Authors:Abigail Christina Mulia, Cholis Sa'dijah, Hery Susanto Pages: 1 - 17 Abstract: Creativity is one of six basic principles required for the Merdeka Curriculum implementation. Not only is it realized through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5), creativity also needs to be realized in learning activities. This research aims to describe the implementation of problem exercises based on open-ended mathematics problems as a form of formative assessment that supports the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, especially in supporting students' mathematical creativity. The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 5 Malang using the qualitative descriptive method. The research subjects were 32 seventh grade students in the 2023/2024 school year.The instruments used were question exercises and rubrics based on open-ended mathematics problems that have met the valid criteria, activity observation sheets, and student interview guidelines. The results showed that the assessment based on open-ended mathematics problems can assess the level of mathematical creativity and prompted the student’s mathematical creativity. In the implementation of assessment based on open-ended mathematics problems based on valid open-ended mathematics problems, data was obtained that the level of practicality of assessment reached a practicality score of 3,674 which means that assessment based on open-ended mathematics problems is easy to use. Based on the response questionnaire and interviews, further research is recommended to integrate open-ended mathematics problems-based assessment with gamification.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Kreativitas merupakan salah satu bentuk profil pelajar Pancasila. Tidak hanya diwujudkan melalui Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5), kreativitas juga perlu diwujudkan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi latihan soal berbasis open-ended mathematics problems sebagai salah satu bentuk asesmen formatif yang mendukung pelaksanaan Kurikulum Merdeka, khususnya dalam mendukung kreativitas matematis siswa. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri 5 Malang dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah 32 siswa kelas VII tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah latihan soal dan rubrik penilaian berbasis open-ended mathematics problems yang telah memenuhi kriteria valid, lembar observasi kegiatan, dan pedoman wawancara siswa. Pada implementasi asesmen berbasis open-ended mathematics problems yang telah valid, diperoleh data bahwa tingkat kepraktisan asesmen mencapai skor kepraktisan 3,74 yang berarti asesmen berbasis open-ended mathematics problems mudah untuk digunakan. Berdasarkan angket respons dan wawancara, penelitian lanjutan disarankan untuk mengintegrasikan asesmen berbasis open-ended mathematics problems dengan gamifikasi. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.7721 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Nuratiqoh Nuratiqoh, Erry Hidayanto, Tjang Daniel Chandra Pages: 18 - 44 Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe how students' mathematical thinking processes unfold when addressing AKM Numeracy problems based on Mason's theory, taking into account emotional intelligence. This research is descriptive in nature with a qualitative approach. The research subjects consist of students categorized into high, moderate, and low levels of emotional intelligence. Research instruments include emotional intelligence questionnaires, AKM numeracy problem sheets, and interview guides. The research findings indicate that students with high levels of emotional intelligence are capable of fulfilling the three stages of mathematical thinking processes in problem-solving, namely entry, attack, and review. However, they have not fully met the extend aspect in the review stage. Students with moderate emotional intelligence can fulfill all aspects in the entry and attack stages but have not met the check and extend aspects in the review stage. Meanwhile, students with low emotional intelligence can only fulfill the know aspect in the entry stage, the try aspect in the attack stage, and the reflect aspect in the review stage.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana proses berpikir matematis siswa ketika mengatasi masalah AKM Numerasi berdasarkan teori Mason ditinjau dari kecerdasan emosional. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian yang dipilih yaitu siswa yang memiliki level kecerdasan emosional tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Instrumen penelitian mencakup lembar angket kecerdasan emosional, lembar soal AKM numerasi, dan panduan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa siswa dengan tingkat kecerdasan emosional tinggi mampu memenuhi tiga tahap proses berpikir matematis dalam memecahkan masalah, yaitu tahap entry, attack, dan review. Meskipun demikian, siswa dengan kecerdasan emosional tinggi belum sepenuhnya memenuhi aspek extend pada tahap review. Siswa dengan kecerdasan emosional sedang dapat memenuhi semua aspek pada tahap entry dan attack tetapi tidak dapat memenuhi aspek check dan extend pada tahap review. Siswa dengan kecerdasan emosional rendah hanya dapat memenuhi aspek know pada tahap entry, aspek try pada tahap attack, dan aspek reflect pada tahap review. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.8002 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Nunik Indayani, Erry Hidayanto, Sisworo Sisworo Pages: 45 - 58 Abstract: The aim of this research is to describe the mistakes made by grade 10 students at SMA Hati Bilingual Boarding School Probolinggo in solving HOTS questions on exponential equations and their scaffolding. This study used qualitative research methods. The subjects of this research were four students with different types of errors. The results of the research show that the basic error type is mostly made because students do not understand the meaning and concept of solving problems. Apart from that, students also make other types of errors, namely the appropriate error type because students cannot solve the exponential form of the equation, the missing information type because students cannot continue the solving process, and the partial insight type because students make mistakes in calculations. The research results also show that the scaffolding process for students with basic error types takes longer than for students with other types of errors. It is hoped that future research will be able to analyze student errors on HOTS questions using other theories or procedures in order to help students overcome their mistakes and minimize errors when solving HOTS questions.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan kesalahan siswa kelas X di SMA Hati Bilingual Boarding School Probolinggo dalam menyelesaikan soal HOTS persamaan eksponen serta scaffoldingnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah empat siswa dengan tipe kesalahan berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan tipe basic error paling banyak dilakukan karena siswa tidak memahami maksud dan konsep untuk menyelesaikan soal. Selain itu, siswa juga melakukan tipe kesalahan lain yaitu tipe appropriate error karena siswa tidak dapat menyelesaikan bentuk persamaan eksponen, tipe missing information karena siswa tidak dapat melanjutkan proses penyelesaian, serta tipe partial insight karena siswa salah dalam perhitungan. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa proses scaffolding untuk siswa dengan tipe kesalahan basic error berlangsung lebih lama dibandingkan siswa dengan tipe kesalahan lain. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat melakukan analisis kesalahan siswa pada soal HOTS dengan teori atau prosedur lain, sehingga dapat membantu siswa mengatasi kesalahannya dan meminimalisir kesalahan ketika memecahkan soal HOTS. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.8059 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Wikan Budi Utami, Aulia Puspita Dewi, Sri Adi Widodo Pages: 59 - 74 Abstract: The purpose of this research is to: 1) identify students' mistakes in solving mathematical problems in trigonometry in terms of mathematical resilience according to the Newman Procedure, and 2) discuss trigonometric problems from the point of view of mathematical resilience according to the Newman Procedure. This type of research is qualitative. The research subjects were 3 students from SMA Negeri 1 Slawi, selected using a purposive sampling technique. The methods of data collection are tests, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the data analysis, we obtained the following: (1) Students' mistakes in reading the questions include: students do not understand the context of the sentence, students do not correctly understand the meaning, and students do not read all the meanings of the desired words. (2) The answers to the questions include: answers that do not contradict the accepted answers but do not coincide with the inquiry accepted in the question, and answers that do not address what is required in the problem posed, often being a question of application. (3) Transforming the problem includes: considering a method being investigated, using the wrong method, and not translating the method to be used. (4) Process skills contain: concept errors, errors in computing, not continuing the settlement procedure, and not processing calculations. (5) The final answer includes: an answer that fits the context of the question, and an answer that does not match the conclusion. The contributing factors include: lack of self-confidence, confusion in describing the problem in the form of a picture, hurrying in solving problems, lack of accuracy, inability to manage time well, inability to think about problems thoroughly, forgetting to identify what is suitable and trying, confusion in determining the formula to be used, and solving the problem without completing the conclusion. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.8230 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Marihot Simamora, Yonathan Winardi Pages: 75 - 85 Abstract: Educational technology has grown rapidly and extensively, but unfortunately its presence in learning mathematics has not been maximized. A preliminary survey and the researchers' personal experience with the use of Smart TVs in one junior high school (SMP) motivated the researchers to do research and development (R&D) which began with a clear and comprehensive needs analysis. The aim of this research is to determine the need to further develop Smart TV learning media and explain ways to improve its use based on the conclusions of the needs analysis. The research method applied is the ADDIE Model with its stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The instrument used to collect needs analysis data is a survey which, after being validated and revised, was distributed via g-form to students, mathematics teachers, and junior high school leaders. The results of the needs analysis show that even though Smart TVs were used, the majority of students have difficulty understanding mathematical concepts because Smart TVs are not interesting and interactive. A Smart TV is just a substitute for LCDs and laptops. Therefore, researchers designed learning methods that are interesting and involve students in using Smart TVs should focus on inquiry learning methods and educational games. The implementation steps will help mathematics teachers to maximize the use of Smart TVs in the classroom.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Teknologi pembelajaran telah berkembang begitu cepat dan luas, tetapi kehadirannya di pembelajaran Matematika belum dimaksimalkan. Beberapa sekolah telah menggunakan Smart TV sebagai media pembelajaran di kelas, tetapi survei awal dan pengalaman pribadi peneliti akan kurang maksimalnya penggunaan Smart TV di satu sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) memotivasi peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian R & D yang dimulai dengan sebuah analisis kebutuhan yang jelas dan komprehensif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui analisis kebutuhan untuk lebih jauh mengembangkan Smart TV serta menjelaskan cara-cara pengembangan media tersebut berdasarkan temuan-temuan kesimpulan analisis kebutuhan. Model penelitian yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan ADDIE dengan tahapan Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data analisis kebutuhan adalah survei yang setelah divalidasi dan direvisi, survei tersebut disebarkan melalui ke g-form kepada siswa/i, guru matematika dan pimpinan sekolah. Hasil analisis kebutuhan menunjukkan bahwa meskipun Smart TV telah digunakan, siswa/i masih kesulitan menguasai konsep Matematika karena Smart TV kurang menarik dan interaktif. Smart TV hanya sekedar pengganti LCD dan laptop. Oleh karena itu, peneliti merancang metode pembelajaran yang menarik dan melibatkan siswa dalam penggunaan Smart TV yaitu metode pembelajaran inquiri dan permainan edukasi. Langkah-langkah penerapannya akan menolong guru-guru Matematika untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan Smart TV di kelas. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.8228 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Indah Riezky Pratiwi, Novitasari Novitasari, Novitasari Novitasari, Elisa Mayang Sari, Elisa Mayang Sari Pages: 86 - 100 Abstract: Numeracy and literacy are the focus of Indonesia's education system. This is evident from the implementation of the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM), which has been part of the national annual assessment since 2021. The results are analyzed and reflected upon to assess the quality of education in implementing schools. Students' numeracy skills can improve if they use reasoning to solve problems. Reasoning connects the concepts they hold with the context of the problem at hand. Reasoning results are used to interpret, analyze, and make decisions. The reasoning in question focuses on adaptive reasoning (reflection, explanation, and justification). Research was conducted to describe the adaptive reasoning of high school students through the answers of students who participated in a reasoning competition. The instrument used is a numeracy test. This research is qualitative with descriptive methods. Analysis was conducted on the three student answers that obtained the highest scores (purposive sampling) and focused on the fertilizer theme. This theme is presented in graphic form as a stimulus with two questions that students need to answer. The data analysis technique in this research involved reducing the data. The result obtained was that one student used aspects of adaptive reasoning (reflection, explanation, and justification) completely in answering questions. This indicates that this student can solve problems using adaptive reasoning. This student is said to have good numeracy skills because they can use adaptive reasoning. BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Literasi dan numerasi menjadi salah satu fokus pada dunia pendidikan di Indonesia. Hal ini terlihat dari pelaksanaan Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) yang menjadi bagian dari asesmen nasional dilakukan secara berkala sejak tahun 2021. Hasilnya dianalisis dan direfleksikan menjadi mutu pendidikan dari sekolah yang melaksanakan. Kemampuan numerasi siswa dapat dikatakan baik jika siswa dapat menggunakan nalarnya untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan. Penalarannya digunakan untuk mengaitkan antara konsep yang dimiliki dengan konteks masalah yang dihadapi. Hasil penalaran dimanfaatkan untuk menginterpresi, menganalisis, sampai mengambil keputusan. Penalaran yang dimaksud berfokus pada penalaran adaptif (reflecting, explaining, dan justifying). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan penalaran adaptif siswa SMA melalui jawaban siswa yang mengikuti lomba nalaria. Intrumen yang digunakan adalah tes numerasi. Jenis penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Analisis dilakukan pada tiga jawaban siswa yang memperoleh skor tertinggi (pusposive sampling) dan berfokus pada tema pupuk. Tema ini disajikan dalam bentuk grafik sebagai stimulus dan dua soal yang perlu dijawab siswa. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini dengan mereduksi data. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah satu siswa yang menggunakan aspek penalaran adaptif (reflecting, explaining, dan justifying) secara utuh dalam menjawab soal. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa siswa ini dapat dikatakan mampu menyelesaikan masalah dengan menggunakan penalaran adaptifnya. Siswa ini dikatakan memiliki kemampuan numerasi yang baik karena mampu mempergunakan penaralan adaptifnya. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.8274 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Sondang M Sihaloho, Melda Jaya Saragih Pages: 101 - 115 Abstract: Critical thinking skills are important for students to face various changes and challenges in the current era. Based on class observations, the author found that students' critical thinking skills were at a low level, with a score of 33. The solution implemented by the author was the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model. The purpose of this research was to describe the implementation of PBL in helping students improve their critical thinking skills. The research method used was descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the implementation of PBL increased students' critical thinking skills to an average score of 64. Providing problems at the beginning of learning can stimulate students to interpret information, organize their learning, and encourage analytical thinking. Individual and group investigations help students evaluate information in problem-solving contexts. Developing and presenting work trains students to communicate and compare solutions. Analyzing and evaluating the process trains students to correct and critically reflect. By thinking critically, students can discern the truth and make decisions according to God's will and for His glory. Suggestions for future research include discussing the effect of PBL implementation on students' collaborative skills and developing more robust research instruments to measure students' critical thinking skills.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Kemampuan berpikir kritis penting bagi siswa untuk menghadapi berbagai perubahan dan tantangan perkembangan zaman di era saat ini. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan selama pembelajaran, penulis mendapati bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa termasuk dalam kriteria rendah dengan skor 33. Solusi yang dilakukan penulis adalah penerapan model Problem Based Learning. Adapun tujuan penulisan, yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan Problem Based Learning dalam membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penulisan menunjukkan bahwa penerapan PBL berpengaruh meningkatkan berpikir kritis siswa hingga diperoleh rata-rata sebesar 64. Pemberian masalah di awal pembelajaran dapat menstimulasi siswa untuk menginterpretasi, mengorganisir siswa belajar, mendorong siswa melakukan analisis. Melakukan penyelidikan individual maupun kelompok membantu siswa dalam mengevaluasi informasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil karya memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk mengomunikasikan dan membandingkan solusi yang disusun. Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan masalah menolong siswa untuk mengoreksi dan melakukan refleksi kritis terhadap proses yang dilalui dan hasil yang diperoleh. Dengan berpikir kritis, siswa dapat mempertimbangkan kebenaran dan mengambil keputusan sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan dan untuk kemuliaan-Nya. Saran terhadap penelitian selanjutnya yaitu dapat membahas pengaruh penerapan PBL terhadap keterampilan kolaboratif siswa dan menyusun instrumen penelitian yang lebih matang untuk mengukur kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.8270 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Margaretha Madha Melissa, Yosep Dwi Kristanto Pages: 116 - 129 Abstract: The 21st-century skills that students and teachers must have are literacy skills, learning skills and life skills. One of the literacy skills is mathematical literacy, also known as numeracy. This research aims to describe the numeracy knowledge profile of prospective mathematics teacher students. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. The subjects of this research were 32 prospective mathematics teacher students at a private university in Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques in this research used questionnaires and interviews. The research results show that the majority of prospective mathematics teacher students are doubtful about their knowledge of numeracy. Furthermore, none of the students mentioned the complete meaning of numeracy skills; most only mentioned numeration as numbers and mathematical symbols, solving everyday problems, and number operations. Students are also unable to mention the content and context of numeracy questions. However, all students realize that as prospective mathematics teachers, it is important to study numeracy and implement it in the classroom. The suggestion to improve numeracy knowledge and skills are through lesson study that focuses on numeracy to introduce numeracy practices and as a model for prospective teachers, as well as using a student-centered learning approach, using real problems such as RME.BAHASA INDONESIA ABSTRACT: Kemampuan abad ke-21 yang perlu dimiliki oleh siswa dan guru adalah kemampuan literasi, kemampuan belajar, dan kemampuan hidup. Salah satu kemampuan literasi adalah literasi matematika atau juga dikenal dengan istilah numerasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan profil pengetahuan numerasi mahasiswa calon guru matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 32 mahasiswa calon guru matematika di salah satu universitas swasta di Yogyakarta. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa calon guru matematika ragu-ragu akan pengetahuan mereka tentang numerasi. Selain itu, tidak ada mahasiswa yang menyebutkan pengertian numerasi dengan lengkap, sebagian besar hanya menyebutkan numerasi sebagai angka dan simbol matematika, memecahkan masalah sehari-hari, dan operasi bilangan. Mahasiswa juga tidak mampu menyebutkan konten dan konteks soal numerasi. Walaupun demikian, semua mahasiswa menyadari sebagai calon guru matematika penting untuk mempelajari numerasi dan mengimplementasikannya di kelas. Hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan numerasi yaitu melalui lesson study yang berfokus pada numerasi untuk mengenalkan praktik numerasi dan sebagai model bagi calon guru, serta menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa, menggunakan permasalahan nyata seperti PMR. PubDate: 2024-06-04 DOI: 10.19166/johme.v8i1.8324 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2024)