Authors:Zeynep Salman; İbrahim Topçu Abstract: Vakayi-i Tıbbiye is recognised as the first Turkish medical periodical. Periodicals have the status of primary sources in the analysis and evaluation of the periods in which they were published. The aim of this study is to investigate the section on the medical topography of Bayburt province in Vakayi-i Tıbbiye periodicals and to evaluate the information obtained. In the study, the title scanning of a total of 161 issues of Vakayi-i Tıbbiye journal in IBB Atatürk Library was carried out. As a result of the scanning, the existence of topography titles for four provinces: Van, Aleppo, Burdur and Bayburt were detected. The title of issue 103 of the journal, titled "The topography of the Bayburd sanjak", was examined. In the analysed section, data on Bayburt in various fields such as geography, history, culture, climate, agriculture, social life and medicine were identified. Thus, it was tried to make new contributions to the existing historical information of Bayburt, one of the ancient cities of Anatolia, with the data obtained from Vakayi-i Tıbbiye periodicals. In the study, it was concluded that periodicals in the field of health can contain information types that will appeal to different subjects as well as health issues. PubDate: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Ekrem Gürdal Abstract: Focusing on the Ottoman architectural organization in the 18th century and later, Oya Şenyurt's work titled Alteration and Transformation in Ottoman Architectural Organization provides a different perspective by fictionalizing construction activities through tensions, transformations, conflicts, corruption and balance of payments, purifying the architectural organization in question from the phenomenon of an idealized system. evaluates from this perspective. Şenyurt focuses on what happened while the works of those working under the Hassa Architects Association evolved into the modern period architectural process in terms of both quality and capacity, and discusses the alteration and transformation in the architectural organization with striking examples. The reasons that necessitate alteration and transformation are discussed in sections in the work. With an approach based on the period's modus operandi, working conditions, financing sources, individual initiatives and competition in the construction environment rather than today's architectural terminology, the blurred boundaries in the job descriptions of architects, engineers, building managers, journeymen, masters and workers in the construction environment are underlined. Our study examines Şenyurt's work, in which he discusses some general assumptions of classical period Ottoman architecture before the 18th century and focuses on the reasons for the alteration and transformation that coincided with the period after the abolition of Hassa Mimarlar Ocağı. The work was analyzed critically, its subject, purpose, scope and place in the literature, and the strengths and weaknesses of the book were evaluated. PubDate: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +030
Authors:Hülya Boz Abstract: The letter, one of the oldest means of communication and correspondence, is a written message typically conveyed by an intermediary or postal service to inform the recipient. Its history can be traced back to antiquity, and over time, the letter has evolved in terms of its form, method, content, style, and various other characteristics and applications. Although letters have predominantly been written between individuals who are personally acquainted for private purposes, they have also been penned for official, religious, and literary reasons. In classical Turkish literature, there are both prose letters and poetic letters composed in various verse forms. At times, letters have been utilized as an image in couplets to convey the thoughts in one’s mind. This study focuses not on letters as a genre or those written to individuals or institutions, whether private or official, but rather on how poets have employed the concept of the letter as an image and metaphor within their couplets. In this context, the research involved examining divans selected from each century, with a particular focus on ghazals, aiming to identify how poets have approached and developed the concept of the letter in their poetry. PubDate: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +030