- Approche éthogenique des logiques d’actions sous-tendant le maintien
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Sandrine Hardy-Massard
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Barbara Sirven, Louise Baussard, Elodie Charbonnier, Sarah Le Vigouroux
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Sacha Delphine Blause, Nancy Durieux, Ezio Tirelli, Sylvie Willems
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 15 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Hélène Labat, Jean Ecalle, Emilie Dujardin, Xavier Thierry, Annie Magnan
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Louis-Victor Martin Bourret, J. Éric Dubé
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Céline Lacombe, Christel Vioulac, Géraldine Dorard, Aurélie Untas
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): V. Kirakosyan
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 May 2024Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): N. Kaczmarek, A. Mignon, A. Rousseau
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Abstract: Publication date: November 2023Source: Pratiques Psychologiques, Volume 29, Issue 4Author(s): D. Hamon
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 14 November 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Marie Dajon, Cécile Dumas, Laurent Busson, Annie Devault, Christine Mennesson, Chantal Zaouche-Gaudron
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 17 October 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Laurent Sovet, Caroline Arnoux-Nicolas, Jean-Luc Bernaud
- Existential psychological therapies: An overview of empirical research
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 13 July 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): J. Vos
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 July 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): Y. Gounden, M. Hainselin, S. Haudry, V. Quaglino
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 8 July 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): F. Dellanoce, Z. Dubus, M. Vidal, C. Vigourt, T. Rabeyron
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 10 May 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): S. Estival, J.-C. Martin, V. Demulier, J. Renaud
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 26 April 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): A. Martini, G. Fleury-Bahi, J.-J. Proquez
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 14 April 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): A. Clain, P. De Oliveira
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 9 March 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): N. Roussiau, A. Ameline, E. Biccheri, E. Renard
- La place de la religion/spiritualité dans la reconstruction du sens du
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Abstract: Publication date: Available online 20 February 2023Source: Pratiques PsychologiquesAuthor(s): N. Remmas