Abstract: A New Chance for an Idealist Philosophy Pages 19-29 Author Nándor Sztank The message of total nonuniversality (both sensible content and concept as such are evalued as nonuniversal) is incompatible with human nature. From this, the exceptional character of my philosophical venture is derived. Essentially, it is a problem of communication. Hence, it is a didactical construction which is central to my paper. The crucial importance of two simple assertions must be emphasized: • A finite extension is not divisible infinitely (proposed by Berkeley and Hume)• The line does not consist of points (proposed by Hegel)The above two assertions may be called the hard core of idealist philosophy. Both are instrumental in the conception of original environment. Being tied to the original environment is the outstanding fact that explains why the sensible content should be qualified as nonuniversal. PubDate: 2017-02
Abstract: Future of Philosophy: Uncertain? Pages 7-18 Author Junaid Muhammad RizwanNaz Khadij Conventional knowledge based scholarships and philosophical epitomes are being shattered by latest scientific and technological interfaces. Rapidly changing universe needs applied and material outcomes of fundamental problems. Philosophy is the oldest and most established discipline that introduced critical thinking, rational argumentation and reason based questioning towards essential and core issues; but, the time has arrived when philosophy requires refurbishing itself in an easy and adaptive fashion rather than presenting intricate and complex phenomena that posit no social value. It needs to establish close and consistent interaction with prevailing applied disciplines as linguistic, psychology, evolutionary biology, arithmetic and structural architecture etc. Significance of Philosophy cannot be undermined nonetheless it should take off the cloak of intricate conceptualization and provide empirical solutions to society and excel further towards empirical investigation crossing experiential confines. PubDate: 2017-02
Abstract: Quantum Networks of Wisdom and Mindfulness for Practitioners Quantum Network of Wisdom Pages 1-6 Author P. YupapinS. Punthawanun In this paper, the mindfulness and wisdom are analyzed and described using the quantum physics basis, which is actually based on the science of nature. The spirit is formed by a soliton pulse, which is a complex function in terms of energy oscillation in time. The spirit energy is divided into two parts called form and an abstract, where the form is formed by the spirit function combining with five aggregates and four elements, while the abstract is formed by the five aggregates presenting the spirit complex conjugate function. In practice, the quantum networks that can be used to reach the mindfulness and wisdom are the Trinity and Four Noble Truths, respectively, which can be theoretically confirmed and described. One of the interesting methods called meditation is described for practitioners. PubDate: 2017-02