- Digitalization of transport in the South Russia macro-region and its
environmental consequences Authors: Marina Zvezdina , Yuliya Shokova, Yulianna Marchenko , Sergey Popov Pages: 1 - 22 Abstract: This paper evaluates the digital maturity of the transport and storage industry in Southern Russia and the related changes in the electromagnetic background of this macro-region. Research was conducted using methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis, comparative and correlation analysis to assess the impact of broadband access networks on the transport and storage industry in the South Russian macro-region. Computational prediction was used to assess changes in the electromagnetic background in areas where broadband access network base stations are located. Published works of modern Russian and foreign scientists prove the relevance of the researched topic. The analysis of the key points of the process of digitalization of the economy in general and the transport and storage industry in particular was carried out. The main problems connected with this process were identified. The results of the statistical evaluation of the relationship between the individual components of the digitalization index are presented. The results show that wireless broadband Internet access is the main mechanism of digitization, and subscribers in the Southern macro-region access it primarily through smartphones and tablet computers. The directions of elimination of the digital divide between the subjects of the macro-region are considered. The ecological consequences of industrial digitalization in the macro-region have been evaluated. The main directions of the increase of the digital maturity of the subjects of the macro-region were formulated. The assessment of the changes in the level of the electromagnetic background of the territory due to the implementation of 4G/LTE mobile communication networks was carried out. PubDate: 2024-07-02 DOI: 10.24197/st.2.2024.1-22 Issue No: Vol. 14, No. 2 (2024)
- Social Media as a Catalyst: Exploring the Impact of Instagram on Health
Promotion Practices in Private Hospitals of West Java Authors: Yustikasari Yustikasari, Renata Anisa, Retasari Dewi, Priyo Subekti, Fajriani Ananda Pages: 23 - 39 Abstract: Health promotion by utilizing digital media, primarily through Instagram social media, brings many advantages in the form of easily accessible health information sources, health information that can be designed to be more visually attractive, and can form a community among audiences related to health and increase interesting educational content by utilizing feature features in Instagram. This study aims to learn more about using Instagram social media as a health promotion medium by several private hospitals in West Java. This research uses Luttrell's concepts, namely, Share, Optimize, Manage, and Engage. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques such as observations, interviews, and literature studies. The results obtained are 1) The selection of Instagram social media by Private Hospitals as one of the health promotion media tools is the right step; 2) At the optimization stage, the message is packaged in such a way that it can be optimally conveyed through social media. This is because each social media has different characteristics; The optimization process carried out by the hospital selects the content to be uploaded and sees each conversation in each upload; 3) At the management stage; the hospital conducts media monitoring by looking at the development of the number of followers, the number of posts and the number of responses each month; 4) At the age stage; the hospital set a target for health promotion through social media Instagram private hospitals in West Java. PubDate: 2024-07-02 DOI: 10.24197/st.2.2024.23-39 Issue No: Vol. 14, No. 2 (2024)
- The Impact of Public Funding to Private R&D: Evidence from Spain
Authors: Ana Fernandez-Zubieta, Antonio García Sánchez, José Molero Zayas Pages: 40 - 70 Abstract: The paper analyses the effects of public subsidies to private R&D in Spain. We carried out an evaluation assessment of the program aid of the Centre for the Development for Industrial Technology (CDTI) from 2015 to 2020. CDTI is the main public agency in Spain that grants public support for firms to carry out R&D projects. We combine information on public grants from CDTI with the Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) that integrates information from the survey on innovation and R&D activities of companies (Innovation Survey). The sample is an unbalanced panel containing 57,988 observations of which 9,116 (16%) correspond to beneficiary companies. We use a mixed approach of Differences-in-Differences with propensity score matching (DD-PSM) in the common support to control for some of the biases that occur when analysing causal effects. We find that public support has positive effects on firms’ R&D resources (i.e. internal R&D investment and job creation) - input additionality- and cooperation -behavioural additionality. However, the impact of public support on firms’ technological outputs varies importantly across sectors, having a positive effect limited to traditional-oriented sectors. PubDate: 2024-07-02 DOI: 10.24197/st.2.2024.40-70 Issue No: Vol. 14, No. 2 (2024)
- El Didactic use of technologies and their indications in the global
educational agenda: case study on implementations in Colombian university professors Authors: Isabel Jiménez Becerra, Yecid Eliecer Gaviria Restrepo, Jorge Amado Rentería Vera, Yecid Francísco Blanco Duarte, Miguel Rosso Jaimes, Cindy Meneses Castaño, Johanna Beatriz Ayala Moreno, Mauricio David Almeida Benavides Pages: 71 - 90 Abstract: This article exposes the research results of a comparative center study in recognizing the different didactic integration models, with or without technological mediation, used by Colombian university teachers, analyzing the selection criteria, use and curricular effect in teaching curriculum. This incursion of technologies, especially within the development of critical, creative and scientific thinking to address reality and solve real problems; this category being part of the dimensions that constitute the collection instrument. The cross-sectional research, with a descriptive-inferential scope and a prospective and non-experimental record, was carried out with an initial sample of 190 participating teachers. However, to ensure completeness and inclusion criteria, the analysis sample was 163, responding to the conditions of randomness, size, and representativeness; according to gender, age range and maximum level of studies achieved, under a confidence level of 95% and an estimation error of 5%. The main results allowed us to infer the relationship between the use of these ICT-mediated models and their influence on the profile of citizens trained in Higher Education. PubDate: 2024-07-02 DOI: 10.24197/st.2.2024.71-90 Issue No: Vol. 14, No. 2 (2024)
- Assessing Social Movements in the Digital Age: Participation, Interaction
and Empowerment in the Context of the #Metoo Mobilisation Authors: Marta Mira-Aladrén, María Pilar Latorre Martínez, David Iñiguez Martínez Pages: 91 - 112 Abstract: This article proposes a framework to analyze social movements in the digital era, from three concepts: i) digital participation, ii) social interaction, and iii) empowerment (PIE model). In addition, it was applied to the #metoo movement. Tweets were collected in 12 months, according to certain keywords. More than one million tweets (and retweets) were collected from 1,450,000 accounts. The aim was to generate a holistic tool to study in depth the impact of cybermobilization on the physical environment, and vice versa, which could be used to study other social movements. PubDate: 2024-07-02 Issue No: Vol. 14, No. 2 (2024)
- The irruption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the scientific and
social domains Authors: Juan-Carlos Sancho-Garcia, Adrián Ivorra Alemañy Pages: 113 - 136 Abstract: The development and use of the artificial intelligence (AI) has exponentially grown in last years, populating many relevant and diverse fields, and consequently entering into the society and the collective behaviour of its citizenship. However, its key role seems to be still not fully appreciated by the individuals, even being sometimes misinterpreted or underrated. Hence, we review in this work the origin and definition of AI, some of its currently most prominent examples of field of applications, its environmental impact, as well as drop some suggestions for future questions in further and detailed social pools about AI. PubDate: 2024-07-02 DOI: 10.24197/st.2.2024.113-136 Issue No: Vol. 14, No. 2 (2024)