- An alternative perspective on the causes of pain in osteoarthritis of the
knee and its persistence after total knee replacement surgery-
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Authors: Devor; Marshall Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Reply to Devor
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Authors: Petersen; Kristian Kjær-Staal; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars; Ghafouri, Bijar; Giordano, Rocco Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Genetic etiology study in a large cohort with congenital insensitivity to
pain with anhidrosis-
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Authors: Li; Shuang; Ren, Xiuzhi; Guan, Yun; Zhao, Feiyue; Cao, Yixuan; Geng, Xingzhu; Wang, Yanzhou; Wu, Nan; Wu, Lingqian; Zhao, Xiuli Abstract: Pathogenic variations in the NTRK1 can cause congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA), a rare autosomal recessive inherited neuropathy. The precise diagnosis of CIPA relies on the identification of pathogenic genotypes. Therefore, it is essential to expand the NTRK1 variation spectrum and improve molecular diagnosis methods. In this study, 74 probands with typical manifestations of CIPA but unknown genotypes were recruited. A comprehensive molecular genetic analysis was performed to identify variations in the NTRK1, using techniques including Sanger and next-generation sequencing, bioinformatic analysis, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), gap-PCR, short tandem repeat (STR) genotyping, and reverse-transcription PCR. In addition, functional assays were conducted to determine the pathogenicity of variants of uncertain significance (VUS) and further characterized changes in glycosylation and phosphorylation of 14 overexpressed mutant vectors with variants at different domains in the TrkA protein, which is encoded by NTRK1. A total of 48 variations in the NTRK1 were identified, including 22 novel ones. When combined with data from another 53 CIPA patients examined in our previous work, this study establishes the largest genotypic and phenotypic spectra of CIPA worldwide, including 127 CIPA families. Moreover, functional studies indicated that the pathogenicity of VUS mainly affected insufficient glycosylation in the extracellular domain and abnormal phosphorylation in the intracellular domain. This study not only provides important evidence for precise diagnosis of CIPA but also further enriches our understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease. PubDate: Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Uncovering the missing mutations in pain
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Authors: Pham; Quoc Thao Trang; Weng, Hao-Jui Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Statistical modeling of acute and chronic pain patient-reported outcomes
obtained from ecological momentary assessment-
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Authors: Leroux; Andrew; Crainiceanu, Ciprian; Zeger, Scott; Taub, Margaret; Ansari, Briha; Wager, Tor D.; Bayman, Emine; Coffey, Christopher; Langefeld, Carl; McCarthy, Robert; Tsodikov, Alex; Brummet, Chad; Clauw, Daniel J.; Edwards, Robert R.; Lindquist, Martin A.; ; A2CPS Consortium Abstract: Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) allows for the collection of participant-reported outcomes (PROs), including pain, in the normal environment at high resolution and with reduced recall bias. Ecological momentary assessment is an important component in studies of pain, providing detailed information about the frequency, intensity, and degree of interference of individuals' pain. However, there is no universally agreed on standard for summarizing pain measures from repeated PRO assessment using EMA into a single, clinically meaningful measure of pain. Here, we quantify the accuracy of summaries (eg, mean and median) of pain outcomes obtained from EMA and the effect of thresholding these summaries to obtain binary clinical end points of chronic pain status (yes/no). Data applications and simulations indicate that binarizing empirical estimators (eg, sample mean, random intercept linear mixed model) can perform well. However, linear mixed-effect modeling estimators that account for the nonlinear relationship between average and variability of pain scores perform better for quantifying the true average pain and reduce estimation error by up to 50%, with larger improvements for individuals with more variable pain scores. We also show that binarizing pain scores (eg, PubDate: Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Small fibre neuropathy frequently underlies the painful long-COVID
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Authors: Falco; Pietro; Litewczuk, Daniel; Di Stefano, Giulia; Galosi, Eleonora; Leone, Caterina; De Stefano, Gianfranco; Di Pietro, Giuseppe; Tramontana, Lorenzo; Ciardi, Maria Rosa; Pasculli, Patrizia; Zingaropoli, Maria Antonella; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars; Truini, Andrea Abstract: Approximately 10% to 20% of individuals with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection may develop long-COVID syndrome, characterized by various physical and mental health issues, including pain. Previous studies suggested an association between small fibre neuropathy and pain in long-COVID cases. In this case–control study, our aim was to identify small fibre neuropathy in patients experiencing painful long-COVID syndrome. Clinical data, quantitative sensory testing, and skin biopsies were collected from 26 selected patients with painful long-COVID syndrome. We also examined 100 individuals with past COVID-19 infection, selecting 33 patients with painless long-COVID syndrome, characterized mainly by symptoms such as brain fog and fatigue, and 30 asymptomatic post–COVID-19 controls. Demographic and clinical variables were compared among these groups. Among the 26 patients with painful long-COVID syndrome, 12 had skin biopsy and/or quantitative sensory testing abnormalities compatible with small fibre neuropathy. Demographic and clinical data did not differ across patients with small fibre neuropathy, patients with painless long-COVID syndrome, and asymptomatic post–COVID-19 controls. This case–control study showed that approximately 50% of patients experiencing painful long-COVID syndrome had small fibre neuropathy. However, in our patient cohort, this specific post–COVID-19 complication was unrelated to demographic and COVID-19 clinical variables. Approximately half of our sample of patients with painful long-COVID symptoms met diagnostic criteria for small fibre neuropathy. PubDate: Tue, 07 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Increasing associations of long-COVID with small-fiber neuropathy
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Authors: Oaklander; Anne Louise Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Fri, 03 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- People with painful knee osteoarthritis hold negative implicit attitudes
towards activity-
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Authors: Pulling; Brian W.; Braithwaite, Felicity A.; Mignone, Joanne; Butler, David S.; Caneiro, J.P.; Lipp, Ottmar V.; Stanton, Tasha R. Abstract: Negative attitudes/beliefs surrounding osteoarthritis, pain, and activity contribute to reduced physical activity in people with knee osteoarthritis (KOA). These attitudes/beliefs are assessed using self-report questionnaires, relying on information one is consciously aware of and willing to disclose. Automatic (ie, implicit) assessment of attitudes does not rely on conscious reflection and may identify features unique from self-report. We developed an implicit association test that explored associations between images of a person moving/twisting their knee (activity) or sitting/standing (rest), and perceived threat (safe vs dangerous). We hypothesised that people with KOA would have greater implicit threat–activity associations (vs pain-free and non-knee pain controls), with implicit attitudes only weakly correlating with self-reported measures (pain knowledge, osteoarthritis/pain/activity beliefs, fear of movement). Participants (n = 558) completed an online survey: 223 had painful KOA (n = 157 female, 64.5 ± 8.9 years); 207 were pain free (n = 157 female, 49.3 ± 15.3 years); and 99 had non-KOA lower limb pain (n = 74 female, 47.5 ± 15.04 years). An implicit association between “danger” and “activity” was present in those with and without limb pain (KOA: 0.36, 95% CI 0.28-0.44; pain free: 0.13, 95% CI 0.04-0.22; non-KOA lower limb pain 0.11, 95% CI −0.03 to 0.24) but was significantly greater in the KOA group than in the pain free (P < 0.001) and non-KOA lower limb pain (P = 0.004) groups. Correlations between implicit and self-reported measures were nonsignificant or weak (rho = −0.29 to 0.19, P < 0.001 to P = 0.767). People with painful KOA hold heightened implicit threat–activity associations, capturing information unique to that from self-report questionnaires. Evaluating links between implicit threat–activity associations and real-world behaviour, including physical activity levels, is warranted. PubDate: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Blocking proteinase-activated receptor 2 signaling relieves pain,
suppresses nerve sprouting, improves tissue repair, and enhances analgesic effect of B vitamins in rats with Achilles tendon injury-
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Authors: Li; Lihui; Yao, Hongyu; Mo, Rufan; Xu, Lihong; Chen, Peng; Chen, Yuchen; Hu, Jiang-Jian; Xie, Wei; Song, Xue-Jun Abstract: Tendon injury produces intractable pain and disability in movement, but the medications for analgesia and restoring functional integrity of tendon are still limited. In this study, we report that proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) activation in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons contributes to chronic pain and tendon histopathological changes produced by Achilles tendon partial transection injury (TTI). Tendon partial transection injury increases the expression of PAR2 protein in both somata of DRG neurons and their peripheral terminals within the injured Achilles tendon. Activation of PAR2 promotes the primary sensory neuron plasticity by activating downstream cAMP-PKA pathway, phosphorylation of PKC, CaMKII, and CREB. Blocking PAR2 signaling by PAR2 small-interference RNA or antagonistic peptide PIP delays the onset of TTI-induced pain, reverses the ongoing pain, as well as inhibits sensory nerve sprouting, and promotes structural remodeling of the injured tendon. Vitamin B complex (VBC), containing thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6), and cyanocobalamin (B12), is effective to ameliorate TTI-induced pain, inhibit ectopic nerve sprouting, and accelerate tendon repair, through suppressing PAR2 activation. These findings reveal a critical role of PAR2 signaling in the development of chronic pain and histopathological alterations of injured tendon following Achilles tendon injury. This study suggests that the pharmaceuticals targeting PAR2, such as VBC, may be an effective approach for the treatment of tendon injury–induced pain and promoting tendon repair. PubDate: Tue, 09 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Pediatric chronic pain grading: a revised classification of the severity
of pediatric chronic pain-
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Authors: Grothus; Susanne; Sommer, Ariane; Stahlschmidt, Lorin; Hirschfeld, Gerrit; Höfel, Lea; Linder, Roland; Zernikow, Boris; Wager, Julia Abstract: In this study, we describe the development and validation of a revised Pediatric Chronic Pain Grading (P-CPG) for children aged 8 to 17 years that adds emotional impairment to previously used measures of pain intensity and functional impairment. Such a measure enables the assessment of chronic pain severity in different epidemiological and clinical populations, the stratification of treatment according to pain severity, and the monitoring of treatment outcome. The P-CPG was developed using a representative sample of school children with chronic pain (n = 454; Mage = 12.95, SD = 2.22). Construct validity and sensitivity to change were examined within a sample of N = 2448 children and adolescents (Mage = 12.71, SD = 2.47) comprising 3 subsamples (school n = 1562, primary care n = 129, and tertiary care n = 757) affected by chronic pain to varying extents. Results showed that P-CPG grades differed significantly among the 3 subsamples, with school children being least affected by chronic pain and tertiary care patients being most affected. As P-CPG grade increased, so did pain intensity, functional impairment, pain-related school absence, and emotional impairment. Convergent validity was demonstrated by significant positive correlations between the P-CPG and global ratings of pain severity as well as objective claims data; the latter reflects greater health care costs with increasing P-CPG scores. Sensitivity to change was supported by a significant reduction in baseline P-CPG grades 3 and 6 months after intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment in tertiary care sample. In conclusion, the P-CPG is an appropriate measure of pain severity in children and adolescents with chronic pain in clinical as well as epidemiological settings. PubDate: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Top-down attention does not modulate mechanical hypersensitivity
consecutive to central sensitization: insights from an experimental analysis-
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Authors: Della Porta; Delia; Scheirman, Eléonore; Legrain, Valéry Abstract: According to the neurocognitive model of attention to pain, when the attentional resources invested in a task unrelated to pain are high, limited cognitive resources can be directed toward the pain. This is supported by experimental studies showing that diverting people's attention away from acute pain leads to experiencing less pain. Theoretical work has suggested that this phenomenon may present a top-down modulatory mechanism for persistent pain as well. However, conclusive empirical evidence is lacking. To fill this gap, we used a preregistered, double-blind, between-subject study design to investigate whether performing a tailored, demanding, and engaging working memory task unrelated to pain (difficult) vs a task that requires less mental effort to be performed (easy), could lead to lower development of secondary hypersensitivity—a hallmark of central sensitization. Eighty-five healthy volunteers, randomly assigned to one of the 2 conditions, performed a visual task with a different cognitive load (difficult vs easy), while secondary hypersensitivity was induced on their nondominant forearm using high-frequency stimulation. To assess the development of secondary hypersensitivity, sensitivity to mechanical stimuli was measured 3 times: T0, for baseline and 20 (T1) and 40 (T2) minutes after the procedure. We did not observe any significant difference in the development of secondary hypersensitivity between the 2 groups, neither in terms of the intensity of mechanical sensitivity nor its spatial extent. Our results suggest that a top-down modulation through attention might not be sufficient to affect pain sensitization and the development of secondary hypersensitivity. PubDate: Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Uncovering moderators of pain perception by women with endometriosis from
Latin America and Spain: the roles of sociodemographics, racial self–identity, and pain catastrophizing-
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Authors: Flores; Idhaliz; Torres-Reverón, Annelyn; Navarro, Eduardo; Nieves-Vázquez, Cristina I.; Cotto-Vázquez, Ariana C.; Alonso-Díaz, Joanne M.; Bracero, Nabal J.; Vincent, Katy Abstract: A cross-sectional multinational collaborative study on women with endometriosis from Latin America and Spain uncovered high levels of painful symptomatology and high pain catastrophizing scores. Associations between pain perception/catastrophizing and race/ethnicity have been documented. This study was conducted to uncover factors moderating pelvic pain severity, including socioeconomic variables, self-identified race, and pain catastrophizing in women with endometriosis from Latin America and Spain, a population encompassing diverse racial and sociocultural contexts. Self-reported data on demographics, clinical history, Ob-Gyn history, pelvic pain intensity, and pain catastrophizing were collected with the Spanish World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) Endometriosis Phenome Project (EPhect) Clinical Questionnaire (ECQ). Multiple logistic regression was conducted to analyze effects of self-identified race, demographic clusters (defined as countries with similar racial population distribution), socioeconomic factors, and pain catastrophizing on reporting severe vs moderate–mild levels of dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, and pelvic pain. Self-identified race did not affect the likelihood of reporting severe pelvic pain; however, there were significant differences in reporting severe dysmenorrhea at worst among demographic clusters. Older age was associated with severe dyspareunia at worst and recent pelvic pain. Pain catastrophizing score was highly predictive of reporting most types of severe pelvic pain, regardless of race and demographic cluster. These results negate a role of racial categories as moderator of pain in women from Latin America and Spain and support integration of pain catastrophizing assessments and psychological interventions into the pain management plan to enhance therapeutic outcomes and QoL for patients with endometriosis. PubDate: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Subgroups of pelvic pain are differentially associated with endometriosis
and inflammatory comorbidities: a latent class analysis-
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Authors: Ghiasi; Marzieh; Chang, Chi; Shafrir, Amy L.; Vitonis, Allison F.; Sasamoto, Naoko; Vazquez, Ana I.; DiVasta, Amy D.; Upson, Kristen; Sieberg, Christine B.; Terry, Kathryn L.; Holzman, Claudia B.; Missmer, Stacey A. Abstract: Chronic pelvic pain is heterogeneous with potentially clinically informative subgroups. We aimed to identify subgroups of pelvic pain based on symptom patterns and investigate their associations with inflammatory and chronic pain-related comorbidities. Latent class analysis (LCA) identified subgroups of participants (n = 1255) from the Adolescence to Adulthood (A2A) cohort. Six participant characteristics were included in the LCA: severity, frequency, and impact on daily activities of both menstruation-associated (cyclic) and non–menstruation-associated (acyclic) pelvic pain. Three-step LCA quantified associations between LC subgroups, demographic and clinical variables, and 18 comorbidities (10 with prevalence ≥10%). Five subgroups were identified: none or minimal (23%), moderate cyclic only (28%), severe cyclic only (20%), moderate or severe acyclic plus moderate cyclic (9%), and severe acyclic plus severe cyclic (21%). Endometriosis prevalence within these 5 LCA-pelvic pain–defined subgroups ranged in size from 4% in “none or minimal pelvic pain” to 24%, 72%, 70%, and 94%, respectively, in the 4 pain subgroups, with statistically significant odds of membership only for the latter 3 subgroups. Migraines were associated with significant odds of membership in all 4 pelvic pain subgroups relative to those with no pelvic pain (adjusted odds ratios = 2.92-7.78), whereas back, joint, or leg pain each had significantly greater odds of membership in the latter 3 subgroups. Asthma or allergies had three times the odds of membership in the most severe pain group. Subgroups with elevated levels of cyclic or acyclic pain are associated with greater frequency of chronic overlapping pain conditions, suggesting an important role for central inflammatory and immunological mechanisms. PubDate: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Mechanical pain sensitivity is associated with hippocampal structural
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Authors: Ayoub; Lizbeth J.; Honigman, Liat; Barnett, Alexander J.; McAndrews, Mary Pat; Moayedi, Massieh Abstract: Rodents and human studies indicate that the hippocampus, a brain region necessary for memory processing, responds to noxious stimuli. However, the hippocampus has yet to be considered a key brain region directly involved in the human pain experience. One approach to answer this question is to perform quantitative sensory testing on patients with hippocampal damage—ie, medial temporal lobe epilepsy. Some case studies and case series have performed such tests in a handful of patients with various types of epilepsy and have reported mixed results. Here, we aimed to determine whether mechanical pain sensitivity was altered in patients diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy. We first investigated whether mechanical pain sensitivity in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy differs from that of healthy individuals. Next, in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, we evaluated whether the degree of pain sensitivity is associated with the degree of hippocampal integrity. Structural integrity was based on hippocampal volume, and functional integrity was based on verbal and visuospatial memory scores. Our findings show that patients with temporal lobe epilepsy have lower mechanical pain sensitivity than healthy individuals. Only left hippocampal volume was positively associated with mechanical pain sensitivity—the greater the hippocampal damage, the lower the sensitivity to mechanical pain. Hippocampal measures of functional integrity were not significantly associated with mechanical pain sensitivity, suggesting that the mechanisms of hippocampal pain processing may be different than its memory functions. Future studies are necessary to determine the mechanisms of pain processing in the hippocampus. PubDate: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Involvement of propriospinal processes in conditioned pain modulation
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Authors: Nahman-Averbuch; Hadas; Piché, Mathieu; Bannister, Kirsty; Coghill, Robert C. Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- The sociocultural context of adolescent pain: portrayals of pain in
popular adolescent media-
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Authors: Cormier; Allison; Mueri, Kendra; Pavlova, Maria; Hood, Anna; Li, Queenie; Thurston, Idia; Jordan, Abbie; Noel, Melanie Abstract: Research has consistently suggested that media consumption plays a vital role in children's socialization, including the socialization of painful experiences. Past research examining young children's popular media revealed worrisome trends in media depictions of pain; it consisted of narrow depictions of pain, gender stereotypes, and an overwhelming lack of empathy from observers, which could contribute to pain-related stigma. Research has not yet examined how pain is portrayed in adolescent media, despite adolescence being the developmental period when chronic pain often emerges. The current study extracted a cross-section of popular adolescent media selected based on popularity, including 10 movies and the first seasons of 6 TV shows. Pain instances were coded using 2 established observational coding schemes assessing sufferer pain characteristics and observer responses. Across 616 instances of pain, there was a preponderance of violence and injuries, whereas everyday, chronic-type, and medical/procedural pains were seldom represented. Individuals from marginalized (ie, gender diverse, girls) and minoritized groups (individuals with racialized identities) were underrepresented in pain instances. Furthermore, regardless of observed gender or “race,” observers displayed a lack of empathy for sufferers and rarely engaged in prosocial behaviors. Popular media may serve as an agent of socialization in adolescence; thus, pain depictions may be a powerful force in propagating pain-related stigma and inequities. An opportunity exists to harness popular media to adaptively and accurately portray pain to adolescents. PubDate: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Characterizing the opioidergic mechanisms of repetitive transcranial
magnetic stimulation–induced analgesia: a randomized controlled trial-
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Authors: Liu; Ying; Sun, Junfeng; Wu, Chaomin; Ren, Jinxuan; He, Yanni; Sun, Na; Huang, Hao; Chen, QunShan; Liu, Dan; Huang, Yangyuxin; Xu, Feng; Yu, Lina; Fitzgibbon, Bernadette M.; Cash, Robin F. H.; Fitzgerald, Paul B.; Yan, Min; Che, Xianwei Abstract: Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a promising technology to reduce chronic pain. Investigating the mechanisms of rTMS analgesia holds the potential to improve treatment efficacy. Using a double-blind and placebo-controlled design at both stimulation and pharmacologic ends, this study investigated the opioidergic mechanisms of rTMS analgesia by abolishing and recovering analgesia in 2 separate stages across brain regions and TMS doses. A group of 45 healthy participants were equally randomized to the primary motor cortex (M1), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and the Sham group. In each session, participants received an intravenous infusion of naloxone or saline before the first rTMS session. Participants then received a second dose of rTMS session after the drugs were metabolized at 90 minutes. M1-rTMS–induced analgesia was abolished by naloxone compared with saline and was recovered by the second rTMS run when naloxone was metabolized. In the DLPFC, double but not the first TMS session induced significant pain reduction in the saline condition, resulting in less pain compared with the naloxone condition. In addition, TMS over the M1 or DLPFC selectively increased plasma concentrations of β-endorphin or encephalin, respectively. Overall, we present causal evidence that opioidergic mechanisms are involved in both M1-induced and DLPFC-rTMS–induced analgesia; however, these are shaped by rTMS dosage and the release of different endogenous opioids. PubDate: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Advances in the analysis of intensive longitudinal pain data: a commentary
on Leroux et al.-
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Authors: Finan; Patrick H. Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Asymmetrical atrophy of the paraspinal muscles in patients undergoing
unilateral lumbar medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy-
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Authors: Guven; Ali E.; Evangelisti, Gisberto; Burkhard, Marco D.; Köhli, Paul; Hambrecht, Jan; Zhu, Jiaqi; Chiapparelli, Erika; Kelly, Michael; Tsuchiya, Koki; Amoroso, Krizia; Zadeh, Arman; Shue, Jennifer; Tan, Ek Tsoon; Sama, Andrew A.; Girardi, Federico P.; Cammisa, Frank P.; Hughes, Alexander P. Abstract: Lumbar medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy (RFN), a common treatment for chronic low back pain due to facet joint osteoarthritis (FJOA), may amplify paraspinal muscle atrophy due to denervation. This study aimed to investigate the asymmetry of paraspinal muscle morphology change in patients undergoing unilateral lumbar medial branch RFN. Data from patients who underwent RFN between March 2016 and October 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. Lumbar foramina stenosis (LFS), FJOA, and fatty infiltration (FI) functional cross-sectional area (fCSA) of the paraspinal muscles were assessed on preinterventional and minimum 2-year postinterventional MRI. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests compared measurements between sides. A total of 51 levels of 24 patients were included in the analysis, with 102 sides compared. Baseline MRI measurements did not differ significantly between the RFN side and the contralateral side. The RFN side had a higher increase in multifidus FI (+4.2% [0.3-7.8] vs +2.0% [−2.2 to 6.2], P = 0.005) and a higher decrease in multifidus fCSA (−60.9 mm2 [−116.0 to 10.8] vs −19.6 mm2 [−80.3 to 44.8], P = 0.003) compared with the contralateral side. The change in erector spinae FI and fCSA did not differ between sides. The RFN side had a higher increase in multifidus muscle atrophy compared with the contralateral side. The absence of significant preinterventional degenerative asymmetry and the specificity of the effect to the multifidus muscle suggest a link to RFN. These findings highlight the importance of considering the long-term effects of lumbar medial branch RFN on paraspinal muscle health. PubDate: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Effect of esketamine combined with pregabalin on acute postsurgical pain
in patients who underwent resection of spinal neoplasms: a randomized controlled trial-
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Authors: Zhou; Yang; Sun, Wanchen; Fu, Yuxuan; Wang, Jing; Fan, Jingyi; Liang, Yuchao; Jia, Wenqing; Han, Ruquan Abstract: Moderate-to-severe acute postsurgical pain (APSP) can prolong the recovery and worsen the prognosis of patients who undergo spinal surgery. Esketamine and pregabalin may resolve APSP without causing hyperpathia or respiratory depression after surgery. However, there are other risks, such as dissociative symptoms. We designed a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effect of the combination of these 2 drugs on the incidence of APSP in patients who underwent resection of spinal neoplasms. Patients aged 18 to 65 years were randomized to receive esketamine (a bolus dose of 0.5 mg·kg−1 and an infusion dose of 0.12 mg·kg−1·h−1 for 48 hours after surgery) combined with oral pregabalin (75-150 mg/day, starting 2 hours before surgery and ending at 2 weeks after surgery) or an identical volume of normal saline and placebo capsules. The primary outcome was the proportion of patients with moderate-to-severe APSP (visual analog scale score ≥ 40) during the first 48 hours after surgery. Secondary outcomes included the incidence of drug-related adverse events. A total of 90 patients were randomized. The incidence of moderate-to-severe APSP in the combined group (27.3%) was lower than that in the control group (60.5%) during the first 48 hours after surgery (odds ratio = 0.25, 95% CI = 0.10-0.61; P = 0.002). The occurrence of mild dissociative symptoms was higher in the combined group than in the control group (18.2% vs 0%). In conclusion, esketamine combined with pregabalin could effectively alleviate APSP after spinal surgery, but an analgesic strategy might increase the risk of mild dissociative symptoms. PubDate: Fri, 15 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- The influence of pain and kinesiophobia on motor control of the upper
limb: how pointing task paradigms can point to new avenues of understanding-
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Authors: Duport; Arnaud; Morel, Pierre; Léonard, Guillaume; Devanne, Hervé Abstract: People experiencing kinesiophobia are more likely to develop persistent disabilities and chronic pain. However, the impact of kinesiophobia on the motor system remains poorly understood. We investigated whether kinesiophobia could modulate shoulder pain–induced changes in (1) kinematic parameters and muscle activation during functional movement and (2) corticospinal excitability. Thirty healthy, pain-free subjects took part in the study. Shoulder, elbow, and finger kinematics, as well as electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius and anterior deltoid muscles, were recorded while subjects performed a pointing task before and during pain induced by capsaicin at the shoulder. Anterior deltoid cortical changes in excitability were assessed through the slope of transcranial magnetic stimulation input–output curves obtained before and during pain. Results revealed that pain reduced shoulder electromyographic activity and had a variable effect on finger kinematics, with individuals with higher kinesiophobia showing greater reduction in finger target traveled distance. Kinesiophobia scores were also correlated with the changes in deltoid corticospinal excitability, suggesting that the latter can influence motor activity as soon as the motor signal emerges. Taken together, these results suggest that pain and kinesiophobia interact with motor control adaptation. PubDate: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Hal, how many types of pelvic pain are there'
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Authors: Hellman; Kevin M.; Tu, Frank F. Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Tue, 12 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Dilemmas with denervation: to do or not to do (that is the question)
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Authors: Karri; Jay; Cohen, Steven P. Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- “I wish I knew then what I know now” — pain science education
concepts important for female persistent pelvic pain: a reflexive thematic analysis-
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Authors: Mardon; Amelia K.; Chalmers, K. Jane; Heathcote, Lauren C.; Curtis, Lee-Anne; Freedman, Lesley; Malani, Rinkle; Parker, Romy; Neumann, Patricia B.; Moseley, G. Lorimer; Leake, Hayley B. Abstract: Pain science education (PSE) provides people with an understanding of “how pain works” grounded in the biopsychosocial model of pain; it has been demonstrated to improve outcomes in musculoskeletal pain conditions. Preliminary evidence suggests PSE may be effective for female individuals with persistent pelvic pain, but how the content of PSE needs to be modified for this group remains to be determined. A reflexive thematic analysis of qualitative data was performed to identify PSE concepts that female individuals with persistent pelvic pain consider important and why. Twenty individual, semistructured interviews were conducted with adult females who had engaged with PSE and had self-identified as having “improved” pelvic pain. Most participants had been diagnosed with endometriosis (n = 16). Four themes were generated capturing PSE concepts considered important by female individuals with “improved” pelvic pain: (1) “A sensitised nervous system leads to overprotective pain” validated their pelvic pain as being real; (2) “Pain does not have to mean the body is damaged (although sometimes it does)” provided reassurance that pelvic pain does not mean their condition is worsening; (3) “How I think, feel, and ‘see’ my pain can make it worse” enabled participants to find optimal ways to manage their pain; and (4) “I can change my pain… slowly” provided hope that pelvic pain can improve and empowered them to pursue pain improvement as a viable goal. This study generated 4 PSE learning concepts that were important to female individuals with improved pelvic pain and may be incorporated into PSE curricula for female individuals with pelvic pain. PubDate: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- The ketogenic diet mitigates opioid–induced hyperalgesia by restoring
short–chain fatty acids–producing bacteria in the gut-
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Authors: Crawford; Joshua; Liu, Sufang; Tao, Ran; Kramer, Phillip; Bender, Steven; Tao, Feng Abstract: Opioids are commonly prescribed to patients with chronic pain. Chronic opioid usage comes with a slew of serious side effects, including opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH). The patients with long-term opioid treatment experience paradoxical increases in nociceptive hypersensitivity, namely, OIH. Currently, treatment options for OIH are extremely lacking. In this study, we show that the ketogenic diet recovers the abnormal pain behavior caused by chronic morphine treatment in male mice, and we further show that the therapeutic effect of the ketogenic diet is mediated through gut microbiome. Our 16S rRNA sequencing demonstrates that chronic morphine treatment causes changes in mouse gut microbiota, specifically a decrease in short-chain fatty acids–producing bacteria, and the sequencing data also show that the ketogenic diet rescues those bacteria in the mouse gut. More importantly, we show that supplementation with short-chain fatty acids (butyrate, propionate, and acetate) can delay the onset of OIH, indicating that short-chain fatty acids play a direct role in the development of OIH. Our findings suggest that gut microbiome could be targeted to treat OIH, and the ketogenic diet can be used as a complementary approach for pain relief in patients with chronic opioid treatment. We only used male mice in this study, and thus, our findings cannot be generalized to both sexes. PubDate: Wed, 06 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Characterizing high-cost healthcare users among adults with back pain in
Ontario, Canada: a population-based cohort study-
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Authors: Wong; Jessica J.; Côté, Pierre; Tricco, Andrea C.; Watson, Tristan; Rosella, Laura C. Abstract: Some patients with back pain contribute disproportionately to high healthcare costs; however, characteristics of high-cost users with back pain are not well defined. We described high-cost healthcare users based on total costs among a population-based cohort of adults with back pain within the Ontario government's single-payer health system across sociodemographic, health, and behavioural characteristics. We conducted a population-based cohort study of Ontario adult (aged 18 years or older) respondents of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) with back pain (2003-2012), linked to administrative data (n = 36,605; weighted n = 2,076,937, representative of Ontario). Respondents were ranked based on gradients of total healthcare costs (top 1%, top 2%-5%, top 6%-50%, and bottom 50%) for 1 year following the CCHS survey, with high-cost users as top 5%. We used multinomial logistic regression to investigate characteristics associated with the 4 cost groups. Top 5% of cost users accounted for 49% ($4 billion CAD) of total healthcare spending, with inpatient hospital care as the largest contributing service type (approximately 40% of costs). Top 5% high-cost users were more likely aged 65 years or older (ORtop1% = 16.6; ORtop2-5% = 44.2), with lower income (ORtop1% = 3.6; ORtop 2-5% = 1.8), chronic disease(s) (ORtop1% = 3.8; ORtop2-5% = 1.6), Aggregated Diagnosis Groups measuring comorbidities (ORtop1% = 25.4; ORtop2-5% = 13.9), and fair/poor self-rated general health (ORtop1% = 6.7; ORtop2-5% = 4.6) compared with bottom 50% users. High-cost users tended to be current/former smokers, obese, and report fair/poor mental health. High-cost users (based on total costs) among adults with back pain account for nearly half of all healthcare spending over a 1-year period and are associated with older age, lower income, comorbidities, and fair/poor general health. Findings identify characteristics associated with a high-risk group for back pain to inform healthcare and public health strategies that target upstream determinants. PubDate: Tue, 05 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Does pain tolerance mediate the effect of physical activity on chronic
pain in the general population' The Tromsø Study-
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Authors: Årnes; Anders Pedersen; Fjeld, Mats Kirkeby; Stigum, Hein; Nielsen, Christopher Sivert; Stubhaug, Audun; Johansen, Aslak; Hopstock, Laila Arnesdatter; Morseth, Bente; Wilsgaard, Tom; Steingrímsdóttir, Ólöf Anna Abstract: Knowledge is needed regarding mechanisms acting between physical activity (PA) and chronic pain. We investigated whether cold pain tolerance mediates an effect of leisure-time physical activity on the risk of chronic pain 7 to 8 years later using consecutive surveys of the population-based Tromsø Study. We included participants with information on baseline leisure-time PA (LTPA) and the level of cold pressor–assessed cold pain tolerance, who reported chronic pain status at follow-up as any of the following: chronic pain for ≥3 months, widespread chronic pain, moderate-to-severe chronic pain, or widespread moderate-to-severe chronic pain. We included 6834 participants (52% women; mean age, 55 years) in counterfactual mediation analyses. Prevalence decreased with severity, for example, 60% for chronic pain vs 5% for widespread moderate-to-severe chronic pain. People with one level higher LTPA rating (light to moderate or moderate to vigorous) at baseline had lower relative risk (RR) of 4 chronic pain states 7 to 8 years later. Total RR effect of a 1-level LTPA increase was 0.95 (0.91-1.00), that is, −5% decreased risk. Total effect RR for widespread chronic pain was 0.84 (0.73-0.97). Indirect effect for moderate-to-severe chronic pain was statistically significant at RR 0.993 (0.988-0.999); total effect RR was 0.91 (0.83-0.98). Statistically significantly mediated RR for widespread moderate-to-severe chronic pain was 0.988 (0.977-0.999); total effect RR was 0.77 (0.64-0.94). This shows small mediation of the effect of LTPA through pain tolerance on 2 moderate-to-severe chronic pain types. This suggests pain tolerance to be one possible mechanism through which PA modifies the risk of moderate-to-severe chronic pain types with and without widespread pain. PubDate: Tue, 05 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Aged females unilaterally hypersensitize, lack descending inhibition, and
overexpress alpha1D adrenergic receptors in a murine posttraumatic chronic pain model-
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Authors: Hirsch; Silke J.; Budig, Alexandra; Husam, Sanar; Birklein, Frank Abstract: Vulnerability to chronic pain is found to depend on age and sex. Most patients with chronic pain are elderly women, especially with posttraumatic pain after bone fracture that prevails beyond the usual recovery period and develops into a complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). There, a distal bone fracture seems to initiate a pathophysiological process with unknown mechanism. To investigate whether sex, age, and alpha adrenergic receptors also contribute to a CRPS-like phenotype in animals, we performed experiments on tibia-fractured mice. Those mice commonly are resilient to the development of a CRPS-like phenotype. However, we found them to be vulnerable to long-lasting pain after distal bone fracture when they were of old age. These mice expressed mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity, as well as weight-bearing and autonomic impairment following bone trauma, which persisted over 3 months. Site-specific and body side–specific glycinergic and α1D-noradrenergic receptor expression in the spinal cord and the contralateral locus coeruleus were misbalanced. Aged female tibia-fractured mice lost descending noradrenergic inhibition and displayed enhanced spinal activity on peripheral pressure stimuli. Together, changes in the noradrenergic, hence, glycinergic system towards excitation in the pain pathway—ascending and descending—might contribute to the development or maintenance of long-lasting pain. Conclusively, changes in the noradrenergic system particularly occur in aged female mice after trauma and might contribute to the development of long-lasting pain. Our data support the hypothesis that some patients with chronic pain would benefit from lowering the adrenergic/sympathetic tone or antagonizing α1(D). PubDate: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy models constructed from human
induced pluripotent stem cells and directly converted cells: a systematic review-
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Authors: Smulders; Pascal S.H.; Heikamp, Kim; Hermanides, Jeroen; Hollmann, Markus W.; ten Hoope, Werner; Weber, Nina C. Abstract: Developments in human cellular reprogramming now allow for the generation of human neurons for in vitro disease modelling. This technique has since been used for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) research, resulting in the description of numerous CIPN models constructed from human neurons. This systematic review provides a critical analysis of available models and their methodological considerations (ie, used cell type and source, CIPN induction strategy, and validation method) for prospective researchers aiming to incorporate human in vitro models of CIPN in their research. The search strategy was developed with assistance from a clinical librarian and conducted in MEDLINE (PubMed) and Embase (Ovid) on September 26, 2023. Twenty-six peer-reviewed experimental studies presenting original data about human reprogrammed nonmotor neuron cell culture systems and relevant market available chemotherapeutics drugs were included. Virtually, all recent reports modeled CIPN using nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons. Drugs known to cause the highest incidence of CIPN were most used. Furthermore, treatment effects were almost exclusively validated by the acute effects of chemotherapeutics on neurite dynamics and cytotoxicity parameters, enabling the extrapolation of the half-maximal inhibitory concentration for the 4 most used chemotherapeutics. Overall, substantial heterogeneity was observed in the way studies applied chemotherapy and reported their findings. We therefore propose 6 suggestions to improve the clinical relevance and appropriateness of human cellular reprogramming–derived CIPN models. PubDate: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- A back-translational study of descending interactions with the induction
of hyperalgesia by high-frequency electrical stimulation in rats and humans-
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Authors: Patel; Ryan; Taylor, Joseph L.; Dickenson, Anthony H.; McMahon, Stephen B.; Bannister, Kirsty Abstract: In humans and animals, high-frequency electrocutaneous stimulation (HFS) induces an “early long-term potentiation-like” sensitisation, where synaptic plasticity is underpinned by an ill-defined interaction between peripheral input and central modulatory processes. The relative contributions of these processes to the initial pain or nociceptive response likely differ from those that underpin development of the heightened response. To investigate the impact of HFS-induced hyperalgesia on pain and nociception in perception and neural terms, respectively, and to explore the impact of descending inhibitory pathway activation on the development of HFS-induced hyperalgesia, we performed parallel studies utilising identical stimuli to apply HFS concurrent to (1) a conditioned pain modulation paradigm during psychophysical testing in healthy humans or (2) a diffuse noxious inhibitory controls paradigm during in vivo electrophysiological recording of spinal neurones in healthy anaesthetised rats. High-frequency electrocutaneous stimulation alone induced enhanced perceptual responses to pinprick stimuli in cutaneous areas secondary to the area of electrical stimulation in humans and increased the excitability of spinal neurones which exhibited stimulus intensity–dependent coded responses to pinprick stimulation in a manner that tracked with human psychophysics, supporting their translational validity. Application of a distant noxious conditioning stimulus during HFS did not alter perceived primary or secondary hyperalgesia in humans or the development of primary or secondary neuronal hyperexcitability in rats compared with HFS alone, suggesting that, upon HFS-response initiation in a healthy nervous system, excitatory signalling escapes inhibitory control. Therefore, in this model, dampening facilitatory mechanisms rather than augmenting top-down inhibitions could prevent pain development. PubDate: Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMT-
- Interactions between 2 subtypes of central sensitization in rats and
humans: spinal long-term potentiation and brainstem controls-
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Authors: Treede; Rolf-Detlef Abstract: No abstract available PubDate: Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMT-