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Semina ScientiarumNumber of Followers: 0
Open Access journal ISSN (Print) 1644-3365 - ISSN (Online) 2391-6850 This journal is no longer being updated because: the publisher no longer provides RSS feeds
- Filozofia nauki według Richarda Feynmana
Authors: Genowefa Slósarek Pages: 5 - 19 Abstract: Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists became famous for his discoveries concerning quantum electrodynamics and for his lectures. His views on science appear to be very simple, common-sense, but they present the essence of the problem. What he values in science the most is the freedom of thinking and a sort of reasonable courage, which enable one to oppose earlier authorities. When it comes to education, the most important is to teach the ability to observe the nature around. PubDate: 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.15633/ss.3513 Issue No: Vol. 17 (2019)
- Krytyka Platona przyjmowania uczestniczenia (to metechein) rzeczy w
postaciach (eide) jako przyczynek do dyskusji na temat źródeł antynomii w podstawach matematyki Authors: Konrad Dydak Rycyk Pages: 20 - 54 Abstract: This article is an attempt to answer the question about possible philosophical (non-mathematical) sources of antinomies revealed in mathematics at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Mathematical Platonism seems to be one of such sources. Is it possible, in Plato’s way of thinking, to really find the problem of the existence of objects, which in the context of the infinite set theory was mentioned by Georg Cantor' And if so, how does this problem solve Plato himself' PubDate: 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.15633/ss.3514 Issue No: Vol. 17 (2019)
- Człowiek jako wytwór siebie samego. Lem, transhumanizm i dwie koncepcje
autentyczności Authors: Jakub Gomułka, Mariusz Klimas, Jakub Palm Pages: 55 - 83 Abstract: Stanisław Lem, a philosopher and futurologist, in his many works devoted much attention to the condition of human and the relation between human and technology. He coined the term ‘autoevolution’ in the course of forecasting unlimited technological augmentation of human abilities. Nowadays, the term may be associated with the conceptions presented by transhumanism, a 20th-century-born philosophical movement which advocates radical transformation of Homo sapiens by means of the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Lem’s attitude towards such a transformation of human is complicated yet ultimately critical due to the fact that it poses a threat to human culture as such. The phenomenon of autoevolution undermines existing values and raises a question of authenticity of a future posthuman. We examine dependence between technology and culture, present Lem’s conception of autoevolution and his philosophy of culture, then we sketch a post-metaphysical dispute about authenticity, and finally show that Lem’s thought belongs to one of the arguing sides. PubDate: 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.15633/ss.3515 Issue No: Vol. 17 (2019)
- Paradygmat obiektowy w oprogramowaniu astronomicznym
Authors: Robert Janusz Pages: 84 - 106 Abstract: To create an astronomical software, one should use the most effective method to produce the quickest hardware calculation. However, the not so effective object oriented paradigm seems to have bigger influence on the astronomical domain. We discuss the status quo of its methodology. The traditional, Turing computation model does not have so distinct influence on knowledge creation because it is hardware-oriented. An object oriented programming language is more influential on discovery, because it works directly in the scientific domain. PubDate: 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.15633/ss.3516 Issue No: Vol. 17 (2019)
- Wyjątkowy status człowieka w przyrodzie' Nauki ewolucyjne a
chrześcijańska antropologia Authors: Kamil Trombik Pages: 107 - 144 Abstract: The article discusses the problem of the christian concept of the human person in theological and philosophical context, and with reference to evolutionary sciences. It was pointed out that the naturalistic evolutionism undermines the most important assumptions (especially thesis proclaiming the unique status of human in nature), which is based on christian anthropology. In this paper it was also an attempt to justify that philosophical reflection can be important in the analysis of problems located between science and religion (among others the issue of the origin, nature and destiny of man). The question about new type of christian philosophy is a challenge in theology, which will be obliged – because of the changing image of the world and man – to modify its foundations, rooted mainly in the Thomistic metaphysics so far. Besides, in the context of issues relating to the meaning of human life it indicates that there is a need to develop such a philosophy, which is based on the achievements of natural science, and would be in dialogue with the contemporary humanities. PubDate: 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.15633/ss.3517 Issue No: Vol. 17 (2019)
- Oświeceniowa wizja nauki w ujęciu Józefa Sołtykowicza, jako przykład
refleksji filozoficznej z kręgu Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego Authors: Sylwia Psica Pages: 145 - 166 Abstract: The article concentrates on the analysis of the Enlightenment periods vision of science by Josef Sołtykowicz. His theories are examples of philosophical reflection of the Cracow Science Society. The starting point was the outline of the political and scientific situation from the second part of the XVII century to the first part of the XIX century also referring to the author’s biography. The main part of the article is the analysis of two Dissertations by Sołtykowicz published by the Cracow Science Society their yearly publication, in 1818 and 1820. The following points were taken into account: The roots of the society’s activities, the relationship between science and faith, popularizing knowledge, criticism of Rousseau and anthropological analysis of the roots, of the negative view of knowledge. These theories are worth analysing, unfortunately so far the philosophical thought of the members of CSS, has not encouraged work on them as they deserved. At the same time we can expect that the work of the scientists from the CSS significantly impacted on the progress of the philosophical reflection in Cracow, and also the wider picture of modern polish scientific culture. PubDate: 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.15633/ss.3518 Issue No: Vol. 17 (2019)
- Potrójna kreacja świata w ujęciu Michała
Sędziwoja Authors: Milena Cygan Pages: 167 - 198 Abstract: The question of the beginning of the world, it’s first rule, genesis and structure followed humanity since the dawn of time, becoming a source for philosophy and science. Search for a rational answer to that question lead, throughout the ages, to a creation of many cosmogonic concepts which referenced various philosophical traditions. While they currently hold only historical value, in many cases they contained ideas, sometimes still very inarticulate, which revolutionized the science in later years. One of such concepts was proposed by Michael Sendivogius, a Renaissance polish alchemist. In his approach, creation of world is dynamic and multiphase. In his vision, the world is something, which is subject to evolution (though he does not use this term), inevitably changes, and thus undergoes a permanent creation. In this creation of the world, as Sendivogius describes it, one can distinguish three fundamental stages, responsible for which are three factors: God, Nature and man. The goal of this article is to present how, according to Sendivogius, the world is created, what tasks in this continuous process are carried out by God, Nature or the man, and in what relations they remain, in regards to themselves and the world they create. PubDate: 2019-01-31 DOI: 10.15633/ss.3519 Issue No: Vol. 17 (2019)