Subjects -> SOCIAL SERVICES AND WELFARE (Total: 224 journals)
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- Pentevangelical youth subcultures : between resistance and compromise.
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Ibrahim Abraham
Pages: 3 - 12 Abstract: Youth Studies Australia, Volume 32, Issue 3, Page 3-12, 2013-09.
Citation: Youth Studies Australia PubDate: 2020-12-25T12:28:11Z DOI: 10.3316/aeipt.199509 Issue No: Vol. 32, No. 3 (2020)
- A walk in the park : an experiential approach to youth participation.
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Joshua Spier
Tabor Adelaide
Flinders University of South Australia. School of Education
Pages: 13 - 25 Abstract: Youth Studies Australia, Volume 32, Issue 3, Page 13-25, 2013-09.
Citation: Youth Studies Australia PubDate: 2020-12-25T12:28:11Z DOI: 10.3316/aeipt.199510 Issue No: Vol. 32, No. 3 (2020)
- Using SMS as a harm reduction strategy : an evaluation of the RAGE
(Register And Get Educated) project.-
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Belinda Crockett
Helen Keleher
Annette Rudd
Ruth Klein
Beth Locke
Véronique Roussy
Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local
Frankston Mornington Peninsula Medicare Local
Knox Community Health Service
Pages: 26 - 36 Abstract: Youth Studies Australia, Volume 32, Issue 3, Page 26-36, 2013-09.
Citation: Youth Studies Australia PubDate: 2020-12-25T12:28:11Z DOI: 10.3316/aeipt.199511 Issue No: Vol. 32, No. 3 (2020)
- Reflections on turning 21 : income, gender and 'adulthood'.
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Malita Allan
Janet Taylor
Joseph Borlagdan
Brotherhood of St Laurence
Pages: 37 - 45 Abstract: Youth Studies Australia, Volume 32, Issue 3, Page 37-45, 2013-09.
Citation: Youth Studies Australia PubDate: 2020-12-25T12:28:11Z DOI: 10.3316/aeipt.199512 Issue No: Vol. 32, No. 3 (2020)
- Flexible learning options : the experiences and perceptions of regional
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Vanessa Msapenda
Cate Hudson
Centacare Domestic Violence; Homelessness Services (Whyalla S Aust)
University of South Australia Pages: 46 - 53 Abstract: Youth Studies Australia, Volume 32, Issue 3, Page 46-53, 2013-09.
Citation: Youth Studies Australia PubDate: 2020-12-25T12:28:11Z DOI: 10.3316/aeipt.199513 Issue No: Vol. 32, No. 3 (2020)