Subjects -> PHILOSOPHY (Total: 762 journals)
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- 84 2023 – Ontology of Finance
Abstract: Although, in social ontology, the nature of money has been extensively studied, little has been said about the nature of other entities populating the financial world, such as debts, economic exchanges, and price drops. This special issue of Rivista di Estetica gathers novel research papers dealing precisely with some ontological problems pertaining to the finance landscape. While these papers do not exhaust the issues associated with the ontology of finance, they certainly improve our comprehension of the financial world, which is crucial for both theoretical and practical reasons. Articoli Ontology of finance: an introduction [Testo integrale] Gloria Sansò e Barry Smith What is a financial crash' [Testo integrale] Emiliano Ippoliti Economic performativity: beyond binaries' [Testo integrale] Jack Mosse The walking debt – On the morals of ownership in debt and its alienability [Testo integrale] Simon Derpmann Ownership, preferences and offers [Testo integrale] Gloria Sansò Hierarchy and heterarchy in (impact) finance: an ontological analysis [Testo integrale] Noriaki Okamoto From Babylon to Bitcoin: some philosophical reflections on the ontology of money [Testo integrale] Dean Rickles Varia Heritage, community and future generations: the transgenerational quest for justice [Testo integrale] Davide Grasso Philosophy against literalism [Testo integrale] Graham Harman Per una fenomenologia dell’iper-lettura [Testo integrale] Martino Manca Il problema della significazione del nulla in Anselmo d’Aosta [Testo integrale] Dario Piumetti Recensioni Alessandro Armando, Giovanni Durbiano (a cura di) Critica della ragione progettuale [Testo integrale] Filippo De Pieri PubDate: 2024-02-01
- 83 2023 – The Philosophy of Television Series
Abstract: It is often said that television series are now- adays as good as films, or even better than them, but the philosophical inquiry into the former remains much less developed than the philosophy of film. A handful of recent books have tried to fill the gap, but there is much work still to be done. Significant con- tributions to the aesthetics of television series are coming from television studies and film studies, raising issues which philosophers are challenged to address. This special issue aims to offer philosophical perspectives on television series that are meant to explore this new area of research in which aesthetics and media studies can fruitfully interact. Articoli Introduction [Testo integrale] Mario Slugan e Enrico Terrone A Missed Education. Avoiding the Ordinary in The Sopranos [Testo integrale] Paolo Babbiotti Aesthetic Interactionism and My Brilliant Friend [Testo integrale] Héctor J. Pérez Technics and the Sacred. The Path to Freedom and Authenticity in American Gods [Testo integrale] Carlo Chiurco Epic Performed: The Poetic Nature of TV Series [Testo integrale] Marco Segala Glancing, Gazing and Binging: On The Appeal of Contemporary Television Serials [Testo integrale] Iris Vidmar Jovanović TV Series: A Form of Adaptation to The Contemporary Media Condition [Testo integrale] Angela Maiello Seriality as a Chronotope [Testo integrale] Dario Cecchi After Black(ness) [Testo integrale] Osman Nemli e Mukasa Mubirumusoke Varia Michel foucault e “Raymond Roussel” [Testo integrale] Chiara Scarlato Recensioni Roberta Dreon, Human Landscapes. Contributions to a Pragmatist Anthropology [Testo integrale] Alberto L. Siani Lambert Wiesing, Luxus [Testo integrale] Gregorio Fiori Carones PubDate: 2024-02-01
- 82 2023 – Unpacking the Social World: Groups and Solidarity
Abstract: Groups and solidarity are, separately, widely debated concepts in contemporary social philosophy, yet their interplay remains largely unexplored and undertheorized. In fact, when it comes to investigating one of these concepts, more often than not the other is at best vaguely mentioned as a background assumption, and vice versa. This issue aims to foster a discussion of groups and solidarity as intimately related subjects, and this proposal is addressed to the domain of social philosophy. However, it is also intended to highlight some peculiar features that both discussions own independently, which could provide a preliminary groundwork for bridging the gap. Groups and Solidarity: Bridging a Gap in Contemporary Social Philosophy [Testo integrale] Francesco Camboni, Raul Hakli e Valeria Martino Trust in Solidarity [Testo integrale] Sally J. Scholz La solidarietà come funzione sociale [Testo integrale] Carlo Burelli e Francesco Camboni Solidarity and “Us” in three contexts: human, societal, political [Testo integrale] Arto Laitinen Che cosa sono i gruppi sociali' Risposta ontologico-metafisica nella prospettiva dell’intero e delle parti [Testo integrale] Marco di Feo Attaching Value to Membership: A Criterion' [Testo integrale] Valeria Martino Solidarity and We-reasoning [Testo integrale] Raul Hakli Solidarity and Theories of Collective Action [Testo integrale] Sara Rachel Chant Varia Cibo e libertà di scelta. Verso nuove narrazioni alimentari compatibili con la mitigazione climatica [Testo integrale] Erica Onnis PubDate: 2024-02-01
- 81 2022 – The Aestethics of Idealism
Abstract: The last few decades have been characterized by an increasing interest in the aesthetics of German Idealism. In particular the recent scholarly debate on Hegel’s philosophy has given new impetus to the reflection on art as a structural element of the self understanding of the modern subject. At the same time, this Hegel Renaissance has opened the door for a more nuanced comprehension of Idealistic aesthetics. This issue of Rivista di estetica aims to explore the Idealistic philosophy of art as a constellation of themes, problems and partly conflicting positions, rather than as a unified and closed theoretical model. Preface [Testo integrale] Robert Clewis, Serena Feloj e Giovanna Pinna The Aesthetics of Idealism: Facets and Relevance of a Theoretical Paradigm [Testo integrale] Giovanna Pinna Aorgico. Il sublime dialettico di Hölderlin [Testo integrale] Andrea Mecacci Friedrich Hölderlin’s Die Bedeutung Der Tragödien: Paradox as the Foundation of Tragedy [Testo integrale] David Alvarado-Archila Hölderlin’s Theory of (Aesthetic) Production [Testo integrale] Marta Vero Hegel’s Conception of the Relationship Between Poetry and History [Testo integrale] Francesco Campana A Life Extreme. Life and Ideal in Hegel’s Aesthetic Paradigm [Testo integrale] Davide Mogetta Arte e società nell’estetica dell’idealismo italiano [Testo integrale] Paolo D’Angelo The Social Character of Literature: Adorno The Legacy of the Aesthetics of German Idealism [Testo integrale] Mario Farina Varia Rileggendo i Canti orfici. L’ombra di Nietzsche [Testo integrale] Pio Colonnello PubDate: 2024-02-01
- 79 2022 – Aesthetics of Contemporary Work
Abstract: Today, work is a widely debated theme: despite relevant criticalities due to the changes in the economic and political orders, it remains a basic component of our daily lives, a foundational aspect of human action as well as one of the main forms of social recognition. Across such background, the issue engages with a wide set of reflections concerning not only the representation and the conceptualization of work, but also the relationships between art and work: how does work define the artwork' How is the work of artists valued today' Contributions cover the fields of aesthetics, philosophy of art, ontology of art and work, legal and political philosophy, as well as literary theory. Articoli Aesthetics of Contemporary Work [Testo integrale] Angela Condello The private civilization [Testo integrale] Aljoša Krajišnik On Work’s Perdurance: Artworkers, Artworks and Contents [Testo integrale] Sue Spaid Artists as Workers: Rethinking Creativity in a Post-Pandemic World [Testo integrale] Andrea Baldini Viewing the Value of Contemporary Artistic Work from the Angle of Conceptual Art [Testo integrale] Zhao Kuiying On Two Kinds of Labor of Dagong Writers [Testo integrale] Lu Wenchao On Works and Workings of Art: A Perspective from Comparative Aesthetics [Testo integrale] Peng Feng The end of the working class and the tragic and ridiculous perversion of industry: Paolo Volponi’s Le mosche del capitale (1974-1989) [Testo integrale] Tiziano Toracca Labour and Leviathan: Anish Kapoor and the Idea of an Embodied Polity [Testo integrale] Bert van Roermund Varia Vindicating the Historical Condition of Art and its Consequences: Hegel’s Influence on Danto’s Philosophical System [Testo integrale] Raquel Cascales Recensioni Pio Colonnello, Sinestesie e anamorfismi [Testo integrale] Silvano Facioni PubDate: 2024-02-01
- 78 2021 – The Senses of Smell: Scents, Odors and Aromatic Spaces
Abstract: Although recent years have seen a growing philosophical interest in smell, aesthetic research on it still covers a relatively small domain, confinedto a niche. The present issue deals with smell as a very serious philosophical issue, in some cases even as a vector of a whole philosophical project.The papers here collected show how olfaction, odors, fragrances and, more in general, the aerial dimension of being and knowing cover a huge range of problems that even exceeds the aesthetic domain in its conventional sense. This is why readers will not find papers written exclusively by professional philosophers, but also by curators, artists, perfumers and semiologists.The relationship between smell, cognition and aesthetic experience, the use of odors in the arts and their symbolic meanings, and the socio-ontological and socio-aesthetic engagement through the ethical and political implications of smell are some of the topics the essays tackle through different approaches and perspectives. Introduction [Testo integrale] Nicola Perullo Opening the Way for an Olfactory Aesthetics: Smell’s Cognitive Powers [Testo integrale] Larry Shiner Objective smells and partial perspectives [Testo integrale] Giulia Martina The perfume and the spirit: from religion to perfumery [Testo integrale] Jenny Ponzo Re-humanizing Smell: A Conversation [Testo integrale] Nicola Perullo e Diletta Tonatto Value Disgust: Appreciating Stench’s Role in Attention, Retention and Deception [Testo integrale] Sue Spaid Ontological Anosmia [Testo integrale] Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos OSMODRAMA – Theatre for the Nose [Testo integrale] Wolfgang Georgsdorf Towards a Sociopolitical Aesthetics of Smell [Testo integrale] Elena Mancioppi varia Lettura e non-lettura secondo Simone Weil [Testo integrale] Antonio Dall’Igna Enopé. Voce e volto dell’arte [Testo integrale] Gregorio Fracchia La responsabilità ecologica [Testo integrale] Gianluca Cuozzo recensioni Sara Guindani e Alexis Nuselovici, Jacques Derrida, la dissémination à l’œuvre [Testo integrale] Gregorio Fracchia PubDate: 2024-02-01
- 77 2021 – Arte e fine dell'arte
Abstract: In Europa, gli scritti più conosciuti di Arthur C. Danto (1924-2013) restano certamente quelli di filosofia dell’arte. Negli ultimi vent’anni, la ricezione europea di questi lavori ha generato una vivace discussione, soprattutto in ambito estetico. Tale successo va interpretato nel riflesso dei complessi rapporti intrattenuti da Danto con i classici del pensiero continentale. Il presente fascicolo di Rivista di Estetica tenta di far luce sul variegato panorama di questi rapporti. Gli articoli di cui è composto interrogano, da prospettive differenti, la maniera in cui Danto ha assunto e rielaborato alcuni temi- chiave della tradizione continentale: lo statuto della narrazione, la mimesis, la bellezza, il sublime, la storicità dell’arte, il nesso fra arte ed esperienza sensibile. Ne risulta un quadro plurale che conferma quanto questa “conversazione europea” sia stata cruciale per l’originale attività di Danto come filosofo e critico d’arte: continuativa ma esposta a ripensamenti, vasta nei riferimenti, ispiratrice e irregolare nelle forme, peculiare nel metodo, eterodossa negli esiti. Introduzione [Testo integrale] Francesco Lesce, Luisa Sampugnaro e Lorenzo Vinciguerra L’errore di Danto [Testo integrale] Tiziana Andina L’arte di scrivere la storia. Il narrativismo proposizionale di Arthur C. Danto [Testo integrale] Marco Capozzi La ripetizione e il sublime. Danto, Lyotard, Wathol e la fine (differita) dell’arte [Testo integrale] Dario Cecchi La rue est à nous. Dal mondo dell’arte a Google street view (e ritorno) [Testo integrale] Filippo Fimiani Tradimenti, appropriazioni, ripensamenti. Arthur C. Danto e l’eredità della filosofia tedesca da Nietzsche a Kant [Testo integrale] Francesca Iannelli L’influsso morale dell’arte. Danto, Platone e le strategie della Mimesis [Testo integrale] Francesco Lesce La storia dell’arte dopo la fine della storia dell’arte [Testo integrale] Luca Marchetti “Euripidean dilemma”: Nietzsche’s influence on Danto’s philosophical understanding of performance art [Testo integrale] Benjamin Riado Danto, l’arte e i regimi di storicità. Un percorso di lettura [Testo integrale] Luisa Sampugnaro Sensi di una fine. Danto e l’arte post-storica [Testo integrale] Stefano Velotti Recensioni Emilio Garroni, Estetica. Uno sguardo-attraverso [Testo integrale] Gregorio Fracchia Pietro Montani, Emozioni dell’intelligenza: un percorso nel sensorio digitale [Testo integrale] Dario Cecchi PubDate: 2024-02-01
- 80 2022 – Rethinking Through Art: East and West
Abstract: Articoli Introduction: Think Through Art Globally [Testo integrale] Xiao Ouyang e Tiziana Andina Kandinsky’s Composition and Zheng Xie’s Bamboo [Testo integrale] Ai 艾 Xin 欣 Suna no Bi 砂の美. A critical appreciation of sand in Japanese karesansui 枯山水 gardens [Testo integrale] Rudi Capra Music, Nature and Trasncendence [Testo integrale] David E. Cooper Singing Trees. Note su Tōru Takemitsu [Testo integrale] Pier Alberto e Porceddu Cilione Ripensare l’esperienza estetica attraverso lo Zhuangzi [Testo integrale] Massimiliano Lacertosa Danto’s indiscernibility: an intercultural interpretation [Testo integrale] Peng Feng Varia Two interpretations of Gilbert’s plural-subject account [Testo integrale] Giulia Lasagni Bordi. Un confronto tra arte, filosofia e psicologia [Testo integrale] Germana Pareti Sono una di voi. Il soggetto delle azioni transgenerazionali [Testo integrale] Valeria Martino L’etica del cambiamento climatico alla prova dell’inefficacia causale individuale: Discutendo la libertà collettiva di emissione di gas serra rispetto all’obiettivo di 1.5°C [Testo integrale] Fausto Corvino e Alberto Pirni PubDate: 2024-01-01
- 76 2021 – Rethinking Philosophy, Semiotics, and the Arts with
Umberto Eco Abstract: The theoretical path of Umberto Eco (1932-2016) was that of a great intellectual who ranged from non-fiction to literary production. His was a very extensive research programme. On the basis of studies concerning aesthetics, communication and medieval thought, Eco developed it by elaborating a semiotic theory and studying language and cognition. His reflections on the method and possibilities of theoretical formulation have been crucial to his research – precisely because, as he wrote, no theoretical system comes without contradictions. Philosophers therefore do not have the task of eliminating them but rather of seeking them out where they are not apparent. This issue of Rivista di Estetica collects essays that contribute to investigating several aspects and specificities of Eco’s research in philosophy, semiotics and the arts, in order to bring to light his reflection on theoretical investigation and his commitment to developing a practice that can offer important resources for today’s research. It is an invitation to rethink those three theoretical fields by drawing on the teachings of this great scholar. Introduction [Testo integrale] Davide Dal Sasso, Maurizio Ferraris e Ugo Volli The Dog Schema [Testo integrale] Umberto Eco, Maurizio Ferraris e Diego Marconi Section one Philosophy Epigraph Section One [Testo integrale] The Notion of System in the Work of Umberto Eco: Summa, Structure, Code, Encyclopaedia and Rhizome [Testo integrale] Claudio Paolucci Dystopias and Historiographical Objects: The Strange Case of The Middle Ages [Testo integrale] Riccardo Fedriga Alive as You and Me [Testo integrale] Maurizio Ferraris Section Two Semiotics Epigraph Section Two [Testo integrale] The Origins Of Umberto Eco’s Semio-Philosophical Project [Testo integrale] Ugo Volli Power, Dangers and Resources of Forgery, from Theory to Novels [Testo integrale] Anna Maria Lorusso Indexes: Cultural Nature and Natural Culture [Testo integrale] Massimo Leone Section Three Arts Epigraph Section Three [Testo integrale] Some Remarks on Eco’s Confession and His Mystical Raptus [Testo integrale] Carola Barbero Eco and Berio between Music and Open Work [Testo integrale] Stefano Oliva The Openness of Art. The Poetics of Art and Loss of Autonomy of Art [Testo integrale] Polona Tratnik On Form and Structure: Umberto Eco and the Basis for a Positive Philosophy of the Arts [Testo integrale] Davide Dal Sasso varia Per un catalogo geografico universale. Ontologie ibride, rappresentazioni cartografiche e intersezioni geo-informatiche [Testo integrale] Timothy Tambassi PubDate: 2021-05-01
- 75 2020 – Ethics of the Environmental Crisis
Abstract: Few would deny that we are currently experiencing an environmental crisis of unprecedented magnitude and severity. Yet, much less clear is what phenomena the environmental crisis refers to and why they are particularly unjust. For instance, one might wonder whether the environmental crisis is unjust because it impinges on the intrinsic value of the environment, or because it severely affects humans and their human rights in particular. Equally, it is far from clear who should bear the responsibility to remedy the environmental crisis and to what extent. This issue of Rivista di Estetica addressees these questions with the aim of clarifying what the environmental crisis is and involves, as well as how we should frame it from a justice-based perspective. It accomplishes this in four sections. The first section investigates what the environment is. The second section addresses the environmental crisis through the normative lenses of the concept of responsibility. The third section analyses the environmental crisis through a human-rights perspective. Finally, the fourth section introduces some new paths that the literature may and perhaps should take. This issue will appeal to anyone interested in the environment and its crisis. The Environmental Crisis and Its Injustice. An (Inevitably Short) Introduction [Testo integrale] Carlo Burelli e Davide Pala ontological reflections on the environment Climate issue: the principle of transgenerational responsibility [Testo integrale] Tiziana Andina Common-surrounding world and qualitative social ontology – phenomenological insights for the environment and its crisis [Testo integrale] Francesca De Vecchi responsibility for the environment Organismality grounds species collective responsibility [Testo integrale] Davide Vecchi Reasons for Agreeing, Reasons for Complying: The Paris Agreement and the Compliance Issue [Testo integrale] Silvia Bacchetta the environment and human rights Human Dignity: Final, Inherent, Absolute' [Testo integrale] Sebastian Muders On tackling the environmental crisis through human rights [Testo integrale] Markku Oksanen new problems and perspectives Ontological Frameworks for Food Utopias [Testo integrale] Andrea Borghini, Nicola Piras e Beatrice Serini Tying Climate Justice to Hydrological Justice [Testo integrale] Sue Spaid varia The Ontology of Landscapes [Testo integrale] Adam Andrzejewski e Mateusz Salwa Filosofia e Border Studies. Dal confine come “oggetto” al confine come “dispositivo” [Testo integrale] Ernesto C. Sferrazza Papa PubDate: 2021-02-02