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Authors:Anna Hartford Dan J. Stein Anna Hartford is a writer; Cognitive–Affective Science. Pages: 1 - 15 Abstract: .
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Authors:Paul Rehren Charlie Blunden Department of Philosophy; political philosophy. Pages: 1 - 19 Abstract: .
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Authors:Ekain Garmendia Mujika ILCLI – Department of Philosophy; University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV), Donostia, SpainEkain Garmendia Mujika is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) in Donostia-San Sebastian. He is also a member of the ILCLI Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language, Language, on issues related to the individuation of mental content. Pages: 1 - 18 Abstract: .
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Authors:Edward Hinchman Department of Philosophy; Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USAEdward Hinchman is Professor of Philosophy at Florida State University. He works on interpersonal reason-giving through testimony, advice, promising, intention. Pages: 1 - 18 Abstract: .
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Authors:Lucy OslerDavid Ekdahla School of English; Philosophy neurodiversity. Pages: 1 - 14 Abstract: .
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Authors:Katharina Anna SodomaElizabeth VenthamChristiana Wernera Fakultät für Philosophie; Wissenschaftstheorie & Religionswissenschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Germanyb University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austriac Institute for Philosophy, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, GermanyKatharina Anna Sodoma is a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at LMU Munich. Her research focuses on topics at the intersection of ethics epistemology. Pages: 1 - 5 Abstract: .
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Authors:Patrik EngischJulia LangkauDepartment of Philosophy; University of Geneva, SwitzerlandPatrik Engisch is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Geneva. His research focuses primarily on creativity, fiction creativity. Pages: 1 - 13 Abstract: .
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Authors:Luke Roelofsa Department of Philosophy; the foundational moral role of empathy. Pages: 1 - 13 Abstract: .
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Authors:Katharina Anna SodomaFakultät für Philosophie; Wissenschaftstheorie & Religionswissenschaft, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, GermanyKatharina Anna Sodoma is a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at LMU Munich. Her research focuses on topics at the intersection of ethics philosophy of mind. Pages: 1 - 13 Abstract: .
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Authors:Nicholas WiltsherDepartment of Philosophy; Uppsala University, Uppsala, SwedenNick Wiltsher is a senior lecturer in philosophy at Uppsala University. He works on imagination severally. Pages: 1 - 13 Abstract: .
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Authors:Christiana WernerInstitute for Philosophy; University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, GermanyChristiana Werner is a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Her research focuses on empathy, imagination epistemology. Pages: 1 - 15 Abstract: .
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Authors:Thomas SchrammeThomas Schramme is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Liverpool (UK). He specialises in moral psychology; political philosophy, philosophy of medicine. Pages: 1 - 14 Abstract: .
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Authors:Elizabeth VenthamUniversity of Salzburg; Salzburg, AustriaElizabeth Ventham is a Postdoctoral Research Associate working at The University of Salzburg. Before this, she worked on empathy at The University of Liverpool. Her other philosophical interests include desire practical reasoning. Pages: 1 - 12 Abstract: .
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Authors:Olivia BaileyDepartment of Philosophy; University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USAOlivia Bailey is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. She writes about empathy, imagination understanding. Pages: 1 - 16 Abstract: .
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Authors:Marcus William HuntDepartment of History; Political Science, writes on a variety of topics, especially the philosophy of the family. He has a PhD in philosophy from Tulane University. Pages: 1 - 17 Abstract: .
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Authors:Luke KerstenDepartment of Philosophy; University of Alberta, Edmonton CanadaLuke Kersten is currently a Killam Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Alberta. His research focuses mostly on issues in the philosophy of mind cognitive science, with additional interests in the philosophy of science. Pages: 1 - 18 Abstract: .
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Authors:Xavier CastellàDepartment of Philosophy; University of Girona, Girona, SpainXavier Castellà is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Girona. His research primarily focuses on practical knowledge the content of intention. Pages: 1 - 18 Abstract: .
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Authors:Tom FrankfortPhilosophy Department; Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UKTom Frankfort is a PhD student at Birkbeck. Pages: 1 - 11 Abstract: .