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Authors:Farihatun Nafi'ah, Muhammad Iqbal Filayani Pages: 1 - 14 Abstract: Creating students who are superior in spiritual and scientific terms can be done through learning activities that integrate Islamic science. The integration of Islamic science in science-biology learning can be done using the Al-Qur'an integration model as a source of inspiration and confirmation. The aim of this research is to describe the planning, implementation and evaluation of the implementation of the integration of science and the Koran in science-biology learning on respiratory system material for class VIII students at MTs Negeri 3 Blitar. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques using interview, observation and documentation methods. The results of the research show that of the two class VIII teachers, namely SA1 and SA2, one of them (SA2) implemented the integration of Al-Qur'an science into the respiratory system material which can be seen from the planning, implementation and evaluation stages of the learning carried out. SA1 has not implemented the integration of Al-Qur'an science at the planning and evaluation stages. SA1 has implemented Al-Qur'an science at the implementation stage, but not in the respiratory system material. Therefore, this integration is a form of development carried out by teachers personally so that not all teachers have the ability to implement it. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.14767 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Maulida Feryna, Muhammad Zaini, Amalia Rezeki Pages: 15 - 22 Abstract: Development research is perfecting the product in accordance with product references and criteria, so as to produce a product that has been tested through various stages and validation. The development is in the form of an encyclopedia which is a type of teaching material that contains sources of information with text and illustrated images arranged systematically, designed according to learning objectives. The developed encyclopedia contains complete information about the apocynaceae family in the Banua Botanical Garden. This study aims to describe the practicality of the apocynaceae family encyclopedia in the Banua Botanical Garden. The research method used is Tessmer's formative evaluation design, which consists of: 1) expert review; 2) one-to-one; 3) small group evaluation; The individual test subjects were 4 students who took the phanerogamae course, and the small group test subjects were 4 students who took the phanerogamae course. The data were obtained from the research instrument practicality of content and practicality of expectations. The results showed that the practicality of the content scored 3.79 in the good category and the practicality of expectations earned a total score of 9.65% in the very good category. This shows that the encyclopedia of the apocynaceae family of the Banua Botanical Garden gave a positive response because it has attractiveness and is practical because it is easy to use. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.16137 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Arief Widyantoro, Wahyu Samurwat, Alma Salim Religa Pages: 23 - 31 Abstract: The utilization of wildlife animals and exotic plants in Indonesia is carried out by species diversity and ecosystem balance in their natural habitat. Nowadays, a lot of plant and animal tradings cause the population descending and animals extinction in wildlife. Natural protection and preservation was aimed to maintaining the uniqueness of wildlife animals and exotic plants which are regulated by nature reserve and distributed by quarantine measures at the entry and exit points in seaports and airports. The research was aimed to study the species and protection status of animals and exotic plants in Lifmatola-Waisakai Nature Reserve, Sula Islands, North Maluku. The research design was descriptive-explorative method using Trend Model Time Series that calculated by Acceptance of Plant and Animal Reports. The study showed that 74 birds, 52 rumps of exotic orchids, 15 woods of Meranti, 9 lizards and 2 Timor deer were found during a period of three years of quarantine measures. The majority of wildlife animals and exotic plants with conservation status are protected by law. There were 6 species that had been circulated between the islands i.e Grammatophyllum scriptum, Cymbidium sp., Cacatua alba, Lorius garrulous, Cervus timorensis and Varanus indicus. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.16512 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Muhammad Idris, Auzia Asman, Deni Sorel, Edi Joniarti, Ulfa Mohtar, Harmailis Harmailis, John Nefri, Salivia Salivia Pages: 32 - 45 Abstract: The red calliandra is a fuel wood crops that gave benefit for people. Recently, it is getting wide attention due to its important use as biofuel in industrial scale. The massive propagation is needed to meet industrial needs. Beside the use of conventional seedling production technique, the use of tissue culture for mass propagation is one of the alternatives to address this problem. This research was conducted to develop standard protocol for micropropagation of red calliandra through tissue culture. Here, the first step for that purpose was reported. The MS medium was used for basal media treatment. The seed source was stored for eight months under 5oC. This research was carried out in two stages i.e. 1) seed germination test and 2) shoot initiation and multiplication treatment. Each stage was arranged in experimental method. The result showed that seed were pre-treated with warm water (40oC) gave 62.5% germination under red light when compared to control (37.5%, pre-treated with water at 25oC under white light) three days after planting. Conversely, there is no striking differences of germinated seed percentages between light treatment at 25oC. Furthermore, it was found that addition of 2 mg/L BAP gave better result in shoot initiation and number of shoots formed from nodal explants after four weeks in treatment media. These results indicated that mass propagation of red calliandra can be done through tissue culture where multiplication stage is one of the important steps to produce multiple shoots only from single nodal explant. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.16877 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Paskaliadini Jartiawati, Ivan Eldes Dafrita, Nawawi Nawawi Pages: 46 - 53 Abstract: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh belum adanya modul tumbuhan biji berbasis Problem Based Learning berbantuan aplikasi PlantNet terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah di SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Ambawang sebagai bahan ajar cetak di kelas, sehingga membuat siswa menjadi kurang untuk belajar secara mandiri, karena selama proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas, guru lebih sering meminta siswa untuk mencatat materi dan mengerjakan soal dari buku paket yang telah tersedia di perpustakaan sekolah. Adapun pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung di dalam kelas terdapatnya kendala yaitu siswa memiliki kesulitan dalam mengenali berbagai macam tumbuhan biji. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian pengembangan modul tumbuhan biji berbasis Problem Based Learning berbantuan aplikasi PlantNet terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah di SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Ambawang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan modul tumbuhan biji dari aspek kevalidan dan keefektifan. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian pengembangan model ADDIE. Model pengembangan ADDIE terdiri dari 5 langkah yaitu Analisis (Analyze), Desain (Design), Pengembangan (Development), Implementasi (Implementation), Evaluasi (Evaluation). Data pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui lembar validasi ahli materi dan lembar ahli media, angket respon siswa, dan tes berupa pretest dan posttest. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kevalidan modul berdasarkan pada lembar validasi materi berkategori sangat valid dan kevalidan modul berdasarkan pada lembar validasi media berkategori sangat valid, (2) keefektifan modul berdasarkan tes berupa pretest dan soal berkategorikan sedang. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul tumbuhan biji berbasis Problem Based Learning berbantuan aplikasi PlantNet terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah di SMA Negeri 2 Sungai Ambawang layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.16924 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Imam Mahadi, Sri Wulandari, Hana Tasya Kusmedi Pages: 54 - 64 Abstract: Mangroves (Rhizophora apiculata) are one of the plants that grow in mangrove forests. The significant degradation of mangrove forests in Indonesia requires effective and efficient rehabilitation efforts. Efforts to provide superior seeds in a short time and in large quantities, one of which is through tissue culture. ZPT (Growth Regulator) Kinetin and IAA in balance can stimulate the morphogenesis process in the explant. This study used a 4×4 factorial randomized complete (RAL) design with 3 replications. The first factor is the concentration of kinetin. 0 mg/L, 1 mg/L, 3 mg/L, and 5 mg/L. The second factor is IAA concentrations of 0 mg/L, 0.5 mg/L, 1 mg/L, and 1.5 mg/L. The parameters observed were explant growth time, explant growth percentage, and bud height. The results showed an interaction with the plant growth time factor, and the best plant growth rate was achieved using the kinetin treatment of 5 mg/L and the IAA treatment of 1.5 mg/L, while the best shoot height factor was found in the kinetin treatment of 5 mg/L. l and IAA 1 mg/L treatment concentrate. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.17216 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Hartati Wulandari, Zulfarina Zulfarina, Evi Suryawati Pages: 65 - 76 Abstract: Based on the results of observations that have been carried out in several high schools in Pekanbaru, it can be concluded that it is very necessary to develop teaching materials in the form of E-modules because teachers only use textbooks and LKPD during the teaching and learning process, teachers have never used E-modules during learning. And teachers do not use learning resources that can support students' critical thinking skills. Students experience difficulty in providing arguments when asked for written explanations to solve problems, and students are unable to analyze and synthesize problems. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the electronic components of the immune system of PBMP. It is hoped that this study can help teachers to choose new learning materials as an alternative to support learning during the 4.0 revolution, and to provide learning experiences using electronic components. PBMP (problem-based empowerment) and encourage learning. Students will study the resources of the immune system so that students can think critically to develop. The efficiency test results are classified as very efficient which can be seen in the average relevance of 96.08% in the most effective category. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.18334 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Esti Rizkiana Pratiwi, Elsa Mega Suryani, Indra Adi Wira Prasetya, Nadiah Al Batati Pages: 77 - 92 Abstract: The Endophytic bacteria as a biofertilizer agent can minimize the use of chemicals from synthetic fertilizers. The aim of this research was to study the density, diversity and ability of endophytic bacteria from coffee plants that have the potential to produce IAA. Root samples were obtained from coffee plants in UB Forest (UBF), Sumberwangi, Malang. The root samples were surface sterilized and then crushed with a blender. Endophytic bacteria were isolated and tested for their potential to produce IAA. The results obtained were 18 isolates of IAA-producing bacteria. KAA6 Isolate were produced the highest concentration of IAA of 10.73 ppm at 48 hours of incubation followed by KBA3 isolate which produced 12.78 ppm of IAA at 72 hours of incubation. The potential bacteria can be further optimized to be used as an eco-friendly biofertilizer agent. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19229 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Ade Adriadi, Mahya Ihsan, Tia Wulandari, Dawam Suprayogi, Nanda Rayani Pages: 93 - 102 Abstract: This study aims to analyse the Scientific Process Skills of students of FST UNJA’s Biology Programme in Environmental Biology when working on an eco-enzyme production project. This study, carried out in the FST UNJA Biology Programme. The research subjects are students from the FST UNJA Biology Programme who have taken Environmental Biology. Data in terms of students’ basic science process skills were obtained from the performance assessment of the eco-enzyme production project. The implementation of this research uses a Project Based Learning (PjBL) model. The results showed that students’ scientific process skills were generally in the very good and good categories, 54.7% and 41.02% respencipectively, while the remaining 2.3% of students had poor scientific process skills and 1.5% had no scientific process skills. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19310 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Ade Apriani, Yustina Yustina, Zulfarina Zulfarina Pages: 103 - 112 Abstract: The purpose of this research is to develop valid interactive media based on Adobe Flash. This type of research is research and development, the ADDIE development model is based on five stages, ie. analysis, planning, development, implementation, evaluation, in this study up to the fifth stage, i.e. evaluation Therefore, an interactive media based on Adobe Flash was developed to improve students' critical thinking. This study was conducted at Riau University. Students of the biology education study program of the Department of Mathematics and Science Education (PMIPA) of the Faculty of Teacher Education and Educational Sciences (FKIP) of Riau University, a total of 2 classes, participated in this study. This study uses a quasi-experimental research design where the students studied are environmental science and disaster mitigation courses. The sample was determined by saturated sampling, the test and control groups were determined by random sampling using the lottery method. Adobe Flash-based interactive media was taught in the experimental class, and Adobe Flash-based interactive media was not taught in the comparison class. In practice, students are given a pre- and post-test. The research parameter is students' ability to think critically. According to Angelo 1995, critical thinking skills are used as indicators of critical thinking skills with five indicators which are analysis, synthesis, identification, problem solving, conclusion and evaluation. Data collection on critical thinking is done through pre-test and post-test questions. The data will be presented and analyzed definitively. Students' critical thinking scores improved with an n-growth index of 0.38 (middle class). In general, interactive media based on Adobe Flash can improve students' critical thinking. PubDate: 2024-04-17 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19528 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Cornelia Dolfina Maatoke, Zahriska Dewani, Fuzi Suciati Pages: 113 - 121 Abstract: This study aims to determine the morphological and physiological properties of Phosphate Solubilizing Microbes (MPF) and Azotobacter. The method used was to test morphological properties using gram staining and physiological properties tests using biochemical tests based on cell activity by looking at the interaction of bacterial metabolism with the test reagent media. Data analysis examined the reaction to the isolated morphological and physiological test media. The results showed that based on the morphological observations of the MPF, the colonies showed a slightly milky white color, round, convex, slimy shape, 1-2 mm in diameter and flattened, and Gram-positive. Azotobacter shows the characteristics of transparent color, convex, flat edges, slightly slimy, an average diameter of 1 mm, and is Gram-negative; whereas based on the results of physiological test observations for catalase and oxidation tests, the characteristic of MPF and Azotobacter, each showed a positive (+) effect, as seen from the formation of bubbles in the test results. Tests for motility and O2 requirements show that both bacteria are motile, mobile and aerobic or require oxygen for growth. The observations of resistance in the pH range showed that Azotobacter was more resistant to extreme acid-base pH with a pH range of 3-9, while MPF could only survive in a pH range of 5-9. Tests of glucose and sucrose fermentation showed that MPF did not form gas bubbles (-) and no color change(-). At the same time, Azotobacter showed the formation of gas bubbles (+) but no color change (-). PubDate: 2024-04-18 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19518 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Mar’atul Afidah, Sri Wahyuni, Rikizaputra Rikizaputra, Vira Amelia Yulanda Pages: 122 - 138 Abstract: This research was concluded with the aim of developing online based Digital Biology Unique Comics (KUDBI) Learning Media on Virus material in class X Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This learning media was created to facilitate the teaching and learning process and to see feasibility of the online comic based learning media that has been developed. This research is a research development (Research And Development / R&D) with research subjects of class X MIPA students at SMAN 3 Pekanbaru. The research sample was taken using the Cluster Random Sampling technique, which is a sampling technique consisting of certain groups that have special qualifications in the population. Data collection method using validity and practicality questionnares, which will later be analyzed in the form of numbers, suggestions, critism, and input from research subject. The results showed that the percentage of material expert validity was 85% (very valid), media expert was 99% (very valid), linguist was 88% (very valid), and design expert was 100% (very valid). The practicality level of learning media by teachers is 94% (very practical), product trials on students get a percentage of 88.5% (very practical). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the unique digital biology comics (KUDBI) learning media on Virus materials is suitable for use as a learning medium. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19702 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Eufrasia Jeramat, Gabariela Purnama Ningsih, Polikarpus Raga, Valeria Suryani Kurnila Pages: 139 - 151 Abstract: school students related to increasing awareness and concern for science and the environment in Ecosystem Materials. This type of research is research and development with a 4-D development model. Research subjects consisted of 40 class X students and validators consisted of 3 lecturers and 1 teacher. The research instruments used were validation sheets. Research data types are qualitative and quantitative data. The research shows that the scientific literacy-based assessment instrument is very valid logically with a percentage of 95.52% and the environmental literacy-based instrument with a percentage of 90.64% is very valid. Empirically, with a range of 0.35-0.75 for multiple choice questions, a range of 0.42-0.80 for essays. The results of the practicality assessment by teachers for instruments based on scientific literacy were 95.16% and environmental literacy was 96%. Meanwhile, instruments based on scientific literacy by students are 95.5% and environmental literacy is 94.25%. High reliability results with a range of 0.75% for multiple choice questions and description questions with very high reliability with a range of 0.88% Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the assessment instruments based on scientific literacy and environmental literacy on Ecosystem X material can be said to be suitable for use in the learning process. Suggestions that can be made are that teachers can develop assessment instruments in other materials to be able to optimize learning and develop innovative assessments that can increase students' understanding, motivate them to take action, and lead to a more caring attitude towards science and the environment. The implication of this research is the importance of a holistic, student-centered assessment approach in educating a generation that has high awareness and concern for science and environmental issues. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19696 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Rahmat Ramadansur, Marta Dinata, Al Khudri Sembiring, Arlian Firda, Martalasari Martalasari, Gina Fitria Ningrum Pages: 152 - 161 Abstract: This research aims to identify types of aeroplankton as air quality parameters in the Pekanbaru area. Aeroplankton samples were collected using the Purposive Sampling method where samples were taken 1x24 hours for 20 days in 2 different sub-districts, namely Sukajadi District and Tenayan Raya District. Identification and counting of aeroplankton is carried out in the laboratory. The results showed that the abundance of aeroplankton in Sukajadi subdistrict was higher than in Tenayan Raya subdistrict. In both sub-districts, the abundance of aeroplankton is dominated by the phytoplankton and zooplankton groups. Where aeroplankton can be the basis for air quality parameters in the two sub-districts. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19887 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)
Authors:Raudhah Awal, Khairani Yasmin, Ermina Sari Pages: 162 - 175 Abstract: Innovation of student activity sheets in electronic form by integrating the culture of the local community becomes an efficient and effective learning alternative. This study aims to examine the validity and practicality of electronic student activity sheets (LEKEMANIK) containing ethnoscience on pteridophyta material. This development research model consists of 4 main stages, namely: definition, design, development, and deployment. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire given to material experts, media experts and linguists whose aim was to determine the validity of the LEKEMANIK. Practicality questionnaire instruments were given to supporting lecturers and students. This research produced a product in the form of an electronic student activity sheet containing ethnoscience on pteridophyta material with the results of an assessment from material experts obtained a score of 90% with Very valid criteria, an assessment from media experts obtained a score of 82% with Very valid criteria and an assessment from linguists obtained a score of 83, 33% with Very Valid criteria. The level of practicality of electronic student activity sheets by lecturers is 86.22% with very practical criteria, and for students it is 82.36% with very practical criteria. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the electronic student activity sheet for the subject of lower plant botany with ethnoscience content on pteridophyta material is appropriate to use. PubDate: 2024-04-26 DOI: 10.31849/bl.v11i1.19942 Issue No:Vol. 11, No. 1 (2024)