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- The Body in Question in the Existence of Hysteric Persons: A
Phenomenological Perspective-
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Abstract: The concept of hysteria, although apparently surpassed by contemporary nosographic classifications, continues to be talked about. Following Charbonneau’s attempt to de-feminize and de-sexualize hysteria, clinical phenomenology can offer a perspective which, freed from stigma and prejudices through the suspension of judgement, allows us to understand hysteria not as a diagnostic category but as an existential position. In this sense, hysteria would be based on a hypo-sufficiency of the embodied self, which is not perceived as solid and continuous and needs external confirmations of its adequacy. According to the optical-coenaesthetic disproportion hypothesis, the hypo-sufficiency of the embodied self originates from the difficulty of experiencing one’s body from the first-person perspective and from the consequent use of the gaze of others as a prosthesis to achieve a sense of selfhood and identity. Hysteric persons develop a mode of access to their corporeality mediated by visual representations – hence the theatricalization, centrality, and seductiveness of hysteric persons’ behaviour. We suggest to call “figural body” the visual apprehension of one’s body which tries to compensate for the weakness of coenaesthetic apprehension of the lived body. Over time, the figural body ends up superimposing itself on the immediate experience of the lived body. Placing itself on a representative register, this image conveys not only individual ghosts but also cultural aspects, social prejudices, gender stereotypes. Thus, the attempt to experience one’s own body with the mediation of the other’s gaze becomes an involuntary and unaware throwing of oneself into the meshes of representation that are necessarily alienating for the person. Hysterical persons remain stuck in their inability to access an experience of their body that is not figurative, alienating themselves in representations which always come from outside. Psychopathology PubDate: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 14:04:04 +020
- Examining Cognitive Biases Uniquely Associated with Schizotypy
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Abstract: Introduction: Individuals with schizotypy can experience a number of cognitive biases that may increase their risk in developing schizophrenia-spectrum psychopathology. However, cognitive biases are also present in mood and anxiety disorders, and it is currently unclear which biases are specific to schizotypy and which may be a result of comorbid depression and/or anxiety. Methods: 462 participants completed measures of depression, anxiety, cognitive biases, cognitive schemas, and schizotypy. Correlation analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between these constructs. Three hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine if schizotypy, depression, and anxiety explained a statistically significant amount of variance in cognitive biases after controlling for depression and anxiety, schizotypy and anxiety, and schizotypy and depression, respectively. Moderated regression analyses were also conducted to investigate the moderating role of biological sex and ethnicity in the association between cognitive biases and schizotypy. Results: Self-referential processing, belief inflexibility, and attention for threat were associated with schizotypy. The belief inflexibility bias and social cognition problems were specifically associated with schizotypy after controlling for depression and anxiety and were not directly associated with either depression or anxiety. These associations were not moderated by biological sex or ethnicity. Conclusion: The belief inflexibility bias may be an important cognitive bias underlying schizotypal personality, and further research will be important to determine whether this bias is also associated with an increased likelihood of transitioning to psychosis. Psychopathology PubDate: Mon, 24 Apr 2023 14:59:27 +020
- Comparison of Social-Evaluative Anxiety and Theory of Mind Functions in
Social Anxiety Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Healthy Controls-
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Abstract: Introduction: Despite the similarities in poor social competence and clinical manifestations of poor social behavior, no study has compared the theory of mind performance between social anxiety disorder (SAD) and schizophrenia, considering the effect of social-evaluative anxiety and neurocognitive functions. In our study, we aimed to compare the theory of mind functions and social-evaluative anxiety between patients with SAD and schizophrenia and healthy controls and to examine the relationship between the theory of mind, neurocognitive skills, and social-evaluative anxiety. Methods: Thirty-four consecutive patients with schizophrenia, 29 patients with SAD, and 30 controls matched by age, education level, and sex were enrolled in the study. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM, Beck Depression Inventory, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, Theory of Mind measures (Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test, Hinting Task, Faux Pas Test), Social Appearance Anxiety Scale, Fear of Positive Evaluation Scale, Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale-Short Form, and neuropsychological tests were administered to all participants. Results: A greater significant deterioration in theory of mind and neurocognitive functions was found in patients with schizophrenia compared to those with SAD and healthy controls. Social evaluation anxiety was highest in patients with SAD. Although social-evaluative anxiety was associated with the theory of mind function in schizophrenia, only fear of positive evaluation was associated with SAD. In all groups, neither theory of mind nor neurocognitive ability measures were correlated with social anxiety levels and related symptoms. Conclusions: The impaired theory of mind functioning detected in our study is more prominent in the schizophrenia group and largely independent of anxiety in schizophrenia and SAD. Although social evaluation anxiety, as a transdiagnostic concept, seems to be independent of theory of mind function in general, fear of positive evaluation seems to be associated with hinting in both disorders. Psychopathology PubDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2023 13:57:27 +020
- Seizures as a Struggle between Life and Death: An Existential Approach to
the Psychosocial Impact of Seizures in Candidates for Epilepsy Surgery-
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Abstract: Introduction: Mental health comorbidities such as depression and anxiety are common in epilepsy, especially among people with pharmacoresistant epilepsy who are candidates for epilepsy surgery. The Psychology Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy advised that psychological interventions should be integrated into comprehensive epilepsy care. Methods: To better understand the psychological impact of epilepsy and epileptic seizures in epilepsy surgery candidates, we analysed interviews with this subgroup of patients using Karl Jaspers’ concept of limit situations, which are characterised by a confrontation with the limits and challenges of life. These are especially chance, randomness, and unpredictability, death and finitude of life, struggle and self-assertion, guilt, failure, and falling short of one’s aspirations. Results: In 43 interviews conducted with 15 people with drug-resistant epilepsy who were candidates for epilepsy surgery, we found that these themes are recurrent and have a large psychosocial impact, which can result in depression and anxiety. For some people, epileptic seizures appear to meet the criteria for traumatic events. Conclusion: Understanding epilepsy and seizures as existential challenges complements the neurobiological explanations for psychological comorbidities and can help tailor psychological interventions to the specific needs of people with epilepsy, especially those who are candidates for surgical treatment. Psychopathology PubDate: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 14:47:01 +010
- Behavioral Apophenia and Dimensions of Psychoticism in Adolescents with
and without Mood Disorders-
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Abstract: Apophenia is the tendency to falsely detect meaningful relationships and may indicate susceptibility to more extreme expressions on the psychotic spectrum. This pilot investigated the fragmented ambiguous object task (FAOT), a new measure designed to assess apophenia behaviorally in a sample of adolescents with and without mood disorders using an image recognition task. Our primary hypothesis was that increased image recognition would be associated with PID-5 psychoticism. Participants were 33 (79% female) adolescents with (n = 18) and without (n = 15) mood disorders. Consistent with predictions, increased recognition of ambiguous images correlated positively with psychoticism. There was also moderate evidence for long-term stability of FAOT apophenia scores over time (mean interval of approximately 10 months). These findings offer preliminary evidence that the FAOT may be reflective of underlying psychoticism in our target population. Psychopathology PubDate: Wed, 08 Mar 2023 16:15:11 +010
- Homo dissipans: Excess and Expenditure as Keys for Understanding the
Borderline Condition'-
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Abstract: This paper sheds light on some aspects of what contemporary clinical theory calls “borderline” condition providing a description of a key figure of late-modern culture that I will call Homo dissipans (from Latin dissipatio, -onis = scattering, dispersion). Homo dissipans is the opposite of Homo œconomicus, the form that “narcissism” takes on in contemporary “achievement society,” solely concerned with rational action aimed to utility and production. In order to define Homo dissipans, I follow French philosopher, anthropologist, and novelist Georges Bataille’s descriptions of two core phenomena: “excess” and “expenditure.” The former can be defined as a surplus of energy that according to Bataille characterizes human existence, animated by a general movement of exudation and dilapidation and an inexhaustible drive to “pour out” of oneself, especially outside the limits of composure and reasonableness. The latter is an ethical attitude which gives its approval to excess and to its metamorphic and destructive power. The Homo dissipans’ credo is to profitlessly dissipate the surplus of energy, escape into a world of pure intensities in which all forms – including identity – dissolve and surrender themselves to transformation. I argue that Bataille’s ideas about “dissipation” can help us reconsider two features attributed to borderline personality disorder which have been extensively described and sometimes stigmatized – “identity diffusion” and “stable instability” – and to better recognize, understand, and make sense of their phenomenology in the clinical context. Psychopathology PubDate: Wed, 08 Mar 2023 07:05:22 +010
- The Self-Evaluation of Negative Symptoms in Differentiating Deficit
Schizophrenia: The Comparison of Sensitivity and Specificity with Other Tools-
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Abstract: Introduction: Psychometric properties of the Self-evaluation of Negative Symptoms (SNS) in subjects with the deficit subtype of schizophrenia (SCZ-D) have not been investigated so far. This study had the following aims: (1) to assess psychometric properties of SNS in subjects with SCZ-D and (2) to explore the usefulness of SNS, in comparison with other clinical characteristics, in screening for SCZ-D. Methods: Participants were 82 stable outpatients with schizophrenia, including 40 individuals with SCZ-D and 42 individuals with the non-deficit subtype (SCZ-ND). Results: Internal consistency was acceptable-to-good in both groups. Factor analysis revealed two dimensions (apathy and emotional). There were significant positive correlations of the SNS total score with the subscore of negative symptoms from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and significant negative correlations with scores of the Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) in both groups, indicating good convergent validity. The following measures were found to be appropriate screening tools for differentiating SCZ-D and SCZ-ND (p #x3c; 0.001): the SNS total score (area under the curve [AUC]: 0.849, cut-off ≥16, sensitivity: 80.0%, specificity: 78.6%), the PANSS subscore of negative symptoms (AUC: 0.868, cut-off ≥11, sensitivity: 90.0%, specificity: 78.6%), and the SOFAS (AUC: 0.779, cut-off ≤59, sensitivity: 69.2%, specificity: 82.5%). Also, adding the SOFAS (cut-off ≤59) to the SNS (cut-off: ≥16) further improved sensitivity and specificity (AUC: 0.898, p #x3c; 0.001, sensitivity = 87.5%, specificity = 82.2%). Cognitive performance and age of psychosis onset were not found to be suitable measures for differentiating SCZ-D and SCZ-ND. Conclusion: The present findings indicate that the SNS has good psychometric properties in subjects with SCZ-D and those with SCZ-ND. Moreover, the SNS, the PANSS, and the SOFAS might be used as screening tools for SCZ-D. Psychopathology PubDate: Mon, 06 Mar 2023 12:09:34 +010
- Prelims
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Abstract: Psychopathology 2023;56:1–4 PubDate: Fri, 03 Mar 2023 13:14:11 +010