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Please help us test our new pre-print finding feature by giving the pre-print link a rating. A 5 star rating indicates the linked pre-print has the exact same content as the published article.
Please help us test our new pre-print finding feature by giving the pre-print link a rating. A 5 star rating indicates the linked pre-print has the exact same content as the published article.
Please help us test our new pre-print finding feature by giving the pre-print link a rating. A 5 star rating indicates the linked pre-print has the exact same content as the published article.
Please help us test our new pre-print finding feature by giving the pre-print link a rating. A 5 star rating indicates the linked pre-print has the exact same content as the published article. Abstract: Recent research has established that in his <i>De secundis intentionibus</i>, Hervaeus Natalis reacted to views of the modist thinker Radulphus Brito. Historians have noted several points of disagreement between Hervaeus and Radulphus, but I maintain more precision is needed. I argue that the core of the dispute is found in two points: first, a disagreement on what to call 'intention'; second, a disagreement regarding the process through which things lead to the formation of our universal concepts (genera, species, etc.). I argue that this second point shows a profound shift regarding the root of universal concepts. PubDate: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:40:01 +000
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Please help us test our new pre-print finding feature by giving the pre-print link a rating. A 5 star rating indicates the linked pre-print has the exact same content as the published article.
Please help us test our new pre-print finding feature by giving the pre-print link a rating. A 5 star rating indicates the linked pre-print has the exact same content as the published article.
Please help us test our new pre-print finding feature by giving the pre-print link a rating. A 5 star rating indicates the linked pre-print has the exact same content as the published article.