Showing 1 - 135 of 135 Journals sorted by number of followers
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Followers: 382)
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (Followers: 215)
Journal of Public Health (Followers: 197)
Social Policy and Society (Followers: 160)
Journal of Social Work (Followers: 95)
British Journal of Social Work (Followers: 80)
New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy (Followers: 78)
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Followers: 68)
Health and Social Work (Followers: 63)
Journal of Applied Social Psychology (Followers: 61)
International Journal of Social Research Methodology (Followers: 60)
Personality and Social Psychology Review (Followers: 57)
Violence and Victims (Followers: 52)
Critical Social Policy (Followers: 51)
Health & Social Care In the Community (Followers: 50)
European Journal of Social Psychology (Followers: 49)
Basic and Applied Social Psychology (Followers: 47)
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Followers: 45)
Journal of Social Policy (Followers: 44)
Quality in Ageing and Older Adults (Followers: 44)
Safer Communities (Followers: 44)
Social Work (Followers: 40)
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (Followers: 39)
European Journal of Social Work (Followers: 38)
Journal of European Social Policy (Followers: 38)
Mental Health and Social Inclusion (Followers: 38)
Advances in Social Work (Followers: 38)
Qualitative Research (Followers: 37)
Global Social Policy (Followers: 36)
Social Policy & Administration (Followers: 32)
Clinical Social Work Journal (Followers: 30)
Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work (Followers: 29)
Research on Social Work Practice (Followers: 29)
Science and Public Policy (Followers: 28)
Journal of Social Philosophy (Followers: 27)
Journal of Occupational Science (Followers: 27)
Social Work Research (Followers: 26)
Social Justice Research (Followers: 25)
Social Philosophy and Policy (Followers: 25)
Community, Work & Family (Followers: 25)
Mental Health and Substance Use: dual diagnosis (Followers: 25)
Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance (Followers: 24)
Ethics and Social Welfare (Followers: 24)
Death Studies (Followers: 23)
International Social Work (Followers: 23)
Self and Identity (Followers: 23)
The Milbank Quarterly (Followers: 23)
International Journal of Social Work (Followers: 23)
International Social Science Journal (Followers: 22)
Journal of Family Issues (Followers: 22)
Journal of Language and Social Psychology (Followers: 22)
Philosophy & Social Criticism (Followers: 22)
Qualitative Social Work (Followers: 21)
Research on Language and Social Interaction (Followers: 21)
Community Development (Followers: 21)
Housing Policy Debate (Followers: 21)
Social and Personality Psychology Compass (Followers: 20)
Social Cognition (Followers: 20)
Social Work & Social Sciences Review (Followers: 20)
Asian Journal of Social Science (Followers: 19)
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology (Followers: 19)
Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work (Followers: 19)
Adoption & Fostering (Followers: 19)
Australian Journal of Emergency Management (Followers: 19)
European Review of Social Psychology (Followers: 18)
International Journal of Social Welfare (Followers: 18)
Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling (Followers: 18)
Journal of Social Issues (Followers: 18)
Australian Social Work (Followers: 18)
Journal of Integrated Care (Followers: 18)
Critical Policy Studies (Followers: 17)
Journal of Comparative Social Welfare (Followers: 16)
Developing Practice : The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal (Followers: 16)
Social Work Review (Followers: 16)
Journal of Social Work Education (Followers: 16)
Policy Sciences (Followers: 15)
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (Followers: 15)
Practice: Social Work in Action (Followers: 15)
Journal of Public Mental Health (Followers: 15)
Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation (Followers: 14)
Social Behavior and Personality : An International Journal (Followers: 14)
Social Work Education: The International Journal (Followers: 14)
Grief Matters : The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement (Followers: 14)
Society and Mental Health (Followers: 14)
Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race (Followers: 13)
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions (Followers: 13)
Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation (Followers: 13)
Contemporary Rural Social Work (Followers: 13)
Canadian Social Work Review (Followers: 13)
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought (Followers: 12)
Journal of Social Service Research (Followers: 12)
Learning in Health and Social Care (Followers: 12)
Psychoanalytic Social Work (Followers: 12)
Social Choice and Welfare (Followers: 12)
Social Science Japan Journal (Followers: 12)
Journal of Forensic Social Work (Followers: 12)
Journal of Community Practice (Followers: 11)
Mortality: Promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying (Followers: 11)
Research on Economic Inequality (Followers: 11)
Race and Social Problems (Followers: 11)
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research (Followers: 11)
Asian Social Work and Policy Review (Followers: 10)
Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development (Followers: 10)
Health and Social Care Chaplaincy (Followers: 10)
Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (Followers: 10)
International Journal of School Social Work (Followers: 10)
International Social Security Review (Followers: 9)
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (Followers: 9)
Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand (Followers: 9)
Partner Abuse (Followers: 9)
Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work (Followers: 9)
Journal of Policy Practice (Followers: 8)
Journal of Prevention & Intervention Community (Followers: 8)
Aboriginal and Islander Health Worker Journal (Followers: 8)
European Journal of Social Security (Followers: 8)
Journal of Social Development in Africa (Followers: 8)
Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services (Followers: 7)
Social Compass (Followers: 7)
Social Influence (Followers: 7)
Social Semiotics (Followers: 7)
Social Work With Groups (Followers: 7)
Journal of Care Services Management (Followers: 7)
Australasian Policing (Followers: 7)
Nordic Social Work Research (Followers: 7)
Campbell Systematic Reviews (Followers: 7)
African Security (Followers: 6)
Australian Journal of Social Issues (Followers: 6)
Just Policy: A Journal of Australian Social Policy (Followers: 6)
Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy (Followers: 6)
Global Social Welfare (Followers: 6)
Review of Social Economy (Followers: 5)
Australian Ageing Agenda (Followers: 5)
Care Management Journals (Followers: 5)
African Journal of Social Work (Followers: 5)
Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (Followers: 4)
Communities, Children and Families Australia (Followers: 4)
Nouvelles pratiques sociales (Followers: 4)
ACOSS Papers (Followers: 4)
Social Work and Society (Followers: 4)
Journal of Comparative Social Work (Followers: 4)
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy (Followers: 4)
Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless (Followers: 3)
Youth Studies Australia (Followers: 3)
Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, The (Followers: 3)
Third Sector Review (Followers: 3)
Public Policy and Aging Report (Followers: 3)
Counsellor (The) (Followers: 3)
Social Action : The Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology (Followers: 3)
International Journal of East Asian Studies (Followers: 3)
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work (Followers: 3)
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis (Followers: 2)
Australasian Journal of Human Security (Followers: 2)
International Journal of Disability Management Research (Followers: 2)
National Emergency Response (Followers: 2)
Parity (Followers: 2)
Developmental Child Welfare (Followers: 2)
International Journal on Child Maltreatment : Research, Policy and Practice (Followers: 2)
Journal of Policy Practice and Research (Followers: 2)
Columbia Social Work Review (Followers: 2)
Skriftserien Socialt Arbejde (Followers: 2)
Journal for Specialists in Group Work (Followers: 1)
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (Followers: 1)
Australian Journal on Volunteering (Followers: 1)
Nusantara of Research: Jurnal Hasil-hasil Penelitian Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri (Followers: 1)
Groupwork (Followers: 1)
HOLISTICA ? Journal of Business and Public Administration (Followers: 1)
Geopolitical, Social Security and Freedom Journal (Followers: 1)
Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research (Followers: 1)
Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling (Followers: 1)
International Journal of Ageing and Later Life (Followers: 1)
Journal of Social Work in the Global Community (Followers: 1)
Links to Health and Social Care
AZARBE : Revista Internacional de Trabajo Social y Bienestar
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern
Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning
Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research
Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika
Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva
Bakti Budaya
Voces desde el Trabajo Social
Janus Sosiaalipolitiikan ja sosiaalityön tutkimuksen aikakauslehti
Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare : Finjehew
Leidfaden : Fachmagazin für Krisen, Leid, Trauer
Kontext : Zeitschrift für Systemische Therapie und Familientherapie
Prospectiva : Revista de Trabajo Social e Intervención Social
Volunteer Management Report
Journal of Danubian Studies and Research
unsere jugend
Cuadernos de Trabajo Social
Revista Internacional De Seguridad Social
L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle
Soziale Passagen
Tempo Social