Authors:Nimet Göknur Gözen; Süleyman Kahraman Abstract: This study examines the relationships among epidemic anxiety, religious coping (positive and negative), spiritual well-being, and tranquility during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the study investigates potential differences in these variables based on gender and age. The sample consisted of 405 participants. The data is collected using the Epidemic Anxiety Scale, the Religious Coping Scale, the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and the Tranquility Scale. The findings reveal a positive and significant relationship between epidemic anxiety and both positive and negative religious coping, but no significant relationship with overall spiritual well-being or tranquility. Examining the subscales, positive and negative religious coping are positively and significantly associated with spiritual well-being. The study finds a weak negative relationship with tranquility and negative religious coping. Crucially, a significant positive relationship between spiritual well-being and tranquility is discovered. These results were discussed within the existing literature, highlighting the complex interplay between epidemic-related anxiety, religious coping mechanisms, spiritual well-being, and the experience of tranquility during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the implications for supporting individuals' well-being during public health crises are considered. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Halil Ekşi; Melike Seven Abstract: This study aims to adapt the Need for Sense-Making Scale-Short Form to Turkish through validity and reliability studies. The original scale, designed to gauge individuals' need for sense-making, comprises seven items and a single dimension. The research group comprised 240 adults, including 148 women and 92 men, aged between 18 and 65. In the initial phase of the scale adaptation process, the measurement tool was translated into Turkish using a translation-back-translation method after securing the necessary permissions. The scale's factor structure was scrutinized through confirmatory factor analysis, revealing that the adapted scale exhibited acceptable fit indices.In the assessment of internal consistency, the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was computed as 0.79. Furthermore, the examination of item-total correlations and the lower-upper 27% group item discriminant validity index indicated a high level of item discriminant validity within the scale. To establish criterion validity, the Need for Sense-Making Scale was employed, and a positive and significant relationship between The Need for Sense-Making Scale-Short Form and The Need for Sense-Making Scale was observed, signifying sufficient criterion-related validity (r= .69; p PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Yavuz Ercan Gül Abstract: In this research, it is aimed to investigate the classroom and out-of-class practices that classroom teachers do while transferring cultural values to students. The research was carried out by interview method based on a qualitative approach with an interpretative tradition. The participants of the study consisted of people working as teachers in different cities in Turkey. The data were collected through an interview form developed by the researcher, including open-ended questions, and interviews. Participants participated in the research by choosing the most appropriate interview form or interview. Thematic analysis was applied on teachers' opinions. Accordingly, a total of 29 codes belonging to 4 themes were created under 1 main theme. A main theme named School and Cultural Values was created. Under this main theme, themes such as Cultural Values, School and Socialization, Education Program and Teacher Practice were created based on teacher opinions. This research, besides revealing the current situation regarding the socialization processes in Turkey's education system, puts its analytical emphasis on teacher practices inherent in secondary socialization processes. Within the framework of this overview, the starting point of this research is how aware teachers are of socialization processes at school and how they reflect this awareness to their practices. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Fatma Coştu Abstract: Ensuring nationwide adherence to fundamental values disseminated through educational platforms like TRT EBA TV, administered by the Ministry of National Education, holds paramount importance. The study utilized document analysis method. A total of 27 teaching videos on TRT EBA TV for 5th to 8th graders were analyzed. The findings revealed that although the teaching videos addressed some of the ten root values, they did not fully encompass all of them. Nonetheless, the study highlighted that despite the abstract nature of science lessons, the root values are predominantly emphasized. This indicates the feasibil-ity of integrating values education into science disciplines. Furthermore, the study offers recommenda-tions for effectively enhancing students' acquisition of these ten root values. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Hatice Temirak Yüzbaşı; Gülüşan Göcen Abstract: The purpose of this article is (i) to reveal the perceptions of wisdom of people who state that they have a religious commitment and lifestyle through metaphors, (ii) to examine the factors that affect the categorization of these perceptions, and (iii) to understand the relationship between the choices of people who have an impact on their own lives and the ideals of wise people. The study group of the research based on phenomenology, one of the qualitative research designs; The sample consists of 95 people who were reached through snowball and criterion sampling within purposeful sampling. The participants are between the ages of 19-40, 20% (19 people) are men and 80% (76 people) are women, have undergraduate (58.9%; 56 people) and graduate education (41.1%; 39 people), and state that their interest in religion is at medium level (57.9%; 55 people) and high level (42.1%; 40 people).To measure the perception of wisdom, the online Metaphor Perception Form on the Concept of Wise was applied to the participants and they were asked to fill in the following statement: “In my opinion, wise…. is like/similar. Because ….". In addition, in order to see the reflection of the wise person in their own lives, the participants were asked to fill in the following statement: “The person whose decisions I find to be accurate in my life, who guides me and whom I take as an example is….. Because ….".The data obtained was analyzed by content analysis. 64 different metaphors created by the participants for the wise person were analyzed in 7 categories. Among these, the categories of person who is a source of knowledge, perfect person, and person who enlightens and guides came to the fore. The contents about the person who left an impact on people's lives and whom they take as an example are structured under 8 categories, among which the categories of family member, religious figure and friend stand out. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Aysel Arslan; Erdinç Akpınar Abstract: Value is defined as a criterion used to indicate the value of any asset. The concept of value can be defined from specific to general in the context of people, society and country. Values are important elements that direct an individual's life, affect their behavior and ensure compliance with the norms in society. Values are generally fundamental principles that reflect a person's beliefs, moral norms, and purpose in life. It shapes and directs the individual's decisions, relationships, business life and general lifestyle. Values education has begun to be included in curricula, based on the necessity of imparting values in educational processes as well as their social transmission. Affective education is more important than other areas in teaching values. For this reason, the texts in the Turkish textbooks that every student has and are used to follow the lessons have an important place. In this research, the 2nd Grade Turkish Course Book being taught in public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education as of the 2022 academic year was examined. This research aims to determine to what extent root values are included in the texts within the scope of the 8 themes included in the book. The research was conducted using document review, which is among the qualitative research methods. The data was analyzed using the descriptive analysis technique and the study group was determined using the criterion sampling method, which is a type of purposeful sampling. The data was analyzed with freqencies and percentages using the Excel program within the scope of the frequency of the root values found. The results of the data obtained were described through frequency and percentage tables and the data were visualized with graphs.As a result of the analysis, it was concluded that the root values most frequently included in the book content were responsibility (f=40), love (f=17), self-control (f=12) and helpfulness (f=12). The findings show that the root values do not have a balanced distribution in the examined textbook and that the root values are not included enough. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Meral Taner Derman; Şeyma Türen Abstract: It seems that national and international studies examining the relationship between demographic factors and the individual values of mothers of children attending preschool education are limited. Considering this limitation, this study aimed to examine whether the individual values (discipline, responsibility, trust, forgiveness, honesty, sharing, respect, and truthfulness) of the mothers of children attending preschool education differ based on various factors (age, education level, employment status, perceived socioeconomic level, marital status, and gender of the child). In line with this purpose, the sample of the study, which was conducted using the survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, included 384 mothers of preschool children in different districts of Istanbul. The "Personal Information Form" and "Individual Values Inventory" were used as data collection tools. Descriptive statistics, One-Way ANOVA, independent samples t-tests, Mann-Whitney U (in the analysis of variables with fewer than 30 groups), and Hochberg's GT2 tests were used to interpret the data; eta-squared and Cohen's d formulas were used to determine the magnitude of the effect in the tests. The study revealed that mothers had the highest mean values for "sharing and respect" and the lowest mean values for "trust and forgiveness." Age significantly affected the values of "discipline and responsibility," educational level influenced the values of "discipline and responsibility" and "sharing and respect," employment status impacted the values of "discipline and responsibility," marital status affected the values of "respect and truthfulness," and perceived socioeconomic level influenced the values of "sharing and respect." Additionally, it was observed that mothers' individual values did not differ according to the gender of their children. Various suggestions were made based on the findings of the research. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Özlem Gözün Kahraman; Arzu Özyürek, Intan Puspıtasarı Abstract: In this study, it is aimed to examine the "family" and "child" metaphors of parents from different cultures. Volunteer parents from Türkiye (n=40) and Indonesia (n=45) were included in the study group. The desing of study was the qualitative. They were asked to complete the sentences from the participants “Family is like…. Because…” and “The child is like…. Because…”. In the analysis of the data, methaphor categories and numbers were determined by following the stages of coding and categorization. As a result, it was determined that the metaphors of "family" were listed as "unity/togetherness/ıntegrity, protection/trust, source of life, psychological well-being, development" in Turkish parents and “protection/trust, psychological well-being, unity/togetherness/integrity, most valuable thing, learning environment, labor/effort” in Indonesian parents. It was determined that the metaphors of “child” were listed as “psychological well-being, care and protection, education, innocence/purity, investment, parental part/reflection, responsibility” in Turkish parents and “valuable asset, education, parental part/reflection, care and protection, responsibility, investment, psychological well-being, instructive” in Indonesian parents. It has been seen that the "family" metaphor common in both cultures is "house/nest, tree, garden", and the "child" metaphor is "blank paper". The metaphors of family are predominantly "tree" in Turkish culture and "home/nest" in Indonesian culture, and it has been seen that the metaphors about the child are mostly emotional objects such as “happiness/joy/joy” in Turkish culture, and valuable objects such as “jewels, gold, pearls, diamonds” in Indonesian culture. It has been revealed that methaphors about children and the families were influenced by culture-specific values, beliefs and family structure. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Sevgi Coşkun Keskin; Faruk Gezer, Nurullah Arıçam Abstract: With the ever-evolving landscape of media, the interpretations assigned to values have undergone significant shifts. Consequently, societies’ approaches to events and behaviors have acquired new and complex dimensions.. The visibility of value erosion in societies has become more pronounced with the emergence of programs claiming to represent the voice of women and address various issues. This study aims to unveil the erosion of values in Turkey and the contributing factors by particularly analyzing the family-related events presented on Esra Erol’da, one of these programs. For this purpose, case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. Between 2018 and 2022, three events published at the beginning, middle, and end of the year were selected and a total of fifteen cases were examined. Through image-based document analysis, the data underwent content analysis employing discourse analysis. The research identified value erosions in three main themes: moral/religious (such as unfaithfulness, lack of chastity, malicious behavior), human (selfishness, insecurity, irresponsibility), and social (insensitivity to social events, disregard for family importance, lack of adherence to ethical rules, etc.). The identified reasons for these erosions encompassed the misuse of social media, distorted family relations, absence of familial love, privacy and confidentiality violations, lack of trust and a sense of belonging, and adverse economic conditions. PubDate: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +030