Authors:Usmadi Usmadi, Iftitahurrahmah Iftitahurrahmah, Ergusni Ergusni Pages: 1 - 12 Abstract: This study aims to produce teaching materials in the form of Islamic-nuanced mathematics learning modules. The Islamic nuanced module is a teaching material that combines mathematics with religious knowledge. This research is a research development (Research Development). The research method is using four D (4-D). This model consists of 4 stages but in this study only 3 stages were carried out, namely defining, designing and developing. The type of data used is qualitative data obtained from teacher interviews and observation sheets regarding the practicality of the module. Quantitative data were obtained from the results of module validation, and students' practical response questionnaires. The module developed was tested at SMAN 2 Padangpanjang. The results of the validity test of the Islamic nuanced mathematics learning module by the validator obtained a value of 72.3% with valid criteria and the practicality results obtained a value of 87.13% with practical criteria. Practical values are obtained from observations by observers, questionnaire responses by students and interview sheets by mathematics teachers. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Islamic nuanced module in mathematics learning in statistics material for high school students in class XI science is valid and practical. PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.2968 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
Authors:Yunis Setiyowati, Ali Shodikin Pages: 13 - 20 Abstract: This study aims to determine students' critical thinking skills in solving HOTS (Higher order thinking skills) questions with creative problem-solving models. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were 4 students of class VIII A of the State Junior High School 1 Lamongan for the academic year 2021/2022. Taking the subject is based on the result of a description test consisting of two questions. The data used are the results of the test and what will happen in the interview recording. The instrument in this study was a description test consisting of two questions. The data used in this study were tests and interview recordings. according to the data analysis that has been done, the results of this study show that: The higher the Creative Problem Solving students, the students' critical thinking skills in solving HOTS (Higher order thinking skills) questions are also getting better, and vice versa if the students' Creative Problem Solving is lower then Students' critical thinking skills in solving HOTS (Higher order thinking skills) questions are also not good PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.2793 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
Authors:Dea Damianti, Ekasatya Aldila Afriansyah Pages: 21 - 30 Abstract: Mathematics education is very important for survival, therefore students are expected to have good mathematical skills and attitudes, one of which is problem-solving ability and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to find out how the mathematical problem-solving ability of students in solving math problems on number pattern material and how the level of mathematical self-efficacy of class VIII students in Karamatwangi Village. The method used by the researcher is a qualitative research method. The sample in this study, namely class VIII B SMP IT Nurul Hidayah in Karamatwangi Village as many as 6 students based on predetermined categories, namely 2 people in the high category, 2 people in the medium category, and 2 people in the low category. The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. The method of collecting problem-solving ability data is by providing several pattern material questions, conducting interviews, and documenting the results of the Final Semester Assessment, while the self-efficacy data collection method is by distributing questionnaires, conducting interviews, and making observations in field notes. The data analysis technique was carried out in several stages which included data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. From the results of the study, it was shown that the mathematical problem-solving ability of class VIII junior high school students on the material of Number Patterns in Karamatwangi Village was in the high category and the self-efficacy level of class VIII junior high school students was in the high category. PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.2958 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
Authors:Nur Farida, Rosita Dwi Ferdiani, Tatik Retno Murniasih Pages: 31 - 38 Abstract: The purpose of this research is to increase students' understanding in constructing geometric graphs through GeoGebra media with the guided discovery method. The guided discovery method is more often used in learning mathematics because it is teacher oriented so that students are passive and less able to construct mathematical ideas independently. Students only memorize so they are confused about using mathematical concepts. This study uses the type of experimental research. The instrument in this study used student activity observation sheets and learning outcomes tests, while the research sample was students. The application of the guided discovery method using GeoGebra media based on research results can increase student activity and learning outcomes. Student activity increased through GeoGebra media to construct graphs. Based on the results of the student's final test, it was 83.33%. This shows that learning through the GeoGebra media with guided discovery is very effective in constructing student geometry charts on geometry material. PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.2990 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
Authors:Indah Wahyuni, Endah Alfiana Pages: 39 - 47 Abstract: Mathematical exploration abilities are formed from the encouragement of students in digging up information including concepts, creative thinking, critical thinking, reasoning, being able to solve problems experienced, which are then revealed the results of the knowledge found previously. The purpose of this study was to analyze and determine the mathematical exploration ability of class X students in the composition function material. The research method that the researcher took was the type of qualitative research in the form of descriptive research. The research subjects selected were students from class X Religion at MAN 1 Probolinggo City. The results showed that the students' mathematical exploration abilities were in high-level categories that were able to fulfill the six indicators, namely being able to interpret or understand a mathematical problem, examine patterns that had been found, carry out searches in an informal way, clarify or examine efforts in problem solving, and symbolize and generalization. While at the low level of ability, they are able to meet the four indicators, but cannot fulfill the stage of interpreting or understanding the problem and making generalizations. Students who have a low level of ability are only able to fulfill both indicators, but are unable to complete interpreting or understanding problems, clarifying efforts in solving problems, symbolizing and generalizing. PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.3074 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
Authors:Supeno Supeno, Nurul Aini Pages: 48 - 61 Abstract: The flipped classroom learning model is one of the learning models that can be applied during the Covid-19 pandemic. The flipped classroom learning model can be applied to mixed learning, namely between limited face-to-face learning and distance learning. This study aims to improve the competence of class IX students at UPTD SMP Negeri 1 Konang Bangkalan in 2021 in understanding transformation through flipped classroom learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research subjects were students of class IX-B semester 1 of the academic year 2021/2022 with a total of 22 students, consisting of 11 male students and 11 female students. This research is a collaborative classroom action research, which is practical based on real problems carried out in two cycles of PAOR stages (Planning, Acting, Observing, and Reflecting). The data collection techniques used are tests and non-tests which include tests, observations, and discussions. Based on the results of the study, it was found that through flipped classroom learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, data on material mastery was obtained from cycle I to cycle II, from 60.30 to 72.27 or an increase of 11.97 points (up 19.85%). Thus, it can be concluded that through flipped classroom learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, it can improve students' competence in understanding transformation. PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.3065 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
Authors:Sikrayati Sikrayati, Wahyuddin Wahyuddin, Andi Quraisy Pages: 62 - 74 Abstract: This study aims to identify and describe students' creativity in solving mathematical problems in terms of gender differences. The type of research used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The research subjects consisted of 6 people, namely 3 male students and 3 female students, each representing the high, medium, and low categories. The instrument used in the form of a student creativity test, totaling 3 questions that have met the validity test and to further explore information about students' creative abilities, interviews were conducted. The data analysis techniques used are data collection through creativity ability tests and interviews, data reduction, data presentation, data verification and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the description of the creativity ability of male subjects in solving mathematical problems based on categories were (1) subjects with high categories were able to meet 2 indicators of creativity including fluency and flexibility, (2) subjects with medium categories were able to meet 1 indicator of creativity, namely fluency, (3) subjects with low categories are able to meet 1 indicator of creativity, namely fluency. The description of the creative ability of female subjects in solving mathematical problems based on categories is (1) subjects with high categories are able to meet creativity indicators which include fluency, flexibility and novelty, (2) subjects with moderate categories are able to meet creativity indicators which include fluency and flexibility, (3 ) subject with low category is able to fulfill 1 indicator of creativity, namely fluency indicator. PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.2997 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)
Authors:Muhamad Syahdan Sa'id, Burhanul Aqil, Ibrahim Ibrahim Pages: 75 - 82 Abstract: Education has a very important role in improving the quality and quality of Human Resources (HR). Education today is needed as a provision in developing 21st century competencies which include the competence to think, act, and live in the world. Mathematics can improve the ability to think critically, logically, and creatively in a person so it is important to learn. Critical thinking ability is an effort made by someone to get more meaningful knowledge. One of the assessment instruments that can be used to measure students' critical thinking skills is the HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills) question. This study aims to measure the level of mathematical critical thinking skills of class VII students on set material. The method used in this research is a survey method and uses quantitative research. The sample of this research is students of class VII B and VII C of MTs Negeri 9 Bantul. The data collection technique used in this research is using a questionnaire or a questionnaire and a test question instrument. The result of this research is that the average HOTS score is 58.4 and the average questionnaire result is 64.9. Based on these results, it can be said that the mathematical critical thinking ability of grade VII students of MTs Negeri 9 Bantul is in the medium category. PubDate: 2022-06-28 DOI: 10.52166/inspiramatika.v8i1.2715 Issue No:Vol. 8, No. 1 (2022)