Authors:Daniel T. O. Kolawole et al. Abstract: This study examined the differences between the utilisation of mobile library technologies and library service delivery in public and private universities in south west, Nigeria. In addition to stating the purpose of the study and the associated research questions and hypotheses, two models and one theory were used which include the technology acceptance model, service quality models and diffusion of innovation theory. The technology acceptance model suggests that the acceptance of any technology is based on the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the introduced technology. Diffusion of innovation theory suggests ways mobile technologies can be introduced and diffused into library and information services. The service quality model suggests that a user’s perception of quality service is based on their loyalty and the satisfaction they get from the services. The descriptive survey research design was adopted with a population of 162 library staff and a purposive sampling technique was used to select all 162 staff. A face-validated researcher-developed instrument titled: Utilisation of Mobile Technologies and Library Service Delivery Questionnaire” (UMTLSDQ) was used for the collection of data. A reliability coefficient of 0.83 was obtained using Cronbach alpha reliability statistics which made the instrument reliable. The data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions, while Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was used to test all the hypotheses at a 0.05 significant level. The findings of the study showed that private university libraries utilise mobile technologies more than public university libraries. The study therefore concluded that the utilisation of mobile technology is important for effective library service delivery in South-West, Nigeria. PubDate: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 07:28:27 PDT
Authors:Abdul Baseer Abstract: This paper presents a case for speculative fiction’s potential to uphold the feminist cause in our current global scenario of male violence. Young Adult (YA) and children’s speculative fiction around feminist themes should be included in high school libraries for pleasure for reading and forms of support to the current curriculum and to address contemporary social issues including patriarchy and less space for feminist agency. This writing suggests five titles in current speculative fiction built around the feminine register for inclusion in a New South Wales high school’s library collection targeting stages 5 and 6 students and linked to the curriculum. PubDate: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 06:41:15 PDT
Authors:Adeola Esther Olutoki et al. Abstract: Self-efficacy beliefs are among the knowledge structures that act as a pervasive influence on individual development especially in research competence. Postgraduate students’ research self-efficacy refers to the judgment of their capability to perform academic research tasks. Descriptive survey research design of the correlational type and total enumeration method was adopted. A self-developed questionnaire was administered to 287 postgraduate students. A total of 203(70.73%) copies of questionnaires were returned and analysed using frequency count, percentage, mean and standard deviation and pie chart. The findings of the study revealed that the level of research self-efficacy of postgraduate students in selected universities in South-West, Nigeria was fair. There was no significant difference in the research efficacy of male and female postgraduate students in selected Universities in South-West Nigeria (P= 0.542>0.05). The study therefore concludes that research self-efficacy are key tools that promote research among postgraduate students. The study recommends among other things that lecturers should motivate and encourage students towards being committed when involved in research before they get to their final year. This will help the postgraduate student to build their research self-efficacy skills. PubDate: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 07:19:26 PDT
Authors:Samson Adesina Akinola et al. Abstract: The Joseph Ayo Babalola University Library is analyzed through a SWOT analysis to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The aim of this analysis is to improve the library's productivity and relevance to the university's overall mission. The study focuses on various aspects of the library, including infrastructure, human resources, collections, technology, and reader services, to see how well they support the university's teaching and research mission. By identifying the library's strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities, the study intends to provide insights into areas that can be improved and capitalized on to enhance the library's performance. The SWOT analysis is a strategic management tool that helps organizations assesses their performance and resources in relation to the operating environment. PubDate: Wed, 21 Aug 2024 08:27:05 PDT
Authors:Rodrigo Jr Sumuob Abstract: The main purpose of this study was to determine the obstacles encountered by senior high school teachers in integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into teaching at Tabon Maximino Estrella National High School (TMENHS). The use of ICT in the classroom is crucial in providing opportunities for students to learn and adapt in the information age. The researcher employed a non-experimental quantitative research design, utilizing descriptive techniques such as frequency and percentage, as well as mean as statistical tools. The researcher employed adapted questionnaires that were modified to suit the current study. Data was generated through total enumeration sampling, involving 18 Senior High School teachers from TMENHS in Bislig City. The study revealed that at the teacher level, barriers such as lack of confidence and lack of competence were identified, while at the school level, obstacles included lack of time, ineffective training, limited accessibility, and insufficient technical support. However, the study found that teachers rarely observed these obstacles, and their severity was low. To enhance the integration of ICT in the teaching process, suggestions are made for the ongoing professional development of teachers, promoting the adoption of new pedagogies and tools for learning. Teacher trainers and policymakers need to understand the obstacles associated with different approaches to ICT use in teacher training, enabling the exploration of appropriate training strategies to effectively implement such changes for all stakeholders. PubDate: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 06:58:11 PDT
Authors:Yogita Ahuja Mrs. Abstract: Social media has ingrained itself into every aspect of our lives, including libraries. Social media is being used by libraries more and more to engage with users, advertise services, and foster a feeling of community. This term paper investigates how social media can be used to enhance library services, highlighting the transformative effects of social platforms on user engagement, the promotion of library resources, and the development of community. This paper will also present the examples of implementation of social media tool by DPSRU Library. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Research Gate have taken for representing this case study. PubDate: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 07:34:33 PDT
Authors:Chimeziem Chimdiadi Gabriela Udeze PhD et al. Abstract: Information and communication technology has been proven by scholars globally to be a crucial factor in moderating and effecting the effectiveness and proficiency of administration worldwide. Almost all experts from all works of life have proven that innovative use of ICT is a welcome development and a call for eradicating maladministration of all sectors. Many international organizations, including UNESCO and other countries (Nigeria in particular), emphasized the importance of adopting the innovation of ICT to attend global standards of administration. This study examined the innovative use of information and communication technology for effective administration in Alex-Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike Ikwo (AL-FUNAI) Ebonyi state. The study recommends that University vice-chancellora engage clericals of their respective Universities in compulsory teaching and learning of innovative use ICT for the clericals to be more proactive in the discharge of their duties. PubDate: Sun, 18 Aug 2024 07:16:34 PDT
Authors:Fwenshimwa Yarima Abstract: Information is power, nothing moves in the 21st century and modern age without information. Information is an important resource that develops other resources. The development and use of information management systems (MIS) is a modern phenomenon concerned with the use of appropriate information that will lead to better planning, better decision-making, and better results. To retrieve information that is diverse from the Internet usually creates confusion among its users. To satisfy with exact information needs from the Internet, users need to know the effective techniques and strategies to employ. This paper discusses the concept of information retrieval tools, the kinds of information retrieval tools, the concept of information management, the 21st-century Academic library, types of searches, information search strategies techniques, and the relevance of information retrieval tools in information management. PubDate: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 08:50:59 PDT
Authors:Atmika Tripathi et al. Abstract: The present study explores the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to bring about transformation in library services and information management. The research used a thorough scale to assess the degree of artificial intelligence (AI) integration into libraries, as well as the resulting consequences for user experience and the encountered challenges. The results indicate improved effectiveness in the organisation and classification of materials, as well as increased user contentment, inside libraries that have integrated artificial intelligence technology. However, the emergence of concerns pertaining to data privacy presents considerable obstacles. This study highlights the necessity of ongoing training for library personnel and stresses the significance of ethical considerations in the incorporation of artificial intelligence. The study finishes by offering recommendations for libraries and proposing avenues for further research, emphasising the crucial impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the evolution of library services. PubDate: Tue, 13 Aug 2024 06:47:05 PDT
Authors:Joseph Solomon Daudi Dr. et al. Abstract: The objective of this study was to ascertain the digital competencies that Library Heads’ in the library and information services (LIS) sector in Tanzania expect in prospective Library and information science (LISc) graduates. In order to accomplish this objective, a quantitative research methodology was utilized, involving a survey of 50 Library Heads’ in the field of LIS in Tanzania. An online survey was conducted and a response rate of 39 respondents, equivalent of 78% of the entire selected sample.The findings of this study underscore the importance of digital skills and competencies in effectively managing digital information, digital technical skills for utilizing diverse software and computer programmes, and advanced digital competencies pertaining to managing computer and information systems. Library Heads’ have identified these competencies as significant, highlighting their pertinence in the contemporary employment market within the LIS sector. The findings provide significant insights for higher learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania, aiding them in the development of curricula that are in line with LIS job market demands. These findings can be valuable for professionals in the field of LIS as they seek to match their practices with the requirements and preferences of the market. The study recommends that institutions offering programmes in LISc integrate these essential skills and abilities into their curriculum in order to adequately equip LIS professionals for the demands of the digital era. The obtained results can also function as reference points for guiding and evaluating the LISc courses in Tanzania. PubDate: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 08:24:05 PDT
Authors:Chidimma Evangeline Onwuagbaizu et al. Abstract: This study investigated the role of information systems on decision making by secondary school administration in Obio/Akpor LGA. The study was a descriptive survey. The study was guided by two objectives and research questions. The population of the study comprised all the 5 senior secondary schools in Obio/Akpor LGA, in Rivers State with 38 school administrators. A multistage sampling technique which included simple random and purposive sampling technique were adopted. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire titled Information system and decision making of Senior Secondary Schools questionnaire. Cronbanch Alpha was used to ascertain the reliability of the instrument, a reliability coefficient of 0.72 and 0.97 was achieved. The findings revealed that information systems positively influences and aids the decision making process of secondary school administrators. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that school administrators should be sensitized on the importance of information systems for school management and for sustainable educational development and the government of Rivers State should create an enabling environment for IS to strive in senior secondary schools in the State. PubDate: Sat, 03 Aug 2024 08:33:47 PDT
Authors:Adeola Adesoji ARINOLA Ph.D et al. Abstract: This study investigated the correlation between user satisfaction and library patronage among postgraduate students at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. A questionnaire was developed for data collection and validated, demonstrating a good reliability, with a coefficient of 0.847 (84.7%) for library patronage and 0.823 (82.3%) for user satisfaction. 120 responses were obtained and analyzed based on descriptive statistics (percentage, mean, average mean, and standard deviation) as well as inferential (Pearson Product Moment Correlation) statistics. The findings revealed a significant correlation between library patronage and user satisfaction (r= 0.000c, N = 120, P < 0.05) among postgraduate students of the University. The study concluded that adequate library customer care services and prioritizing meeting the essential needs of postgraduate students would enhance their satisfaction and consequently increase their library patronage. It was recommended that the university administration, in collaboration with the library management, address the issues that hinder effective utilization of the university library. PubDate: Fri, 02 Aug 2024 08:38:03 PDT
Authors:Crescentia Worigida Eleto Department of Library; Information Science et al. Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between information management practices and service delivery in special libraries in Rivers State. The study was guided by three specific objectives, three research questions and three hypotheses. The design adopted for this study was the correlational survey research design. The population of the study was 75 staff from 18 organizations in Rivers State. Given the manageable population of 75 library staff, the census enumerative sampling technique was employed for the study. The instrument used for data collection was two structured questionnaires titled "Information Management Practices Questionnaire (IMP-Q) and Service Delivery Questionnaire (SD-Q)". Instruments were subjected to face and content validity by three experts in the Library and Information Science Department of the Faculty of Education at Rivers State University. The reliability coefficients of 0.82 and 0.78 for IMP-Q and SD-Q respectively were obtained using Cronbach Alpha. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) analysis was used to answer the research questions and test the null hypotheses of the study. The findings of the study, amongst others, show that there is a significant relationship between organization, storage, retrieval, dissemination of information, knowledge sharing, staff skill and service delivery in special libraries in Rivers State. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended amongst others that special libraries should prioritize implementing robust organizational systems to include categorizing resources logically, using standardized metadata, and employing professional cataloguing techniques. Maintenance and updates of organizational structures should be put in place for swift access to information. PubDate: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 09:49:18 PDT
Authors:Poonam Saini et al. Abstract: This study attempts to examine the Information Literacy skills of Sarpanches during Covid-19 in Punjab. The main objectives of the study are to explore information needs, use of information sources and general awareness of Sarpanches during the Pandemic. Survey method was used to collect data from 103 sarpanches of different districts of Punjab with the help of a self-structured questionnaire. The study found that sarpanches have shown good Information Literacy skills during Pandemic. They were well informed and aware about different aspects of Covid-19 such as origin, safety measures, government instructions etc. State government was also successful to achieve its goal of corona free villages due to awareness and active participation of sarpanches. Newspapers, news channels, social media and government websites were some major information sources for them to acquire information. Government websites were the most reliable source of information. The study recommends to arrange regular training programmes and workshops for sarpanches to enhance their Information Literacy skills. PubDate: Sat, 27 Jul 2024 08:01:09 PDT
Authors:Anurin Diwakara Prof. et al. Abstract: The development of information and communication technology has become the prominent reason for language contact in the native language varieties spoken in the South Asian region. The island nation Sri Lanka is home to a multi-ethnic population and the main vernacular spoken in the country is Sinhala Language. Using materials drawn from social media platforms, websites, internet forums and personal knowledge, this study sets out to examine the ways in which the English language has been making significant contact with the Sinhala language, which is the dominant vernacular language spoken in Sri Lanka due to the advancements in information technology. The findings exemplified that a significant impact has been induced upon the Sinhala language in terms of its spoken and written varieties through lexical borrowings and code-mixing. The influx of these English terms continues with the evolving developments in information and communication technology. PubDate: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 07:34:24 PDT
Authors:Abdullahi Olayinka Isiaka et al. Abstract: AbstractThis article explores the transformative impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) on libraries and their pivotal role in navigating the challenges and opportunities brought forth by rapid technological advancements. Libraries, traditionally perceived as repositories of books and information, are undergoing a profound metamorphosis in the digital age. The 4IR, characterized by breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Data Analytics, demands a redefinition of the library’s purpose and services. The first section introduces the concept of the 4IR and its key technological advancements. Emphasis is placed on understanding the dynamic landscape of the 4IR and the profound implications for information management. The subsequent sections delve into the relevance of libraries in this era, exploring their evolving role beyond traditional book repositories. The article discusses how libraries contribute to digital literacy, technology access, and information dissemination, addressing the challenges they face in adapting to the 4IR. Highlighting the opportunities for libraries, the article explores how emerging technologies can be leveraged to enhance services. It delves into real-life examples of libraries successfully embracing digital transformation, including the integration of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Data Analytics. The discussion extends to libraries’ contribution to bridging the digital divide, providing access to information and technology. However, it also addresses concerns related to data privacy and security in the digital age and proposes strategies for mitigating risks. Furthermore, the article explores collaborative efforts between libraries and other sectors to stay relevant in the 4IR. It provides insights into the collaborative initiatives that enhance libraries’ capabilities and extend their reach. PubDate: Wed, 24 Jul 2024 07:17:54 PDT
Authors:Kelly Fojtik Abstract: Readers’ advisory (RA) can be informally defined as match making between readers and books, with a librarian functioning as matchmaker. Published literature agrees that RA is an important professional practice when carried out by librarians; and that RA is important for increasing literacy, benefitting individual readers and also their communities. The literature describes new types of book clubs and displays that provide RA services for patrons in attractive, less direct ways than the standard RA interview. This paper reports on and examines the benefits of two library initiatives, book clubs and displays, that function as less direct forms of RA. How do library book clubs act as RA agents' What kinds of book clubs provide effective RA and for whom' What value do RA and book clubs bring to a community' Displays in the library have a role to play in RA by suggesting books to patrons and providing a more discreet level of interaction. How can library displays provide RA' How can patron interaction with library displays be encouraged' Librarian led book clubs and displays are a vital part of full spectrum readers’ advisory. Less direct RA is needed to reach more readers benefitting them and their community. PubDate: Mon, 22 Jul 2024 07:30:32 PDT
Authors:Dalitso Mvula et al. Abstract: Laws guide societies in the world. These laws are meant to create an environment that ensures citizens’ rights are respected. The same happens in academia. There are guidelines that students follow in the execution of their assignments, examinations and research in higher institutions. These guidelines are meant to ensure that there is no any form of academic dishonesty being perpetuated by the students. This paper investigated Lusaka Apex Medical University students’ knowledge and attitude towards plagiarism. The study sought to assess the knowledge of LAMU students towards plagiarism, examine the attitude of LAMU students towards plagiarism, assess factors that foster plagiarism among students, and find out strategies to address plagiarism among students. Using descriptive research design and simple random sampling, quantitative and qualitative data was collected through Google form questionnaires shared in students’ whatsApp groups. Data were analyzed using Excel while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. Findings revealed that majority students had knowledge on plagiarism and showed copying from the internet as their major method of plagiarism. Accordingly, findings on factors influencing plagiarism showed limited time while the need for sensitization by students was indicated as a strategy to combat the vice. PubDate: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 07:11:06 PDT
Authors:F Chanchin Mawia et al. Abstract: The study examines how faculty members at Government Serchhip College access e-resources. This research aimed to examine faculty members' understanding of e-resources and their associated components, such as identifying and acknowledging sources of information utilized for teaching, as well as determining techniques for locating and assessing information resources. A structured questionnaire was constructed and distributed to all 53 faculties at Government Serchhip College for data collection, with 41 (77%) completed questionnaires obtained for analysis. A purposive sampling technique was carried out for this study. Further, the data was scrutinized using both Google Forms and MS Excel. Overall, it was determined that faculty members require specialized professional development programs and resources to facilitate their use of electronic resources. To meet these needs, Government Scholarship College can create a program to help teachers and students learn how to use electronic resources. This study emphasizes the need to assess faculty skills with electronic resources as a strategic investment in academic quality and institutional growth. By providing teachers with the essential skills and expertise, academic institutions may develop an environment of creativity and intellectual inquiry, improving the academic experience for all stakeholders. PubDate: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 09:19:36 PDT
Authors:Andrew Ifeanyi Ifeabor et al. Abstract: The study focused on library services and resource provision to prison inmates in Enugu Maximum Prison Library Enugu State Nigeria. Four (4) research questions were formulated to guide the study. The objectives of the study were to find out the extent of library services provision to the prison inmates, extent of provision of library resources to the inmates, agencies that provide resources and services to the Prison Library, and the problems associated with the provision of library services and resources to meet the inmates’ information needs. Eighty-three (83) respondents comprising eighty prison inmates and three library staff were used as a sample for the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the library staff, while interview test was used to get information from the prison inmates. Descriptive statistics including frequency tables, percentage, and weighted mean were used for data analysis. Major findings showed that library services and resource provision to prison inmates are mainly undertaken by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and not Government Institutions. However, some of the major problems associated with the provision of library services and resources to prison inmates include lack of professional staff, inadequate funding, high level of illiteracy among prison inmates, and high censorship of library materials. The study recommends that the prison authorities should provide adequate library staff both in number and qualification. Such library staff should possess requisite personal characteristics and commitment to operate an efficient service that will meet the information needs of prison inmates. PubDate: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 07:44:55 PDT