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Journal of Analytic DivinityNumber of Followers: 0
Open Access journal ISSN (Online) 2602-3792 This journal is no longer being updated because: the publisher no longer provides RSS feeds
- Projections of Fatigue Society in the Holy Qur'an
Authors: Nuray YILTER Abstract: Situations such as cooling, exhaustion, pretentiousness, and birth can be observed in societies since the first human. It is seen that the features of the community, which emerged in different structures in some periods and are basically objects, reveal that this situation community was exposed to temporary or radical changes. Unlike the individual residence where the society lives, it reveals a new social structure by using the influence of large masses. Individualized people in a society of fatigue are at their highest attrition from becoming the subject of performance. Beings with motivation aiming at everything started to ignore their mental states by constantly being in the wheel of production and operation. Psychological disorders are not treated with the same method as physical ailments. It provides solutions and correct progress based on the teachings and principles of religions, these phenomena that affect the universal differences of people. The aim of the study, based on the concept of "fatigue society", its projections in the Qur'an are a) consumed by excessive consumption, b) consuming by social standardization, c) consuming due to lack of response d) consuming by excessive secularization and e) accumulating goods. They are extensions of the shell that come with (career) passion. In the postmodern period, when communication and consumption accelerated, it is seen that studies on the subject started. In this world, the existence of the consumer society in the Qur'an has been tried to be followed through the verses. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Exemplification of the Spiral of Silence Theory in the Context of Some
Qur'anic Verses Authors: Melek Feyza ZORLU Abstract: Individuals who live in a community develop sociality through communicating. The effective execution of both bilateral and mass communication facilitates the development of sociability. Mass communication has a broader impact compared to bilateral communication and is characterized by a unidirectional process. Many theories have been developed on mass communication, which has the capacity to rapidly deliver the intended message to vast groups. The Spiral of Silence Theory by Elisabeth Noelle Neumann is one of these. Spiral of Silence is a theory that has been tested by its developer and is closely tied to the idea of public opinion. It states that individuals who are in the minority relative to a vast mass are unable to speak up for a variety of reasons and choose to remain in the shadow of the crowd. Spiral of Silence theory has been analyzed in this study by drawing parallels to various ayat and stories in the Qur'an. The aim of the study is to argue that the four main factors that are stated to cause the Spiral of Silence may have their equivalents in the Qur'an.In accordance with the stated objective, the Spiral of Silence theory was first examined, and then a) the threat of exclusion from society, b) the fear of exclusion from society, c) the desire to freely express one's opinion, and d) conforming to the general opinion, which are among the reasons for silence, were explained and discussed in light of Qur'anic ayat. In conclusion, based on the determination that the Qur'an gives freedom to people in terms of opinion and belief and that he does not always see the crowd as justified, it has been understood that the social siege, which is claimed to cause the spiral of silence, can be overcome by the individual. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Different Approaches to Understanding Human Being: Psychological Analyses
in the Context of Psychoanalysis, Schizoanalysis and the Concept of Nafs Authors: Ferruh KAHRAMAN Abstract: The subject of the study is the definition of human beings by Islāmic sciences, psychoanalysis and schizoanalysis approaches. Its problem is that the ways in which modern and postmodern theories treat people are corporeal, and it seems that these definitions are insufficient. Then, modern and postmodern theories neclect human spiritual traits like nafs, soul, mind will and sevitude aspect. Its aim is to evaluate the individual analyses of psychoanalysis and schizoanalysis and to question the nature of man again with a more holistic understanding based on the definition of the self in Islām. The aim of the study is to complement the missing spiritual side of modern and postmodern approaches that provide very important data on human recognition and understanding with the definition of human understanding of Islāmic science. In this way, human existence will be considered from different perspectives and better human definitions will be reached with comparisons and criticisms. The importance of the work is that human understanding of Islāmic, modern and postmodern theories, which are three different scientific paradigms, being examined all together. Many approaches such as structuralism, gestalt, functionalism, behaviorism and psychoanalysis have been developed in order to define and understand human in the modern period. In the postmodern period, theories such as biological, neuroscientific, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humane, sociocultural, eclectic and schizoanalysis were developed by emphasizing the shortcomings of the previous approaches. In the tradition of Islāmic sciences, it has been conscientiously taken to define and as a result of these explanations, it has been tried to explain the human being, especially in the context of the self, soul, heart, mind, will and its synonyms. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- A Sociological Evaluation on the Effects of the Culture of Rebellion on
Radicalization in Alevism Authors: Mustafa ÇAKIR Abstract: Radicalization is the process by which an individual or a group of individuals adopts radical or extremist ideas and becomes willing to act in line with these ideas. Radicalization tendencies can be influenced by various factors such as the lack of fair and livable conditions, historical traumas, regional conflicts, and the inability to achieve a national transformation. In addition, factors such as the inability to reach the advanced and progressive Western world can encourage individuals to seek more radical solutions. Alevi radicalization, especially in the context of Alevi rebellion culture, means an intense concentration and excessive adoption of political or ideological beliefs. Alevism emerges as a syncretic type of Islam that combines elements of Ahl-i beyt-based Islam, Sufism and Turkish folk beliefs.Historically, Alevi communities in Turkey have claimed to face discrimination and persecution, and some political events have been interpreted as contributing to this. Therefore, Alevi political experiences have also been shaped in this context. Alevi discrimination and threat perceptions can lead to radicalization, and Alevi youth continue to embrace an extreme left identity.In recent years, the struggle of Alevi culture to exist more frequently in public spaces with different ideologies, beliefs, and lifestyles seems to fuel the culture of radicalization. In this sense, the sense of victimization and radicalization are intertwined concepts. The fear of victimization can trigger alienation from collective living and lead individuals towards extremism, which is as important as radicalization itself. Therefore, examining the events perceived by Alevi communities as victimization is important to understand and prevent radicalization. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the effect of the rebellion culture in Alevism on radicalization. Within the scope of the topic, the impact of various problems experienced by Alevi communities throughout history on the process of radicalization in the context of a) the sense of victimization, b) political grievances/complaints, c) group-based extreme loyalty in the context of isolation/threat perception is intended to be explained. The study was conducted using a macro-method and indirect observation technique. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- No title
Authors: Ülfet GÖRGÜLÜ; Zekiye DEMİR PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- A Sahabi (Companion) Who Was Weapon Merchant: Nawfal B. Khāris
Authors: Nadir KARAKUŞ Abstract: The relatives of Prophet Muhammad took a great place in the history of Islam and witnessed many events. Most of them were engaged in trade and continued their lives in this way. One of them, Nawfal b. Harish, was the son of the uncle of the Messenger of Allah, and he took his place among the arms dealers, whose number was not much in this period. Nawfal, who focused on the sale of spears, tried to sell this weapon by buying it from port cities such as Jeddah, although he did not manufacture spears himself. While his commercial activities provided us with some information about the arms trade of the period, it also brought us some information about wars and social life. The bits of information we have about his spear trade, on the other hand, showed itself through the events he experienced in some wars. Between the lines of this information has provided us with some important clues about the arms trade of the period. Based on these scraps of information, the weapons of the period; In particular, it has been tried to reach some conclusions about this business by considering the spear trade. Based on these results, it was tried to have an opinion about the arms trade in the Hidjaz Peninsula by following a path from general to specific. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Generic-Contents-From Editor
Authors: Özcan GÜNGÖR Abstract: Dear ReadersOn the occasion of this issue, we remember with mercy the people who lost their lives in the Maraş Earthquake that devastated our country on February 6. We wish patience to those who are left behind and a speedy recovery to those who were injured.The Journal of Analytic Divinity continues its publishing activities with the commitment to bring the valuable works of the authors to its readers with their devoted efforts. Academic publishing is a process that requires meticulousness in terms of authors and readership. However, the spiritual peace and satisfaction of sharing the valuable labor of researchers with readers turns these difficulties into happiness. We would like to emphasize that we feel this joy again and again with each new issue when our publication period comes.As the Journal of Analytic Divinity, we always prioritize making space for undergraduate students and talented researchers. In this way, we want to offer opportunities to young minds and enable them to take their place in the academic world. Because we know that the scientists of the future must be supported today. The pages of this journal provide them with a platform to make their voices heard.For us, the importance and value of academic research is indisputable. For this reason, we pay great attention to the process of meticulously selecting and reviewing the studies that will be included in the pages of our journal. In this way, we continue to aim to provide our readers with reliable, high quality and highly analytical content.Volume 7, Issue 1 of our journal, which is the spring semester issue of 2023, publishes 9 research articles in Turkish. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- A Qualitative Study on the Effect of Religion and Spirituality on the
Disease Process in Individuals with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Authors: Beyzanur YILMAZ Abstract: This article addressed the results of the research that tried to reveal the effect of religious and spiritual phenomena on the disease process of individuals with OCD. Some prototypes created by the classification of individuals with OCD in the light of the data obtained from qualitative research findings explain how people make sense of these phenomena and contribute to coping with their problems.The article discussed the medical literature on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder) and then the religious and spiritual dimension of this disease in a theoretical and practical framework. In this context, it was seen that it was necessary to include theoretical knowledge in the article in order to help make sense of the result part of the research. In the practical framework, the findings obtained from the descriptive analysis, which is the qualitative data analysis of the answers given by the participants to the 6 open-ended questionnaire questions used in the research, are included in the article. In this research in the article, information is given about which religious and spiritual prototype individuals enter according to their methods of coping with discomfort. These prototypes were created in the context of the data obtained from the research and were classified as spiritual evolutionists, comparative thankfulness, surrenders and test takers. The analysis of the data obtained as a result of the research conducted on 50 people diagnosed with OCD in Ankara Numune Hospital Psychiatry Clinic and Ankara province shows that the phenomenon of religion and spirituality contributes positively to people in order to "strengthen the person spiritually during treatment". PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- Acculturation Approaches from the Perspective of the Holy Qur'an
Authors: Melike TAŞDEMİR Abstract: Migration is a historical phenomenon that involves the interaction of different societies with each other. The ability of societies to coexist peacefully is crucial for the positive outcomes of these interactions. The concept of acculturation examines the changes that occur in the process of achieving coexistence among societies. Acculturation is a key factor in the successful adaptation of societies to each other. In this article, we explore the acculturation strategies in the context of migration events in the Holy Qur’an. The aim of the article is to analyze how assimilation, separation, integration and marginalization, which are the main acculturation strategies, are reflected in the Qur’an. In this study, we first review the acculturation strategies proposed by Berry, then we discuss the Qur’anic approach to the concept of migration and finally we evaluate the acculturation strategies in light of the verses. As a result, we find that the Qur’an emphasizes the preservation of culture and religion and shapes its perspective on strategies according to the goal of ensuring social harmony. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030
- A Review of A Reformist Modern Arab Literature Poet: Bedir Shakir Sayyab
Authors: Cennet ASANA; Hatice KESKİNOĞLU Abstract: Bedir Shakir Sayyab (1926-1964), one of the twentieth century Arab writers, is the first person to call for the liberation of Arabic poetry from its classical prosody form. In addition, he is one of the first poets to successfully implement the free verse. For this reason, Sayyab has a very important place in modern Arabic literature. Because he is a leading poet who pioneered his contemporaries in bringing new horizons to modern Arabic literature. For example, Sayyab's poem Unshudat al-Matar successfully encompasses all the innovations seen in form and content in Arabic poetry in the twentieth century, both in terms of being the most perfect form of free verse and containing symbolic expressions and mythological references. In this study, the place of Bedir Shakir Sayyab as a poet in modern Arabic literature will be determined. In this context, after a short introduction, the life and works of Sayyab, the role of the social and political environment in his literary life, his literary personality, the factors affecting the formation of his poems, the stages of his poems and his place in modern Arabic literature will be discussed. In this way, it is aimed to create a general portrait about Bedir Shakir Sayyab and his poems, which is the subject of the research. PubDate: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +030