Authors:Mardohar Batu Bornok Simanjuntak Pages: 263 - 281 Abstract: The problem of temporality in photography has invoked a continuous debate concerning the artistic nature of this medium. Previously taken as a different way of seeing, the time signature in a photograph became debatable along with the development of digital photography. Photography’s status as the undisputed evidence of the truth is then no longer relevant. This changes the flow of discourse to a more philosophical one. However, the debate does not provide adequate defence concerning the role of photography in the digital era. The Platonic dualistic approach, especially the Cartesian one, is responsible for this regress. Immanuel Kant introduces transcendental causality to re-examine the Cartesian legacy. This Kantian approach needs to be developed further. Stephen Hawking’s cosmological model of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) working in anti-de Sitter space (ADs) offers a better explanation on this Kantian transcendentalism. The research shows that the non-temporality of photographic images is irrelevant with the development of the medium because Hawking’s approach fits the transcendental interaction proposed by Kant. This article concludes that photography is independent from temporal demands, and that the advancement of photography lies in its potential to pursue non-duality interactions. PubDate: 2024-03-22 DOI: 10.26593/mel.v39i3.7823 Issue No:Vol. 39, No. 3 (2024)
Authors:Wilhelmus F. N. Runesi Pages: 282 - 306 Abstract: Every action within the economic policy framework must refer to three main principles, namely growth, social balance and sustainability. These three principles have direct political content. In the context of a state, the study of economic problems cannot be separated from its relationship with politics and government. Meanwhile, each leader, whether executive, legislative or judicial, is an individual with a different character. In this article, the author offers an interpretation and analysis of Amartya Sen’s thoughts regarding how reason should stem the urge to lust. Sen believes that every policy will be correct if it has undergone critical rational testing. Problems such as poverty, hunger, injustice and social inequality have not been resolved because policy makers are still trapped in the prison of strong desires. As a result, they tend to make policies that actually worsen poverty conditions. Therefore, through social assistance policies, people are led to no longer question injustice, but to do what the authorities want. PubDate: 2024-03-22 DOI: 10.26593/mel.v39i3.7824 Issue No:Vol. 39, No. 3 (2024)
Authors:Syarif Maulana Pages: 307 - 322 Abstract: Theodor W. Adorno, a prominent thinker in the Frankfurt School, articulated his views on jazz music. He considered jazz music to be ‘functional’ music (Gebrauchsmusik) serving the bourgeois class in the post-war period. Furthermore, Adorno observed that the spontaneity in jazz music was a myth as it originated from the 32-bar song patterns akin to Broadway tunes. Through improvisation, jazz music created an illusion of uniqueness in its ‘products’ by emphasizing a distinctive style of performance. However, Adorno argued that improvisation, inadvertently, was constructed within similar constraints across various musical compositions. Additionally, in another accusation, Adorno regarded blue notes in jazz music performance as an error that one attempts to correct within their own auditory perception. Conversely, Adorno extolled music containing Arnold Schoenberg’s twelve-tone technique as autonomous art capable of social critique through internal logic within the music itself. This article seeks to pinpoint Adorno’s fallacies in his critique of jazz music, based on his failure to formulate the ontological aspects of jazz music which rigidly adhere to canonical forms, his inability to situate the potential of jazz music within autonomous art, and the distortions stemming from stereotypes about jazz music prevalent in his time. PubDate: 2024-03-22 DOI: 10.26593/mel.v39i3.7825 Issue No:Vol. 39, No. 3 (2024)
Authors:FX. Rudi Setiawan Pages: 323 - 350 Abstract: Jürgen Habermas is a second generation Frankfurt critical theory thinker who offers a new paradigm of critical theory, namely communication. He made an important contribution to the democratic life of complex and pluralistic contemporary society through his theory of communicative action. It offers a procedure for communicating through rational discourse to reach an intersubjective agreement. In a modern democratic country, public space becomes a forum where public opinions and aspirations are conveyed through rational argumentation as a form of control by citizens over the government. This public space is independent and free from state or market control. This article is an analysis of social media and its potential role as a public space, using Habermas’ theoretical framework. Social media has the potential to become a political public space because of its participatory character. Even though implementing social media as a public space is still difficult, social media still has a big influence on democracy and social change. Therefore, social media users need to have and develop their social media literacy which is based on the principles of solidarity, criticality and caution. PubDate: 2024-03-22 DOI: 10.26593/mel.v39i3.7826 Issue No:Vol. 39, No. 3 (2024)
Authors:Haryo Tejo Bawono Pages: 366 - 388 Abstract: Book & Film Reviews is a column in "MELINTAS" containing reviews of books and films published recently that bring different interpretation and inspiration to the fields of philosophy and religion. PubDate: 2024-03-22 DOI: 10.26593/mel.v39i3.7828 Issue No:Vol. 39, No. 3 (2024)
Authors:Penti Aprianti, Anthonio Calvin Bawotong Pages: 351365 - 351365 Abstract: Modern culture, which began to develop since the 18th century, became a catalyst for the growth of information technology systems, especially the internet, which has now reached the Web 3.0 or Web3 level. At this level, the internet becomes a decentralised space when users have complete autonomy and control over the data they share consensually. However, because it is a force steeped in exploitative and manipulative agendas, Web3 is potentially vulnerable to commodity fetishism and perhaps even a return to forms of domination through capital accumulation. As a result, elements in Web3 that were promoted as resistance to internet privatization have instead become opportunities for exploitative parties to accumulate wealth. This article delves deeper into how Web3 shows the tension between dominant currents and resistance to global multinational power systems. In this context, the authors use Antonio Negri’s perspective in Empire and Multitude to investigate the complex dynamics that occur. By understanding how Web3 interacts with dominant forces and their resistance, one can explore the potential and challenges faced in positioning the development of the internet towards a more inclusive and equitable realm. PubDate: 2024-03-22 DOI: 10.26593/mel.v39i3.7827 Issue No:Vol. 39, No. 3 (2024)