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Società degli individui
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ISSN (Print) 1590-7031 - ISSN (Online) 1972-5752
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  • Le sfide della bioetica

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      Abstract: Mara Meletti

      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • "Principles of Biomedical Ethics": un bilancio

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      Abstract: Massimo Reichlin
      The latest edition of Beauchamp and Childress’ Principles of Biomedical Ethics presents principlism in its definitive version and develops most explicitly the theory of common morality: on one side, in its two pillars of norms and virtues, on the other in the peculiar epistemic structure of a modified coherentism. This account fully replies to the objections raised by defenders of virtue ethics and the ethics of care, providing room for the consideration of character traits, moral ideals and supererogation. Less convincing is the way in which the two authors have replied to the charges of scarce action-guidingness and of a lack of theoretical unification in their theory.
      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Dove va la bioetica

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      Abstract: Piergiorgio Donatelli
      The article offers an account of the development of bioethics, both as an academic discipline and as an engine for cultural and social reform, from the Seventies to the current situation. The article highlights several crucial changes. One major change concerns the consensus in the Seventies drawing together the contribution of several disciplines joined with social and political reform broken in the next decade by the wars around the bioethical agenda, starting with the Reagan presidency and continuing today. Another major change concerns the idea of freedom, introduced as an emancipatory notion and transformed into the freedom to assert one’s private possession at play in the neoliberal and populist conservative framework.
      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Quando l’‘eccezione’ deve essere la regola. A proposito della
           nozione di dovere largo in Kan

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      Abstract: Beatrice Centi
      The metaphysics of morals (1797) states that one’s own perfection and the happiness of others are the ends that are also duties. In difficult circumstances, different actions can put into practice the maxims which promote these ends. In complex situations it is particularly difficult to find a way of doing actions from duty but, in according to kantian ethics, it is always necessary to find a way of applying the principle of virtue, of acting from duty, in the cases that come up in experience. Whereas from a juridical point of view the duty - as narrow duty - is the concept of an external constraint, from the ethical point of view the duty - as wide duty - is the concept of a self-constraint, which shows the freedom and the autonomy of the person. The duty of one’s own perfection consists in cultivation of human faculties, in raising from the state of nature toward humanity, in making the reason the ground determining free will to action. Culture makes it possibile both to find the way of acting in very difficult situations, and to consider such action from duty: the critique of human actions and motivations is a methodological contribution that ethics can offer to bioethics.
      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • La condizione della persona anziana come problema bioetico.

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      Abstract: Maria Zanichelli
      The ‘double ageing’ process (combination of decreased fertility and increased life expectancy) is challenging post-industrial societies and welfare systems. However, from a bioethical point of view, ageing is much more than a mere biological or allocative problem. Frailty in elderly people involves loneliness, social isolation, loss of autonomy, no less than physical and psychological decline. Moreover, there is a direct link between elderly frailty and human vulnerability: the more a society is willing to accept pain, dependency, illness, and death, the better it will approach the problems of ageing. This reflection, in particular, concerns two bioethical issues arising from Covid-19: elderly institutionalization and age-based health care rationing.
      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Dopo le decisioni della Corte Costituzionale sul suicidio medicalmente

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      Abstract: Antonio D’Aloia
      End-of-life decisions have always been one of the most controversial issues in bioethics, even in Italy. This contribution concerns the phase following the decisions by which the Italian Constitutional Court admitted, in the presence of certain conditions, physician assisted suicide, in particular by examining the first cases of application of the principles developed by the Constitutional Judge. In addition, some reflections are dedicated to the referendum with which euthanasia is to be legalized, in particular underlining the doubts of admissibility of the referendum itself precisely due to the contradictory and ambiguous outcome that it risks to determine with respect to the conclusions developed by the Constitutional Court.
      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Mente-Corpo: una relazione categoriale

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      Abstract: Susi Ferrarello

      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Corpi, menti, persone

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      Abstract: Mara Meletti

      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Il lato oscuro delle emozioni

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      Abstract: Kleanthis Mantzouranis , Valentina Petrolini

      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Dalla morte di Dio alla morte dell’Uomo. Umanesimo di Feuerbach e
           antiumanesimo poststrutturalista

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      Abstract: Emmanuel Chaput
      In this paper, I recount the critique made by Deleuze and Foucault of Feuerbach’s humanist philosophy and attempt to show where they fail to grasp its truly innovative character that allows us not only to understand better the transition from Hegel to Nietzsche on the topic of the Death of God, but also to avoid the condemnation of humanism as an outdated standpoint.
      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Note di lettura

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      Abstract: Mara Meletti, Simona Bertolini, Giuseppe Turchi, Judikael Castelo Branco, Alberto Siclari, Silvano Allasia
      Massimo Reichlin, Fondamenti di bioetica; Antonio D’Aloia, a cura di, La tempesta del Covid. Dimensioni bioetiche; Maria Zanichelli, a cura di, La persona come categoria bioetica. Prospettive umanistiche; Ferruccio Andolfi, a cura di, L’uomo e l’unico; Roberto Cipriani, L’incerta fede. Un’indagine quanti-qualitativa in Italia; Marcella D’Abbiero, Affetti privati, pubbliche virtù. La psiche come fattore politico.
      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
  • Autori

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      Abstract: A cura della Redazione

      PubDate: Wed, 15 Feb 2022 8:00:00 GMT
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