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Philosophical Review     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 81)
Ethics     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 77)
Journal of Political Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 73)
European Journal of Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 71)
Mind     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 70)
Philosophy & Public Affairs     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 64)
Australasian Journal of Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 59)
Nous     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 59)
Contemporary Political Theory     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 57)
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 53)
Journal of the History of Philosophy     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 53)
Philosophical Quarterly     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 51)
British Journal for the History of Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 47)
Journal of Applied Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 46)
American Journal of Theology & Philosophy     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 46)
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 45)
Analysis     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 40)
Journal of Moral Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 38)
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 38)
Philosophy of Science     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 35)
Journal of Medical Ethics     Partially Free   (Followers: 33)
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Inquiry : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 29)
Constellations     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 28)
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy     Open Access   (Followers: 28)
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British Journal of Aesthetics     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 26)
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Journal of the Philosophy of History     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 16)
Journal of Media Ethics : Exploring Questions of Media Morality     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 15)
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Review of Philosophy and Psychology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 13)
Reformed Theological Review, The     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 13)
Dao : A Journal of Comparative Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 12)
Ethical Perspectives     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 12)
Journal of Chinese Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 12)
Journal of Global Ethics     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 12)
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 12)
Pragmatics and Society     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 12)
Film-Philosophy Journal     Open Access   (Followers: 12)
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 11)
Utilitas     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 11)
Open Journal of Philosophy     Open Access   (Followers: 11)
Metaphor and Symbol     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 10)
Polis : The Journal of the Society for Greek Political Thought     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 10)
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 10)
Diogenes     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Journal of Philosophical Logic     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Research in Phenomenology     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 9)
Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 9)
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Philosophical Books     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
Philosophical Perspectives     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
Myth & Symbol     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
SubStance     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 8)
African Journal of Business Ethics     Open Access   (Followers: 8)
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 8)
Contributions to the History of Concepts     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 7)
Journal of Critical Realism     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 7)
Metaphilosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 7)
Philosophical Investigations     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 7)
Philosophical Issues     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 7)
Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 7)
Journal of Speculative Philosophy     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 7)
Contagion : Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 7)
Dialogue Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 7)
Nordic Journal of Aesthetics     Open Access   (Followers: 7)
Creativity Studies     Open Access   (Followers: 7)
Axiomathes     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
Contemporary Chinese Thought     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 6)
History and Philosophy of Logic     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
Think     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 6)
Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
Philosophical Magazine Letters     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
The Southern Journal of Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 6)
Journal of Nietzsche Studies     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 6)
Aisthesis     Open Access   (Followers: 6)
Australasian Catholic Record, The     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 6)
International Journal of the Platonic Tradition     Open Access   (Followers: 6)
Endeavour     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 5)
Philosophical Papers     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
Studies in Philology     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 5)
Critical Horizons     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 5)
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
The Philosophical Forum     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
South African Journal of Philosophy = Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
Franciscan Studies     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
Church Heritage     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Philosophy in Review     Open Access   (Followers: 4)
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 4)
Theoria     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 4)
Estudos Bíblicos     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Bijdragen     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
Studia Logica     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Topoi     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 3)
Grazer Philosophische Studien     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
Utopian Studies     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
CR : The New Centennial Review     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
The Pluralist     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
Australian Humanist, The     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
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Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
Kantian Review     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 3)
Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie     Open Access   (Followers: 3)
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Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Revue Philosophique de Louvain     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 2)
Sartre Studies International     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 2)
Journal of Scottish Philosophy     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 2)
Quaestio     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 2)
Poiesis & Praxis : International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Journal of Aesthetic Education     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 2)
Philosophy & Theory in Biology     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
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Journal of Friends of Lutheran Archives     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 2)
Between the Species     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
Cultura : International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology     Open Access   (Followers: 2)
International Journal for the Study of Skepticism     Hybrid Journal   (Followers: 2)
International Journal of Technoethics     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 2)
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Ethische Perspectieven     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 1)
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Estudios de Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
Veritas : Revista de Filosofí­a y Teología     Open Access   (Followers: 1)
PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature     Full-text available via subscription   (Followers: 1)
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Límite : Revista Interdisciplinaria de Filosofía y Psicología     Open Access  
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Collingwood and British Idealism Studies     Full-text available via subscription  
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Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe     Open Access  
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Synthesis (La Plata)     Open Access  
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Alpha (Osorno)     Open Access  
Circe de clásicos y modernos     Open Access  
Doctor virtualis     Open Access  
Humanidades Médicas     Open Access  
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Labyrinthe     Open Access  
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Poiesis & Praxis : International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science
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  • International entrepreneurial startups' location under uncertainty through
           a heterogeneous multi-layer decision-making approach: evidence and
           application of an emerging economy

    • Authors: Seyed Hossein Razavi Hajiagha , Niloofar Ahmadzadeh Kandi , Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji , Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi , Shide Sadat Hashemi
      Abstract: Science and technology parks (STPs) have a limited capacity, which can create challenging conditions for applicants. This makes the location selection a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem to find and apply for the most appropriate STP with the highest accordance with the startup's requirements. This research aims to select the most appropriate STP to locate an international entrepreneurial pharmaceutical startup under uncertainty. Since drugs are generally produced domestically in developing countries such as Iran, the access of pharmaceutical startups to the resources provided by STPs can lead to overcoming competitors and improving the country's health system. In this research, the factors or attributes effective on startup location were extracted through a two-round Delphi method, which was performed among 15 experts within three groups. Subsequently, the determining factors were used to select the location of a pharmaceutical startup among possible STPs. In this regard, decision-makers were allowed to use different types of numbers to transfer their opinion. Afterward, the heterogeneous weighted aggregated sum product assessment (HWASPAS) method was applied to calculate the score of each alternative and rank them to place the studied startup successfully. The results indicated that Tehran STP stands in the first place; however, if the decision was made based on single criterion like cost, some other STPs could be preferable, and many managers would lose this choice. Furthermore, the results of the proposed method were close to other popular heterogeneous MCDM approaches. A heterogeneous WASPAS is developed in this article for the first time to enable international entrepreneurs to imply their opinion with various values and linguistic variables to reduce the emphasis on accurate data in an uncertain environment.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-11-01
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0387
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  • Entrepreneurial influencers and influential entrepreneurs: two sides
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    • Authors: Nataly Guiñez-Cabrera , Claudio Aqueveque
      Abstract: Drawing on push and pull entrepreneurship theory, this research investigates how and why social media users become social media influencers (SMIs), a specific type of digital entrepreneur. Adopting a phenomenological perspective and following a process approach, a total of 35 semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with SMIs of different ages, follower numbers and associated with diverse areas of expertise. Subsequently, via interpretative analysis of interviewees' narratives and reasons for becoming SMIs, relevant motivations and events were uncovered and described. The findings showcase two types of SMIs: “Entrepreneurial Influencers” and “Influential Entrepreneurs”. Their motivations and the path they followed on their entrepreneurial efforts were also uncovered. Finally, based on these findings, a new entrepreneurial motivational driver is proposed. Public entrepreneurial incentive policies should consider SMIs as a specific type of would-be entrepreneurs with some advantage in terms of prominence and reputation, which might help them to successfully initiate and consolidate traditional entrepreneurial activities. This paper is among the first to examine SMIs from an entrepreneurial perspective, contributing to the nascent digital entrepreneurship literature.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
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  • Organizational justice and employee entrepreneurial intentions in South

    • Authors: Boris Urban , Jeremia Moloi
      Abstract: Notwithstanding the extensive body of knowledge on entrepreneurial intentions, there seems to be relatively little research on explaining intentions in the corporate entrepreneurship context, nor has organizational justice been previously linked with employee entrepreneurial intentions (EEI). The purpose of this study is to determine to what extent different dimensions of organizational justice are associated with EEI. The study context is the financial and services sector where technology enabled banking solutions have become the norm, and the need for entrepreneurial behavior has become essential in this industry. Survey data are collected (n = 204) from full-time employees working in the South African financial services sector. Initially instrument validity and reliability is tested and the hypotheses are investigated using multiple regression analyses. Across the dimensions, results reveal positive yet non-significant relationships with EEI. However, as a control variable gender plays an important role in the relationship between procedural justice (PRCJ) and EEI. The findings are supplemented with a qualitative assessment that adds value and helps explain the results. Corporate managers must foster EEI while at the same time considering perceptions of workplace justice in terms of interactional justice, distributive justice and PRCJ. By combining insights from two sources of literature – organizational justice and EEI, a clear empirical contribution is made to the literature that opens up avenues for future research. Moreover, given that the original scales have primarily been employed in developed economies, by verifying their psychometric properties in an African market context, this now allows for replication studies to take place in other emerging market contexts.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-10-20
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-12-2020-0824
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The motivation behind an international entrepreneurial career after first
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    • Authors: Demetris Vrontis , Hani El Chaarani , Sam El Nemar , Zouhour EL-Abiad , Rayan Ali , Eleni Trichina
      Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to extend the current literature on international entrepreneurial careers by employing the structural equation modeling (SEM) technique. It mainly aims at identifying determinants of international entrepreneurial intentions among young people and after their first employment experience in Lebanon. The paper uses SEM on a sample of 150 young Lebanese employees to analyze the relationships among the model constructs. The SEM broadly holds and adequately fits the data. The entrepreneurship context and the motivation of young employees are the variables that positively affect entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurship education and social norms have no statistically significant impact. Finally, risk awareness and professional experience are the variables that negatively affect entrepreneurial intentions. The level of international entrepreneurial intentions among young Lebanese employees is relatively low, which may be justified by the bad economic and political situation. Data were drawn from organizations located in a specific geographical area, namely, Lebanon. Thus, this may constrain the generalizability as well as causality of the results. This study provides an empirical explanation of having an international entrepreneurial career after the first employment experience, with a sample of 150 young employees in Lebanon. By applying the SEM, this study developed a multi-perspective framework covering various factors that may affect the choice of an international career in entrepreneurship, especially after the first job experience. Even though this study's results reflect a particular case, its recommendations could facilitate the achievement of better learning outcomes.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
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      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Next-generation business models for artificial intelligence start-ups in
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    • Authors: Ignat Kulkov
      Abstract: Value creation based on artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly change global healthcare. Diagnostics, therapy and drug discovery start-ups are some key forces behind this change. This article aims to study the process of start-ups' value creation within healthcare. A multiple case study method and a business model design approach were used to study nine European start-ups developing AI healthcare solutions. Obtained information was performed using within and cross-case analysis. Three unique design elements were established, with 16 unique frames and three unifying design themes based on business models for AI healthcare start-ups. Our in-depth framework focuses on the features of AI start-up business models in the healthcare industry. We contribute to the business model and business model innovation by systematically analyzing value creation, how it is delivered to customers, and communication with market participants, as well as design themes that combine start-ups and categorize them by specialization.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
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  • Good option or only option' Poverty, disability, health and enterprise

    • Authors: Laura Jackman , Laura Galloway , Isla Kapasi , Rebecca Stirzaker , Andreea Mihut
      Abstract: This paper aims to explore experiences of poverty in the enterprise amongst people with a disability or long-term health challenges. This paper departs somewhat from established wisdom about economic or financial drivers of enterprise by exploring why a disabled individual would start and continue to operate in a business where that business is providing income-poverty. In so doing, it subscribes to the idea that the enterprise involves reflexive engagement of an agent in context where value(s) of the enterprise other than financial may be prioritised. The research draws from a larger qualitative study of self-employment and poverty in which half the sample (21 individuals) identified as experiencing disability or poor health. Semi-structured interviews were conducted these participants and a thematic analysis with specific reference to Theory of Venturing, which proposes that the value of enterprise is reflexively and idiosyncratically understood and morphogenetic, was used to explore itinerant issues, experiences and challenges. In line with the theory, findings include that disability and poor health are observed to be both prompters and shapers of an enterprise and that the value of enterprise is not always primarily associated with financial wealth for the participants in the sample. Flexibility and autonomy are attractive features of self-employment for some in the face of an inflexible and sometimes hostile labour market. This paper demonstrates that engaging in enterprise is motivated by an agent's reflexive evaluation of value(s) and how that enables them to navigate their structural condition(s); this contribution enhances theoretical approaches to enterprise and business creation by illuminating some of its diversity. This paper also contributes some much needed data about a group who are under-represented in the enterprise literature despite being over-represented in practice. There are implications and recommendations for policy and practice in the exposure and analysis of the issues emerging.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
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  • Sustainable entrepreneurship education for circular economy: emerging
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    • Authors: Pasquale Del Vecchio , Giustina Secundo , Gioconda Mele , Giuseppina Passiante
      Abstract: The paper aims to contribute to the Circular Economy debate from the Entrepreneurship Education perspective. Despite scholars' growing interest in both these research streams, scarce consideration is given to the comprehension of their mutual implications and meaning. The paper is based on a cross-case analysis. It compares 16 higher education programmes launched by Universities in Europe aimed to create competences and skills for Circular Economy in students with different profiles. The analysis provides a critical view of the emerging trends for the entrepreneurship education skills and competencies needed for the emerging circular entrepreneurship paradigm. The paper discusses the main trends of Entrepreneurship Education focused on Circular Economy debate at the European level: rationale and learning objectives (why); contents (what), target students and stakeholders (who) and the learning processes (how). Four thematic areas are identified as common patterns: circular economy business model, green supply chain management, technology entrepreneurship and innovation and public policies and institutional frameworks. The paper sheds new light on a still under-researched area, suggesting several implications and avenues for future research in Circular Economy and Entrepreneurship Education. Limitations regard the need to analyse education programmes from a larger geographical area, to take into consideration interesting experiences in the rest of the world and to also collect quantitative data. Practical implications arise for the development of learning initiatives for the Circular Economy: learning objectives and new thematic areas focused on circular, sustainable and innovative rethinking of the process for creating value in the incumbent companies; exploring meaning and benefits of collaborative approaches and participation in the circular economy innovation ecosystem and developing advanced models for soft-skills development in terms of leadership, motivational and creative skills. The debate on CE can also be rooted in the paradigm of entrepreneurship as a core process to advance knowledge on valuable and sustainable innovation.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-10-08
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-03-2021-0210
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Socioemotional wealth and human resource policies: effects on family firm

    • Authors: Juan David Peláez-León , Gregorio Sánchez-Marín
      Abstract: This study analyses whether human resource management (HRM), through the use of four sets of high-performance work policies (HPWPs) (i.e. selection, training, motivation and opportunity policies), mediates the relationship between socioemotional wealth (SEW)—defined as a unique set of nonfinancial family goals—and firm financial performance when family firms face a high-risk context. Hypotheses were statistically tested using a structural equation modeling (SEM) methodology with a cross-sectional sample of 196 medium-sized and private family firms in a high-risk context in Spain. The results indicate that the relationship between SEW and financial performance in family firms is fully mediated by the use of HPWPs, especially by training and motivation HR policies. The importance given to preserving SEW influences the use of four sets of HPWPs when family firms show clear evidence of being confronted by a financial decline (i.e. a high-risk context). However, to improve their financial results to avoid the firm's failure and thus the loss of their SEW, only those HR policies that focus on training and motivation made a significant and positive contribution to the firm financial performance. This study contributes to the literature on family firms and HRM by adopting an alternative theoretical framework to understand how the importance of nonfinancial family goals may affect employee structures and management policies, thereby improving financial performance in family firms.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-10-07
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0404
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The life expectancy of tech start-ups in India: what attributes impact
           tech start-ups' failures'

    • Authors: Ganesaraman Kalyanasundaram , Sitaram Ramachandrula , Bala Subrahmanya Mungila Hillemane
      Abstract: Entrepreneurs nurture their ambitions of founding tech start-ups that facilitate significant innovations despite vulnerability and considerable uncertainty by resolutely addressing multiple challenges to avert failures. The paper aims to answer how soon do tech start-ups fail, given their lifecycle comprising multiple stages of formation and what attributes hasten failure of tech start-ups over their lifecycle' These questions have not been answered adequately, particularly in the context of India's emerging economy, where an aspiring start-up ecosystem is striving to flourish at an exceptional rate. The study addressed two specific objectives: (1) Does life expectancy vary between life-cycle stages' and (2) What attributes impact tech start-ups' failures' Primary data were gathered from 151 cofounders (101 who have experienced failure and 50 who are successful and continuing their operations) from India's 6 leading start-up hubs. The survival analysis techniques were used, including non-parametric Kaplan–Meier estimator, to study the first objective and semi-parametric Cox proportional hazard regression to explore the second objective. The survival probability log-rank statistics ascertain that life expectancy is different across the life-cycle stages, namely emergence, stability and growth. The hazard ratios (HRs) throw light on attributes like stage, revenue, conflict with investors, number of current start-ups, cofounder experience, level of confidence (LoC) and educational qualifications as the key attributes that influence start-up life expectancy over its lifecycle. The empirical study on tech start-ups' life expectancy has practical implications for entrepreneurs and investors besides guiding the ecosystem's policymakers. First, the study helps entrepreneurs plan for resources and be aware of their start-up journey's potential pitfalls. Second, the study helps investors to establish the engagement framework and plan their future funding strategy. Third, the study helps policymakers to design and establish progressive support mechanisms that can prevent a start-up's failure. First and foremost, start-up life expectancy study by life-cycle stages provide detailed insights on start-ups' failures. The theoretical framework defined is replicable, scalable and distinctly measurable for studying the start-up failure phenomenon. The life expectancy of tech start-ups by life-cycle stage is a critical empirical contribution. Next, the attributes impacting start-up life expectancy are identified in the context of an emerging economy.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-10-04
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0025
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Transmission of family identity and consumer response: do consumers
           recognize family firms'

    • Authors: María José Ibáñez , Manuel Alonso Dos Santos , Orlando Llanos-Contreras
      Abstract: Communicating the identity of a family business generates positive results in consumer response. The paper aims to understanding how the efficient transmission of family identity can influence consumer behavior is essential for designing family firms' marketing communication strategies. An experimental study based on the eye-tracking technique was designed to determine how attention to (familiar vs non-familiar) visual stimuli on a website influences consumer recognition of a family firm status and how it influences consumer behavior. A sample of 212 individuals was exposed to (simulated) websites of family and non-family firms in the hospitality industry to capture information about their eye movements and measure visual attention to specific stimuli that communicated family identity. Visual attention has a direct and positive influence on recognizing family firm's identity (FFI). Through FFI, visual attention has an indirect positive effect on trust in the company and attitude toward the brand (BraAtt). Trust in a firm positively affects purchase intention (PurInt). It is known that consumers can perceive a FFI; however, there is no study on the sensory mechanisms operating in consumers' perceptions of family identity. The study contributes to understanding how consumers can perceive a FFI. This study proposes a novel method for evaluating consumer responses by transmitting family business identity on digital platforms.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-30
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0401
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Entrepreneurial dynamics in two-sided platforms: the influence of sides in
           the case of Friendz

    • Authors: Daniel Trabucchi , Tommaso Buganza
      Abstract: Two or multi-sided platforms - defined as those companies that aim to connect two or more groups of customers leveraging the opportunities provided by indirect network externalities – got massive attention from both scholars and practitioners over the last decade. Entrepreneurship scholars mainly focused on the platform's ability to enable entrepreneurial ventures for the complementors' side, exploring the network-centric view. This study aims to expand it by exploring the broader influence that sides can have on the platform provider's entrepreneurial decisions over time, during the evolution of the two-sided platform. The study is based on a longitudinal single case study developed over five years. The research presents the born and evolution of Friendz, an Italian two-sided platform. The research presents a four-phases evolution process that shows how the entrepreneurs may first leverage an existing platform to develop a new venture and then develop his/her own two-sided platform. In this latter phase, the findings show how the sides may actually influence the platform provider's entrepreneurial decisions, both in terms of value proposition design, but also regarding the creation of new ventures. The study contributes to the two-sided platform literature highlighting new evolutionary paths that expand current literature and highlight the doubling platform approach. Moreover, it contributes to the entrepreneurship literature offering a novel perspective on the entrepreneurial dynamics in two-sided platforms by re-balancing the power between the platform provider and the sides within the double network-centric view. From a practitioners' perspective, this study offers an evolutionary path and specific tactics related to the evolution of an entrepreneurial venture based on a two-sided platforms that may inspire entrepreneurs working on two-sided platforms on how to use existing platforms and on the management of sides and the value propositions used to target them. This study takes a novel perspective at the intersection between platforms and entrepreneurship literature streams, exploring the power that sides have over the platform provider in shaping the platform's entrepreneurial evolution. In doing so, it proposes a double network view on two-sided platforms and highlights three network-related tensions that can guide the evolution of the two-sided platforms.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-28
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0076
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The role of sociomaterial assemblage on entrepreneurship in

    • Authors: Muhammad Mahmood Aslam , Ricarda Bouncken , Lars Görmar
      Abstract: Coworking-spaces are considered as a new formula to facilitate autonomy, creativity, self-efficacy, work satisfaction and innovation, yet they also might overburden their users who in that course intend to limit social interaction and collaboration in the workspace. Thus, the question is how coworking-spaces shape entrepreneurial ventures. This study used an inductive research methodology based on data from three different data sources, including observations, archives and interviews from managers and entrepreneurs. The findings suggest that the materiality in the form of spatial architectures (working, socialization and support structures) shared facilities and infrastructures (utilities, luxuries and specialties), and integrated digital technologies (applications and platforms) influence the flow of communication, internal and external linkages, as well as functional uniformity and distinctiveness. However, there exists an inherent dualism in sociomaterial assemblage in coworking-spaces, which can lead to instrumental and detrimental outcomes for entrepreneurs. This study explains the role of sociomaterial assemblage on the working of entrepreneurs in shared workspaces.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-24
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-07-2021-0564
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • A personal values view of international entrepreneurial intention

    • Authors: Mohammad Akhtar Ammeer , Mohamed Yacine Haddoud , Adah-Kole Emmanuel Onjewu
      Abstract: Recognising the shortage of research investigating the effect of individual characteristics in cross-border entrepreneurship, this study models the dimensions of personal values as predictors of international entrepreneurship. Also, noting the paucity of evidence on the influence of ethnicity and gender in the personal values and international entrepreneurship nexus, the study undertakes a multi-group analysis to clarify the moderating effects of these social antecedents in the context of Mauritius. Cross-sectional data from Mauritius is examined using a sample of 504 students spread across six universities. The analysis takes a structural equation modelling approach. The results show that, comparing the distinct personal values dimensions, international entrepreneurship has a positive association with self-enhancement and openness to change. Furthermore, it has a non-significant relationship with self-transcendence and a negative connection with conservation. Also, the multi-group analyses revealed significant differences in the individual correlations across gender and ethnic categories. Building on emerging empirical interest in the literature, this study presents novel evidence of the link between personal values and international entrepreneurial intention in the context of Mauritius. Additionally, examining the moderating influence of ethnicity and gender in the personal values, international entrepreneurship nexus advances current literature. On a practical level, the study offers insights to universities and other stakeholders tasked with nurturing international entrepreneurial behaviour among students to contemplate personal and social antecedents and, accordingly, adapt their entrepreneurship pedagogy.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-21
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-06-2021-0480
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The impact of bridging social capital in family firms' performance:
           exploring the mediation role of successor's social skills

    • Authors: Hedi Yezza , Didier Chabaud , Léo Paul Dana , Adnane Maalaoui
      Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of bridging social capital on the financial and non-financial performance of family businesses and explores the mediation role of social skills in the context of family succession. A quantitative study, through questionnaires, was conducted among 105 Tunisian family firms that have experienced a family succession for at least one year. The PLS-SEM analysis method was used to test the research hypothesis. Results show that an increase in external social capital is positively associated with financial performance and family-centred non-economic goals, whereas social skills mediate this positive relationship. The proposed model aims to test the direct effect of bridging social capital on family firms' performance and exploring the mediation role of the successor's social skills.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-20
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0032
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Theorizing artificial intelligence acceptance and digital entrepreneurship

    • Authors: Nitin Upadhyay , Shalini Upadhyay , Yogesh K. Dwivedi
      Abstract: This paper aims to determine the entrepreneur's intention to accept artificial intelligence (AI) and provide advancement in the domain of digital entrepreneurship. Extensive literature review and theories have been considered in the area of technology adoption/acceptance and digital entrepreneurship to identify the factors affecting the intention of entrepreneurs with respect to accept AI for digital entrepreneurship. Further, a model, artificial intelligence acceptance and digital entrepreneurship (AIADE) is theorized after formulating some hypotheses. The theorized model has been validated with 476 useable responses. The findings revealed that performance expectancy, openness, social influence, hedonic motivations and generativity have a positive impact on entrepreneur's acceptance intention of AI. Additionally, affordance has no direct relationship with AI acceptance intention, but it affects AI acceptance intention through attitude. Inconvenience has a significant negative relationship with the intention to accept AI, while uncertainty was found to be positively affecting the AI acceptance intention. Effort expectancy did not confirm any significant relationship. By considering existing theoretical models and concepts the authors contribute to the AI's theoretical progress, specifically in the domain of entrepreneurship. The authors complement and extend existing technology adoption/acceptance theories and digital entrepreneurship theories by developing a theoretical model, AIADE, explaining the entrepreneur's intention to accept AI. The practical implications of the study show that performance expectancy (positive), openness (positive), social influence (positive), hedonic motivations (positive), generativity (positive), affordance through attitude (positive), uncertainty (positive), effort expectancy (negative) and inconvenience (negative) are the antecedents for the entrepreneurs to accept AI for digital entrepreneurship. The authors suggest that intentional improvement planning is developed by increasing entrepreneur's positive perceptions of AI affordance and explanation of its generativity and openness, and improving their attitude of using AI for digital entrepreneurship. This is the first study that reveals the critical antecedents of entrepreneur's intention to accept AI for digital entrepreneurship. Relevant theoretical background, discussion, implications, limitations and future research recommendations are discussed.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-20
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0052
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Social entrepreneurship finance: the gaps in an innovative discipline

    • Authors: Nadiya Parekh , Laurence Attuel-Mendès
      Abstract: Social entrepreneurship is gaining increased attention from academia and practitioners worldwide. Owing to its financing challenges, academic pedagogies are seeking methods to strengthen the social financing dimension of this emerging discipline. This paper bridges the gap in social entrepreneurship education by portraying diverse perspectives on this topic from multiple actors in two cross-cultural contexts. A qualitative case analysis was conducted to explore financing aspects of social entrepreneurship in France and the United States. The authors interviewed academicians and practitioners to learn about their current experiments and thoughts on integrating finance into the curriculum for social entrepreneurship. The authors found multiple facets of the social entrepreneurship finance construct, focused not only on specific financial skills but also on a general approach to venture designs. Multidisciplinary knowledge is sought not just on the topic of finance but also in other disciplines that can broaden its scope of financing to a larger investor domain. While in France, this came out as a need for integrating the financial communication skills to personify the social value creation process; in the US, it was pointed out as the need for having a contractual knowledge to differentiate investment opportunities and comprehend their risks levels. By bringing perspectives from multiple actors who have had experience in social entrepreneurship financing in regions with the fastest development, this paper is seminal in bridging the financing skill gaps that exist in social entrepreneurship discipline. The main theoretical contribution of this article concerns the skills, financial and otherwise that are useful in social finance.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-16
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0397
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Learning to not belong: entrepreneurial learning experiences of women
           high-tech entrepreneurs

    • Authors: Elin Kubberød , Sally Jones , Inger Beate Pettersen
      Abstract: The influence of gender on high-tech entrepreneurship is of growing interest worldwide, as scholars argue that women face gendered barriers specific to this field. Although some gender-focussed research exists on the interplay of context and entrepreneurial learning, these issues have yet to be intensively studied, and the research aims to address this gap. The research draws upon empirical evidence from the entrepreneurial learning of nine women opportunity entrepreneurs in the high-technology sector in Norway. It employs a qualitative phenomenological approach, with retrospective and in-depth interviews to capture and analyse the entrepreneurs' lived experiences and learning histories. The entrepreneurs in this study highlight gendered learning experiences, leading them to make conscious and strategic decisions of both alignment and resistance to negotiate their enterprise in a highly masculine sector. Their prior learning histories of not belonging seem to underpin their preparedness for entrepreneurship in the sector. Counter to prevailing theorizing, not belonging is an enabling condition, allowing women entrepreneurs to subvert and challenge a highly masculinized context. This condition empowers them to mobilize their “otherness” to create change within their own ventures and make the rules on their own terms. This interdisciplinary research deepens the understanding of the interplay between gender, entrepreneurial learning and context through the concept of belonging and extends theorization of the gendered dynamics in entrepreneurial learning histories. The paper proposes a framework of gendered entrepreneurial learning in a masculinized industry context, which highlights important implications for future gender and entrepreneurial learning research.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-16
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-07-2020-0504
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Socially responsible teaching of entrepreneurship: exploring the
           unfavorable aspects of entrepreneurial action

    • Authors: José Osvaldo De Sordi , Wanderlei Lima Paulo , Mirian Siqueira Gonçalves , Marcia Carvalho de Azevedo , Roberto Coda
      Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to discuss whether, in entrepreneurship disciplines, professors address equally the positive and negative aspects associated with being an entrepreneur. The literature shows that entrepreneurship professors are enthusiastic about entrepreneurial action, and there may be a bias toward predominant emphasis on positive aspects. The case study strategy was used to analyze disciplines that qualify entrepreneurship professors. The content analysis technique was applied to the description of the discipline contents and texts from the most frequently used literatures. The selected case (the country) satisfied the condition of having a regulatory agency that evaluates courses and also provides descriptive records of the disciplines that are taught. It was observed that the topics discussed in the disciplines, as well as the texts of the most frequently used articles, contain a higher volume of messages that are positive and favorable toward the entrepreneurial act. Negative effects or aspects of entrepreneurship are addressed superficially. This article provides important reflections on the activities of those who teach entrepreneurship, as well as editors and reviewers of entrepreneurship journals. Regarding the former, when preparing the content of their disciplines, and for the latter, when evaluating articles, bearing in mind that their articles are also used by students and professors from countries with less developed economies. Exploring the myths of entrepreneurship, especially the claim that everyone is capable of becoming an entrepreneur and that entrepreneurship promotes economic development, the risk of becoming an entrepreneur was addressed, especially in countries with less developed economies. From this viewpoint, issues regarding the responsible teaching of entrepreneurship were addressed, along with the need to focus equally on the favorable and unfavorable aspects of entrepreneurship.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-14
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-02-2021-0126
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Entrepreneurial learning among practices: aesthetic and sensible knowledge
           in the life trajectory of entrepreneurs

    • Authors: Sérgio Vogt , Yara Lucia Mazziotti Bulgacov , Sara R.S.T.A. Elias
      Abstract: Using the concept of knowing-in-practice (KinP), and drawing from current understandings of aesthetic and sensible knowledge within organization studies, this study explores how the entrepreneurial learning (EL) process unfolds over time, throughout the lives of startup founders, well before entrepreneurial action takes place. Using a life histories approach, 25 interviews were conducted with the founders of 18 startups. Additional 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted with other startups' founders, focusing on thematic stories. Data were analyzed using abduction and narrative analysis. Although each entrepreneur's history is unique, the authors show that entrepreneurs' lives are generally a texture of practices, resulting in aesthetic–sensible knowledge that is developed as entrepreneurs participate in various social practices. This includes KinP episodes where perceptive-sensorial faculties are fundamental for entrepreneurs to perceive the world, recognize/create opportunities and launch a business. The historical approach did not allow the authors to witness firsthand the practices and KinP episodes that participants verbalized. Regardless, the results show that aesthetic and sensible knowledge provide a fruitful lens for investigating EL while highlighting the indissoluble relationship between practice and learning. Although the senses have been recognized as fundamental for learning in organizations, entrepreneurship scholars have yet to explore the aesthetic and sensory processes involved in EL. The primary contribution of this paper is to develop a new understanding of the situated nature of EL as a process that starts well before entrepreneurial action occurs, stemming from entrepreneurs' experiencing of certain practices and the aesthetic and sensible knowledge they build over their life trajectory.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-09
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-04-2020-0204
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Decoding the nascent entrepreneurial pitch

    • Authors: Margarietha de Villiers Scheepers , Renee Barnes , Laura Kate Garrett
      Abstract: This paper investigates how early-stage founders use the 60-s nascent pitch to attract co-founders, by applying the narrative paradigm. Videos of supported and non-supported pitches from Startup Weekend were analysed using the Grounded Theory Method. The findings were used to develop a framework for a successful nascent pitch. It shows that founders who can engage the audience, convey credibility and use symbols effectively are more likely to attract co-founders. Bringing these three elements together through personalisation, that is, making the startup concept tangible and personally relevant for co-founders to visualise, enables the founder to talk a venture into existence. This paper holds implications for founders and entrepreneurship mentors to craft a powerful, persuasive pitch by drawing on the framework. The framework brings a holistic understanding to the nascent pitch and explains how nascent founders acquire human resources at one of the earliest stages of venture formation. In this way, concerns of prior fragmented approaches focussed only on narrative elements of investment pitches are addressed.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-09-03
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-10-2020-0673
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Teaming up in entrepreneurship education: does the team formation mode

    • Authors: Jan P. Warhuus , Franziska Günzel-Jensen , Sarah Robinson , Helle Neergaard
      Abstract: This paper investigates the importance of team formation in entrepreneurship education, and the authors ask: how do different team formation strategies influence teamwork in higher education experiential learning-based entrepreneurship courses' Employing a multiple case study design, the authors examine 38 student teams from three different entrepreneurship courses with different team formation paths to uncover potential links between team formation and learning outcomes. The authors find that team formation mode matters. Randomly assigned teams, while diverse, struggle with handling uncertainty and feedback from potential stakeholders. In contrast, student self-selected teams are less diverse but more robust in handling this pressure. Results suggest that in randomly assigned teams, the entrepreneurial project becomes the team's sole reference point for well-being. Seeking to protect the project, the team's ability to deal with uncertainty and external feedback is limited, stifling development. In student self-select teams, team well-being becomes a discrete reference point. This enables these teams to respond effectively to external project feedback while nurturing team well-being independently. Education theories' implications about the benefit of team diversity may not apply to experiential learning-based entrepreneurship education's typical level of ambiguity and uncertainty. Therefore, educators may have to reconsider the unique dynamics of team formation strategies to ensure strong teamwork and teamwork outcomes.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-08-26
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-10-2020-0701
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Digital business models in cultural tourism

    • Authors: Salvatore Ammirato , Alberto Michele Felicetti , Roberto Linzalone , Daniela Carlucci
      Abstract: Digitalization had a relevant impact on the cultural tourism sector, both demand and supply. If, on the one hand, advances in digital technologies provided tourists with new mobile services able to amplify the cultural experience, on the other hand, they catalyzed the development of new business models by digital enterprises. This paper has a twofold purpose: to detect business models and key characteristics of mobile apps for cultural tourism and to analyze the offering of app-based services in this sector. The authors defined a methodology to identify, characterize and analyze a particular category of digital products for cultural tourism: app-based services. They are studied in terms of value creation, proposition and capture with the aim to identify the distinctive features of business models. As a result, the authors identified a classification framework on three main dimensions, namely “how to exploit mobile app features to create value for cultural tourists” (value creation), “which valuable services are delivered to cultural tourists” (value proposition) and “how companies are rewarded for the value they offered” (value capture). The authors apply the framework to perform a situation analysis of app-based services in the cultural tourism market. The analysis highlights that digital enterprises offering app-based services do not fully exploit advances in technologies about users' value requirements. Hence, the results of our work suggest some directions that digital enterprises may follow to better exploit mobile app technology. To date, little research has been devoted to investigating cultural tourism business models involving the exploitation of mobile app-based services. This research provides a useful framework to analyze fundamental aspects of business models in this sector. Such a framework represents a practical tool that provides fruitful insights for the design of a new generation of app-based services within the so-called “Internet of things” domain.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-08-25
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0070
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Equity crowdfunding platforms and social media: a Twitter analysis

    • Authors: Enrico Battisti , Elvira Anna Graziano , Michael Christofi
      Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the central users (hubs) in the dissemination of equity crowdfunding (EC) news on social media, with particular regard to Twitter. Specifically, the study explores some aspects related to the diffusion of news through social networks concerning EC. Through a social network analysis (SNA) technique the authors define an understanding of the users' network that is created on Twitter when it comes to crowdfunding. Using Twitter data, the authors identify the central actors on the social network that produce and/or disseminate information about crowdfunding tools. The results indicate that a large number of users tweeted about EC in relation to the introduction of the most important Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Consob) Regulation n. 20264 of 17/01/2018 on an equity model at the beginning of 2018; the growth in the use of this instrument in the first quarter of 2019 and the publication of Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Consob) Regulation n. 21110 of 10/10/2019. Moreover, the authors find that in the case of tweets concerning EC, the operators of the sector, with particular regard to crowdfunding platforms, are central to the network, followed by traditional and specialised media. The results shed new light on a still unexplored research field concerning the diffusion of news about EC from a platform's perspective. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first explorative study that jointly investigates an EC model and social media in the Italian market, considering the impacts of two different and important regulations. In particular, this study contributes to the literature on EC by clarifying some new aspects related to the diffusion of news through Twitter.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-08-19
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0081
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Holistic configural models for sustainable entrepreneurs

    • Authors: Kun-Huang Huarng , Tiffany Hui-Kuang Yu
      Abstract: This research explores causal combinations (personal traits, external factors and self-fulfillment) that could provide holistic views leading to sustainable start-ups via data collected from Taiwanese entrepreneurs. The authors employ five-point Likert scale measurements in the questionnaires and fuzzy-set/Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) for the investigation. The study finds four types of sustainable entrepreneurs. Conservative resilient entrepreneurs have an absence of both openness and neuroticism. Conservative achieving entrepreneurs have an absence of openness and the presence of conscientiousness. Conservative-hired entrepreneurs have an absence of both openness and unemployment. Lastly, conservative opportunistic entrepreneurs exhibit an absence of openness and the presence of business opportunity. The results add to the authors’ knowledge and understanding of the entrepreneurship literature and also offer implications for people who are interested in entrepreneurship as well as to policymakers wanting to promote new start-ups.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-08-19
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0416
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Entrepreneurship, innovation, digitization and digital transformation
           toward a sustainable growth within the pandemic environment

    • Authors: Sorin Gavrila Gavrila , Antonio De Lucas Ancillo
      Abstract: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has taken society, business and industries by surprise leading to a worldwide economic recession, pushing organizations to rethink their business model in order to shift from activity shutdown toward sustainable growth. The purpose of this research is to comprehend the implications and relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation, digitization and digital transformation aspects as the levers to achieve this goal. Following the existing literature, an empirical approach has been established involving a quantitative analysis of secondary information obtained from official datasets and reports. The COVID-19 pandemic was found to be an unfortunate accelerator regarding both consumers' habits and organizations' innovation and digital transformation, breaking with the past leading to new sustainable growth business models. The research provides an underlying outcome that addresses how wealth and economic value could be generated within the framework of new economic models in a post-pandemic environment. The research highlights how the pandemic has disrupted what was known about sustainable business growth, and how this affects the future of business beyond the pandemic scenario, transforming the way society, businesses and customers interact.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-08-17
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0395
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Entrepreneurial approach for open innovation: opening new opportunities,
           mapping knowledge and highlighting gaps

    • Authors: Giulia Flamini , Massimiliano Matteo Pellegrini , Mohammad Fakhar Manesh , Andrea Caputo
      Abstract: Since the first definition of open innovation (OI), the indivisible relationship between this concept and entrepreneurship was undeniable. However, the exact mechanisms by which an entrepreneurial approach may benefit OI processes and vice versa are not yet fully understood. The study aims to offer an accurate map of the knowledge evolution of the OI–entrepreneurship relationship and interesting gaps to be filled in the future. The study adopted a bibliometric analysis, coupled with a systematic literature review performed over a data set of 106 peer-reviewed articles published from 2005 to 2020 to identify thematic clusters. The results show five thematic clusters: entrepreneurial opportunities, organisational opportunities, strategic partnership opportunities, institutional opportunities and digital opportunities for OI. Investigating each of them, the authors created a framework that highlights future avenues for further developing the topic. This study is the first of its kind to systematise, analyse and critically interpret the literature concerned with the topic of the OI–entrepreneurship.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-08-03
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0079
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Quality evaluation model of artificial intelligence service for startups

    • Authors: Chang Hwa Baek , Seong-Young Kim , Sung Uk Lim , Jie Xiong
      Abstract: This paper aims to develop a quality evaluation model for artificial intelligence (AI)-based products/services that is applicable to startups utilizing AI technology. Although AI-based service has risen dramatically and replaced many service offerings, in reality, startups are rarely to develop and evaluate AI services. The features of AI service are fundamentally different from the properties of existing services and have a great influence on the customer's service selection. This paper reviews startups' development process, existing quality evaluation models and characteristics of services utilizing AI technology, and develops a quality evaluation model for AI-based services. A detailed analysis of a survey (application of the model) on customer satisfaction for AI speakers is provided. This paper provides seven key features and 24 evaluation items for evaluating AI-based services. This paper contributes to the growing need for methodologies that reflect the new era of AI-based products/services in quality evaluation research.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-08-03
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-03-2021-0223
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Ethnicity and bank lending before and during COVID-19

    • Authors: Marc Cowling , Weixi Liu , Elaine Conway
      Abstract: Using ethnicity as our point of focus, the authors consider the dynamics of the demand for bank loans, and the willingness of banks to supply them, as the UK economy entered the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 with a particular focus on potential behavioural differences on the demand-side and discrimination on the supply-side. In doing so we directly address crisis induced financial concerns and how they played out in the context of ethnicity. Using the most recent ten quarterly waves of the UK SME Finance Monitor survey the authors consider whether ethnicity of the business owner impacts on the decision to apply for bank loans in the first instance. The authors then question whether ethnicity influences the banks decision to meet or reject the request for a bank loan. The authors’ pre-COVID-19 results show that there were no ethnic differences in loan application and success rates. During COVID-19, both white and ethnic business loan application rates rose significantly, but the scale of this increase was greater for ethnic businesses. The presence of government 100% guaranteed lending also increased general loan success rates, but again the scale of this improvement was greater for ethnic businesses. The authors show very clearly that differences in the willingness of banks to supply loans to SMEs relate very explicitly to firm specific characteristics and ethnicity either plays no additional role or actually leads to improved loan outcomes. The data is for the UK and for a very unique COVID time which may mean that wider generalisability is unwise. Ethnic business owners should not worry about lending discrimination or be discouraged from applying for loans. The authors identify at worst no lending discrimination and at best positive ethnic discrimination. This is one of the largest COVID-19 period studies into the financing of ethnic businesses.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-07-13
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-02-2021-0157
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The behavior of managers handling digital business transformations:
           theoretical issues and preliminary evidence from firms in the
           manufacturing industry

    • Authors: Diego Matricano , Laura Castaldi , Mario Sorrentino , Elena Candelo
      Abstract: Organizational culture plays a central role when dealing with the issue of digital business transformation (DBT). Managers handling a DBT and involved in digital strateging are expected to modify the organizational culture of firms to make it more fitting with the paradigm of digital economy and having more chance of success. Thus, it is noteworthy to inspect the role they can have over DBTs. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the behavior that managers assume when they approach DBTs by investigating whether they act as mentors/facilitators or entrepreneurs/innovators, as coordinators or decision makers. To achieve the above purpose, ten case studies about manufacturing firms have been selected. Case studies, retrieved by the Digital Innovation Observatories of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano, are studied and analyzed by means of a qualitative content analysis on textual data. This allows getting specific insights into organizational culture before and after DBT and about the role played by managers. Achieved results disclose that managers need to modify the organizational culture of their firms to handle a successful DBT. However, firms can assume different organizational culture and thus the role assumed by managers handling a DBT can change as well. To the authors knowledge, this paper is among the first that aim to investigate the role that mangers assume when handling DBTs. In particular, originality lies in the fact that assumed roles are rebuilt in reference to their ability to modify organizational culture.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-07-06
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0077
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • New media marketing as a driver of enterprise country of origin (COO)
           offer in international markets

    • Authors: Demetris Vrontis , Gianpaolo Basile
      Abstract: The paper aims to highlight the role of Web 2.0 in international marketing, shedding light on the relationships existing between the country of origin effect and consumer behavior. The current study, drawn on the country of the origin (COO)W literature and Web 2.0 diffusion data, investigates the relationships between country of origin – seen as an idiosyncratic entrepreneurial offer – and the consumer, within an international marketing framework. Specifically, the paper focuses on the increasing role of Web 2.0 and social media as tools enabling enterprises to create and maintain adaptive and networking capabilities and to implement international marketing strategies. The findings presented here reveal that international marketing is becoming increasingly similar to domestic marketing because of social media development. In other words, it is becoming more and more difficult for international products to contain themselves within single markets as local issues seldom remain local. This paper fills a gap in the international marketing literature focusing on how social media, particularly in a pandemic era, can improve and enhance relationships between the product of origin and consumer behavior both in the assessment and in the actual purchase of products.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-07-06
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0085
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Interfirm collaboration as a performance-enhancing survival strategy
           within the business models of ethnic minority-owned urban restaurants
           affected by COVID-19

    • Authors: James M. Crick , Dave Crick , Shiv Chaudhry
      Abstract: Guided by resource-based theory, this investigation examines the extent to which knowledge sharing as part of interfirm collaboration serves as a performance-enhancing strategy; that is, in the context of assisting ethnic minority-owned urban restaurants to survive during a major market disruption. Specifically, the study features owner-managers' perceptions concerning the evolving environmental circumstances associated with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Data collection took place among owner-managers of urban restaurants in a Canadian city during the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2020. This featured semi-structured interviews with restaurants' owner-managers originating from various ethnic origins together with secondary data where possible. Data analysis followed an adapted Gioia approach. Examples of interfirm collaboration include restaurants' owner-managers leveraging social capital and sharing knowledge about the effects of legislation and health guidelines on operating procedures, together with good and bad practices where firms have pivoted their business models via take-outs, patio dining and in-room dining. Irrespective of the strength of network ties (within and across ethnic communities), owner-managers were motivated to share information to facilitate their survival. Nevertheless, this study raises questions over the extent that certain decision-makers exhibit strategic flexibility responding to environmental conditions together with their respective ability to engage/retain customers plus service-oriented employees. In addition, a question is whether some owner-managers will continue to collaborate with their competitors after COVID-19 ends, and if so, with whom and the magnitude of activities. In particular, “trust” via psychological contracts and “complementary strategies” among partners across coethnic and different ethnic origins are key considerations. A body of knowledge exists addressing the notions of both interfirm collaboration and market disruptions in the broader cross-disciplinary literature. However, the interfirm collaborative practices of small firms with ethnic minority ownership that are otherwise rivals remain under-researched. More specifically, interfirm collaboration as a survival strategy for owner-managers during the market disruption arising from a crisis situation features as an original contribution.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-07-06
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-04-2021-0279
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Entrepreneurial learning in extra-curricular start-up programs for

    • Authors: Jasna Pocek , Diamanto Politis , Jonas Gabrielsson
      Abstract: This study focuses on extra-curricular start-up programs for students at higher educational institutions. It explores the social and situated learning experiences of students who participate in start-up programs, as well as how the processes and outcomes of entrepreneurial learning are potentially shaped by this context. The study follows multiple cohorts of students who have participated in an extra-curricular start-up program managed by three collaborating universities in Greater Copenhagen. The data have been inductively analyzed using semi-structured interviews with students and project managers during and after the start-up program, complemented with project progress reports, observation notes and survey data. The analysis generates a grounded, theoretically informed process model of entrepreneurial learning situated in extra-curricular start-up programs. The model depicts how the immersion, comprehension and co-participation in entrepreneurship as social practice subsequently enables students to expand knowledge structures and develop greater self-confidence in performing entrepreneurship. The model identifies three interconnected components that trigger entrepreneurial learning among students, which allow them to acquire two set of competencies: venture creation competencies and enterprising competencies. The findings offer unique insights into how the social and relational environment influence and shape the learning experience of students, hence filling the research void on entrepreneurial learning in the situated context of extra-curricular enterprise activities. The findings also elucidate how individual learning experiences of students are potentially shaped by the immersion, comprehension and co-participation in entrepreneurship as social practice.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-07-01
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-04-2020-0206
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Causal modelling of failure fears for international entrepreneurs in
           tourism industry: a hybrid Delphi-DEMATEL based approach

    • Authors: Shide Sadat Hashemi , Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji , Mostafa Azari , Seyed Hossein Razavi Hajiagha
      Abstract: This paper aims to recognise and identify fears of failure in the international entrepreneurship ecosystem and find the effects of these fears on each other to reduce these increasing effects and minimise the mental barriers for potential entrepreneurs. Therefore, this research is beneficial to strengthen international entrepreneurial personality and to reduce the shadows of fears on entrepreneurs’ minds. To address this purpose the international tourism industry has been investigated in the emerging economy of Iran. This paper is organised based on experts' opinions, and then factors are identified by literature review and are finalised through the Delphi method with a panel of practical and academic experts. These fears are categorised using a questionnaire and factor analysis (FA) technique. The respondents were entrepreneurship students and tourism entrepreneurs. Subsequently, the effect and importance of fears of failure are scored and ranked by some experts. These fears were analysed through decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) method. The results presented the effects of fears of failure in the international entrepreneurial in the tourism industry and the relationship amongst them. The first two fears are respectively “fears of future” which are caused by the unclear situation; and “fear of losing credit” that is due to the importance of “personal relationships” in Iranians culture. As pointed out by results, “fear of future” is the most effective group of factors that may lead to other fears too. This fear seems important in the international entrepreneurial tourism industry because of future ambiguity. This study indicates the relations between groups of fears and offers some practical and applicable solutions to reduce these effects. To the best knowledge of the authors, analysing the relationship between fears amongst the entrepreneurs has not been investigated previously.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-06-07
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-03-2021-0193
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The digital transformation of entrepreneurial work

    • Authors: Vincenzo Corvello , Monica De Carolis , Saverino Verteramo , Annika Steiber
      Abstract: This paper explores digital transformation's impact on the work of owners in entrepreneurial firms. The interplay between working practices and technology is analyzed, taking into account the organizations' specific contexts. A multiple case study design was applied. Eight cases of entrepreneurial firms, defined as companies that bring new products and services to the market by creating and seizing opportunities, were selected, with the goal to maximize the diversity of cases. The sample includes both small- and medium-sized firms, as well as high- tech and low- tech companies in equal number. Interviews have been used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data, which was analyzed in a structured way. The digital transformation of entrepreneurial work, that is the daily work of entrepreneurs, is an evolutionary, practice-based phenomenon, rather than the result of rational design. The use of different digital tools is interrelated and depends on the characteristics, and dynamics of the surrounding environment. The findings of this study are relevant to entrepreneurs interested in understanding the dynamics of their working practice, to software development firms interested in entrepreneurs as customers and to institutions interested in the education of entrepreneurs. To the best of the authors' knowledge this is the first study which considers the interplay between digital technology and the daily activities of entrepreneurs, considered as a whole. It provides insights on how these interconnected dimensions evolve, thus contributing to understanding the work of entrepreneurs, and as a consequence the dynamics of entrepreneurial firms in the context of digital transformation of organizations.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-06-03
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0067
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The transformative leadership compass: six competencies for digital
           transformation entrepreneurship

    • Authors: Giovanni Schiuma , Eva Schettini , Francesco Santarsiero , Daniela Carlucci
      Abstract: In the digital age, companies require leaders to foster digital transformation entrepreneurship, i.e. the organisational attitude and orientation of the creation of a new business or the development of an existing business by having at the core or embracing digital transformation as the continuous development and application of digital knowledge for companies' value creation. This paper identifies six critical competencies distinguishing the transformative leadership profile supporting enterprises' digital transformation development. The paper, through a critical literature review focussing on three research streams, i.e. wise, transformative and digital leadership, addresses the following research question: What competencies characterise a digital transformative leader promoting and encouraging digital transformation entrepreneurship' Methodologically, first, explorative analysis of the literature has been carried out exploring the role and relevance of leadership in driving companies' digital transformation. Second, focussing on the three leadership perspectives, wise, transformative and digital, the critical features distinguishing each view have been identified. A set of hypotheses has been formulated to develop a framework to profile a digital transformative leader. In the third stage, the framework of the digital transformative leadership compass has been developed. The paper profiles the digital transformative leader, a critical figure in companies competing in the digital age to nurture digital transformation entrepreneurship. Six specific competencies are synthesised and proposed throughout the transformative leadership compass. It is presented as an interpretative framework helpful to understand what affects the organisational culture and behaviours driving digital transformation. The proposed model defines theoretical foundations to operationalise an assessment framework and developing empirical research about leadership characteristics hampering and enabling successful companies' digital transformation. The study proposes a novel framework based upon a critical analysis of the leadership literature. Combining insights gathered from the literature review on transformative, wise and digital leadership, the need for nurturing a transformative digital leadership allowing enterprises to stay competitive and able to change and adapt to the scenario's evolution emerged. Accordingly, the paper defines the digital transformative leader as a leadership profile sustaining organisational and digital transformation. The transformative leadership compass is proposed as a model to outline the critical competencies distinguishing a digital transformative leader capable of driving continuous company innovation and specifically digital transformation entrepreneurship.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-05-13
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0087
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • The impact of the international crisis on the entrepreneurial intentions
           of refugees

    • Authors: Dianne H.B. Welsh , Dalia Othman , Baker Alserhan , Jusuf Zeqiri , Amro Al-Madadha , Veland Ramadani
      Abstract: We investigate the entrepreneurial intentions of a population under crisis — namely, recent Syrian refugees in Jordan — and Jordanian citizens to start small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a structured two-part survey, data were collected through online self-reported questionnaires in which respondents subjectively reported self-perceptions. The first part dealt with respondents’ characteristics and the second with their entrepreneurial intentions. The survey took place in Jordan, sampling Jordanian citizens and Syrian refugees. A nonprobability sampling technique was used to collect the data. The results show that net desirability for self-employment, tolerance for risk and self-efficacy are related to entrepreneurial intentions. We find significant differences between the Syrian refugees and the Jordanian citizens in terms of risk-taking and self-efficacy as determinants of engagement in entrepreneurial activities. This study offers guidance to institutions working with refugees during times of crisis. Implications are discussed.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-05-12
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-02-2021-0150
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Entrepreneurial learning behaviour of community insiders

    • Authors: Dag Håkon Haneberg , Lise Aaboen
      Abstract: The purpose of the present paper is to explore entrepreneurial learning at the centre of communities of practice. Learning perspectives from the community of practice concept are applied to interpret and discuss results from an in-depth empirical investigation using a novel qualitative method, the Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique (ZMET), to study the entrepreneurial learning behaviour of ten coaches in a student venture incubator. The coaches are students with a certain level of entrepreneurial experience. Given their coaching roles and practices, the coaches are considered “community insiders”. The findings show how the socially situated entrepreneurial learning of community insiders could be considered an adaptive process following multiple learning trajectories depending on with whom and about what the entrepreneur involves in social relationships. Policy makers seeking to facilitate communities of practice should enable learning activities for community insiders and organic development in addition to networking events and support for the entire ecosystem in order to enable bridging of communities of practice. The present paper focuses on the entrepreneurial learning of community insiders using a novel qualitative method, ZMET. The paper empirically demonstrates that community insiders learn through an adaptive process and participation in multiple communities of practice. This is both in interaction with the nascent entrepreneurs whom they coach as well as when interacting with other community insiders.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-04-30
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-04-2020-0255
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Digitalization in the cultural industry: evidence from Italian museums

    • Authors: Nicola Raimo , Ivano De Turi , Alessandra Ricciardelli , Filippo Vitolla
      Abstract: This study aims to analyse the level of digitalization in the cultural industry. More in detail, it aims to examine the determinants and effects of the digitalization level of museum organizations and the role played by the COVID-19 pandemic in the adoption of digital technologies. In order to answer the research questions, this study uses the multiple case study methodology. In particular, three different museum organizations operating in the Apulian context were examined. The findings show that the adoption of digital technologies derives from the desire to attract more visitors, reduce costs, improve the visitor experience and adapt to competitors. On the contrary, they show that the lack of funding represents a drag on the adoption of digital tools. In relation to the effects, the findings show financial advantages connected to an increase in revenues and a reduction in costs and non-financial benefits connected to an improvement of the intangibles. Finally, the results show that the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies. This work enriches the current literature through the analysis of the drivers and effects of digitalization in the museum industry and through the focus on COVID-19. Furthermore, to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study that examines the level of digitalization of museum organizations in the Apulian context.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-03-23
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-01-2021-0082
      Issue No: Vol. ahead-of-print , No. ahead-of-print (2021)
  • Passionate and engaged' Passion for inventing and work engagement in
           different knowledge work contexts

    • Authors: Ilona Toth , Sanna Heinänen , Kaisu Puumalainen
      Abstract: In response to the increasing interest in entrepreneurs' well-being in both the entrepreneurship and management research fields, this study builds and tests a research model on the role of entrepreneurial passion for inventing in work engagement in the context of modern knowledge work. The research argument is built on the job demands–resources model, the most commonly used frame for measuring employee well-being in work and organization psychology. The research setting in this study compares digital entrepreneurs and freelancers with traditional knowledge workers and part-time platform workers in terms of passion and engagement. Using a quantitative research design, the authors collected data from 349 highly specialized knowledge workers through anonymous questionnaires. The research hypotheses were tested with linear and logit models. The results show that entrepreneurial passion is positively related to increased job demands and work engagement and that job demands can have a positive effect on work engagement in highly complex knowledge work. The study contributes to the entrepreneurship literature by expanding the analysis of entrepreneurial passion outside the entrepreneurship context and into work engagement theory by adding passion for inventing as an important motivational factor in modern knowledge work. Extant literature on the consequences of work digitalization is still scarce, and this study provides insights into successful working on digital platforms.
      Citation: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
      PubDate: 2021-04-30
      DOI: 10.1108/IJEBR-09-2020-0632
      Issue No: Vol. 27 , No. 9 (2021)
  • International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research

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Philosophique     Open Access  
Límite : Revista Interdisciplinaria de Filosofía y Psicología     Open Access  
Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades     Open Access  
Collingwood and British Idealism Studies     Full-text available via subscription  
Grotiana     Hybrid Journal  
Eidos     Open Access  
Cinta de Moebio     Open Access  
Cuyo Anuario de Filosofía Argentina y Americana     Open Access  
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe     Open Access  
Rhuthmos     Open Access  
Philosophiques     Open Access  
Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics     Open Access  
Synthesis (La Plata)     Open Access  
Revista de Filosofia     Open Access  
Alpha (Osorno)     Open Access  
Circe de clásicos y modernos     Open Access  
Doctor virtualis     Open Access  
Humanidades Médicas     Open Access  
Methodos     Open Access  
Labyrinthe     Open Access  
Trans/Form/Ação - Revista de Filosofia     Open Access  
Russian Studies in Philosophy     Full-text available via subscription  

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