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Abstract: If the three ages of the concept are the encyclopedia, pedagogy, and commercial professional training, only the second can safeguard us from falling from the heights of the first into the disaster of the third."Somewhere between the eighteenth and the early nineteenth century," Timothy Bahti points out:the model at hand changes: whether the opposition is (neo)classical/romantic, early capitalist/high capitalist, or manual/mechanised, the switch is made, the revolution occurs, and we are all henceforth "post"—post-romantic, post-revolutionary, post-feudal—which is to say modern. With respect to the university, the opposition is medieval/modern, the place is Germany and the time is the end of the eighteenth ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-14T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: Juno, according to Virgil scholar W. R. Johnson, is "the central figure in the poem's structure"; and Dido, according to Virgil scholar Michael Putnam, is "the poem's great regina."1The importance of both figures has been noted since Virgil's own era, with Juno universally demonized as the source and symbol of furor (which I translate, depending on context, as "madness" or "frenzy") and Dido interpreted as everything from a fickle widow betraying her dead husband to a bad monarch who abandons her responsibilities for pathological infatuation with a tragic heroine, betrayed by a spineless antihero and manipulative gods.In almost every case, though, Dido is viewed with at least a modicum of sympathy and admiration ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-14T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: In this article, I will try to show that (1) one of the more compelling reasons for advocating for aesthetic normativity comes from an axiom that suppositionally underlies aesthetic educational endeavors and (2) by framing aesthetic judgments contextually and hypothetically we may be able to deal effectively with one of the more compelling reasons for antinormativity, namely the fact of irreconcilable differences between judgments of two equally competent judges. I will try to show that framing judgments contextually is common practice in aesthetic education.Aesthetic normativity means that one aesthetic judgment may be better than another. It might also mean that one aesthetic judgment may be correct and another ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-14T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: The aim of this article is to defend the value of art museum audio guides. Modern guides have an ever-expanding list of functions. Some include wayfinding capabilities, games for children, social media connectivity, and immersive audio triggered by near-field technology. However, I will restrict my focus to two functions that pertain directly to art appreciation. First, audio guides offer tours that direct visitors' attention to the museum highlights. Second, they have individual stops that provide commentary and criticism about the works of art on display.I will concede that audio guide tours do not serve the interests of all museum visitors. In particular, they unduly constrain the experience of people whose ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-14T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: In 2015, the General Office of the State Council of China issued document no. 71, Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Aesthetic Education,1 which proposes the development and reform route of aesthetic education. This document also points out the way for the development of aesthetic education, clarifies the development goals of aesthetic education, determines the construction of a scientific aesthetic education curriculum system, advocates for vigorously improving the teaching of aesthetic education, coordinates the integration of school and social aesthetic education resources, and so forth. Consequently, the majority of art teachers in primary and secondary schools have started to focus ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-14T00:00:00-05:00
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Abstract: To begin at the beginning …One way to naturalize aesthetics is to argue that such a system evolved first for the appraisal of objects of survival advantage, such as food sources, and was later co-opted in humans for the experience of artworks for the satisfaction of social needs.1This article is intended to support doctoral candidates in the visual arts engaged in practice-based research and others whose theses or reports require a contextualization of the theoretical bases of perception and communication, adapted to their specific practices. Practice-based is described as research through which an artefact itself is the basis of the contribution to knowledge. If the research leads primarily to new ... Read More PubDate: 2024-05-14T00:00:00-05:00