cohen, Karen L. Weihs
- Implementing Expressive Writing Therapy in a Virtual Setting: A
Feasibility Trial for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 August 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Sihyun Park, Yejung Ko
- Music Therapy and Anhedonia: A case study
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 August 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Lucy Bolger, Katrina Skewes McFerran
- Supporting Families to Engage in Music Making with Preschool Children with
Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities at Home: An Interpretivist Multi-case Study-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 5 August 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Ajay Castelino
- Reflective writing about breast cancer experiences as part of an
interactive poetry therapy group process-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 17 July 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Johanna Holopainen, Juhani Ihanus
- Trends in Dance/Movement Therapy Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of
Publications in the Scopus Bibliographic and Citation Information Database -
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 July 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Kristīne Zaščirinska, Sanita Šuriņa, Kristīne Mārtinsone
- Therapist perceived active ingredients of school-based dramatherapy for
children and young people with emotional distress-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 14 July 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Eleanor Keiller, Taryn Hutchinson, Dennis Ougrin, Catherine Elizabeth Carr, Jennifer Y.F. Lau
- Do we see you' A systematic review of diversity representation in art
therapy research conducted between 2010-2020-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Volume 90Author(s): Brianna Hughes, Thomson J. Ling, Jessica M. Hauck, Shayna Saltzman, Anthony Pacifico, Kira Jones, Courtney Eannone
- Music-guided resonance breathing - An exploratory sequential mixed-methods
study for development and testing of a music intervention for pre- or perioperative stress reduction-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 1 July 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Susanne Metzner, Dominik Fuchs, Peter Michael von der Nahmer
- Reducing the Burden of Care: Effect of Art and Dance Therapy on
Parkinson’s Disease Patients’ Caregivers-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 June 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Priya Jagota, Sapir Karmin, Shani Mashiach, Dita Judith Federman, Meytal Fogel Simhony, Na’ama Ravid, Porntip Jongsuntisuk, Anawach Tasavongnonta, Chanawat Anan, Roongroj Bhidayasiri
- Brain activation in response to art-based tasks using diverse materials
based on the Expressive Therapy Continuum (ETC).-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 June 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Doug Hyun Han, Sunhee K. Kim, Sunjoo Kim
- The perceptions of arts therapists working in educational settings in
closed psychiatric youth wards on arts therapy and its integration into multi-professional work-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 June 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Adi Paz, Dafna Regev
- From art to insight: The role of a creative arts therapies group workshop
on college students' well-being, self-awareness, and loneliness-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Volume 90Author(s): Patrícia Arriaga, Magda P. Simões, Sibila Marques, Raquel Freitas, Helena D. Pinto, Maria Paula Prior, Sílvia Candeias, Margarida Rodrigues
- Dreaming of an Abolitionist Drama Therapy
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 23 June 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Christine Mayor, Britton Williams
- Qualifying public perceptions of art therapy: A mixed methods study of
community discussion forums-
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Abstract: Publication date: September 2024Source: The Arts in Psychotherapy, Volume 90Author(s): Theresa Van Lith, Ashleigh Geldenhuys
- “We dance round in a ring and suppose, But the secret sits in the middle
and knows”: Art therapists' perspectives on dealing with secrets in therapy-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 June 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Tal Sela, Michal Bat
- Parental Accompaniment in the Education System: The Development of a
Working Model-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 4 June 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Dafna Regev, Sharon Snir, Dalia Kedem Sarrabia, Amit Alon, Shoshi Kaiser, Keren Beinish, Adi Hechler, Chen Harel, Efrat Vinter, Maya Lasri Morciano, Mirit Nachum, Irit Sambal, Gaya Karni, Liat Shor Levin, Shir Shahak
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 1 June 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): E.O. Flores-Gutiérrez, V.A. Terán-Camarena, R. Alcalá-Lozano, J.J. González-Olvera
- A Descriptive Review of the Impostor Experience to Support the Health of
Music Therapy Students and Professionals-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 31 May 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Michael J. Silverman
- Process Evaluation of an Art Therapeutic Treatment for Children and
Adolescents with Psychosocial Problems-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 17 May 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Liesbeth Bosgraaf, Marinus Spreen, Kim Pattiselanno, Susan van Hooren
- Future Time Perspectives of Older Adults as Reflected through Digital
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 May 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Talia Elkarif, Shoshi Keisari, Hod Orkibi, Silvia Piol, Giada Mola, Freider R. Lang, Ines Testoni
- Intersections of Trauma and Grief: Navigating Multilayered Terrain in
Music Therapy to Support Youth Through Bereavement-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 May 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Kate Myers-Coffman
- The experience of school-based dramatherapists: understanding the barriers
and facilitators of UK school-based dramatherapy to inform better implementation-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 6 May 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Eleanor Keiller, Taryn Hutchinson, Dennis Ougrin, Catherine Elizabeth Carr, Jennifer Y.F. Lau
- The Change in Aesthetic Experience and Empathic Concern Predicts Theory of
Mind Ability: Evidence from Drama Improvisation Training-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 30 April 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Yanbing Hu, Ran Li, Xiaoming Jiang, Wenjun Chen
- Intersectional Care Ethics in Art Therapy Organizations
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 25 April 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Catherine Hyland Moon, Kimberly Faulkner
- Playback Theatre applications: A Systematic Review of Literature
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 22 April 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): António-José Gonzalez, Margarida Pedroso de Lima, Luís Preto, Nuno Amarante, Rita Barros
- Guidelines for Art-based interventions in parental training
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 18 April 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Liat Shamri-Zeevi
- Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy in Dance/Movement Therapy Education: Embodied
Experiences of Black, Indigenous, and Students of Color-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 April 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Chevon Stewart
- The Effectiveness of Group Art Therapy in a Clinically Heterogenous
Sample: Randomized Controlled Trial-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 16 April 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Milica Vezmar, Nikola Ćirović, Branka Sudar, Jelena Buzejic, Teodora Jovanovic, Ana Radanovic, Milena Vezmar
- Assessing Dance Movement Therapy in Chinese Undergraduates with Depression
and Anxiety: An Initial Randomized Controlled Trial-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 31 March 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Qinglin Xu, Boya Xu, Danhua Lin
- A Single Case Study of Digital Art Therapy for a Child with ADHD Using the
Metaverse Platform-
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 28 March 2024Source: The Arts in PsychotherapyAuthor(s): Jinkyung Kim, Yeo Ju Chung