Metal Science and Heat Treatment
Journal Prestige (SJR): 0.279 Number of Followers: 36 Hybrid journal (It can contain Open Access articles) ISSN (Print) 1573-8973 - ISSN (Online) 0026-0673 Published by Springer-Verlag [2468 journals] |
- Prospects of Application of Volume-Surface Quenching for Vehicle Parts
Made of Steels with Reduced Hardenability-
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Abstract: Various methods of hardening of machine parts and mechanisms are considered. Volume-surface quenching of steels with reduced hardenability is analyzed. The structure, hardness and toughness of steels subjected to different types of quenching are investigated. It is shown that volume-surface quenching ensures a uniform distribution of hardness from the surface to the base metal of the steels, and their toughness is higher than that of steels subjected to volume or surface quenching. The method of volume-surface quenching is recommended for wide use in the production of vehicle parts.
PubDate: 2024-07-03
- Deformation and Fracture Resistance of Steel with a Structure of a Natural
Ferrite-Martensite Composite Under High-Speed Impact-
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Abstract: Processes of deformation and fracture of a natural ferrite-martensite composite under a local high-speed impact are considered. Targets fabricated from steel 14G2 with an isotropic structure of tempered sorbite and from the composite are studied after impact tests. It is shown that the target from steel 14G2 with sorbite structure is pierced through under the concentrated high-power impact of a bullet. When the target is made of the composite, the bullet ricochets. The mechanisms of the processes occurring in the targets under the impact of a bullet are analyzed.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Microstructure and Operational Properties of Low-Alloy Low-Carbon Steel
for Building Structures-
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Abstract: Using the synergistic effect of the influence of Cr, Mo, Nb, V, Cu, and other elements on the properties of steels, a low-alloy structural steel with high performance properties has been developed. The microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of the steel have been studied. The steel structure is multiphase and consists of polygonal ferrite and M/A islands. The yield strength of the steel at 600°C is at least 2/3 of the yield strength at room temperature. During 360 h of the corrosive effect of salt mist, the corrosion rate of the steel gradually decreases with increase of the time, and the structure of the rust layer is transformed from loose to dense. The mechanical properties, heat resistance, corrosion resistance and heat resistance of steel meet the requirements for materials of building structures.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Effect of Quenching and Aging on the Microstructure and Mechanical
Properties of Welded Joints Obtained by Laser Welding of Titanium and
Aluminum Alloys-
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Abstract: The effect of quenching and aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of welded joints obtained by laser welding of titanium alloy Grade 2 and aluminum alloy 2024 is studied. Microstructural analysis of the welded joints is carried out using light and scanning electron microscopes. The samples are tested on a slice. It is shown that during heat treatment, the columnar heat-affected zone of aluminum undergoes a significant change, in which the grain width increases from 5 – 7 to 20 – 40 μm, and the length from 30 – 100 to 100 – 200 μm. The shear strength of the welded joint after a heat treatment increases from 120 to 195 MPa, and the microhardness of the columnar heat-affected zone changes from 100 – 111 HV to 145 – 161 HV. The effect of the heat treatment on the distribution of chemical elements in the weld metal is not revealed, whereas the columnar heat-affected zone contains presumably a hardening Al2Cu phase.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Fatigue Resistance of Dispersion-Hardened Aluminum Alloy
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Abstract: The fatigue resistance characteristics of an aluminum-based experimental dispersion-hardened composite material obtained by internal oxidation are investigated. Fatigue tests are carried out under loading by a “soft” scheme of cantilever bending of cylindrical rotating samples under symmetric-cycle conditions. The structural and deformation features of the behavior of the material during cyclic deformation are studied by optical direct, digital, and scanning electron microscopy. The fatigue resistance characteristics of the composite are scattered little. The mechanism of nucleation and propagation of fatigue cracks is determined. Analysis of a fatigue fracture surface is performed.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Structural, Physical and Mechanical Aspects of the Effect of
Structural-Wave Magnetic Resonance Treatment on Low-Carbon Martensitic
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Abstract: The influence of an alternating magnetic field in the austenitic temperature range during structural-wave magnetic resonance treatment (SWMRT)combined with thermocycling treatment (TCT) on the structure, physical and mechanical properties of low-carbon martensitic steel 08Kh2G2NMFB is investigated. The changes in the microstructure after the treatment are determined by metallographic, electron-microscopy and x-ray diffraction analyses. The elasticity parameters after the SWMRT are studied. Steady values of the temperature frequency coefficient are obtained for steel 08Kh2G2NMFB after the SWMRT + TCT in the range of (113 – 116) × 10 – 6 K– 1.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Composition and Structure of Surface Layer in Composite Castings from Gray
Cast Iron Formed Using Chromium-Ferroboron Master Alloys-
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Abstract: A method for obtaining composite surface-alloyed castings from gray cast iron SCh25 by cavityless casting with the use of master alloys containing chromium and ferroboron deposited as a paste layer on the surfaces of the casting molds is considered. The microstructure and the phase composition of the surface layer and the microhardness of the structural components are determined. Mechanical tests of the cast samples for compression and wear are carried out. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis is shown to occur between the components of the master alloys deposited on the surfaces the molds during the production of the castings. The types and compositions of the borides and carboborides formed in the alloyed layer are determined. The effect of the parameters of the alloyed layer on the properties of the composite castings is analyzed.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Influence of Acid Concentration in Combined Cleaning of Gas Turbine Nozzle
Blades from Metal Oxides-
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Abstract: The method of chemical cleaning of the surface of blades of gas turbine units in a solution of orthophosphoric and sulfuric acids using a purpose-designed closed-type autoclave microwave system “Mars 5” and ultrasonic exposure in distilled water is described. The two-stage cleaning involves the chemical action of the acid solution in the autoclave and ultrasonic cleaning in the stage of washing. The effect of acid solutions of various concentrations on the degree of surface cleaning from metal oxides and microcracks in the gas turbine blades is studied. It is shown that when the samples of gas turbine blades are treated in the “Mars 5” autoclave with a solution of acids and with ultrasound in the washing stage, the residual oxygen content reflecting the presence of oxides on the surface of the samples is less than 1%.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Vacuum Nitriding of Heat-Resistant Steel After Laser Processing
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Abstract: Features of formation of surface layers in steel VKS-10 (13Kh3N3M2VFB-Sh) under thermal and thermochemical treatments, i.e., laser processing with and without surface fusion and subsequent vacuum nitriding, are considered. The effect of preliminary laser treatment on the kinetics of saturation of the surface with nitrogen is studied. It is shown that the preliminary laser treatment without fusion of the surface followed by nitriding provides a higher effective thickness of the layer on steel VKS-10 and higher wear resistance of the surface than the treatment with fusion.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Modern Methods of Creation and Application of Powder Ferritic/Martensitic
ODS Steels-
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Abstract: Special features of the process of synthesis of oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) ferritic/martensitic steels by powder metallurgy and laser technologies are considered. The process of production of ODS steels is described. The properties of the steels and the possibilities of their additive manufacturing are analyzed.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Effect of Tempering Temperature on the Structure and Mechanical Properties
of Medium-Carbon Steel with Elevated Silicon Content-
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Abstract: The effect of quenching and tempering on the microstructure, phase composition and mechanical properties of steel 0.33C – 1.8Si – 1.44Mn – 0.58Cr is investigated. The structure is studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, dilatometry and differential scanning calorimetry. Tensile and impact strength tests are performed. The Rockwell hardness is measured. The processes of formation of carbides in the steel at different temperatures are analyzed, as well as the influence of the structure on the mechanical properties. Quenching yields laths of martensite with carbon-saturated dislocation boundaries due to formation of Cottrell atmospheres. The internal stresses reach 40% of the yield strength σ0.2. Tempering to a temperature of 280°C causes precipitation of transition η-carbides (Fe2C) inside the laths, which depletes the martensite matrix of carbon by about 90%. This increases the yield strength by 16% to 1130 MPa despite the lowering of the internal stresses and growth of the width of the laths. Precipitation of cementite chains over the lath and block boundaries occurs in tempering at 500°C, which is accompanied by lowering of the yield strength to 1130 MPa. Calculations of the proportion of carbon atoms in the martensite shows that almost all of the carbon present in the steel goes to formation of cementite. The decomposition of martensite during tempering increases the toughness but has a minor effect on the strength-ductility parameter σr × δ (MPa ∙ %).
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Influence of the Geometry of Cast Products on Orientation of Dendritic
Crystals Growth and Formation of Hot Cracks-
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Abstract: The results of studies of hot cracks formed in cast shapes from low-alloy steel G21Mn5 are presented. Macroand microstructural analyses are carried out. Fractography studies of samples cut from castings used in the production of railway freight cars are performed. The criteria used to assess the susceptibility of alloys to hot brittleness are considered. It is shown that the orientation of dendritic crystals affects significantly the formation of hot cracks, and the direction of the dendrite growth is determined by the conditions of heat dissipation, which are influenced in their turn by the geometry of the casting. The phenomenon of coalescence under the conditions of misorientation of neighbor dendrites and its effect on the formation of hot cracks is studied. A modified RDG criterion is suggested, which allows for the influence of the geometry of the cast product on the formation of hot cracks through the angle of misorientation of neighbor crystals.
PubDate: 2024-07-02
- Investigation of the Effect of Ni – Cu – Ni – Sn Four-Layer
Electroplate and Epoxy Paint Coating on Corrosion Properties of NdFeB-Base
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Abstract: The possibility of four-layer (Ni – Cu – Ni – Sn) electroplating and epoxy paint coating of a NdFeB magnet from a hard magnetic alloy used in wind generators is considered. The corrosion-protective effect of various paint coatings on the magnet in aggressive environments is determined. It is shown that the electroplate layuer should have a thickness of at least 20 µm and the epoxy paint coating should be no thinner than 15 µm.
PubDate: 2024-06-29
- Electrolyte-Plasma Production of Metal Powders for Additive Manufacturing
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Abstract: The possibility of production of metal powder of grade “EOS Stainless Steel PH 1” by electrolyte-plasma spraying of finished products manufactured by selective laser melting is considered. The sample is sprayed by gas-discharge plasma at atmospheric pressure in an electrode configuration, where the metal cathode is the sprayed product and the electrolytic anode is a 3% NaCl solution in purified tap water. The current-voltage characteristics of the discharge, the surface temperature of the electrodes, the topography and the elemental composition of the powder are determined.
PubDate: 2024-06-29
- Relation Between Parameters of Indirect Texture Control and Properties of
Brass and Improvement of the Quality of Rolled Products by Using
Statistical Methods of Analysis and Advanced Online Management-
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Abstract: The effect of the rolling process and modes of continuous induction annealing until the state of secondary recrystallization of a brass strip on its properties and texture parameters is studied. Their close interrelation is explained. Directions for reducing the variance of the quality characteristics are considered and examples of their implementation are presented, i.e., the use of indirect texture control, advancement of systems of online management, application of statistical spectral analysis for detecting and eliminating the causes of high-frequency inhomogeneities of the quality characteristics.
PubDate: 2024-06-29
- A Structural Model of Transition of Cubic α-Mn Into a Hexagonal
Modification Based on Noncrystallographic Symmetry of Clusters-
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Abstract: A structural model of the transformation of cubic α-Mn into high-pressure hexagonal close-packed ε -Mn phase is suggested. The model is based on the transformation of a triple of tetrahedrons into an octahedron, implemented through a shift of the diagonal of a nonplanar “rhombus” formed by the faces of neighboring tetrahedrons. Asystem of such transformations transfers a fragment of a tetrahedral α -Mn spiral into a fragment of a rod composed of octahedrons in hexagonal closest packing. The model takes into account the noncrystallographic symmetry of the considered fragments of the crystalline phases.
PubDate: 2024-06-29
- Structure, Mechanical Properties and Features of Crack Growth
Micromechanism of Maraging Steel Obtained by Hybrid Additive CMT Surfacing
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Abstract: The effect of heat treatment (quenching and aging) on the structure and mechanical characteristics of maraging steel Cr12Ni9Mo2Si (EP659A) obtained using a hybrid CMT surfacing technology consisting in multilayer cold metal transfer and layer-by-layer deformation hardening is investigated. Metallographic analysis of the samples is carried out using light and scanning electron microscopes. The local elemental composition of the surfacing is determined. Tensile tests at 20°C and impact tests at 20 and –100°C are performed. The micromechanisms of crack growth and their special features are investigated. The effect of structural segregation of the material during the CMT with deformation without heat treatment is detected. It is shown that the structural segregation in the surfaced layer disappears after the heat treatment; the strength characteristics and the impact toughness increase, and the elongation decreases slightly. The micromechanism of crack growth after the surfacing followed by heat treatment changes from a mixed viscous-quasi-brittle one to a viscous one. To obtain a set of high mechanical characteristics at room and negative temperatures in the material synthesized by CMT surfacing with interlayer forging, it is recommended to carry out a heat treatment involving water quenching from 940°C for 45 min and aging at 520°C for 240 min.
PubDate: 2024-06-29
- Determination of Carbon Potential and Carbon Mass Transfer Coefficient
During Vacuum Carburizing of Steel-
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Abstract: The boundary conditions for describing the mass transfer of carbon from oxygen-free low-pressure atmospheres into steel during vacuum carburizing are analyzed. The effect of the content of carbide-forming alloying elements on the values of the carbon potential of low-pressure acetylene atmospheres is determined depending on the temperature of the process of vacuum carburizing. Temperature dependences of the carbon mass transfer coefficient are derived.
PubDate: 2024-06-29
- Metal Science and Heat Treatment Volume 65, Number 11
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PubDate: 2024-03-01
DOI: 10.1007/s11041-024-00987-6
- Metal Science and Heat Treatment Volume 65, Number 12
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PubDate: 2024-03-01
DOI: 10.1007/s11041-024-00998-3