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Canadian Ethnic Studies
Number of Followers: 2  
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ISSN (Print) 0008-3496 - ISSN (Online) 1913-8253
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  • Culture of Migration: A Theoretical Account with a Particular Focus on

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      Abstract: In his Who Are We', Samuel Huntington (2004) argued that the patterns of international migration to the United States had undergone a major transformation since the 1960s. Among those changes – which Huntington thought had serious implications for the identity dynamics of immigrants in the United States, and were also reflecting some global trends – was the fact that most of the new immigrants to the United States are now coming from non-European sources, they arrive in continuous streams rather than in waves, they keep an active connection to their home countries, they enter an America that does not have a unified and clear culture and system of moral values, and, after arrival, they largely concentrate in certain ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Migration, Pandemic and the Guardian Angels: The Case of Health Care
           Attendants in Quebec

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      Abstract: The virus did not choose a minority, it affected all categories of people, without exception: rich or poor, doctors or nurses, unemployed or active, presidents or ministers, and it was a tsunami… But the consequences were not the same for everyone. Many of us were forced to work in even worse conditions. And many others have lost their jobs… But even confined we are essential. We played an important role in stopping the spread of COVID-19 – Migrant worker (Solidarités sans frontières 2020; translation).The Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront complex inter-relations between human mobility and worldwide public health concerns. Germs, as Markel has noted, "are the most egalitarian of living organisms, they ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • What It Takes to Feel Canadian: Multiculturalism and the Logic of Home

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      Abstract: I interviewed D.Š., a 42-year-old woman who emigrated to Nova Scotia in 2014 from Bosnia and Herzegovina with her husband and son, in the fall of 2022. By training, D.Š. is a chemical lab technician, but since coming to Canada, she is self-employed as a cleaner. At the time we first spoke, I was completing a book manuscript on peacebuilding in contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina based on a series of conversations I had with people who are survivors of the recent war, among them women who survived war rape, and children who were born because of rape. I was interested in interrogating the concepts of peace and justice at the intersection between personal and official narratives about diversity and tolerance. I ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • 'What are they saying to me'': Perceptions of Accommodation and
           Nonaccommodation of Spanish-speaking Latin American Immigrants in the
           Canadian Workplace

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      Abstract: How can employees with different linguistic backgrounds communicate more effectively with each other in the workplace' This is a key question for organizations with high levels of linguistic diversity or the presence of speakers of different national languages among their teams (Derwing 2016; Lauring and Selmer 2010). Dahm and Yates (2013) point to the great complexity of multilingual workplace interactions, which is a central feature in Canadian workplaces, where linguistic diversity is a defining characteristic. In fact, in 2021 one in four Canadians had a mother tongue other than English or French (Statistics Canada 2022a) and 69 percent of recent immigrants were not native speakers of either English or French ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Doukhobors (Spirit Wrestlers) and Colonialism in Canada

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      Abstract: "We were brought here on a ship that had been transporting cattle, and we were treated like cattle" (from a poem in Russian by a Doukhobor)."The pluralistic diversity" in Canada "has become a major practical and policy issue that is hotly debated by nearly all Canadians" (Anderson and Frideres 2000, 5). Canada is often portrayed as a "nation of immigrants," but "this creation story denies Canada's colonial roots" (Perzyna and Bauder 2022, 1). Some recent research connects colonialism policies applied to Indigenous people and to immigrants or asylum seekers (Perzyna and Bauder 2022). While considerable attention is given in Canada to immigrant adaptation and discrimination, it is not often imbedded in the discussion ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • A Matter of National Dignity: Protection of Slaves and Southern Refugees
           in Canada, 1844–1869

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      Abstract: This research note discusses the construction of emerging Canadian national identity in relation to the reception of refugees more than 150 years ago, around the time of the American Civil War (1861-1865). We examine two separate extradition court cases of refugees who were wanted by the US over allegations of criminality: the case of Anderson (1861) and the case of the St. Albans raiders (1865). The former involved a Black refugee who had murdered his would-be capturer in the US before coming to Canada, whereas the latter involved (white) Southern soldier refugees who raided the town to St. Albans in Vermont (a "Northern State"), robbing banks and causing the deaths of Americans. These raids' starting and ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Everyday Equalities: Making Multicultures in Settler Colonial Cities by
           Ruth Fincher et al. (review)

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      Abstract: So often, researchers focus on the problems of our world, the ugliness. Though something can be said about this widespread method and its importance for social change and transformation, equally important, albeit significantly glossed over, are the instances of possibility, the beautiful.In Everyday Equalities: Making Multicultures in Settler Colonial Cities, Fincher, Iveson, Leitner and Preston take the latter approach and focus on instances of being together in difference in Melbourne, Toronto, Sydney, and Los Angeles respectively, in the hopes of better understanding and ultimately, reimagining what equality might mean in the urban multicultures of settler colonial cities. It follows then, that this book is ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Rétablir l'ordre : Peur, méfiance, haine des minorités culturelles et
           sexuelles dir. by Denise Helly (review)

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      Abstract: Ce collectif, dirigé par la sociologue Denise Helly, est le fruit d'une collaboration entre plusieurs chercheurs provenant d'horizons disciplinaires variés et, pour certains auteurs, de milieux non académiques. Un policier et deux auteurs rattachés au Centre de prévention de la radicalisation menant à la violence sont en effet parmi les signataires de textes. Voilà qui confère au collectif une facture particulière, des textes étant des analyses de l'idéologie d'extrême droite alors que d'autres reposent sur des entretiens. De plus, ils ne partagent pas forcément les mêmes objectifs, certains étant campés dans l'analyse, d'autres ayant des visées pratiques. Le collectif fait en quelque sorte le pont entre la ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
  • Erratum: Volume 55 Number 2 2023

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      Abstract: Regarding the article by Yuchen Li and Michael Haan which appears on pages 125-157 of CES Vol. 55.2.2023, entitled:Michael Haan and Yuchen Li. From Temporary Foreign Workers to Permanent Residents: Differences in Transition Rates Among Work Permit Categories.The following erratum applies:Errors appear in this article and are noted as follows:In the header on pages 125-157, the names Michael Haan and Yuchen Li should be reversed. The names should instead read Yuchen Li and Michael Haan.On page 125, line 1, the names Michael Haan and Yuchen Li appear. The names should be in reverse order, with Yuchen Li's name appearing first and Michael Haan's name appearing second.On page 157, lines 1-7, the author bios appear in ... Read More
      PubDate: 2024-03-04T00:00:00-05:00
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