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  • The Higher Religious Education in Turkey 1997-2020, writer Elif Sobi

    • Authors: İbrahim KURT
      Abstract: This research aimed to evaluate the study titled "Higher Religious Education in Turkey 1997-2020" written by Elif Sobi in 2021. The main reason for choosing this study on book criticism is the quantitative increase in the faculties of Theology and Islamic Sciences in recent years, as well as the criticism of faculty members and employment institutions that this increase is not reflected in quality. Because this study focuses exactly on this fundamental problem. In the first part of the study the political and educational changes and transformations that took place between 1997-2010 and in the second part, especially in higher religious education between 2010-2020 were evaluated from various perspectives. In the study, the political and educational changes and transformations experienced in higher religious education in our country between 1997-2010 and 2010-2020 were evaluated from different perspectives. In the third part of the study, the future of higher religious education was discussed and the study ended with suggestions. When we look at the literature, such a comprehensive study on recent higher religious education has not been found. Therefore, the study seems to be a reference work for undergraduate and graduate students who deal with the issue of recent higher religious education in terms of politics in the style of education history and the positive or negative effects of this politics on education. A very simple and understandable language was used in the research, and the topics discussed were supported by very up-to-date studies since the subject covers the recent period. The research was stated as methodologically appropriate and the study was conducted in accordance with this process. Although the recent issue of higher religious education was discussed in the research, it would have been appropriate to touch upon madrasah education, which represents the source of higher religious education. As a result, the study will serve as a source for current studies in the field and will serve as a reference source for discussions on the future of higher religious education. In addition, the study is valuable in terms of constituting a source for future studies in the field, discussing the future of higher religious education, and making assertive statements about the education system in a cyclical framework such as politics.
      PubDate: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +030
  • Foundation of Hassa and its Administrative, Social and Cultural Situation
           According to Yearbooks of Province of Aleppo

    • Authors: Yasin YILMAZ
      Abstract: In the 19th century, as the central administration of the Ottoman Empire weakened, various regions experienced uprisings that led to the collapse of state authority. One of these regions was marked by uprisings among the dynastic families and nomadic tribes residing in the southern and northern foothills of Adana, Kozan, Cukurova, Maras, Ayntab, and Amanos. In response, the Ottoman Empire established a military force named Firka-i Islahiya with the aim of bringing the rebels under control, restoring order, and strengthening local governance. This force implemented political, economic, and administrative reforms by establishing new districts and villages to settle the nomadic tribes. The army, moving from Istanbul by sea, landed in Payas. Despite the priority task of reform being in the Kozan region, the Reyhaniyye tribe, located in the eastern part of the Gavur Mountains where Turkmen governors resided, among the governors of the Tiyek, Akbez, and Hacilar districts, directed themselves eastward to resolve disputes arising from the power vacuum. Ottoman administrators, likely aiming to reform by changing the demographic structure and to find lasting solutions, attempted to use a portion of Turkmen tribes living in the valleys on the east side of the region known as the Gavur Mountains, which was mentioned in archive documents, by settling them on the plains. This was done to serve as a deterrent force against rebellious tribes. For this purpose, Dervish Pasha, the commander of Fırka-i Islahiye, established the Hassa district in a location close to the initial deployment of the mentioned army, where the headquarters of the Hassa regiments were set up 30 kilometers south, and where people from Hacilar, Tiyek, and Akbez districts, where Turkmen governors resided, were brought in. The district was formed by individuals brought from the mentioned districts based on population. After the establishment of the district, to prevent recurring disputes and conflicts such as the constant rivalry between Pasho Bey of Hacilar and Karaca Mehmet Bey of Tiyek from causing troubles, the governors of the mentioned districts were subjected to compulsory residence in different places outside the region. Thus, the Hassa district, which still exists today, was established. Hassa, consisting of Turkmen tribes, became a district of the Aleppo Province Marash Sanjak according to the Aleppo Province Almanacs from the year 1285/1868 following its establishment. With the establishment of Adana as an independent province in 1297/1879, Hassa became part of the Jabel-i Bereket sanjak of this province. Until the annexation of Hatay to Turkey in 1939, Hassa finally became connected to Hatay through Osmaniye and has since maintained the same status. In this study, we will attempt to evaluate the administrative, social, and cultural situation of Hassa based on its establishment and the Aleppo Province
      PubDate: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +030
  • ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Shaʿrānī’s Ishari Tafsīr on Āyāt About
           Wuḍūʾ and Ṣalāt

    • Authors: Esra Nur HAKLI
      Abstract: Tafsīr is a science that analyzes and interprets the Ḳurʾān in detail to provide a better understanding of it. Throughout Islamic history, the Ḳurʾān has been interpreted in different ways. Many works have also been written in the genre of ishārī tafsīr, which is one of these methods. The properties and acceptance conditions of ishārī tafsīr written by the mufassirs based on the meanings that descended into their hearts as a result of spiritual advancement have been a subject of debate from time to time. Therefore, several properties have been laid down. Conditions such as not going beyond the literal meaning of the āyāt, not giving a meaning contrary to it, and the given meaning being authentic in itself have been accepted as evidence for the validity of the commentary. In this study, the works of ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Shaʿrānī (d. 973/1565), a scholar who lived in Egypt in the tenth century of Hijr, in the field of tafsīr and his ishārī tafsīr are included. Although many studies have been conducted in Türkiye on al-Shaʿrānī’s works in the fields of fikh, sufism and hadīth, his views on tafsīr have not been discussed so far. In this article, we first provide information about al-Shaʿrānī’s scholarly life and especially his works on tafsīr. In addition, his method of tafsīr is revealed by determining his references to āyāt in his other works. Considering the limitations of the article, only his tafsīr on āyāt about wuḍūʾ and ṣalāt are evaluated. In addition, his tafsīr of these āyāt are compared with the basic works he read in the field of tafsīr and mysticism to determine the originality of his interpretations. In his works, al-Shaʿrānī touched upon both the zāhir and bātin meanings of āyāt. He did not include the basic criteria of tafsīr methodology. While discussing āyāt on wuḍūʾ and ṣalāt, he evaluated the wisdom and proprieties of these ʿibādāt rather than their fikh aspects. In line with this methodology, he followed in his tafsīr, he did not consider wuḍūʾ only as the cleansing of the body before ʿibādāt. In addition to this, he interpreted wuḍūʾ as the purification of the servant from sins and the increase of his obedience to Allah. Among ʿibādāt, he attached special importance to ṣalāt and emphasized its reflections on individual and social life. He stated that the purpose of the Ḳurʾān recited in ṣalāt is to ensure the unity of the heart with the Almighty, that is, hushūn. In this way, he stated that the muʾmin’s maʿrifat would increase as well as his closeness to Allah. Emphasizing that ṣalāt will strengthen the unity and solidarity between muʾmin by bringing them together, he stated that unity in hearts should be ensured just like the unity in the ranks. As a result, it has been determined that the main point he wants to emphasize in his tafsīr of these āyāt is that the meaning of ṣalāt is better understood and experienced by muʾmin. It has also been observed that he was greatly influenced by Ibn al-'Arabī's (d. 638/1240) idea of wahdat al-wujūd in his tafsīr.
      PubDate: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +030
  • The Approach of the Presidency of Religious Affairs about Natural

    • Authors: Cenksu ÜÇER; Büşra ZOBA, Abdülkadir ÇİFTÇİ
      Abstract: This study deals with the approach of the Presidency of Religious Affairs on natural disasters. In our country, it is known that there have been religious debates about earthquakes, floods, forest fires etc. Natural disasters have been brought to the agenda not only in the Islamic world but also by members of other religions. This issue has been discussed in different dimensions, especially whether disasters are a divine punishment or not. Sects and schools of thought in the History of Islamic Sects and Kalam/Theology have made different evaluations of natural disasters and calamities. The Presidency is mandated by law to "carry out affairs related to the beliefs, worship and ethical principles of the Islamic religion and to enlighten society on religion". The Presidency carries out its duty of enlightening the society on religion through sermons, khutbahs, printed and periodical publications, radio, television and digital platforms and similar means inside and outside mosques. It is important to analyze the information provided by the Presidency on natural disasters. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the information provided by the Presidency, which closely follows the agenda, on natural disasters. In this qualitative study, the information provided by the Presidency on the subject is analyzed in the sample of Diyanet Newspaper, Diyanet Monthly Magazine and sermons/khutbahs. Some of the natural disasters and calamities (earthquakes, tornados, tsunamis, floods, etc.) are not caused by the human element but occur within the scope of 'sunnatullah/ way of Allah’. Others, such as mine collapse, biological and chemical waste dispersion, may be caused by human factors (defects). Therefore, the main hypothesis of the study is that the Presidency's information on natural disasters will be within a framework that takes this phenomenon into account. In the context of the pattern shaped within the framework of the objectives of the study, a general framework has been drawn about the history of Islamic sects and the views put forward on natural disasters in theology. The treatment of natural disasters in the Presidency's Diyanet Newspaper, Diyanet Monthly Magazine and sermons was examined and the obtained data was analyzed. In this regard, it is seen that the Presidency primarily takes into consideration the dual nature of disasters and calamities, namely those arising from the sunnatullah/way of Allah and those resulting from the human element (fault). It is noteworthy that it provides information about what attitude should be taken before and after each of them, focusing on the responsibilities of both individuals and institutions and organizations. The Presidency emphasized that all natural events, including natural disasters, occur within the framework of cause and effect, depending on the laws and order set by Allah. It has been stated that in the face of natural disasters, one should trust in Allah after fulfilling material and spiritual responsibilities and taking all kinds of precautions, based on the reasons. It was stated that without taking the necessary precautions, the approach of 'Allah's will happens' would be easy. It has been emphasized that some natural disasters are caused by people's practices that do not take into account the sunnatullah/ Allah’s way and therefore, these issues should be acted with a sense of trust. It has been stated that when exposed to natural disasters, they should be met with patience and endurance and approached with test, awareness of servitude and prayer. In such situations, it is seen that the Presidency takes an approach that emphasizes that one of the most indispensable characteristics of Muslims is that they should be in solidarity and cooperation.
      PubDate: Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +030
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