Showing 1 - 135 of 135 Journals sorted by number of followers
Philosophical Review (Followers: 81)
Ethics (Followers: 77)
Journal of Political Philosophy (Followers: 73)
European Journal of Philosophy (Followers: 71)
Mind (Followers: 70)
Philosophy & Public Affairs (Followers: 64)
Australasian Journal of Philosophy (Followers: 59)
Nous (Followers: 59)
Contemporary Political Theory (Followers: 57)
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion (Followers: 53)
Journal of the History of Philosophy (Followers: 53)
Philosophical Quarterly (Followers: 51)
British Journal for the History of Philosophy (Followers: 47)
Journal of Applied Philosophy (Followers: 46)
American Journal of Theology & Philosophy (Followers: 46)
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (Followers: 45)
Analysis (Followers: 40)
Journal of Moral Philosophy (Followers: 38)
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (Followers: 38)
Philosophy of Science (Followers: 35)
Journal of Medical Ethics (Followers: 33)
Erkenntnis (Followers: 32)
Philosophy and Literature (Followers: 30)
Continental Philosophy Review (Followers: 29)
Inquiry : An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (Followers: 29)
Constellations (Followers: 28)
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy (Followers: 28)
Journal of Social Philosophy (Followers: 27)
British Journal of Aesthetics (Followers: 26)
Canadian Journal of Philosophy (Followers: 26)
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice (Followers: 25)
Social Philosophy and Policy (Followers: 25)
Philosophical Studies (Followers: 23)
Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (Followers: 23)
Linguistics and Philosophy (Followers: 22)
Philosophy & Social Criticism (Followers: 22)
The Heythrop Journal (Followers: 22)
Analytic Philosophy (Followers: 22)
Philosophy Compass (Followers: 21)
Philosophy and Rhetoric (Followers: 21)
Biology and Philosophy (Followers: 19)
BMC Medical Ethics (Followers: 19)
Philosophy (Followers: 19)
Philosophy East and West (Followers: 18)
Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada (Followers: 18)
Jurisprudence (Followers: 18)
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science (Followers: 17)
Episteme (Followers: 17)
Assuming Gender (Followers: 17)
Pragmatics & Cognition (Followers: 16)
Journal of the Philosophy of History (Followers: 16)
Journal of Media Ethics : Exploring Questions of Media Morality (Followers: 15)
Phronesis : A journal for Ancient Philosophy (Followers: 15)
Bioethics Research Notes (Followers: 15)
Journal of Indian Philosophy (Followers: 14)
Philosophy & Technology (Followers: 14)
Midwest Studies In Philosophy (Followers: 14)
Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy (Followers: 14)
Review of Philosophy and Psychology (Followers: 13)
Reformed Theological Review, The (Followers: 13)
Dao : A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (Followers: 12)
Ethical Perspectives (Followers: 12)
Journal of Chinese Philosophy (Followers: 12)
Journal of Global Ethics (Followers: 12)
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology (Followers: 12)
Pragmatics and Society (Followers: 12)
Film-Philosophy Journal (Followers: 12)
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (Followers: 11)
Utilitas (Followers: 11)
Open Journal of Philosophy (Followers: 11)
Metaphor and Symbol (Followers: 10)
Polis : The Journal of the Society for Greek Political Thought (Followers: 10)
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (Followers: 10)
Diogenes (Followers: 9)
Journal of Philosophical Logic (Followers: 9)
Research in Phenomenology (Followers: 9)
Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (Followers: 9)
International Journal of Philosophical Studies (Followers: 8)
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy (Followers: 8)
Philosophia (Followers: 8)
Philosophical Books (Followers: 8)
Philosophical Perspectives (Followers: 8)
Myth & Symbol (Followers: 8)
SubStance (Followers: 8)
African Journal of Business Ethics (Followers: 8)
Journal of the Philosophy of Sport (Followers: 8)
Contributions to the History of Concepts (Followers: 7)
Journal of Critical Realism (Followers: 7)
Metaphilosophy (Followers: 7)
Philosophical Investigations (Followers: 7)
Philosophical Issues (Followers: 7)
Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung (Followers: 7)
Journal of Speculative Philosophy (Followers: 7)
Contagion : Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture (Followers: 7)
Dialogue Canadian Philosophical Review/Revue canadienne de philosophie (Followers: 7)
Nordic Journal of Aesthetics (Followers: 7)
Creativity Studies (Followers: 7)
Axiomathes (Followers: 6)
Contemporary Chinese Thought (Followers: 6)
History and Philosophy of Logic (Followers: 6)
Think (Followers: 6)
Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action (Followers: 6)
Philosophical Magazine Letters (Followers: 6)
The Southern Journal of Philosophy (Followers: 6)
Journal of Nietzsche Studies (Followers: 6)
Aisthesis (Followers: 6)
Australasian Catholic Record, The (Followers: 6)
International Journal of the Platonic Tradition (Followers: 6)
Endeavour (Followers: 5)
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics (Followers: 5)
Philosophical Papers (Followers: 5)
Studies in Philology (Followers: 5)
Critical Horizons (Followers: 5)
Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements (Followers: 4)
The Philosophical Forum (Followers: 4)
Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society (Followers: 4)
South African Journal of Philosophy = Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte (Followers: 4)
Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale (Followers: 4)
Franciscan Studies (Followers: 4)
Church Heritage (Followers: 4)
Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter (Followers: 4)
Philosophy in Review (Followers: 4)
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (Followers: 4)
Theoria (Followers: 4)
Estudos Bíblicos (Followers: 3)
Bijdragen (Followers: 3)
Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales (Followers: 3)
Studia Logica (Followers: 3)
Topoi (Followers: 3)
Grazer Philosophische Studien (Followers: 3)
Utopian Studies (Followers: 3)
CR : The New Centennial Review (Followers: 3)
The Pluralist (Followers: 3)
Australian Humanist, The (Followers: 3)
Erasmus Studies (Followers: 3)
Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology (Followers: 3)
Kantian Review (Followers: 3)
Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie (Followers: 3)
Husserl Studies (Followers: 2)
Kriterion: Revista de Filosofia (Followers: 2)
Revue Philosophique de Louvain (Followers: 2)
Sartre Studies International (Followers: 2)
Journal of Scottish Philosophy (Followers: 2)
Quaestio (Followers: 2)
Poiesis & Praxis : International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science (Followers: 2)
Journal of Aesthetic Education (Followers: 2)
Philosophy & Theory in Biology (Followers: 2)
Australian Journal of Parapsychology (Followers: 2)
Journal of Friends of Lutheran Archives (Followers: 2)
Between the Species (Followers: 2)
Cultura : International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology (Followers: 2)
International Journal for the Study of Skepticism (Followers: 2)
International Journal of Technoethics (Followers: 2)
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics (Followers: 2)
Ethische Perspectieven (Followers: 1)
Astérion (Followers: 1)
Noesis (Followers: 1)
Le Portique (Followers: 1)
Temporalités (Followers: 1)
Estudios de Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas (Followers: 1)
Veritas : Revista de Filosofía y Teología (Followers: 1)
PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature (Followers: 1)
Laval théologique et philosophique (Followers: 1)
Revue d’études benthamiennes (Followers: 1)
Hobbes Studies (Followers: 1)
Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofía (Followers: 1)
Nóema (Followers: 1)
Éthique publique (Followers: 1)
Philosophia Scientiæ (Followers: 1)
International Journal of Social Quality (Followers: 1)
Areté : Revista de Filosofia (Followers: 1)
Argos (Followers: 1)
Estudios de Filosofía (Followers: 1)
Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi
Polish Journal of Philosophy
Límite : Revista Interdisciplinaria de Filosofía y Psicología
Araucaria. Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Política y Humanidades
Collingwood and British Idealism Studies
Cinta de Moebio
Cuyo Anuario de Filosofía Argentina y Americana
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe
Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics
Synthesis (La Plata)
Revista de Filosofia
Alpha (Osorno)
Circe de clásicos y modernos
Doctor virtualis
Humanidades Médicas
Trans/Form/Ação - Revista de Filosofia
Russian Studies in Philosophy