Authors:Dakir Dakir, Umiarso Umiarso First page: 1 Abstract: Poverty is the social-human problem in Indonesia and in the world. Pesantren with its social capital was able to take a role for that encourages social change towards a better direction. This study is a critical study on the role of pesantren in the mobilization process of social values and norms so that it was able to make social change in the perspective of social capital. The result of the study shows that through its social capital, such as social networking and trust, pesantren was able to break through the backwardness of society into a better society. In fact, the direction of social change conducted by pesantren which is integrating the religious values with the various dimension of social lives, and based on the spirit then supported by the principle of trust, empirically all of these become the powerful basis for the professional relationship. PubDate: 2017-06-27 DOI: 10.22515/ajpif.v14i1.587 Issue No:Vol. 14, No. 1 (2017)
Authors:Muhammad Faiz First page: 23 Abstract: This paper tries to describe the role of Risalah Nur movement and its relationship with the tariqa movement in Turkey, especially after the collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate and the early modern state of Turkey. The methodological study of this paper will refer to literature perspective, specifically historical analysis of the life of Said Nursi and his work Risalah Nur through the Nursi’s books and the other related literatures. My study is assuming that Risalah Nur plays an important role when the tariqa, mysticism/tasawuf teachings banned by the Turkish government since 1925. For some Muslim scholars the Risalah Nur written in Arabic and Turkish is considered as the treasures of Islamic knowledge in Turkey. In fact, the Risalah Nur is supposed to be a role model of the Islamic teachings in Muslim world in which the manuscript represents the essential contents of the Quran. The Risalah Nur is strongly referred to Sufism, which deals with the universal value of peace and love that must be relevant for Muslims and all human beings from time to time. PubDate: 2017-06-27 DOI: 10.22515/ajpif.v14i1.588 Issue No:Vol. 14, No. 1 (2017)
Authors:Ahmad Saifuddin First page: 47 Abstract: The study aims to find out the psychological dimension of Islamic radical group attitudes which are easily ‘blaming’ the other group that having different idea from his group. Based on the observation method to the individual that having religious radical understanding (especially to the individual/group that usually blaming the other group that having different understanding, as heresy (bid’ah), syirik, infidel (kafir), and deviate) on the range year of 2008 – 2017, which then comprehend with the various literatures correlated to the main problem of research, the study revealed that Islamic radical group having psychological problem in term of their mindset and perception, which then affected to their attitudes and behaviors. Hereby, in the certain level those psychological problems directed them to the violent actions. PubDate: 2017-06-27 DOI: 10.22515/ajpif.v14i1.717 Issue No:Vol. 14, No. 1 (2017)
Authors:Lufaefi Lufaefi First page: 73 Abstract: This paper discusses the urgency of reconstructing idea on the formalization of Islamic sharia and the future of Indonesia. Formalization of Islamic law which is proposed by Islamic fundamentalist group as the solution of the various problems faced by the people living in the nation-state context needed should be contextualized with the reality of Indonesia as the plural country. By using critical analysis approach on the various argument of the fundamentalist group, which then contextualize with the reality of diversity in Indonesia, revealed that formalization of Islamic sharia is not a solution. Khilafah system will not be able to be forced to be implemented in Indonesia. Interpretation of the text about politics and government must be taken serious attention to be reviewed. In the history of the implementation of Islamic government and Islamic ideology as implemented by the Prophet Muhammad PbUH in Arab is really different with the Indonesian background which is plural. PubDate: 2017-06-27 DOI: 10.22515/ajpif.v14i1.805 Issue No:Vol. 14, No. 1 (2017)
Authors:Hijrian A. Prihantoro First page: 91 Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the revitalization of the logical reasoning’s epistemology of Islamic Jurisprudence using the sociology of knowledge' approach as the reconstructive effort to see the relation of the religious text and political context of Indonesian social reality. Based on the historical analysis of the diachronic data, comparing the various political phenomena in the past Islamic history to the nowadays situation, the study revealed that the logical reasoning of Islamic jurisprudence was always related dialectically with the human social life as a fact that Islamic studies have been able to change the paradigm and mindset of the civilization. PubDate: 2017-06-27 DOI: 10.22515/ajpif.v14i1.706 Issue No:Vol. 14, No. 1 (2017)
Authors:Abdul Malik First page: 117 Abstract: This article describes on the alternative reading (qira'ah altaniyah) of Alqur’an proposed by Muhammad Shahrur, in his work “Alkitab wa Alqur’an: Qira'ah Almu'ashirah”. Through this work, Syahrur proposed an integrative-interpretation method which is built through combining analysis of natural science, social science, and tafsir. Based on the descriptive analysis approach to this works, this study found out two important things: (1) Syahrur using mathematical analysis to interpret the muhkamat’s verses, and science analysis for mutasyabihat’s verses. (2) Hudud is a result of the integrative analysis interpretation based on linguistic and mathematic analysis in understanding the quranic verses about law, while ta’wil ilmi is an understanding toward mutasyabihat verses, like the revelation, which is based on the analysis of natural science cognitive. PubDate: 2017-06-27 DOI: 10.22515/ajpif.v14i1.707 Issue No:Vol. 14, No. 1 (2017)
Authors:Erwati Aziz First page: 143 Abstract: This research aims to describe the conception of fitrah in the perspective of hadith. This is qualitative research, in which the data gathered from the various correlated literature to the focus of the study, such as Alqur’an and Hadith and the other religious texts. Takhrij is necessary conducted in order to know the credibility of rawi and the authenticity of hadith, followed by cross-checking to the qur’anic verses which are in line with the text of hadith in order to find out the comprehensive understanding. Hereby, the result of the research revealed that hadith-hadith which is talking about fitrah discussed, judged as maqbul and representative to be used as hujjah, or fundamental concept of fitrah and it is able to be implemented into the daily life. PubDate: 2017-06-27 DOI: 10.22515/ajpif.v14i1.713 Issue No:Vol. 14, No. 1 (2017)