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Studia z Historii Filozofii
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  This is an Open Access Journal Open Access journal
ISSN (Print) 2083-1978 - ISSN (Online) 2391-775X
Published by UMK Homepage  [22 journals]
  • Triplex cogitandi ratio cum methodo Jana Śniadeckiego – nowe źródło
           do dziejów logiki i epistemologii w szkolnictwie Komisji Edukacji

    • Authors: Marcin Tkaczyk; Stanisław Janeczek, Anna Starościc
      Abstract: The objective of this paper is to present the intellectual context, partially philosophical, of a newly discovered source for the history of Polish logic and epistemology. The source is the manuscript of lectures on logic given in the so-called Nowodworski Schools, a secondary school associated with the Kraków Academy. The lecture was given in the school year 1777/1778 by Jan Śniadecki (1756–1830), a leading thinker of the Polish Enlightenment – mathematician, astronomer, philosopher and pedagogical activist, including a rector of the Vilnius University. A preliminary interpretation of the manuscript is also delivered, classifying it as an exemplification of philosophia recentiorum. That philosophical and scientific trend, typical of education in the second half of the 18th century, was programmatically eclectic. It assimilated threads of modern epistemology and modern science into the course of philosophy characteristic of modern Christian Aristotelianism (second scholasticism). The article also announces the first critical edition of the manuscript being prepared. It seems to be essential for understanding the first stage of Śniadecki’s work, as well as for understanding the specificity of the education system in the schools supervised by the Commission of National Education, established in 1773.
      PubDate: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +020
  • Anthony Collins o wolnej woli, wolności i konieczności

    • Authors: Przemysław Spryszak
      Abstract: Abstract: The paper discusses a stance on free will, liberty and necessity taken by the English philosopher and freethinker Anthony Collins (1676–1729) in the following anonymously published essays: An Essay Concerning the Use of Reason in Propositions the Evidence whereof depends upon Human Testimony (1707), A Philosophical Inquiry Concerning Human Liberty (1717), and, as I assume, in A Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity (1729). Generally speaking, in these works, Collins purported to reconcile the liberty of the man with the necessity with which, as he argued, their acts of will are performed. The paper specifies this position and outlines its philosophical and historical context. It also observes that two objections, most likely unrecognized by Collins, make his conception unsatisfactory. First, Collins downplays the subjective nature of human actions. Secondly, he assumes, implicitly and illegitimately, that,
      necessarily, unnecessary acts would be (ceteris paribus) performed differently than the necessary ones.
      PubDate: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +020
  • Neoplatonizm i chrześcijaństwo w twórczości Synezjusza z Cyreny
           (370–414) – przyczynek do zagadnienia

    • Authors: Justyna Kroczak
      Abstract: The article presents creative personality of Synesius of Cyrene (4th/5th century CE) against the background of ideological tendences of late antiquity. It aims to answer two questions: First, whether the term Christian Neoplatonism, rightly criticized in relation to patristic writers, reflect the nature of Synesius' outlook, and second, whether his work significantly complements our image of late antiquity in its philosophical aspect, viewed as a clash between Christian and classical, mainly Neoplatonic, philosophic paradigms. Synesius’ rich correspondence, consisting of one hundred and fifty-six letters, provides the main source for the present analysis; yet, his other works (mainly the Hymns) and biographical details are also drawn upon to attain a wholistic perspective. This broader selection of sources is necessary because a reading of his works leaves some doubt as to his ideological affiliation. On the one hand, he was a disciple of Hypatia, and, on the other, a friend of St. Theophi lus of Alexandria, who called him to the post of  bishop. These and other ambiguities in the life and outlook of Synesius make him an interesting object of analysis.
      PubDate: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +020
  • Neokantyści Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert i Ernst Cassirer
           wobec filozofii renesansu

    • Authors: Tomasz Kubalica
      Abstract: Neo-Kantianism as a philosophical formation is characterised primarily by its reference to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Nevertheless, to say that the essence of Neo-Kantianism was solely a renewal of Kant's philosophy is insufficient. Also specific to this formation was the adaptation of Kant's thought to the new chalenges of philosophy at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. A uniquely exciting analogy for Neo-Kantian philosophy is its reference to the thought of the Renaissance period. Just as the Renaissance marked the revival of many ancient philosophical currents (Platonism, Neoplatonism, Aristotelianism, Stoicism, Epicureanism, Scepticism and even Ionian natural philosophy) in the early modern period, Neo-Kantianism represented a kind of Renaissance of Kant’s philosophy. This affinity of thought is suggested by representatives of the two most important Neo-Kantian schools: Wilhelm Windelband, Heinrich Rickert and Ernst Cassirer. This article focuses on this historical-philosophical parallel by examining the relationship between Neo-Kantianism and Renaissance philosophy. The results show that Neo-Kantianism is not limited to an apologetic repetition of Kant’s philosophy but constitutes a heterodox and critical renewal of it. Such an apologetic approach did not work in modern philosophy, which is dominated by the spirit of criticism. Thus, the Neo-Kantian formation shows deep connections with other periods in the history of philosophy, such as Renaissance philosophy, as a breakthrough period initiating a modern mode of reflection. Understanding the relationship between Neo-Kantianism and other philosophical movements can help us appreciate the richness and complexity of contemporary philosophical thought.
      PubDate: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +020
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