Authors:Misahun Taye Shumetu, Tesema Regassa Regassa Pages: 123 - 138 Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the practice of play activities in enhancing the internal locus of control among young children at Haramaya University's Model-Preschool. Employing a qualitative approach with an intrinsic case study design, data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers, one preschool principal, and observation of play activities. The data was analyzed through the thematic data analysis technique, from which three major themes emerged: utilization of play activities, teachers' participation in facilitating play activities, and challenges encountered while facilitating play activities. The study's finding indicate that various play activities, such as open-ended play, problem-solving play, and creativity play, are employed to promote this crucial developmental skill. The preschool teachers reported employing a range of strategies to facilitate play activities that foster an internal locus of control, such as providing children with choices and constructive feedback. However, bottlenecks such as an inaccessible school environment, large class sizes, inadequate preschool teacher training, and insufficient resources were also identified as limiting factors in facilitating play activities that encourage an internal locus of control. Ultimately, the research concludes that participation in play activities can effectively aid in the development of young children's internal locus of control. Teachers who intentionally provide children with opportunities to make decisions, solve problems, and receive positive feedback can assist in cultivating a sense of self-efficacy and the conviction that they have control over their own outcomes. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.69759 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Walelign Admasu Gedefa, Dawit Mekonnen Mehirete Pages: 139 - 152 Abstract: Teacher education programs are essential components in providing quality education for children. This study attempted to explore the contribution of Teacher Education programs in acquainting preprimary school teachers with the guiding principles, relevant curriculum, the learning cycles of children, and fit instruction and assessment methods for children in practicing curricular activities at preprimary schools. A descriptive survey approach was used in the study. Data were collected from 221 randomly selected graduating class trainees and five purposively selected trainers using questionnaires, interviews, and discussions. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and thematic analysis, and qualitative data were summarized using the following logic. High percentages of respondents did not favor the contribution of Teacher Education programs in acquainting trainees with the guiding principles of child development and learning, appropriateness of the curriculum, learning cycles of children, practice of relevant curricular activities, application of fit methods of instruction and assessment means for children at the expected levels. Besides, problems were reported in teacher education programs, such as unsuitable materials, challenging courses, negative attitudes toward the profession, time shortages, and the absence of centers for skill development. Parallel measures to be taken to alleviate the problems were suggested. Thus, the study has its benefits in indicating the limitations of the teacher education program to take measures in the future at preprimary schools in Ethiopia and the world at large. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.66508 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Agustina Putri Reistanti, Safynatul Fawziyyah, Septian Ayuningtyas Pages: 153 - 159 Abstract: This research aims to describe the early childhood language acquisition process at KB Aisyiyah 1 Balun, Cepu District, Blora Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Two research subjects were taken in each group, so there were six research subjects. The data collection method used several techniques, namely observation, listening, recording, and note-taking. The research results show that children can achieve language competence at the phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics levels. Language acquisition results in phonology show that the phonemes /r//l/ sound faint. Phoneme decay is the melting of phonemes due to morphological processes. The /l/ phoneme decays when the/y/phoneme's sound changes to the /l/ phoneme. The results of language processing in the field of morphology are that children aged two years have just mastered the basic morphemes that are pronounced even though the pronunciation is not yet clear. Meanwhile, many sulfides (- kan ) are found in children aged four years. Early childhood language acquisition in the area of syntax identified phrase errors, children's composition of first language sentences was mixed up, and sentence structures were adequate, although sometimes grammatically, sometimes inverted. Meanwhile, language acquisition at the semantic level tends to use denotative Meaning in every utterance. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.67620 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Hoa Pham, Thu Pham Pages: 160 - 171 Abstract: Guided by Bakhtin's theory of dialogism, we understand that children's identities emerge from an open-ended process in which they articulate external resources and integrate them into their ideas to author themselves. This qualitative study draws on Bakhtin's theory of dialogism and a semiotic lens of multimodality to discuss how Linh, a Vietnamese four-year-and-half girl, authored herself in her multimodal stories across home and preschool. Linh's stories were gathered through close observation and were analyzed in connection with her parents’ and teachers’ narratives. Two narrative chains of her stories were chosen to describe how the child articulated adults’ utterances and cultural resources via her multimodal language to express her emergent identities. Findings initiate early childhood education (ECE) teachers and researchers to see children’s stories and identities in ongoingness and attend to the fluidity within children’s ECE settings, homes, and cultures. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.74316 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Achmad irchamni, Sholihul Anwar, Daya Utami Pages: 172 - 180 Abstract: Parents have an essential role in caring for, educating, and meeting the needs of a child, especially in the aspect of growth and development. How parents educate is very important for the growth and development of early childhood. Education and upbringing at home must be harmonized with education at school so that children grow up to be intelligent, independent, and have character, growing into strong and rugged individuals. This research was motivated by a need for parental awareness of children's learning activities at school, inappropriate parenting patterns, and the importance of children's education. This research aims to determine children's development as a communication tool and the model for implementing learning programs in collaboration with parents in early childhood education, especially in Blora Regency. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach obtained through interviews, documentation data, and observation data regarding the implementation of home parenting programs or activities. This research shows that home parenting activities can be carried out through reporting on children's learning progress at school, knowledge of early detection of growth and development, parents' skills in creating work, and involvement of parents as resource persons. Parenting methods are usually carried out at school and sometimes only once a semester; for home parenting, this is done once a month. Implementing home parenting activities can make it easier for parents to provide parenting lessons and learn more about their children's activities. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.71690 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Md. Sabbir Hossain, Md. Mahmud Hasan Chowdhury Pages: 181 - 190 Abstract: This paper exhibits new empirical evidence of women’s empowerment regarding child education. It examines the impacts of women's empowerment in social and psychological child education, focusing specifically on motherhood. It also criticizes the fragile bonding between mothers and children in respect of women’s empowerment. The researchers use descriptive research design and qualitative methods where they take interviews to get the expected output of the research from the selected population. The findings of this study present the handicaps of mothers that are engaged in jobs in terms of parenting. Most of the mothers opined that employed mothers can earn money which gives them a positive vibe but they fail to manage proper nourishment for their children to educate them properly. So their children face immense difficulties from social and psychological perspectives while unemployed mothers can manage sufficient time to nurture their children. Despite having some visible benefits of women’s empowerment the researchers mainly focus on the mental gap between children and employed mothers and the potential negative outcome of a mother-child mental gap from sociological and psychological perspectives. PubDate: 2023-12-21 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.72892 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Choiriyah Choiriyah, Debora Pujo Widiati, Widiarti Emiliana Pages: 191 - 203 Abstract: Children's ability to understand reading information still needs to be guided and directed. Children's ability to think, increase their vocabulary, and develop a literacy culture still needs to improve in optimizing children's brain performance. This study aimed to explore the role of literacy in increasing early childhood interest in reading. This study uses a qualitative methodology with data collection methods using observation and interviews. The subjects in this study were five students' parents as the primary informants who were randomly selected. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman approach, and the validity of the data uses source triangulation. The findings show that literacy skills are very close to children's daily lives and can be built from infancy. They start when the child can recognize pictures, writing, and numbers to assemble letters into words. Children's reading ability can be influenced by the surrounding environment, namely the family, both parents and teachers. The role of parents can be reading storybooks to children, singing, and reciting nursery rhymes, which is a valuable way of developing literacy in early childhood. So far, learning to read in early childhood is limited to using reading books to provide letter recognition opportunities. Here, the role of literacy through reading books will give a meaningful impression to children learning to read that many people have never known so that it becomes a new thing. The advantage of the results of this study is that the child's reading level has more insight to increase knowledge and a way of thinking to apply much vocabulary. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.73749 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Nina Kurniah, Nesna Agustriana, Johanes Sapri Pages: 204 - 210 Abstract: This research is motivated by the problems and difficulties experienced by kindergarten teachers in designing learning through developments and technology as the implementation of 21st-century learning policies. This research aims to improve kindergarten teachers' ability to design and implement quality learning to realize the nation's next generation in a future full of challenges. The method used is classroom action research, with the Eliot model carried out through four stages. The research subjects are postgraduate students and early childhood education teachers. The results of this study indicate an increase in the ability of teachers to design and implement learning by integrating technology and scientific Literacy. by the age and level of development of early childhood to realize fun, meaningful, and innovative learning that can help children to live an authentic life in a future full of challenges. In addition, scientific Literacy helps children to form patterns of thought and behavior and build character to care and be responsible for themselves, society, and the universe, as well as prepare themselves to deal with problems faced in modern society that are very dependent on technology. Scientific and technological Literacy functioned as a unitary ability to obtain, evaluate, and then obtain strategies to process information and use it systematically in their duties as professional teachers. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.75634 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Theophilus Adedayo Adedokun, Elizabeth Temilade Adedokun Pages: 211 - 222 Abstract: This study explored community attitudes toward home-based male caregivers for daycare children in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. The aim was to understand perspectives on using male versus female caregivers. Respondents included equal numbers of married men and women aged 30-50 years old. The study asked about their willingness to use male caregivers, reasons behind their decision, expected impacts on children, and need for societal change. The study took place in Ogbomoso South and North Local Government of Nigeria, where 32 parents and prospective parents were surveyed about their attitudes toward home-based male caregivers for daycare children. A qualitative approach was used, with accidental sampling. Inductive thematic analysis elicited key themes shaping attitudes and norms. A prevalent theme was associating caregiving with inherent female capabilities and maternal duties - many felt women naturally provide superior nurturing and care while men lack these innate aptitudes. Alongside this was strong distrust of males with children, stemming from abuse and misconduct fears. However, some felt gender irrelevant, professing egalitarian ideals. But pursuing equality conflicted with lingering scepticism about men's care motivations. It's apparent that parents lack a framework for choosing caregivers yet choose for their children. Such a framework could help bridge the gender inequality gap in caregiving. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.71614 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)
Authors:Ikaningtyas Purnamasari, Yuli Kurniawati Sugiyo Pranoto, Sri Sularti Dewanti Handayani Pages: 223 - 233 Abstract: Although we are now seeing a point where we can control the pandemic, its impact on education remains a major highlight. Schools around the world have been forced to make deep changes by switching to distance learning and adopting blended learning methods that integrate face-to-face and online learning. This transition not only creates challenges for students, teachers, and parents, and creates new opportunities to improve the way we educate and connect. This research explores the views of Early Childhood Education teachers in Semarang regarding School Connectedness and parent support during the pandemic. With 74 Kindergarten A and Kindergarten B teachers as participants, using the Ex post facto quantitative method in the 2021-2022 school year, this research utilized an online questionnaire via Google Forms. Ordinal regression analysis shows that parental support significantly influences School Connectedness (Wald = 7.318, sig. = 0.007). The novelty of the research lies in its focus on PAUD teachers in Semarang who are facing the challenges of distance learning and blended learning due to the pandemic. The benefits involve a deeper understanding of the crucial role of parental support in strengthening teacher-school-student relationships. The results of the research can be a basis for schools, teachers and parents to develop strategies to improve School Connectedness in the future, especially in an ever-changing learning context. Thus, this research contributes to our understanding of the factors that influence the quality of education in the pandemic era. PubDate: 2023-11-30 DOI: 10.15294/ijeces.v12i2.71170 Issue No:Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023)