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FALAH : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah
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  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Print) 2502-3918 - ISSN (Online) 2502-7824
Published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Homepage  [22 journals]
  • Analysis of The Potential Implementation of Islamic Financing with Supply
           Chain Finance Model Fisheries Sector in Belitung

    • Authors: Reviandi Ramadhan, Evony Silvino Violita
      Abstract: This research aims to introduce and provide recommendations for the Islamic financing model with supply chain financing (SCF) and its impact. The research method uses qualitative methods with the object at Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Belitung and fisheries households (RTPT) in 5 (Five) Kecamatan Belitung. The results of this study that the SCF model with Islamic financing contracts has the potential to be applied by using the proposed basis musharakah contract of transactions for (RTPT) and BPRS, and the wakalah bil ujrah contract as the basis for transactions of Islamic cooperatives (Koperasi Syariah) to BPRS or RTPT. The implication for RTPT is that the Fisherman Exchange Rate (NTN) value of Belitung Regency is 114.83, the fisheries sector is a surplus category (value above 100), for BPRS has the potential to expand the market, for Islamic cooperatives can expand the customer's business network and obtain fees from transactions as intermediaries.
      PubDate: 2024-02-28
      DOI: 10.22219/jes.v9i1.31601
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
  • The Influence of Islamic Financial Literacy, Islamic Financial Inclusion,
           and Financial Behavior on the Investment Decisions of Generation Z in West

    • Authors: Ajeng Nurul Fadillah, Deni Lubis
      First page: 01
      Abstract: The 2022 Financial Services Authority survey shows that the Islamic financial literacy index is 9.14% and the Islamic financial inclusion index is 12.12%. This increase is not evenly distributed, especially in the capital market sector. West Java province has the largest number of Generation Z individuals in Indonesia, which has potential for economic development. This research aims to analyze the levels of Islamic financial literacy and inclusion and their influence on financial behavior and investment decisions using descriptive analysis and the SEM-PLS method. The research results indicate that the average level of Islamic financial literacy is 77.9% (well-literate) and the level of Islamic inclusion is 80.5% (high). Islamic financial literacy and Islamic financial inclusion significantly affect investment decisions, while financial behavior does not significantly affect investment decisions.
      PubDate: 2024-02-28
      DOI: 10.22219/jes.v9i1.29286
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
  • The Role of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) in Indonesia's Economic

    • Authors: Fajrin Intan Safitri, Ghozali Maski, Iswan Noor, Ardhika Wahyu Kuncoro
      First page: 17
      Abstract: In macroeconomic literature, it is widely held that persuasion of economic growth and more equitable distribution of income (wealth) is not possible at the same time. This study aims to find out that the inclusion of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) within the framework of national income calculations in Indonesia. Utilizing secondary data from Bank Indonesia, BPS, and BAZNAS, this research employs the 2SLS method to estimate structural coefficients. The systemic relationship identified among these structures validates the Islamic perspective in modeling national income. Highlighting the significant impact of ZIS on national income and societal consumption, this study proposes a novel equation model aimed at enhancing economic growth and ensuring the equitable collection and distribution of ZIS funds. Efficient ZIS management is anticipated to generate prosperity for mustahiq in Indonesia
      PubDate: 2024-02-28
      DOI: 10.22219/jes.v9i1.30217
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
  • A Cross-Country Analysis of Islamic Bank’s Performance in Malaysia
           and Indonesia

    • Authors: Moh. Nurul Qomar, Sulistya Rusgianto, Ibnu Muttaqin, Athi’ Hidayati
      Pages: 31 - 42
      Abstract: This study aims to examine the financial performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia and Malaysia, with a specific focus on optimizing shareholder value. The assessment includes efficiency, market share, interest rates, inflation and economic growth as crucial criteria in comprehending the success of Islamic banks in each country. The secondary data is derived from the annual reports of 25 Islamic banks in Indonesia and Malaysia, with a focus on characteristics pertaining to operational efficiency and market share. Furthermore, data is obtained from Bank Indonesia (BI) to gather statistics regarding inflation, interest rates, and GDP growth from the years 2018 to 2021. The study used panel data regression with a random effects model as the most accurate estimator. The results of the panel data regression analysis suggest that inflation has a favorable effect on return on equity (ROE), while GDP growth has a beneficial impact on return on assets (ROA). This research highlights the importance of enhancing inflation risk management and making strategic adaptations to the business plans of Islamic banks in Malaysia and Indonesia. This research enhances the scholarly comprehension of the variables affecting the efficiency of Islamic banks in diverse economic conditions.
      PubDate: 2024-02-29
      DOI: 10.22219/jes.v9i1.31489
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
  • Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Organization of Islamic
           Cooperation (OIC) Countries’ Economy

    • Authors: Imam Gracia Marshall, Muhammad Sena Nugraha Pamungkas, Irham Zaki, Afifah Nur Millatina, Wenny Widiantika
      Pages: 58 - 72
      Abstract: The majority of organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) countries are developing countries that need an investment to improve the welfare of the countries. This study analyzes the factor of political stability, trade openness, government performance efficiency and forms of government to foreign direct investment in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Countries. This study was quantitative using random effects model (REM). This research using the Data Panel to 57 member of organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) countries with an annual distribution of data starting from 2000 – 2023. The result found that political stability, government efficiency, trade openness, and form of government are factors that have a relationship and influence on the investment climate. The results of this study contribute to enrich the discourse of political stability and government efficiency in Indonesia to attract foreign direct invesment (FDI).
      PubDate: 2024-02-28
      DOI: 10.22219/jes.v9i1.19629
      Issue No: Vol. 9, No. 1 (2024)
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